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Mitiku Fekadu

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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About Mitiku
Mitiku Fekadu is a journalist based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I am a responsible and committed journalist who displays an ability to write Balanced, informative and interesting stories that give all involved parties an Opportunity to have their say. A quick learner who can absorb new ideas and can communicate clearly and effectively. Possessing excellent bonding skills and an enquiring mind that helps to win over the confidence of people. Multi skilled with a ability to build strong working relationships with fellow investigators, photographers, columnists and news editors. 

Oromia Radio and Television. (OBN) 
JOURNALIST - March 1, 2012 - August 30, 2014
Working as a Radio reporter as part of a team of producer, providing full
Coverage of social, political and economic events.

Oromia Broadcasting Service (OBS TV).
JOURNALIST - January 1, 2015 -September, 2016.
Working as program producer.

MO’AA Television (Mo’aa TV)
Program Manager and Producer — October, 2016-Augest, 2017

Oromia Broadcasting Service (OBS TV). –September, 2018 –June 25, 2020.
              Program producer
Ethiopian News Agency (ENA):- June 26, 2020---- August o6, 2020
            Program producer for online media.
European Center for Electoral Support (ECES):- --March 25, 2021---to now 
 Media Monitor Expert.



Mekelle University: 2009/10 - 2010/11
I Obtained a BA degree in Journalism and Communication.



2007/8__2008/9:Nekemte Comprehensive school Grade 11-12, Nekemte.
2005/6__2006/7:Nekemte high school Grade 9 -10 , Nekemte.
1996/97__2003/4: Shambu Junior and Secondary School Grade 1-8.
Amharic Oromo
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Business Finance Politics

A Talk show Program with Hiskel Gabbisa an Scholar and we discuss about Federalism in Ethiopia.

This program is a Talks how program with Dima Nogo (PhD is one of cofounder of OLF party and now he the An Independent candidate for Ethiopian Parliament. On this program we discuss about political situation in Ethiopia and specifically in Oromia Region.

Documentary program on Man made forest at Qelem Welega zone of Oromia Region.

A business program with Nebiyu Olenaa. Nebiyu is a disabled person but he is doing his own business.

Talk show program with former Ethiopian President Negaso Gidada (PhD).

Documentary program on peace with religion leaders.

Talk show with Kemal Gelchu. He is a controversial politician.

A journey program in Shashemene town and introducing the town its socio- economy.

Talk show with Jowar Mohammed about new political situation at that time in Ethiopia. Specifically we discussed the political situation in Oromia region what will comes later.

Talk show program with the ruling party central committee of ODP of that time Taye Dendea and we discussed about political issues of at time.

A business program and my Guest is Haile Gebre and he is Coffee exporter.

A panel discussion with political parties representatives and experts about political situation in Ethiopia and Oromia region.

A business program with Ayele Gelan. He is an economist and researcher we discussed about Ethiopian Economy.

Talk show program with Asebe Regassa (PhD). He is scholar of Federalism and governance. We discussed about Ethiopian Federalism and the dissolve of EPRDF political party to Prosperity political party at that time.

Talk show program with professor Mehadi Hamid. He is the person in Ethiopia who found first private news paper ( Barisa News paper) now government owned news paper. this program has part two.

Talks how program with Theologian Banti Ujulu. He is From Germany and we discussed about cultural and religion.

A business program and my guest was Muluneh Kaka. He has Coffee agriculture and also he was coffee exporter once upon a time. But now he is in bankruptcy. we discussed about business and how he can bankrupted.

A business program and my guest Birhanu Adnew is expert on Agricultural Economy, he is a lecturer at UAE University. We discus why Ethiopian Agriculture did not developed? Is it Policy matter? and others.

Part 2 of a documentary program done on titled "What is a solution for Batu Lake" in this part the community blames Share flower agriculture company for decreasing of the amount of water and I interviewed the company manager and workers of the company.

A documentary program titled "what is a solution for Batu lake?" the Batu lake is decreasing from time to time due to irrigational agriculture around it. this program has part 2.

It is a Holiday program for Ethiopian new year and touring in Ilily International Hotel and interviewing the Owner of the Hotel the challenges he face and others.

A holiday program and produced how Maskel celebrated in Oromos culture at Horoguduru Welega zone of Oromia Region. I produced as documentary. it is well known cultural holiday in the area.

Talk show program with OLF member and central committee of the party Jabessa Gabisa about the political situation in Ethiopia and specifically about the conflict between their party and the ruling party prosperity party.

Talk show program With Oromia regional communication Bureau head Getachew Balcha about political situation in Oromia Region that opposition political parties such as OLF and OFC blaming the government or the ruling party.

Talk show program with Bekele Gerba Vice chairman of Oromo Federalist Congress party about the political situation in Ethiopia and about OLA(Oromo Liberation Army ) and the upcoming national election at that time.

Talk show program with Oromo Federalist congress party leader Professor Merera Gudina about political situation in Ethiopia and specifically about Oromia region where they run for election. We also discus about national dialogue needed for Ethiopia.

An Interview with Oromo Liberation Front party leader Dawud Ebsa about political situation in Ethiopia and specifically about the relationship of their party and government. also discussed about their party and Oromo Liberation Army (OLA).

Documentary program of history of struggle for self ruling in Western part of Ethiopia, Specifically the struggle held by Oromo Nations around West Welega zone of Oromia Region.


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