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Emmanuel Obeid

Emmanuel Obeid is a seasoned journalist based in Juba, South Sudan, with a strong commitment to advocacy and disability rights. His multifaceted career encompasses freelancing, creating video documentaries, producing radio packages, and reporting breaking news. Obeid's reporting is not confined to Juba; he is willing and able to cover stories from various parts of the country, ensuring that important narratives reach a broader audience.

Obeid's articles and documentaries frequently spotlight the challenges faced by the deaf and disabled communities in South Sudan and across Africa. He delves into critical issues such as the barriers to education, healthcare, and public services that these communities encounter. Through his work, Obeid brings to the fore the efforts of individuals and organizations striving to foster inclusivity and equality, often referencing key international frameworks like the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

In his journalism, Obeid underscores the urgent need for government action to enhance living conditions and safeguard the rights of people with disabilities. His dedication to this cause is evident in his persistent coverage and the depth of his reporting, which aims to influence policy and societal change. Through his professional endeavors, Emmanuel Obeid continues to be a vital voice in the media landscape, championing the stories that drive progress toward a more inclusive society.

English Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop Documentaries Content Writing Investigative Journalism Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast) Photography Fixing Fact Checking
Politics Current Affairs Sports War Reporter Health & Fitness Investigative Reporting Cultural Breaking News Fact Checking

Nutritionist reports decrease of malnutrition in camps Action Against Hunger or AAH nutritionist says number of malnutrition cases in Bidi Bidi refugee camps have reduced compared to the first days of influx.

Poor menstrual hygiene management forces girls out of schools in camps Some school girls in Bidi Bidi refugee camps in Uganda have decided to drop out of school due to poor menstrual hygiene management.

South Sudanese Refugees raise concern over increase in child marriage in camps Some refugees in Bidi Bidi camps in Uganda have raised concerns over increase in the number of marriage of underage girls. A secondary student, Flora Joseph, tells CRN that the issue of teenage pregnancy and underage marriage in the camps has become something major to worry about. She attributes early marriage to frustration due to the sudden change in environment, lack of good education and parental guidance.

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