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Find a freelance fact checker in Kisangani

Looking for Fact Checkers in Kisangani? Hire Top Professionals for Accurate Information! Paydesk provides a comprehensive list of highly skilled and experienced fact checkers who are ready to assist you in verifying information and ensuring its accuracy. Our fact checkers in Kisangani have in-depth local knowledge and expertise in various industries, they possess the necessary skills to thoroughly research and verify facts. Whether you require fact checking for news articles, academic research, or any other purpose, our fact checkers are here to help. At Paydesk, we understand the importance of accurate information and its impact on decision-making. That's why we have curated a network of trustworthy fact checkers in Kisangani who have a proven track record in providing reliable and unbiased assessments. Finding a fact checker in Kisangani is now easier than ever. Don't let misinformation hinder your progress. Hire a professional fact checker in Kisangani today and ensure the authenticity and credibility of your content. Trust our platform to connect you with the best fact checkers who will deliver accurate and dependable results. Start your search

Fact Checkers in Kisangani

Jean-Claude Fundi

Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic
Jean-Claude Fundi is a journalist based in Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic.
English French Lingala
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Finance Politics Technology

Pompon Beyokobana Awesse

Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic
Pompon Beyokobana Awesse est un éminent journaliste basé à Kisangani, en République démocratique du Congo, connu pour sa couverture incisive du paysage politique et historique du pays. Son travail se concentre particulièrement sur l'héritage durable de Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, le dirigeant de longue Read moredate du pays, et sur les complexités du règne de Mobutu. À travers ses articles, Awesse examine de manière critique l'impact de la gouvernance de Mobutu sur l'état actuel du Congo, en abordant les thèmes de l'unité nationale, de la stabilité politique et de l'interaction entre la nostalgie et les dures réalités du leadership dans la région.

Le journalisme d'Awesse offre un aperçu nuancé du potentiel de transformation et de la poursuite de la normalité en République démocratique du Congo. Son analyse reflète non seulement le passé, mais aborde également les défis et opportunités actuels auxquels la nation est confrontée. En mettant en lumière la dynamique complexe de la politique et de la société congolaises, Awesse contribue à une compréhension plus approfondie des conditions nécessaires au progrès et à la réconciliation dans le pays.

En tant que voix locale possédant une profonde compréhension du tissu sociopolitique de son pays natal, les contributions d'Awesse aux médias et au journalisme sont inestimables. Son dévouement à l'exploration des récits qui façonnent l'identité et l'avenir de la République démocratique du Congo souligne le rôle essentiel du journalisme dans la promotion d'un discours informé et dans la formation de l'opinion publique en période de changement.
French Lingala Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Science & Environment Arts & Books

Dorcas Ngenyibungi Kanku

Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic
DORCAS NGENYIBUNGI KANKU is a journalist based in Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic.

Am unisa student registered in Communication Department.

From 2002- 2019: United Nation staff affect in Public Information Office. ( in United Nations organization for Stabilisation in DRC, MONUSCO).
Read moreI was broadcasting news in Radio Okapi
Writing article for publications 
And others activities of Public Informartion such as outreach activities...
English French Lingala
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Investigative Reporting Breaking News

Gratius Bambanayo Wandja

Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic
Gratius BAMBANAYO Wandja is a journalist based in Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic.
I have a 5-year degree in Journalism and Foreign Policy. Although I am a general journalist, most of my research and work is on the environment and sustainable development.
English Spanish French
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop News Gathering
Finance Politics Technology

Steves Paluku Mbusa

Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic
Steves PALUKU MBUSA is a journalist based in Kisangani, Congo The Democratic Republic.
English Lingala Swahili
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop Investigative Journalism
Fact Checking
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