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Uzdriș Constantin

Chișinău, Moldova
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About Uzdriș
Uzdriș Constantin is a journalist based in Chișinău, Moldova. Web team coordinator. Moderator of the Foreign Policy Show "Global Impact", producer, of the Economical TV Show „Conexiuni Economice”. Journalist and political analyst, specialising in international relations, security issues and hybrid war.
Interview (Video / Broadcast)

The Second Black Sea Security Conference of the International Crimea Platform, I was Speaker

Russian military expert Yurii Feodorov on a potential nuclear war in Europe: Putin can make completely irrational decisions

09 Apr 2024  |  tvrmoldova.md
Yurii Feodorov, a Russian military expert, discusses the potential for direct confrontation between Moldova and Russia, citing reports of Russian informational operations similar to those before the invasions of Ukraine. He highlights Moldova as a target of Russian expansion since the early '90s, with ongoing espionage and subversive actions. Feodorov also addresses the role of the Russian military contingent in Transnistria, the hybrid warfare tactics used by Russia, and the importance of Moldova's military reform in response to threats. Additionally, he considers the possibility of a Russian attack on NATO states, particularly the Baltic countries, and the serious threat of a nuclear war initiated by Putin, who is capable of making irrational decisions. The interview also touches on the situation on the Ukrainian front and the implications of the intercepted conversation of German officers regarding Taurus missile deliveries.

EXCLUSIVE. Mihailo Podoliak: The Russian Federation will always provoke wars, and the Republic of Moldova is in sight

09 Apr 2024  |  tvrmoldova.md
Mihailo Podoliak, advisor to Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski, discusses the lessons learned from two years of total war initiated by Russia in Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the threat posed by regimes like Russia's, the need for democracies to act decisively in times of crisis, and the futility of compromising with aggressive regimes. He highlights the European Union's realization of Russia's unreliability and the necessity for increased military production and technological advancement. Podoliak also addresses the United States' internal political disputes affecting military aid to Ukraine, the strategic partnership between Moldova and Ukraine, and the potential for Russian interference in Moldova's upcoming elections. He concludes that Russia's defeat in the war with Ukraine is crucial for resolving regional issues like Transnistria and preventing further Russian aggression in Europe.

Foreign Policy Show "Global Impact"


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