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Find a freelance fixer in Eldoret

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Fixers in Eldoret

James Gitaka

Eldoret, Kenya
James Gitaka is a multi-media journalist based in Eldoret, Kenya, with a distinguished career focusing on social issues, crime, and community safety. His reporting has taken him across various regions of Kenya, including Uasin Gishu County, Kericho, and Nandi, where he has become known for his in-Read moredepth coverage of critical and sensitive topics. Gitaka's work often brings to light the struggles of families seeking justice, such as in the case of Kelvin Chirchir, and the challenges faced by journalists in the country.

His commitment to journalism is evident in his efforts to report on the internal dynamics of local cooperatives, highlighting issues of management and embezzlement, and in his coverage of the establishment of the Eldoret Media Hub( a pioneer media  resource  center in East Africa which he co- founded) , that seeks to bolster journalism infrastructure in the region. Gitaka's reporting also delves into social and cultural traditions, including the unique response of Kalenjin Elders to international events, and public health concerns, such as the alterations to burial protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A dedicated investigative reporter, Gitaka's articles reflect his dedication to uncovering the truth and providing a voice for those in his community. His work emphasizes human rights, law enforcement, and social justice, making him a vital contributor to the media landscape in Kenya. Through his multi-media approach, Gitaka continues to engage with a broad audience, ensuring that the issues that matter most are brought to the forefront of public discourse.
English Kikuyu Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Politics Current Affairs
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