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Find a freelance analyst in Koppal

Find a freelance analyst in Koppal

Paydesk has 1 analyst in Koppal. Our analysts, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top analyst in Koppal is Chamaraj Savadi.

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Analysts in Koppal

Chamaraj Savadi

Koppal, India
I am a Feelance Journalist based in Koppal (Karnataka, India).

I am also one of the best translators, Reviewers and Linguists in Kannada language. I have worked for most of the reputed media houses in Karnataka.
As a News and Language Specialist, I have been in many a projects as Linguist / Read moreTranslator /Reviwer.
Presently I am involved in Language Localization projects along with Translation from English to Kannada as a Freelancer.

You can find more details in my Resume.
English Kannada
News Gathering Feature Stories Content Writing
Business Finance Current Affairs
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