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Alhadi Hawari

Juba, South Sudan
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About Alhadi
Alhadi Hawari is a Senior Journalist based in Juba, South Sudan.

I’m a professional Journalist with more than thirteen years of experience.
I have worked with various media houses in Sudan and South Sudan for Television, newspapers and Radio.
Breaking News

EAC forum discusses climate change as El Nino rains hit region

23 Nov 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
The East African High-Level Forum focused on food security, climate change, and financial sustainability amid severe floods and droughts in the region. President Salva Kiir is set to take over the EAC chairmanship from Evariste Ndayishimiye. The forum, held near Kilimanjaro International Airport, will also address peace and security, crucial for regional growth. El Niño rains have exacerbated the humanitarian crisis, affecting millions and displacing hundreds of thousands. The UN reported significant impacts from the heavy rains and flooding. Experts anticipate Kiir's leadership will enhance regional security and cross-border trade.

NTC yet to schedule next graduation of forces

12 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
The National Transitional Committee has not yet set a date for the graduation of the second batch of unified forces in Northern and Western Bahr el Ghazal states. Lieutenant General Akol Ayii refuted claims by other military officials that the graduation would occur next week. The first graduation ceremony for the Necessary Unified Forces took place on August 30, involving 21,973 personnel. Arrangements are ongoing to start the graduation soon, with all graduates now assembled in Wau.

Traffic official asks motorists to drive responsibly during holidays

South Sudanese student among winners of regional essay writing competition

06 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
A South Sudanese student, Lalum Joselyn Oluku, was awarded a certificate and $550 at the East African Heads of State Summit for being among the winners of the 2022 EAC Essay Writing Competition. Joselyn, who previously did not succeed in 2021, emerged as one of six winners in 2022. The competition aims to enhance understanding and appreciation of regional integration among East African Community secondary school students. Other winners hailed from Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi, with the Democratic Republic of Congo being the only member state not participating last year.

Pieri plane victims to be compensated

05 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
The Director-General of South Supreme Airlines, Ayii Duang, has pledged to compensate the families of the 10 victims killed in a recent plane crash in Jonglei state. The crash occurred on Tuesday at Pieri Airstrip, killing both pilots and all passengers. President Salva Kiir has suspended the airline's operations to ensure the airworthiness of its planes. The South Sudan Civil Aviation Authority will screen all aircraft, engineers, and pilots to prevent future crashes. Since 2011, 11 plane crashes in South Sudan have resulted in 93 deaths and 132 injuries.

Oil production drops

03 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
South Sudan's oil production has decreased by 20 percent, attributed to lack of investment, the COVID-19 pandemic, and labor strikes. The reduction from 165,000 to 156,000 barrels per day has significantly impacted the economy, which heavily relies on oil revenue. Despite substantial oil income, the Kiir administration faces criticism for corruption and mismanagement, with funds allegedly diverted to weapons and personal pockets. President Salva Kiir has urged the labor ministry to expedite salary payments for June and July.

Army command allots 350 military posts to SSPDF, SPLA

03 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
The army headquarters in Bilpam has allocated 350 military positions among the SSPDF, SPLA-IO, and SSOA based on the power-sharing ratio from the 2018 peace agreement. SSPDF will receive 210 positions, SPLA-IO 105 positions, and SSOA 35 positions. This distribution includes various directorates and administrations within the national Army headquarters and the Ministry of Defense and Veteran Affairs. The allocation marks a significant step in the deployment of forces as outlined in the Security Arrangement of the peace agreement, which has seen slow implementation since the formation of the unity government three years ago.

NSS denies arresting popular musician Larson Angok

02 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
The National Security Service (NSS) has denied allegations of arresting musician Larson Angok, stating that the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) was responsible. Angok, who was detained in Wau and reportedly transferred to Juba, has been active on social media, accusing the NSS of his arrest. The NSS has condemned these claims as misinformation and warned against defamation. Angok's arrest is speculated to be linked to his songs criticizing the SPLM leadership and government services, including the employment practices of President Salva Kiir and the lack of salaries for civil servants.

UNMISS commends progress made in peace implementation, demands more

02 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has acknowledged the government's progress in implementing the revitalized peace deal, including the reconstitution of the transitional parliament and efforts to unify the army. However, Nicholas Haysom, head of UNMISS, expressed concerns over the slow implementation of crucial peace provisions and the incomplete formation of the legislature. He emphasized the need for a unified military command and control structure and highlighted the impact of weak state governance on communal violence. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Sudan welcomed the recognition of progress but stressed the need for international support and the lifting of the arms embargo, which the UN Security Council has conditioned on full implementation of security reforms.

Pariang mother dies after stillbirth

01 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
A 35-year-old mother, Nyanyuot Maring Yor, died after giving birth to a stillborn, deformed baby at Pariang Teaching Hospital in the Ruweng Administrative Area. The incident highlights ongoing concerns about environmental pollution in the oil-producing region, which has been linked to birth defects and stillbirths. Miakol Makuac, the area's director-general for information, confirmed the details. A 2015 study by Sign of Hope indicated that over 180,000 people in the region are at risk due to contaminated drinking water.

South Sudan launches digitalized traffic system

01 Oct 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
South Sudan has introduced a digitalized traffic system in Juba City, implemented by Africa Innovative Automation LTD in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and Juba City Council. The system includes traffic signage, street CCTV cameras, and digitalized car logbook registration to monitor and track motorists. Traffic police will be equipped with devices to read logbooks and process penalties. Lt. Gen. James Pui Yak warned against defiance of the new system, while Juba City Mayor Michael Allahjabu expressed pride in the initiative.

106 traffic accidents occurred in one week

22 Sep 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
A total of 106 traffic accidents occurred across South Sudan in one week, resulting in 3 deaths, 121 injuries, and 58 cases of damage. The majority of these accidents involved motorcycles. Lt. Gen. James Rout Wuor, Assistant Inspector General of Police for Traffic, highlighted reckless and drunk driving as primary causes. He urged motorists to drive carefully to prevent accidents. WHO data from 2020 indicates that traffic accidents are a significant cause of death in South Sudan, with an age-adjusted death rate of 50.94 per 100,000 population.

Stay out of politics, Gen Deng Wol warns army

27 Jun 2023  |  eyeradio.org
General Santino Deng Wol, the Chief of Defense Forces of South Sudan, instructed the army to avoid political involvement and focus on their duty to protect the nation's sovereignty. During a briefing at the Military headquarters in Bilpam, he outlined the allocation of 210 positions to SSPDF, 105 to SPLA-IO under Dr Riek Machar, and 35 to SSOA, adhering to the distribution of 60%, 30%, and 10% respectively. General Deng emphasized the importance of abstaining from politics and tribalism, reminding officers of the unity during the liberation struggle and the army's role in defending the country's borders and properties.

In the above links, you can get all my stories in English and Arabic about different events in South Sudan and Sudan.

South Sudanese react to Tonj's eye-piercing incident

12 Apr 2023  |  www.eyeradio.org
An 18-year-old girl in Tonj East County, Warrap State, South Sudan, had her eyes pierced by her father, Angelo Agany, who is now detained. The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation from various figures, including political activist Dr. Peter Biar Ajak, businesswoman Sarah Enock, and Rev. Isaac Matur Bol Yuol. The Federation of Women Lawyers in South Sudan has called for humanitarian and psychological support for the victim, Akuot Agany Kur, who is receiving treatment in Juba. Calls for stronger enforcement of laws protecting women and girls have been made, highlighting the need for justice and cultural change regarding dowry practices.

Gov't and Carter Center sign open declaration to eradicate Guinea Worm

31 Dec 2021  |  www.eyeradio.org
During the 16th annual review meeting in Juba, the South Sudan government and the Carter Center signed an open declaration to eradicate Guinea Worm disease. The meeting reviewed the progress of the South Sudan Guinea Worm Eradication Program, which reported four cases in 2021. The program aims to raise awareness and strengthen disease surveillance through community-based health systems. Key figures, including the national minister of Health Elizabeth Acuei and the minister of Water Resources Manawa Peter Gatkuoth, reaffirmed their commitment to the eradication efforts. The Carter Center and UNICEF are highlighted as significant partners in this initiative.

Presidency urged to resolve Unity-Ruweng border dispute

26 Nov 2021  |  www.eyeradio.org
The Deputy Governor of Unity state has requested the presidency's intervention in the Unity-Ruweng border dispute, which has persisted since 2005. The Deputy Chief Administrator of Ruweng, Michael Jaw, accused people from Unity State of causing insecurity, citing a recent cattle raid. Unity State's Deputy Governor, Tor Tungwar, emphasized the need to address the border issue and suggested a forum for discussion among governors, deputy governors, and chief administrators.

SPLA-IO's Gen. Gatwech Dual declines new role, says still Chief of Staff

25 Jun 2021  |  eyeradio.org
General Simon Gatwech Dual, the SPLA-IO Chief of Staff, has rejected his appointment as Peace Advisor to the Presidency by President Salva Kiir, stating he will not come to Juba due to the absence of a unified force. Gatwech, who has been stationed in the Magenis area since the signing of the revitalized peace agreement in 2018, argues that the appointment is a lure and such positions do not exist in the peace deal. He emphasizes his commitment to the peace agreement and expresses concern over the fragility of the peace process and the status of his boss, Dr. Riek Machar, in Juba.

Juba traders protests 'mistreatment,' shut shops

22 May 2021  |  www.eyeradio.org
Traders in Juba have closed shops in Konyo-Konyo, Munuki, and Jebel markets to protest against alleged mistreatment by city authorities, including unnecessary fines and exorbitant taxes. The Juba City Council, represented by CEO Martin Simon, denies these accusations, stating that recent actions were part of enforcing public order. The Mayor of Juba City Council, Kalisto Ladu, is currently meeting with affected businessmen to address the issue.

Kiir writes 'letter of disappointment' to governors

15 Apr 2021  |  www.eyeradio.org
President Salva Kiir has expressed disappointment with some state governors and their deputies in South Sudan for their poor cooperation and high trust deficit, negatively impacting state affairs management. He highlighted issues such as disagreements over appointments and government functions, particularly in Western Equatoria State and Western Bahr el Ghazal State. Kiir directed the governors to respect each other, comply with protocols, uphold governance procedures, and cooperate to implement the revitalized peace deal, which outlines a responsibility sharing ratio among the SPLM, SPLM/A-IO, SSOA, and OPP.

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