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Abdalhadi Alijla

Bayrut, Lebanon
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About Abdalhadi
Abdalhadi Alijla is a freelance academic, writer, and journalist based in Beirut/ Gaza/ Sweden.
Arabic German English
Research Photography Live Reporting
Fact Checking

Gaza's cultural heritage: The Palestinians' vanishing legacy

01 Jan 2018  |  qantara.de
Gaza's rich cultural heritage, dating back 6000 years, is under threat from both Israeli and Palestinian actions. Israeli occupation led by figures like Moshe Dayan resulted in the theft of numerous antiquities, while the Hamas de-facto government has been involved in the destruction and mismanagement of historical sites such as Tal al-Sakan and Tal Al-Ajjul. Despite international recognition by UNESCO and local efforts to protect these sites, many artifacts have been lost or sold under dubious circumstances. The article highlights the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the role of Gaza's youth and social media in safeguarding their history.

Anti-Semitism: There is no tradition of anti-Semitism in Islam

01 Jan 2018  |  qantara.de
The article argues that anti-Semitism is not rooted in Islamic tradition but has emerged due to political and social factors, particularly colonialism and Western influence. It highlights historical instances where Jews thrived under Islamic rule and contrasts this with the spread of anti-Semitic sentiments in the modern era, influenced by European colonialism and Nazi propaganda. The text emphasizes that while anti-Semitic prejudices exist among Muslims today, they are not inherent to Islam but are a result of historical and political developments.

Banning Burkini, Intensify fundamentalist and Degrading Women

26 Aug 2016  |  HuffPost
The article criticizes the French authorities' decision to ban the Burkini, arguing that it intensifies fundamentalism and degrades women. It highlights the hypocrisy and double standards in enforcing dress codes and emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and secular values. The author contends that such bans empower extremists and undermine the fight for equality and liberation. The overturning of the Burkini ban by the French court is seen as a victory for human values and liberties.

The Unbreakable Relationship: Hamas and the Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

22 Aug 2016  |  HuffPost
The article discusses the complex relationship between Hamas and humanitarian aid in Gaza, focusing on the arrest of Mohammed El Halabi, the director of World Vision in Gaza, for allegedly diverting funds to Hamas. It highlights the historical context of Hamas's involvement in charity work, the challenges faced by international organizations in Gaza, and the broader implications of Israeli policies on humanitarian aid. The author questions the legitimacy of the allegations against El Halabi and emphasizes the need for a policy perspective that addresses the root causes of Gaza's dependency on aid.

Palestine: The Story of Life and Death of Peace

11 Jul 2016  |  HuffPost
The article discusses the ongoing frustration and hopelessness among Palestinians due to the lack of progress in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It highlights historical and current events, including the role of Robert Ames, the expansion of Israeli settlements, and the recent Quartet report, which the author criticizes for its bias and failure to address the root causes of the conflict. The text argues that Israeli actions and international community's inaction have perpetuated violence and hindered the peace process, calling for equal rights and dignity for Palestinians.

Palestine and its Arabic neighbours: Gaza – a city no one wants

15 May 2016  |  qantara.de
The article discusses the dire situation in Gaza, highlighting the political division between Hamas and Fatah, and the severe restrictions imposed by Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. It criticizes the Egyptian and Israeli governments for their harsh treatment of Gazans and the Palestinian Authority for neglecting Gaza. The article underscores the catastrophic consequences of these actions, including high unemployment, poverty, and political repression, and calls for urgent political action to address the crisis.

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Verified May 2015
May 2015

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