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Find a freelance fixer in Hanover

Find a freelance fixer in Hanover

Find experienced professional fixers across Hanover on our platform. Facilitating successful operations, our fixers are key assets for your projects. Project Facilitation: Our fixers in Hanover coordinate every aspect of your project for smooth execution. Location Scouting: Find the perfect scene with our fixers' extensive local knowledge. Permit Acquisition: Navigate Hanover's regulations seamlessly with our fixers' expertise. Local Liaison: Bridge cultural and language barriers with our fixers' local connections. Explore Hanover's professional fixers and ensure your project's success. you can also use our powerful search to find exactly what you are looking for.

Fixers in Hanover

Vitalii Saltykov

Hanover, Germany
Vitalii Saltykov is a fixer and media projects coordinator who is currently based in Germany. 

During his career in a media sector, Vitalii has project managed and organized dozens of media events: workshops & webinars, round tables, press-conferences and exhibitions. Geography of offline and Read moreonline events organized under his lead embraces countries of Europe, Africa and Asia. 
He has numerously performed full-cycle media event organization which included: 
- Event proposal drafting;
- Budget planning; 
- Agenda drafting and confirmation with key stakeholders; 
- Locating speakers and their invitation; 
- Liaison with events’ participants; 
- Logistics planning, invited guests' lodging and tickets booking, Travel visas application processing;
- Event management, online video-conference moderation, technical expertise; 
- Photo and video shooting, video conference recording;
- Events' final reports compiling, sending follow-ups to the participants of the events organized.
German English Polish
Media Training
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