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Agostinho Gayeta

Luanda, Angola
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About Agostinho
Journaliste indépendant basé à Luanda, la capitale de l'Angola.
Expérience professionnelle dans le journalisme radio, télévision, web journalisme, journaux et magazines.Couverture des grands événements politiques, sociaux, économiques, culturels et environnementaux à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'Angola.
Freelance journalist based in Luanda, the capital of Angola.
Professional experience in radio journalism, TV, Web journalism, newspapers and magazines. Coverage of major political, social, economic, cultural and environmental events inside and outside Angola.
Jornalista freelancer, baseado em Luanda, capital de Angola.
Experiencia profissional em cobertura de grandes eventos políticos, sociais, económicos, culturais e ambientais dentro e fora de Angola.
English French Portuguese
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Fact Checking
Business Arts & Books Media Training


Crime will increase in Angolan cities, sociologists warn

21 Jan 2024  |  Voice of America
Sociologists and experts warn that crime is expected to rise in Angolan cities due to economic difficulties faced by citizens. Despite police claims that the situation is stable, factors such as public policy execution deficits, financial crisis, and moral values crisis are highlighted as causes of insecurity. Recent crimes in Luanda's Talatona district, including the shooting of sociologist and academic Laurindo Vieira, have shocked society. Experts argue that public safety must be understood broadly, including domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, and road accidents. The lack of police force and material resources, unemployment, family disintegration, substance abuse, and extreme poverty are cited as frequent causes of crime. The economic analysis suggests demographic growth outpacing GDP growth, with implications for employment and social conditions. The year 2024 is seen as challenging but potentially hopeful if investments in non-oil sectors are made to diversify the economy.

Angola: Public policies for social inclusion should be more comprehensive, say disability rights activists

11 Dec 2023  |  voaportugues.com
Activists in Angola are calling for more comprehensive public policies to promote social inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities. Despite legislative efforts, challenges such as prejudice, discrimination, and lack of accessibility persist. The Federação Angolana das Associações de Pessoas com Deficiência (FAPED) highlights a slowdown in public policies and a lack of law enforcement. Activists like Luísa Mendonça and Adão Ramos emphasize the social barriers and architectural obstacles that contribute to the exclusion of people with disabilities. The government's campaigns for awareness and the support of families are noted, but activists demand more rigorous implementation of policies and better employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Angolan NGOs maintain united voice against proposed law on their status

13 Nov 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
A proposed law defining a new statute for civil society organizations in Angola continues to face criticism from NGOs and opposition parties. Three UN rapporteurs have sent a letter to Angolan President João Lourenço warning of human rights violations. The law, if passed in its current form, would impose excessively strict regulation and grant unjustified government control over NGO operations. Critics, including Leonela Massokolo of Mosaico – Institute for Citizenship and Florindo Chivucute, Executive Director of Friends of Angola, argue that the law interferes with civil society's autonomy and risks the emergence of new organizations. The Angolan National Assembly has approved the proposal in general but has sent it to the Specialty Committee for analysis. Both MPLA and UNITA deputies have expressed that the law will not be approved without changes, especially on contentious points. The proposal includes the creation of a supervisory body for NGOs, with the power to oversee their activities and dissolve those that do not comply with established norms.

Job Opportunities: Cabinda and Zaire to Have Internship Scholarships in Industry and Engineering

01 Oct 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
Despite a high employment rate, Angola faces low-quality jobs. Test Angola, in partnership with TheBridgeGlobal, has launched the 'Criar' project, offering internships to young graduates in industry and engineering. The initiative aims to equip participants with essential skills for industrial and technological development. The project seeks to prepare young Angolan technicians for the job market, with the potential for integration into Test Angola. The CEO of TheBridgeGlobal calls for more companies to join similar initiatives, highlighting the project's social impact.

Climate change could be 'disastrous' for Angola's future

21 Sep 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
The Mosaiko - Instituto para Cidadania, under the USAKI project, released a study on Environmental and Human Rights in Angola, highlighting the need for improved fundamental human rights and stricter environmental policies to avoid future environmental disasters. The study, conducted in Moxico and Cuando Cubango provinces, points to rising temperatures, erratic rainfall, and deforestation as major concerns. The USAKI project aims to foster better environmental practices through community education and advocacy. The study also underscores significant human rights violations in the regions, linking environmental degradation to social vulnerability and gender inequality. Recommendations include enhanced advocacy, better public policies, and increased environmental budgets.

Angolan Journalists 'Challenged' to Greater Commitment to Culture of Citizenship and Solidarity

23 Jul 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
Angolan journalists are expressing concern over the country's weak culture of citizenship and social solidarity, advocating for a greater commitment from their peers to address these issues. They emphasize the importance of covering Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and believe that fulfilling these is a major challenge for governments worldwide, particularly the Angolan executive. Journalists are urged to promote citizenship, social solidarity, and social responsibility, giving voice to the population and reflecting on their responsibilities. The article also highlights the need for more media coverage on social issues and SDGs, criticizing the predominance of political topics in the Angolan press. A recent training session in Luanda aimed to equip journalists with theoretical tools on citizenship and sustainable development to help address the problems of Angola's needy communities. The article also mentions the role of artists in reflecting on SDGs and criticizes the press for its timidity in covering these topics comprehensively.

Digital scammers in Angola, a 'worrying picture'

14 Jul 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
Angola faces significant challenges in digital literacy, with improvements in telecommunications not matched by sufficient user information to prevent cybercrimes. Cybersecurity expert Alexandre Kapita highlights the issue as a major challenge for the national information system. Urban areas are more affected due to higher digital usage and lack of fraud awareness. Project manager Vilma Pedro emphasizes the need for telecom companies to disseminate preventive information and implement security measures. Common scams include impersonation and fraudulent payment terminal operations. Victims like Domingos Pascoal and Sandro Casimiro recount their experiences, while legal expert José Ndimba Candeeiro points to data protection weaknesses in telecom and banking sectors as contributing factors.

Angola: From Economic Crisis to Repression of Protests, a Dilemma with Varied Interpretations

17 Jun 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
Angola is experiencing a multifaceted crisis, with economic hardships exacerbating social issues. Rising fuel prices and currency devaluation have led to increased costs of essential goods, prompting public protests that were met with government repression. Analysts criticize the government's failure to address unemployment, support entrepreneurship, and implement effective fiscal policies. The situation is dire across the country, with calls for better governance and human rights protections. The government's prioritization of party-affiliated businesses and inadequate social support are highlighted as key issues.

Private companies should do more to support populations, say Angolan traditional authorities

28 May 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
Angolan traditional authorities are calling for President João Lourenço to pressure private companies to take greater responsibility in supporting the social needs of the populations where they operate. Fernando Makapita, President of the Angolan Forum of Traditional Authorities, highlighted that companies, especially those in the mineral resource sector in northeastern Angola, are not contributing to social and economic development. During the 5th Forum on Social Responsibility and Citizenship, Deputy Ombudsman Agnaldo Cristóvão and others emphasized the importance of corporate social responsibility. Businesswoman Leonor Machado, the mentor of the forum organized by The Bridge Global, also stressed the need for companies to implement social actions and criticized false social responsibility campaigns.

There is a crisis of Christian values in Angola, say analysts

25 Apr 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
Angola is experiencing a crisis of moral and Christian values, exacerbated by the rise of materialistic faith and the proliferation of churches with questionable doctrines. Analysts, including philosopher Bonifácio António and missionary Francisco da Costa, express concern over the social issues stemming from this crisis, such as family separations, accusations of witchcraft, and increased corruption. The book 'A crise do Cristianismo em Angola: à luz do personalismo de Emmanuel Mounier' by Bonifácio António explores these issues and suggests measures to address them.

Private sector is essential to create jobs in Angola, says analyst

10 Apr 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
The lack of jobs in Angola can only be resolved with greater private sector involvement, according to analyst Ema Vicente. Current public policies are failing to meet the needs of the growing number of job-seeking youths, leading many to consider emigration. A study by the Ministry of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security and the World Bank reveals that most jobs created in the last decade are of low quality. Muata Sebastião of the Democratic Bloc criticizes the government's employment policies as a failure, leaving youth without hope or opportunities. The article emphasizes the need for the government to support the private sector to absorb the young workforce and address the country's social and economic challenges.

Audiovisual producers lament the absence of incentive policies for production in Angola

28 Feb 2023  |  www.voaportugues.com
Angola's audiovisual industry struggles due to a lack of public policies and incentives, hindering its development and economic potential. Key figures in the industry, including Renata Torres, Sofia Buco, Sílvio Nascimento, and Gregório de Sousa, express frustration over the absence of support and the need for state policies to foster growth. The UNESCO report highlights the potential of the film industry in Africa, but Angola lags behind due to insufficient investment and interest. Diamond Films' productions have created numerous jobs, yet the lack of local support forces them to sell to foreign distributors at lower prices.

Angolan state cannot demolish without compensating, says SOS-Habitat

24 Apr 2022  |  Voice of America
Rafael Morais from SOS-Habitat Acção Solidária criticized the Angolan government for demolishing homes near the new Luanda International Airport without providing compensation or alternative housing, despite the constitutional guarantee of housing rights. Experts like António Gameiro emphasized the need for a legislative framework to support long-term urban development strategies. Civil society highlighted the absence of urban construction plans leading to housing rights violations. Bernardo Castro from Rede Terra argued for legal adherence in expropriation for public utility and the necessity of a land legislation review in Angola.

Poor management and corruption are Angola's new wars

10 Apr 2022  |  Voice of America
Civic activist Mbanza Hanza and researcher Chocolate Brás criticize the Angolan government for poor management and corruption, which they consider to be the new wars that must be fought for effective peace in Angola. Despite the end of armed conflict 20 years ago, they argue that social peace and improved living conditions have not been achieved, with extreme poverty still prevalent. Hanza suggests that peace in Angola is still in its infancy, with the government's lack of political will and clear objectives contributing to ongoing issues such as hunger and poverty. Brás highlights government irresponsibility in managing key sectors for development, such as education, citing unfulfilled promises of tablets and textbooks for primary school students.

Churches should intervene in political and social situations, defend Angolan analysts

27 Feb 2022  |  Voice of America
Angolan experts argue that churches should play a role in political and social development, contributing to the well-being of society. The Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé (CEAST) highlighted the alarming poverty, unemployment, and social degradation in Angola, calling for a state of emergency due to drought and famine in the south. Reactions to these statements suggest a debate over the church's involvement in politics. Jurist and philosopher José Candeeiro and theologian Bitombokele Lei Gomes Luangani believe that churches should address injustices and help believers develop skills to tackle societal problems, with Gomes citing the Kimbanguists' self-sufficiency programs as an example. Candeeiro emphasizes the church's role in promoting democracy, respect for law, and private business initiatives.

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