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Find a freelance fact checker in Antalya

Find a freelance fact checker in Antalya

Looking for Fact Checkers in Antalya? Hire Top Professionals for Accurate Information! Paydesk provides a comprehensive list of highly skilled and experienced fact checkers who are ready to assist you in verifying information and ensuring its accuracy. Our fact checkers in Antalya have in-depth local knowledge and expertise in various industries, they possess the necessary skills to thoroughly research and verify facts. Whether you require fact checking for news articles, academic research, or any other purpose, our fact checkers are here to help. At Paydesk, we understand the importance of accurate information and its impact on decision-making. That's why we have curated a network of trustworthy fact checkers in Antalya who have a proven track record in providing reliable and unbiased assessments. Finding a fact checker in Antalya is now easier than ever. Don't let misinformation hinder your progress. Hire a professional fact checker in Antalya today and ensure the authenticity and credibility of your content. Trust our platform to connect you with the best fact checkers who will deliver accurate and dependable results. Start your search

Fact Checkers in Antalya

Sevilay Nur Saraçlar

Antalya, Turkey
Sevilay Nur Saraçlar is a freelance journalist based in Antalya, Türkiye, known for her dedication to environmental journalism, social challenges, and the nuanced impact of human activities on ecosystems. With a passion for crafting solution-based narratives, her feature stories often explore the Read moreintersection of environmental concerns with societal matters, including women's issues and the environment. Sevilay's reporting has brought attention to innovative 'cash for trash' recycling initiatives in Turkey, highlighting the importance of sustainable waste management and advocating for the integration of informal waste pickers into formal systems.

Her work extends to covering the effects of geopolitical events on local communities, such as the influx of digital nomads to Antalya in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Through her articles, Sevilay provides a voice to those personally affected by conflict, while also examining the broader implications of war on migration patterns. She is also an advocate for gender equality in religious spaces, addressing discrimination faced by women in mosques and calling for equal access and facilities.

In addition to social issues, Sevilay's journalism delves into the Mediterranean Sea's biodiversity, reporting on threats posed by invasive fish species and highlighting conservation efforts to protect endangered sea turtles. Her work underscores the need for international cooperation in environmental conservation and emphasizes the importance of journalistic integrity by acknowledging personal biases to maintain objectivity in reporting.
English Turkish
Feature Stories Content Writing Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast)
Cultural Climate Change Fact Checking

Sami Solmaz

Antalya, Turkey
Sami Solmaz is a journalist based in New York, United States of America
Experience Middle East
English Kurdish Turkish
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Politics Arts & Books War Reporter
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