
The stories listed here are from the AP and Reuters public RSS feeds and are updated every few minutes. The reporters featured alongside each story are signed up to paydesk and may be able to help you cover these or other stories in those cities and countries. Click on their profile image to book them for a job. You can also click on the "Reuters" or "AP" link to read the story on the original site.

World News

UK honed attack response but feared unsophisticated 'lone wolf'

LONDON (Reuters) - British police have spent years preparing the defense plan they put into action in London on Wednesday but have repeatedly said it would be difficult to stop a "lone wolf" attacker armed with unsophisticated weapons such as a car and a knife.
Reuters - 23 Mar 2017 @ 19:24 GMT

Journalist who could cover this story
Olivia Pinnock

Olivia Pinnock

London, United Kingdom

Olivia Pinnock is a London-based fashion writer, lecturer and the founder of The Fashion Debates. Having previously been Features Editor at 1883 Magazine and Sub-Editor at FAULT Magazine, she now writes for a variety...

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