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Francesca Phiri

Lusaka, Zambia
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About Francesca
Francesca Phiri Banda, a seasoned broadcast journalist for 18  years, excels in creating impactful documentaries and TV shows. As Managing Partner of Dream Box, she leads with expertise, notably in climate change awareness.
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Current Affairs Natural Disasters Film & Theatre

Intersex awareness is very low in Zambia leading to people being ignorant about it.George's Journey shows that there's need to raise Awareness for Intersex Rights

The effects of Climate Change adversely affected farmers in Zambia. Lucy is a person living with disability and is a farmer. This story dives into her story which serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for climate action and community empowerment and that disability is not inability


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Verified Mar 2024
Mar 2024

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