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Find a freelance fact checker in Malmo

Looking for Fact Checkers in Malmo? Hire Top Professionals for Accurate Information! Paydesk provides a comprehensive list of highly skilled and experienced fact checkers who are ready to assist you in verifying information and ensuring its accuracy. Our fact checkers in Malmo have in-depth local knowledge and expertise in various industries, they possess the necessary skills to thoroughly research and verify facts. Whether you require fact checking for news articles, academic research, or any other purpose, our fact checkers are here to help. At Paydesk, we understand the importance of accurate information and its impact on decision-making. That's why we have curated a network of trustworthy fact checkers in Malmo who have a proven track record in providing reliable and unbiased assessments. Finding a fact checker in Malmo is now easier than ever. Don't let misinformation hinder your progress. Hire a professional fact checker in Malmo today and ensure the authenticity and credibility of your content. Trust our platform to connect you with the best fact checkers who will deliver accurate and dependable results. Start your search

Fact Checkers in Malmo

Gary Moore

Malmö, Sweden
Gary Moore is a lighting video-journalist based in Malmö, Sweden. He covers news at home and abroad and has also worked on countless documentaries around the world.

Equipment list:

Sachtler 8 Tripod
Sony radio mic
Sennheiser radio mic
Sony hardwired lav mics
Sony wireless stick mic.
News Gathering Fact Checking
Current Affairs Fact Checking

Mukhtar Wafayee

Malmö, Sweden
I am Mukhtar Wafayee, born in 1992 in Balkh province in north Afghanistan.
I started to work as a journalist in Afghanistan in 2010.
I have been working as an investigative reporter for several Afghan newspapers for about five years.
I have established my own website and weblog in 2011 and still,Read more I am working as a journalist.
I won the "brave journalist award" in 2014, for my journalistic works.
Also, I won the "journalist of the year award 2017" for my investigative report about corruption in the government, in Afghanistan.
I reserved Qand-e- Farsi's award (Persian poetry festival in Afghanistan) for my poems in 2013.
I come to Malmö city as a guest writer, in February 2019.

My weblog: www.******.com
Persian (Farsi)
Investigative Journalism Fact Checking
War Reporter Fact Checking

Richard Orange

Malmö, Sweden
Richard Orange is a journalist based in Malmö, Sweden.
English Swedish
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Business Politics Current Affairs
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