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Alena Hecker

Berlin, Germany
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About Alena
Journalist based in Berlin, Germany. I'm focused on consumer topics such as finance, sustainibility or health and cooperate with several newspapers, (online) magazines and the TV channel rbb in Berlin/Brandenburg.
German English French
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Finance Food & Drink Health & Fitness

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

06 May 2024  |  Siegener Zeitung
Asparagus in Germany is often available from March, with the main season starting in April and ending on June 24. The article discusses the sustainability of asparagus farming, highlighting the use of foil and energy consumption, and contrasts the benefits of green asparagus. It also covers the nutritional benefits of asparagus, including its low calorie count and high vitamin content. The article provides tips on how to prepare and store asparagus, and mentions the main regions in Germany where asparagus is grown, as well as the countries from which it is imported. Price estimates for the 2024 season are also provided.

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

06 May 2024  |  DEWEZET - Deister- und Weserzeitung
In Beelitz, Brandenburg, asparagus begins to grow as early as March, with some companies using heat from nearby power plants to ensure early growth. The German asparagus season typically starts in April and ends on June 24. Germans consume about 1.6 kilograms of asparagus per person annually. The sustainability of asparagus farming is debated, with some criticizing the use of plastic films and others highlighting their benefits. Green asparagus is considered more sustainable if locally sourced. Asparagus is rich in vitamins and minerals, with green asparagus containing more Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene than white asparagus. Fresh asparagus can be stored in a damp cloth in the refrigerator or frozen for up to six months. In 2023, Germany produced 111,900 tons of asparagus, with significant imports from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Mexico. Prices for asparagus vary by region and weather conditions.

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

06 May 2024  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
Asparagus season in Germany typically starts in April, with the peak season ending on June 24. The article discusses the sustainability of asparagus farming, highlighting the use of foil and energy consumption. Green asparagus is considered more sustainable if locally sourced. Asparagus is rich in vitamins and minerals, beneficial for health, and can be prepared in various ways. Fresh asparagus can be stored in a moist cloth in the refrigerator or frozen. Germany imports a significant amount of asparagus, mainly from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Mexico. Prices vary by region and weather conditions.

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

06 May 2024  |  Täglicher Anzeiger Holzminden
Asparagus season in Germany typically starts in April, with early cultivation methods allowing growth even in cold temperatures. Germans consume about 1.6 kilograms of asparagus per head annually, enjoying its low calories and rich vitamins and minerals. The use of foil in asparagus farming is debated for its environmental impact, but it allows farmers to avoid herbicides and conserve water. Green asparagus is considered more sustainable if locally sourced. Asparagus is healthy, containing B-vitamins, folic acid, biotin, and other nutrients. It can be prepared in various ways and kept fresh in the fridge or frozen. In 2023, Germany harvested 111,900 tons of asparagus, with a significant decrease in the number of farms from the previous year. Prices for asparagus can vary by region, with an estimated starting price of 17 to 18 euros per kilogram.

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

28 Mar 2024  |  ln-online.de
Asparagus season in Germany typically starts in April, with early harvests possible due to techniques like soil heating. Consumption averages 1.6 kg per person annually, and the vegetable is praised for its low calories and rich nutrients. Despite environmental concerns over the use of foils in cultivation, they help reduce herbicide use and conserve water. Green asparagus is considered more sustainable and healthier than white. It can be prepared in various ways and kept fresh in the fridge or frozen. In 2023, Germany's main asparagus-producing regions were Niedersachsen, Brandenburg, and Nordrhein-Westfalen, with significant imports from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Mexico. Prices for asparagus can vary by region and are expected to decrease as the season progresses.

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

28 Mar 2024  |  op-marburg.de
The article discusses asparagus cultivation in Germany, noting that it can begin as early as March in Brandenburg and is often aided by the use of foil and sometimes heating to protect against cold temperatures. The asparagus season typically ends on June 24, and overharvesting can negatively impact the following year's yield. Germans consume about 1.6 kilograms of asparagus per person per year, and the vegetable is praised for its low calories and high vitamin and mineral content. The article debates the sustainability of asparagus cultivation, especially the use of foil, and suggests green asparagus as a more sustainable option. It also provides tips on how to prepare and store asparagus and notes that in 2023, most German asparagus was harvested in Niedersachsen, Brandenburg, and Nordrhein-Westfalen, with a total of 111,900 tons harvested nationally. Import figures and the estimated cost of asparagus in 2024 are also mentioned.

Real Estate Pension: Homeownership Can Pay Off

27 Dec 2023  |  haller-kreisblatt.de
Individuals facing financial constraints in old age can monetize their property while continuing to reside in it, though there are important considerations to take into account.

Real Estate Pension: Home Ownership Can Pay Off

27 Dec 2023  |  Lippische Landes-Zeitung
For those facing financial constraints in old age, converting their property into cash while continuing to live in it can be a viable option. However, there are several important considerations to keep in mind.

Which Insurances Are Really Important – and Which Are Superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  DEWEZET - Deister- und Weserzeitung
People in Germany spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, with a high need for security. Essential insurances include private liability, building, and disability insurance, while others like household contents insurance depend on individual circumstances. The article advises against unnecessary insurances like device-specific policies and emphasizes the importance of regularly reviewing insurance contracts for better rates.

Which Insurances Are Really Important – and Which Are Superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  NP – Neue Presse
People in Germany spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, with the necessity of various types depending on personal circumstances. Essential insurances include private liability and occupational disability insurance, while others like household contents insurance are only recommended if the household items are valuable. The article advises against certain insurances like device insurance and specific travel-related insurances, suggesting instead to save a financial cushion. Regularly reviewing and updating insurance contracts is recommended to ensure they meet current needs and to find better rates.

Which insurances are really important - and which are superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  landeszeitung.de
Germans spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, with a high need for security influencing their choices. Essential insurances include private liability and motor vehicle liability. Experts from 'Finanztip' and the consumer center of North Rhine-Westphalia recommend a coverage sum of 50 million euros for private liability insurance and stress the importance of building and contents insurance, especially for homeowners. The necessity of contents insurance varies with personal circumstances. Occupational disability insurance is considered crucial for income protection, though it can be expensive and not available to everyone. Life insurance is advised for families dependent on one income or with unpaid mortgages, but savings and insurance should be kept separate. Unnecessary insurances, such as the 'All@Home' device insurance, are criticized, and experts suggest building a reserve fund instead. Regularly reviewing insurance contracts is recommended to ensure they match current needs and to take advantage of better rates.

Which insurances are really important - and which are superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  dnn.de
In Germany, people spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance. Essential insurances include private liability and motor vehicle liability insurance. Experts from Finanztip and the Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen recommend a coverage sum of 50 million euros for private liability insurance and consider building and household contents insurance important for homeowners. Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung (occupational disability insurance) is seen as crucial for income protection, while Risikolebensversicherung (term life insurance) is advisable for families dependent on one income or with outstanding mortgage payments. However, some insurances like the Easy All@Home-Geräteversicherung are deemed unnecessary. Regularly reviewing insurance contracts is recommended to ensure they match personal circumstances and to potentially benefit from newer, cheaper rates.

Which insurances are really important - and which are superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  dieharke.de
Germans spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, with a high need for security influencing their choices. Essential insurances include private liability and motor vehicle liability. Experts from 'Finanztip' and the consumer center of North Rhine-Westphalia recommend a coverage sum of 50 million euros for private liability insurance and stress the importance of building and contents insurance for homeowners. They also highlight the significance of occupational disability insurance for income protection, while advising against unnecessary insurances like the 'All@Home' device insurance. Regularly reviewing insurance contracts is advised to ensure they remain relevant to personal circumstances.

Which insurances are really important - and which are superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
Germans spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, with a high need for security influencing their choices. Essential insurances include private liability and car liability insurance. Experts from 'Finanztip' and the consumer center of North Rhine-Westphalia recommend a coverage sum of 50 million euros for private liability insurance and advise against capital-forming life insurance. They also critique unnecessary insurances like the 'All@Home' device insurance, deemed 'Insurance Nonsense of the Year 2023'. Regularly reviewing insurance contracts and comparing tariffs is advised to ensure coverage meets current personal needs and to potentially benefit from newer, more economical rates.

Which Insurances Are Really Important – and Which Are Superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  www.kn-online.de
People in Germany spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, with the necessity of each type varying based on personal circumstances. Essential insurances include private liability, building, and disability insurance, while others like device insurance and specific travel or gadget insurances are deemed unnecessary. Regularly reviewing and adjusting insurance policies is recommended to ensure they meet current needs and to find better rates.

Which Insurances Are Really Important – and Which Are Superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  Siegener Zeitung
People in Germany spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, reflecting a high need for security. Essential insurances include private liability insurance, building insurance, and disability insurance, while others like household insurance and risk life insurance depend on personal circumstances. Unnecessary insurances include device-specific policies and certain travel-related coverages. Regularly reviewing insurance contracts is recommended to ensure they meet current needs and to find better rates.

Which insurances are really important - and which are superfluous

27 Dec 2023  |  rga.de
In Germany, people spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance. Essential insurances include private liability and motor vehicle liability. Experts from Finanztip and the Verbraucherzentrale NRW recommend specific coverage amounts for these and suggest regular reviews of insurance contracts. They also advise against certain insurances like the 'All@Home' device insurance, deemed unnecessary by the Bund der Versicherten. Instead, saving for emergencies is often a better strategy. The importance of insurance varies with personal circumstances, and professional advice is recommended, especially for income protection through disability insurance.

Real Estate Pension: How to Turn Your Own House into Money

11 Dec 2023  |  Täglicher Anzeiger Holzminden
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who have no children, are considering what to do with their house as they age. They opt for a real estate pension, selling their house with a lifelong right to live in it, receiving monthly payments. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from 'Finanztip' supports this model but advises ensuring legal safeguards. Alternatives like usufruct rights and partial sales are discussed, with Tenhagen expressing reservations about the latter. The Langfelds sell to Stiftung Liebenau, appreciating its social projects. The article highlights the growing demand for real estate pensions and advises comparing mortgage options.

Real Estate Pension: How your own house can be turned into money

11 Dec 2023  |  www.op-marburg.de
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who built their house 45 years ago, are considering their options for turning their home into cash without moving out. They are interested in a real estate pension, selling their house with a lifelong right of residence, receiving monthly payments for ten years. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from 'Finanztip' suggests that this model requires a reliable buyer and notarial regulation. Alternatives like usufruct or partial sale are discussed, with Tenhagen expressing skepticism about the latter due to potential financial burdens. The couple ultimately sells to Stiftung Liebenau, appreciating that the proceeds support social projects. Christoph Sedlmeier from the Federal Association of Real Estate Pension notes a growing demand for such arrangements. Tenhagen recommends comparing reverse mortgage offers from banks as an alternative.

Real Estate Pension: How Your Own Home Can Be Turned Into Money

11 Dec 2023  |  NP – Neue Presse
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who built their house 45 years ago, are considering their options for when they can no longer live there. They are interested in a real estate pension, selling their home while retaining a lifelong right of residence, receiving monthly payments for ten years. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from Finanztip explains the importance of notarial regulation for such arrangements. Alternatives like usufruct or partial sales are discussed, with Tenhagen expressing skepticism about the latter due to potential financial burdens. The couple decides to sell to Stiftung Liebenau, appreciating that the proceeds will support social projects. Christoph Sedlmeier from the Federal Association of Real Estate Pensions notes a growing demand for such arrangements. Tenhagen suggests comparing reverse mortgage offers as an alternative.

Real Estate Pension: How your own house can be turned into money

11 Dec 2023  |  www.gnz.de
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who built their house 45 years ago, are considering their options for turning their home into cash without moving out. They are interested in a real estate pension, selling their house with a lifelong right of residence, receiving monthly payments for ten years. Financial expert Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from 'Finanztip' sees this as a viable model but advises caution and notarial regulation. Alternatives like usufruct or partial sales are discussed, with Tenhagen expressing skepticism about the latter due to potential financial burdens. The growing demand for real estate pensions is confirmed by Christoph Sedlmeier from the Federal Association of Real Estate Retirement. Tenhagen recommends comparing offers for reverse mortgages as an alternative financial solution.

Real Estate Pension: How to Turn Your Own House into Money

11 Dec 2023  |  WAZ/AZ – Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung / Aller Zeitung
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who live in their own home in the Rhineland, have opted for a real estate pension, selling their house with a lifelong right of residence. This model, endorsed by financial advisor Hermann-Josef Tenhagen, allows them to receive monthly payments while continuing to live in their home. The couple chose to sell to Stiftung Liebenau, appreciating the social impact of their decision. The article also discusses alternative models like usufruct rights, partial sales, and reverse mortgages, highlighting the pros and cons of each option.

Real Estate Pension: How your own house can be turned into money

11 Dec 2023  |  sn-online.de
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who built their house 45 years ago, are considering their options for when they can no longer live there. They are interested in the concept of a real estate pension, which allows them to sell their home while retaining a lifelong right of residence, receiving monthly payments for a period. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from 'Finanztip' sees this as a viable model but advises caution and notarial regulation. Alternatives like usufruct or partial sales are discussed, with Tenhagen expressing skepticism about the latter. The growing demand for real estate pensions is noted by Christoph Sedlmeier from the Federal Association of Real Estate Retirement. Tenhagen recommends comparing reverse mortgage offers as an alternative to partial sales or real estate pensions.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Make Cancellations Work

05 Nov 2023  |  paz-online.de
Loyalty is rarely rewarded in the world of contracts, with providers offering discounts and improved deals to new customers while existing customers often remain trapped in old contracts. It's advisable to regularly look for alternatives to existing contracts with insurance companies, mobile phone providers, or energy suppliers and simply cancel them. Contracts entered into after March 1, 2022, can be canceled monthly instead of the previous three-month notice period, usually via email or even SMS. Since July 2022, companies must also offer the option to cancel contracts online via their website. However, a year after the law's introduction, the consumer organization Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband found that more than half of the providers still do not have a cancellation button on their site or it is hidden. The law provides for a special right of termination if the button is not provided. Contracts entered after March 1, 2022, can only be extended indefinitely, and providers must inform customers at least two months before the end of the contract term. There are circumstances that allow for early termination of the contract, such as when a contracting party makes contribution adjustments or changes the general terms and conditions.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Cancel Successfully

05 Nov 2023  |  www.haz.de
In the realm of contracts, loyalty is rarely rewarded, with existing customers often stuck in old agreements while new customers receive better offers. The article advises regularly seeking alternatives for existing contracts with insurers, mobile providers, or energy suppliers and explains the new regulations for contract cancellations. Contracts signed after March 1, 2022, can be canceled monthly, and companies must offer an online cancellation option since July 2022. However, many companies have yet to comply fully. The article also covers the conditions under which early termination is possible, such as changes in terms or personal circumstances like illness.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Make Cancellations Work

05 Nov 2023  |  kn-online.de
Loyalty in contracts is rarely rewarded, prompting the advice to regularly seek alternatives for existing agreements with insurers, mobile providers, or energy suppliers. Since March 1, 2022, contracts can be canceled monthly instead of the previous three-month notice period, often via email or SMS. Since July 2022, companies must offer online cancellation through their website with a clearly labeled button. However, a year after the law's introduction, over half of the providers still do not have a cancellation button on their site or it is hidden. The law provides a special right of termination if the button is not provided. Contracts signed after March 1, 2022, can only be extended indefinitely, and customers must be informed two months before the end of the contract about the extension and cancellation deadline. There are circumstances that allow for early termination, such as changes in terms or conditions, or special events like accidents or serious illnesses.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer 'Just a Niche Topic'

26 Oct 2023  |  www.ndz.de
Interest in sustainable investments has grown in Germany, with 50% of people showing interest according to a survey by Verbraucherzentrale Bremen. Investments in sustainable funds reached €317 billion in 2022, a 29% increase from the previous year. Financial advisor Kris Hauf emphasizes the importance of personal definitions of sustainability in investment choices. ETFs are popular but lag in sustainability compared to actively managed funds, as noted by Stiftung Warentest. Finanztest found that nearly half of the 934 potentially sustainable funds failed to meet criteria due to investments in controversial industries. The Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen offers a list of certified sustainable funds, and sustainable banking is also an option for those seeking ethical standards in their investments.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer 'Just a Niche Topic'

26 Oct 2023  |  gnz.de
Interest in sustainable investments has grown in Germany, with 50% of people now interested compared to 33% a decade ago. Germans invested approximately 317 billion euros in sustainable funds in 2022, a 29% increase from the previous year. The financial industry has adapted, with ESG (ecological, social, and ethical investment) becoming a standard in investment advice. However, distinguishing truly sustainable funds can be challenging. Exclusion of certain industries and practices is a common approach, and personal definitions of sustainability vary. ETFs are often recommended for private investment but may lag in sustainability compared to actively managed funds. The Initiative Faire Fonds and the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen provide resources to help investors. Sustainable investments do not guarantee high returns, and ethical banks offer an alternative for those seeking to align their investments with sustainability standards.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer 'Just a Niche Topic'

26 Oct 2023  |  rnd.de
Interest in sustainable investing has grown in Germany, with 50% of people showing interest according to a survey by Verbraucherzentrale Bremen. Investments in sustainable funds reached €317 billion in 2022, a 29% increase from the previous year. Financial advisor Kris Hauf emphasizes the importance of personal definitions of sustainability in investment choices. ETFs are criticized for lagging in sustainability by Stiftung Warentest, and Finanztest found that many self-proclaimed sustainable funds fail to meet criteria due to investments in controversial industries. The FNG provides a list of certified sustainable investment funds, and while sustainable investments are shown to be more crisis-resistant, they still carry risks and may not always yield high returns. Sustainable banks are an alternative, with some meeting all exclusion criteria for investments.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer a 'Niche Topic'

01 Oct 2023  |  www.ostsee-zeitung.de
Sustainable investing has become mainstream in Germany, with significant growth in investments in sustainable funds. Financial advisors like Kris Hauf emphasize the importance of personal definitions of sustainability and goals in investment decisions. While ETFs are popular for their cost-effectiveness and long-term potential, they often lag behind actively managed funds in sustainability ratings. The Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen and other organizations provide resources to help investors navigate the complex landscape of sustainable investments. Despite the potential for higher resilience, sustainable investments still carry risks, and thorough preparation is essential for ethical investing.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Cancel Successfully

01 Oct 2023  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
In the realm of contracts, loyalty is rarely rewarded, with existing customers often stuck in old agreements while new customers receive better offers. Regularly seeking alternatives and canceling existing contracts with insurers, mobile providers, or energy suppliers is advisable. Contracts signed after March 1, 2022, can be canceled monthly, often via email or SMS, while employment and rental contracts require written notice. Since July 2022, companies must offer online cancellation options, but many still fail to comply, leading to special termination rights. Contracts can also be terminated early under certain conditions, such as price adjustments or serious health issues.

Real Estate Pension: How to Turn Your Own House into Money

01 Oct 2023  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who have no children, decided to sell their house with a lifelong right of residence, opting for a real estate pension model. They receive monthly payments while continuing to live in their home. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from 'Finanztip' supports this model but advises ensuring legal safeguards. Alternatively, a usufruct right allows renting out the property. The Langfelds sold their house to Stiftung Liebenau, appreciating its social projects. Christoph Sedlmeier from the Bundesverbands Immobilienverrentung notes increasing demand for real estate pensions. The article also discusses partial sales and reverse mortgages as financial solutions for seniors.

Real Estate Pension: How to Turn Your Own House into Money

01 Oct 2023  |  PAZ - Peiner Allgemeine Zeitung
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who have no children, are exploring the concept of a real estate pension to ensure they can stay in their home while receiving monthly payments. They sold their house to Stiftung Liebenau, securing a lifelong right to live there. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from Finanztip supports this model but advises ensuring legal safeguards. Alternatives like usufruct rights and partial sales are discussed, with Tenhagen expressing reservations about the latter due to potential financial burdens. The article highlights the growing demand for real estate pensions and the importance of comparing financial offers.

Which Insurances Are Really Important – and Which Are Superfluous

01 Oct 2023  |  www.gnz.de
People in Germany spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, with the necessity of each type varying based on personal circumstances. Essential insurances include private liability and occupational disability insurance, while others like household contents insurance depend on individual needs. The article advises against certain insurances like device-specific policies and emphasizes the importance of regularly reviewing insurance contracts for better deals.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer a 'Niche Topic'

01 Oct 2023  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
Sustainable investing has become mainstream in Germany, with significant growth in investments in sustainable funds. Financial advisor Kris Hauf emphasizes the importance of personal definitions of sustainability and aligning investments with individual goals. While ETFs are popular for long-term investments, they often lag behind actively managed funds in sustainability. The Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen and other organizations provide resources to help investors navigate sustainable options. Despite the potential for higher resilience, sustainable investments still carry risks, and thorough preparation is essential for ethical investing.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Successfully Cancel

01 Oct 2023  |  DEWEZET - Deister- und Weserzeitung
Consumers are often stuck in old contracts while companies offer better deals to new customers. Since March 2022, contracts can be canceled monthly, and companies must provide an online cancellation option. However, many companies have not yet implemented this feature, leading to special termination rights for consumers. Contracts signed after March 2022 can only be extended indefinitely, and companies must inform customers about contract end dates and renewal terms. Special circumstances like price adjustments or serious illnesses can justify early termination.

Feel-Good Trend 'Second Hand': How the Bargain Hunt with a Good Conscience Works

01 Oct 2023  |  www.kn-online.de
The article discusses the growing trend of second-hand shopping in Germany, highlighting its financial and environmental benefits. It features insights from Sonja Broy, who prefers buying used items, and data from the Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) showing increased consumer interest in second-hand goods. The article also addresses consumer concerns about product quality and legal rights, with Stiftung Warentest confirming the reliability of refurbished smartphones. Platforms like Kleinanzeigen and Vinted offer additional buyer protection, though at a cost.

Real Estate Pension: How to Turn Your Own House into Money

01 Oct 2023  |  LN - Lübecker Nachrichten
Helmut Langfeld and his wife, who live in their own home in the Rhineland, explore the concept of a real estate pension to secure their future. They opt for selling their house with a lifelong right of residence, receiving monthly payments. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from 'Finanztip' supports this model but advises ensuring legal safeguards. Alternatives like usufruct rights and partial sales are discussed, with Tenhagen expressing reservations about the latter. The article highlights the growing demand for real estate pensions and the importance of comparing financial offers.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer a 'Niche Topic'

01 Oct 2023  |  MAZ - Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
Sustainable investing has become mainstream in Germany, with significant growth in investments in sustainable funds. Financial advisor Kris Hauf emphasizes the importance of personal definitions of sustainability and goals in investment decisions. While ETFs are popular for long-term investments, they often lag behind actively managed funds in sustainability. The Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen and Stiftung Warentest provide resources and evaluations to help investors navigate sustainable options. Despite the potential for higher resilience, sustainable investments still carry risks, and thorough preparation is essential for ethical investing.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Successfully Cancel

01 Oct 2023  |  www.dieharke.de
In the realm of contracts, loyalty is rarely rewarded, with existing customers often stuck in old agreements while new customers receive better deals. Since March 2022, contracts can be canceled monthly rather than with a three-month notice. Companies must offer an online cancellation option via a clearly labeled button on their website. However, a year after the law's introduction, many companies still do not comply, leading to a special right of termination. Contracts signed after March 2022 can only be extended indefinitely, with companies required to inform customers of the contract's end date and extension terms. Special circumstances like accidents or serious illnesses can justify early termination.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Successfully Cancel

01 Oct 2023  |  MAZ - Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
In the realm of contracts, loyalty is rarely rewarded, prompting consumers to regularly seek alternatives and cancel existing agreements with insurers, mobile providers, or energy suppliers. Since March 2022, contracts can be canceled monthly, often via email or SMS, with online cancellation options mandated since July 2022. However, many companies still fail to provide an easily accessible cancellation button on their websites, leading to special termination rights for consumers. Contracts signed after March 2022 can only be extended indefinitely, with mandatory notifications from providers. Early termination is possible under specific circumstances, such as fee adjustments or serious health issues.

Which Insurances Are Really Important – and Which Are Superfluous

01 Oct 2023  |  www.haz.de
People in Germany spend an average of 2600 euros annually on insurance, reflecting a high need for security. Essential insurances include private liability insurance, building insurance, and disability insurance, while others like household insurance and device insurance are deemed less necessary. Experts recommend regularly reviewing insurance contracts to ensure they meet current needs and to find better rates.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer a 'Niche Topic'

01 Oct 2023  |  www.dieharke.de
Sustainable investing has become mainstream in Germany, with a significant increase in investments in sustainable funds. Financial advisor Kris Hauf emphasizes the importance of personal definitions of sustainability and aligning investments with individual goals. While ETFs are popular for long-term investments, they often lag behind actively managed funds in sustainability ratings. The Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen and other organizations provide resources to help investors navigate the complex landscape of sustainable funds. Despite the potential for higher resilience, sustainable investments still carry risks, and thorough preparation is essential for ethical investing.

Contracts, Subscriptions, Memberships: How to Successfully Cancel

01 Oct 2023  |  LVZ - Leipziger Volkszeitung
In the realm of contracts, loyalty is rarely rewarded, prompting consumers to regularly seek alternatives and cancel existing agreements with insurers, mobile providers, or energy suppliers. Since March 2022, contracts can be canceled monthly, often via email or SMS, with online cancellation options mandated since July 2022. However, many companies still fail to provide an easily accessible cancellation button on their websites, leading to special termination rights for consumers. Contracts signed after March 2022 can only be extended indefinitely, with companies required to notify customers two months before the contract's end. Early termination is possible under specific circumstances, such as price adjustments or serious health issues.

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

01 Oct 2023  |  WAZ/AZ – Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung / Aller Zeitung
In Beelitz, Brandenburg, asparagus begins to grow as early as March, with some companies using heat from nearby power plants to ensure early growth. The German asparagus season typically starts in April and ends on June 24. Germans consume about 1.6 kilograms of asparagus per person annually. While some criticize the high energy use in asparagus farming, others argue that it reduces the need for herbicides and conserves water. Green asparagus is considered more sustainable if locally sourced. Asparagus is rich in vitamins and minerals, and can be prepared in various ways, including cooking, grilling, and eating raw. Fresh asparagus can be stored in a damp cloth in the refrigerator or frozen for up to six months. In 2023, Germany produced 111,900 tons of asparagus, with significant imports from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Mexico. Prices for asparagus vary by region and season, with early estimates around 17 to 18 euros per kilogram.

Asparagus FAQ: How is asparagus prepared and how does it stay fresh?

01 Oct 2023  |  www.kn-online.de
In Beelitz, Brandenburg, asparagus begins to grow as early as March, with some companies using heat from nearby power plants to warm the soil. The German asparagus season typically starts in April and ends on June 24. Germans consume about 1.6 kilograms of asparagus per person annually. While asparagus is low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals, its cultivation methods, such as the use of plastic sheeting, are debated for their environmental impact. Green asparagus is considered more sustainable if locally sourced. Fresh asparagus can be stored in a damp cloth in the refrigerator or frozen for up to six months. In 2023, Germany harvested 111,900 tons of asparagus, with significant imports from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Mexico. Prices for asparagus vary by region and season.

Sustainability in Investing: No Longer a 'Niche Topic'

01 Oct 2023  |  WAZ/AZ – Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung / Aller Zeitung
Sustainable investing has become mainstream in Germany, with significant growth in investments in sustainable funds. The financial industry has adapted to this trend, offering a variety of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investment options. However, the effectiveness and true sustainability of these investments vary, with ETFs often lagging behind actively managed funds in sustainability ratings. The Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen and Stiftung Warentest provide resources and evaluations to help investors navigate these options. Despite the potential for higher resilience, sustainable investments still carry risks, and ethical standards in investing require thorough preparation.

Going blind - from one moment to the next, Podcast Risiko:Leben, 07.09.2020

DIY cosmetics - no harmful substances, no plastic waste, rbb, 28.01.2020

Identity theft on the internet, rbb, 30.09.2020

Children and Parents: How do children learn the proper handling of money?

24 Aug 2020  |  RND.de
The article discusses the importance of teaching children how to manage money responsibly in an increasingly digital world. It highlights the average pocket money given to children in Germany and the value of tangible cash over virtual money. Financial advisor Adrienn von Tóth emphasizes the need for real experiences over virtual ones and suggests parental guidance in online purchases. The article also reviews various apps and tools available in different countries, such as Gimi in Sweden and Twint in Switzerland, that help children manage money. It mentions the KNAX pocket money app by Deutscher Sparkassenverlag in Germany and provides recommendations for prepaid credit cards suitable for children. Additionally, it offers tips on how to prevent unwanted purchases through mobile devices.

When Parents Get Cancer: How Do I Tell the Child?

06 Nov 2019  |  RND.de
The article discusses the challenges faced by parents with cancer in communicating their illness to their young children. It highlights the experiences of Daniela Küpper-Witt and Philipp Stepp, who both have cancer and young children. Oncologist Pascale Régincos from Klinikum Stuttgart advises on the importance of open communication within the family. The article also mentions a children's book by Sarah Roxana Herlofsen, created in cooperation with Deutsche Krebshilfe, which addresses children's direct and practical questions about cancer. The Küpper family received support from the Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst des katholischen Hospizes St. Martin during Daniela's terminal phase, emphasizing the value of professional help and the importance of creating lasting memories for children with their ailing parent.

Diversity in Children's Books: No Fairy Looks Like Me

05 Jul 2019  |  stuttgarter-zeitung.de
Most children's book heroes, such as Conni, Franz, Emil, or Laura, are light-skinned and live in traditional family models, which does not reflect the diversity of reality. Amani, a six-year-old girl who enjoys swimming and will soon start school, noticed early on that her father has dark skin and her mother has light skin. Amani's mother recalls her daughter expressing a desire to look like her and feeling unattractive. Despite searching, they have never found a book where a black child is the main character, highlighting a lack of diversity in children's literature.

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