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Alvaro Algarra

Caracas, Venezuela
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About Alvaro
alvaro algarra is a journalist based in Caracas, Venezuela.
I am a journalist born in Caracas Venezuela in 1980, I graduated from Santa Maria University in Caracas. I trained as a professional from the first year of my career as a Social Communicator on the television channel Radio Caracas Television, there I worked until the government of the late president Hugo Chávez closed it because it was a channel that informed what was happening at that time in the country. Since 2013 I have worked as a fixed correspondent of the Voice of America from Washington DC, in Caracas, I have covered all the management of President Nicolás Maduro and all the political and social crisis that the South American nation is going through.
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Fact Checking
Politics Fact Checking

Venezuela: Government appoints godfathers and godmothers to address complaints in the regions

08 Mar 2024  |  vozdeamerica.com
President Nicolás Maduro claims the recent activation of godfathers and godmothers in all states of Venezuela aims to address the people's most sensitive demands and combat bureaucracy. Community leader Sairam Rivas is skeptical that they can resolve the crisis in Venezuelan public services, citing the destruction of productive capacities despite high oil income and public spending. Social activist Emilio Useche views the initiative as evidence of the government's weariness, inefficiency, and failure to solve community problems, especially in an election year, and believes that a democratizing wave is prevailing despite repressive tactics.

International Criminal Court Dismisses Maduro's Appeal to Avoid Investigation for Crimes Against Humanity

01 Mar 2024  |  vozdeamerica.com
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has dismissed an appeal by Nicolás Maduro, greenlighting an investigation into his alleged role in crimes against humanity. The decision was announced in a public hearing in The Hague, with representatives from the Venezuelan state and the public defense office for victims present. Victim Aracelis Sánchez and Gonzalo Himiob, director of the Venezuelan NGO Foro Penal, welcomed the decision. The Venezuelan government condemned the ruling, claiming it was unfounded and politically motivated.

Russian Foreign Minister Visits Venezuela to Strengthen Bilateral Relations

20 Feb 2024  |  Voz de América
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Venezuela to discuss increasing cooperation and assisting in resolving the country's internal political conflict. Venezuelan counterpart Yván Gil highlighted the strategic relationship between the two nations, with 340 agreements across various sectors. Internationalist Félix Arellano commented on the visit's timing, as both countries face sanctions and international isolation, suggesting it demonstrates they are not as isolated as perceived. Lavrov's tour will conclude in Brazil at a G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

Experts view the return of Spanish petrochemical company Repsol to Venezuela with optimism

26 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Spanish petrochemical company Repsol has signed two agreements with Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA to enhance joint activities, which experts believe will help reduce PDVSA's $1.3 billion debt to Repsol. Venezuelan oil production, reported at 780,000 barrels per day in November, could increase by 45,000 barrels daily with Repsol's involvement, potentially reaching 1.2 million barrels by the end of 2024. PDVSA President Pedro Rafael Tellechea emphasized the significance of the agreement for both Spain and Venezuela, marking a step towards revitalizing Venezuela's oil industry.

Tension between Venezuela and Guyana over Essequibo decreases

15 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, hosted a meeting between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and Guyanese President Irfaan Ali, where they agreed to refrain from escalating any conflict arising from the territorial dispute over the Essequibo region. Ali reiterated the need to resolve the dispute at the International Court of Justice, which Venezuela does not recognize. Maduro emphasized dialogue as the path to resolution upon returning to Venezuela. Opposition presidential candidate María Corina Machado highlighted the importance of diplomacy and avoiding military escalation.

Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office Requests Arrest of 14 Opposition Members

07 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office has issued arrest warrants for 14 opposition leaders, including members of María Corina Machado's team, accusing them of treason. Machado condemned the actions, asserting they would not be deterred. Political analyst Arlán Narváez highlighted that the arrests violate an agreement between the opposition and the government in Barbados, which included the release of political prisoners. Attorney General Tarek William Saab announced the identification of a network involved in money laundering to destabilize the Guayana Esequiba referendum. According to NGO Foro Penal, there are currently 276 political prisoners in Venezuela.

Venezuelans vote in consultative referendum in defense of Guyana Esequiba

03 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Venezuelans participated in a consultative referendum regarding the defense of Guyana Esequiba, with over 20.6 million eligible voters. Despite an early start, voter turnout was not as high as in previous elections. The referendum, promoted by the government of Nicolás Maduro, is non-binding.

Venezuelans vote in referendum on disputed Esequibo territory

03 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Millions of Venezuelans are voting in a consultative referendum promoted by the government of Nicolás Maduro regarding the Esequibo, a resource-rich territory that Venezuela disputes with Guyana.

Storm Nicole leaves more than 300,000 users without power in Florida

10 Nov 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Hurricane Nicole, which made landfall in Vero Beach, Florida, has been downgraded to a tropical storm but continues to cause significant impacts, including power outages affecting over 333,000 homes. Governor Ron DeSantis has declared a state of emergency for 34 counties, ensuring resources are available for recovery. Local resident Alan Sanchéz reports damage to a popular pier, while authorities monitor the coast for strong winds.

Enthusiasm for Halloween Grows in Venezuela

31 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Halloween, originally a Celtic festival, has gained popularity in Venezuela, becoming a part of the local culture and a business opportunity for stores selling decorations and costumes. Despite the ongoing economic crisis, Venezuelans continue to celebrate enthusiastically, with both children and adults participating in the festivities.

Academics see the sentence against the Venezuelan opposition primary as an 'attack on constitutional order'

30 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Venezuelan Supreme Court's decision to suspend the opposition primary, in which María Corina Machado emerged victorious, is deemed unconstitutional and a violation of guarantees by various academics. Legal experts argue that the ruling lacks legal basis and represents a repressive action against political adversaries. The decision has sparked concerns about the erosion of democratic principles and human rights in Venezuela, potentially jeopardizing recent agreements and the temporary easing of U.S. sanctions. The government's accusations of inflated election results further complicate the political landscape.

Venezuela: Five Political Prisoners Released Following Agreement in Barbados

19 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Following recent agreements in Barbados between the Venezuelan opposition and government, five political prisoners were released: journalist Ronald Carreño, Marco Garcés, Eurinel Rincón, Mariana Barreto, and Juan Requesens, members of the opposition parties Voluntad Popular and Primero Justicia. Carreño expressed hope for Venezuela's freedom, while Requesens thanked those who facilitated their release. However, lawyer Joel García criticized the release as insufficient compared to the nearly 300 political prisoners. The opposition coalition Plataforma Unitaria vowed to continue fighting for the release of all political prisoners, with 270 individuals still detained according to NGO Foro Penal.

Government and Opposition Sector of Venezuela Sign Electoral Agreement in Barbados

18 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The recent dialogue between a sector of the opposition and the government of Venezuela is seen by various experts as a significant step towards presidential elections that are recognized by both parties and the international community.

Venezuela and Russia strengthen cooperation ties

10 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Venezuela and Russia plan to expand cooperation agreements in energy, investments, trade, and finance, as stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergéi Lavrov during his Latin American tour. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Iván Gil emphasized shared principles of equality and respect. International analyst Félix Arellano criticized Lavrov's visit as geopolitically detrimental, suggesting it portrays developing countries as pawns. Since 1999, Venezuela and Russia have strengthened their relations, with Russia supporting Maduro during his political crisis. Lavrov also plans to visit Cuba and Nicaragua.

Venezuela: Everything is ready for the referendum on the sovereignty of Esequibo

06 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Despite the International Court of Justice's order to refrain from actions that could exacerbate the Esequibo dispute, Venezuela is proceeding with a referendum on December 3. President Nicolás Maduro emphasizes the referendum as a chance for historical justice and national unity. Guyana's President Irfaan Ali condemns Venezuela's actions, asserting Esequibo's belonging to Guyana. Over 20 million Venezuelans are eligible to vote, with significant security measures in place. Electoral expert Jesús Castellanos criticizes the lack of transparency due to the absence of opposition witnesses. Public opinion in Venezuela is divided, with some planning to participate and others abstaining. The dispute involves historical treaties and arbitration awards between Venezuela, Guyana, and the UK.

Concludes the Cities Summit held in Colorado

06 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The final day of the Cities Summit was held in Denver, USA, focusing on key issues such as migration and sustainability. Laura Sepúlveda, a correspondent for Voz de América, provided detailed coverage.

Presidents of Venezuela and Guyana to Meet to Address Esequibo Dispute

05 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and Guyanese President Irfaan Ali plan to meet in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to discuss the long-standing territorial dispute over Esequibo. The meeting, facilitated by Celac and Caricom, aims to reduce tensions, though Guyana views Maduro's recent actions as a direct threat. Political analyst Benigno Alarcón dismisses the possibility of war, citing Guyana's vulnerability and Venezuela's potential perception as an aggressor. Constitutional lawyer Manuel Rojas Pérez anticipates some agreements that could benefit both nations. The International Court of Justice, which has been reviewing the dispute since 2018, will hold a trial in 2024 after decades of unsuccessful UN-mediated negotiations.

Protest of active and retired workers in Venezuela

05 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Active and retired workers protested in Caracas on Thursday for wage claims. Alvaro Algarra, a correspondent for Voz de América, provides the details.

Venezuelan Government Arrests Security Expert and Accuses Her of Attempted Assassination

05 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Venezuelan government has arrested Rocío San Miguel, president of the NGO Control Ciudadano, accusing her of involvement in an attempted assassination. Her lawyer, Juan Gonzalez, expressed concerns about her whereabouts, suggesting a possible forced disappearance. Human rights activist Carlos Julio Rojas condemned the arrest, stating it violates the 2023 Barbados Agreement between the government and opposition. Joel García, a defender of political prisoners, called for international intervention to address the persecution.

Persecution of María Corina Machado's Collaborators Intensifies in Venezuela

05 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Venezuelan government has intensified its persecution of María Corina Machado's collaborators, detaining four individuals accused of conspiracy. The defense lawyer argues for their release due to procedural issues. The political organization Vente Venezuela claims the government aims to create fear and uncertainty ahead of the July elections. Machado's campaign chief condemns the detentions, highlighting the challenges faced in conducting a campaign. Meanwhile, the National Electoral Council has disqualified Machado from holding public office.

Accident in Illegal Mine in Southern Venezuela Leaves Tragic Toll

03 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
A collapse in an illegal artisanal mine in Bolívar, southern Venezuela, resulted in the deaths of at least 16 miners and injured 11 others. Survivors attempted rescues until authorities arrived. President Nicolás Maduro expressed condolences, while Karina Ríos, a victim's relative, called for government support to retrieve bodies. Human rights activist Eduardo Torres highlighted the dire conditions forcing young Venezuelans into dangerous mining work, describing it as modern slavery.

Tension resurfaces between Venezuela and Guyana over the Essequibo

02 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Tensions between Venezuela and Guyana have resurfaced following the arrival of a British warship in Guyanese waters, which Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro views as a breach of a recent agreement. International analyst Oscar Arnal criticizes Maduro's response as excessive and suggests it aims to divert attention from Venezuela's severe domestic issues. Guyana's Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo assures that the British ship's presence is routine and not a threat to Venezuela, reaffirming their commitment to peace.

Venezuelan Popular Neighborhood Activates the 'Power of the Broom'

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
In the San Blas neighborhood of Petare, Caracas, the non-profit organization Uniendo Voluntades, led by Katiuska Camargo, has launched the 'Power of the Broom' initiative to clean and beautify the community. The program involves residents of all ages in cleaning their surroundings and creating murals to add color and art to the area. The initiative aims to foster a sense of pride and dignity among residents, challenging the notion that living in a barrio means living in chaos and squalor.

The Domain Extinction Law is now in force in Venezuela

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Organic Law of Domain Extinction in Venezuela outlines mechanisms to identify and recover assets derived from illicit activities. Lawyer Ali Daniels criticizes the law for its lack of transparency regarding the management and use of seized assets. Diosdado Cabello, a high-ranking government official, claims that around 10,000 significant assets have already been confiscated. Opposition leader Oswaldo Morillo fears the law could be used to target government critics, raising concerns about the auditing and allocation of the recovered assets. The law was introduced during the Government's Anti-Corruption Operation initiated in March.

ELN and Colombian Government Seek Peace with Venezuela as Guarantor

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Colombian government and the ELN announced in Caracas that they will resume dialogue, which has been stalled since March 30, 2016. The process will restart after the first week of November. Political analyst Luis Trejos highlights the dilemma faced by Nicolás Maduro's government as a guarantor, given the ELN's internal divisions and operations in various Venezuelan states. Internationalist Giovanna De Michelle explains the difference between being a guarantor and a mediator in such negotiations. This marks the fifth attempt at peace talks between the ELN and the Colombian government since 1994.

Chevron's Resumption of Operations Generates Expectations in Venezuela

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The U.S. has eased some sanctions on Venezuela, allowing Chevron Corporation to resume limited oil extraction operations for six months. Expert José Toro Hardy views this as a sign of sanction relaxation but insufficient for economic recovery. He doubts the impact on international oil prices. José Rafael Mejías from 'Todos Somos Unidad' sees the resumption positively and urges international bodies to ensure blocked resources are used to alleviate poverty.

Venezuela: Campaign for Opposition Primaries Begins

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The campaign for the Venezuelan opposition primaries has begun, aiming to select a candidate to challenge President Nicolás Maduro in the 2024 presidential elections. According to ORC Consultores, only 40% of opposition voters are willing to participate. Political analyst Oswaldo Ramírez emphasizes the need to engage the electorate. Carlos Prosperi of Acción Democrática believes the opposition can win despite potential biases in the National Electoral Council. Henrique Capriles calls for political stability to achieve economic and social recovery, criticizing the current government's failures.

Venezuelan Emigration Persists Despite Partial Economic Recovery

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Despite claims of economic growth and increased oil export revenues by President Nicolás Maduro, Venezuelan emigration continues unabated. Experts highlight unresolved underlying issues driving the migration, with significant numbers of Venezuelans seeking opportunities and protection abroad. Human rights activist Miguel Pizarro and OAS commissioner David Smolanski emphasize the ongoing crisis and the need for regional protection mechanisms. The exodus has reached over seven million, predominantly settling in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

64% of the population believes there are disinformation strategies in Venezuela, according to study

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
A study by Equilibrium CenDE reveals that 64% of Venezuelans believe there are disinformation strategies in the country, with 78% attributing these to the government. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are increasingly preferred over traditional media, especially among younger demographics. The study also highlights that people with higher education levels are more likely to verify news, and those aged 40-60 are more inclined to consume news that challenges their views. The research underscores the need for media to adapt to changing consumption patterns.

Tragedy in Las Tejerías Activates Solidarity in Venezuela

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The recent flood in Las Tejerías, near Caracas, has resulted in significant casualties and damage, prompting a nationwide humanitarian response. Various organizations, including NGOs, universities, sports teams, and political groups, are actively collecting donations to aid the affected families. Key figures like Darwin Ardiles, Telésforo Montiel, and Andrew Sánchez are leading efforts to organize and encourage public contributions, emphasizing the need for non-perishable food, clothing, medicines, and other essential supplies.

Harassment Against Journalists in Venezuela Increases

25 Sep 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
The Union of Press Workers condemned the charges against journalist Luis Alejandro Acosta and demanded respect for his human rights. Acosta, who reported on illegal mining and military operations in Yapacana National Park, Amazonas, was charged with illegal mining, occupation of protected areas, and incitement to commit crimes. Carlos Correa, director of NGO Espacio Público, called for Acosta's release and advised journalists on protection measures due to increasing threats and intimidation. Edgar Cárdenas, secretary-general of the National College of Journalists, stated that freedom of expression is highly compromised in Venezuela, particularly in a pre-electoral context.

The Government of Venezuela Takes Over Tocorón Prison

21 Sep 2023  |  Voz de América
The Venezuelan government has taken control of the Tocorón prison in Aragua state, which was a base for the transnational criminal organization 'Tren de Aragua' with activities in Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. Relatives of inmates are seeking information about their loved ones amid concerns over human rights and safety. The government has not disclosed the whereabouts of the gang's leaders. The intervention was reportedly discussed with the gang's leader, Héctor Guerrero Flores, who allegedly left the prison before the operation. The Venezuelan Minister of Interior and Justice, Remigio Ceballos, stated that the security forces have taken over the prison following President Nicolás Maduro's instructions.

China and Venezuela Strengthen Their Bilateral Relationship

14 Sep 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro concluded his visit to China, announcing the signing of 31 documents as a solid first step towards a splendid new phase of strategic relations. Maduro emphasized the elevation of strategic relations to a new level after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Political analyst Lawrence Castro suggests Maduro seeks to project restored legitimacy through these agreements amidst Venezuela's ongoing economic crisis. Omar Barboza, president of the opposition's Unitary Platform, expressed skepticism, comparing Maduro to a used car salesman and questioning the practical benefits for Venezuelans.

Six Union Leaders Sentenced in Venezuela

03 Aug 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
Six union leaders, Reynaldo Cortés, Alonso Meléndez, Alcides Bracho, Néstor Astudillo, Gabriel Blanco, and Emilio Negrín, were sentenced to 16 years in prison for conspiracy and association to commit crimes. Lawyer Eduardo Torres decried the ruling as political persecution and called for mobilization in defense of rights. Yorbelis Oropeza, Bracho's wife, spoke about the sentence's impact on her family. Robert García from the opposition group Plataforma Unitaria interpreted the sentence as a message against those exercising their constitutional right to peaceful protest. Meanwhile, Attorney General Tarek William Saab referenced a memorandum with the International Criminal Court to ensure justice and human rights, despite NGO Foro Penal reporting 283 political prisoners.

Expert talks about the extradition to the United States of Hugo Carvajal

20 Jul 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Hugo Carvajal, the former head of Venezuelan intelligence, has been extradited to the United States from Spain. Criminologist Luis Izquiel asserts that Carvajal possesses valuable information on how narcotrafficking operates in Venezuela.

Implementan “código de vestimenta” para tramitar documentos de identidad en Venezuela

28 Jun 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
In Venezuela, a new dress code has been implemented by the identity document issuing authority, sparking controversy. The dress code prohibits users from wearing shorts, ripped pants, miniskirts, sportswear, low-cut shirts, or shirts above the navel when processing identity documents.

The Government of Colombia and the ELN Extend Negotiation Cycle in Cuba

08 Jun 2023  |  Martí Noticias | Martinoticias.com/
The Colombian government, led by President Gustavo Petro, and the National Liberation Army (ELN) have extended their current negotiation cycle in Cuba by one week, until June 8. The extension aims to address critical issues such as a bilateral ceasefire and mechanisms for citizen participation. Petro has proposed initiating the ceasefire in specific regions like Putumayo or Nariño before expanding it nationwide. The negotiations underscore the importance of establishing verification mechanisms in these regions to ensure effective implementation across the country.

64 Percent of the Population Believes There Are Disinformation Strategies in Venezuela, Study Says

07 Jun 2023  |  Diálogo Américas
A study by Equilibrium CenDE indicates that 64% of Venezuelans believe in the existence of disinformation and news manipulation strategies, with 78% attributing these to the Venezuelan regime. The study, conducted in December 2022 with 1,275 participants, also found that a significant portion of the population does not trust or cannot name a trustworthy media outlet. Social networks are gaining prominence as news sources, especially among younger demographics. The research further suggests that older individuals and those with higher education are more likely to seek out contrasting news and verify information. Issues of internet censorship and the role of traditional media in the digital age are also discussed.

Reelection, human rights violations allegations, and violence reduction mark Bukele's 4 years in El Salvador

01 Jun 2023  |  Martí Noticias | Martinoticias.com/
Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele marks four years in office, a tenure noted for a state of exception aimed at reducing gang violence, which has led to human rights violations allegations. Bukele's regime has been successful in dismantling gangs and lowering homicide rates, but has been criticized for arbitrary detentions and illegal searches. Despite international criticism of his authoritarian tendencies, Bukele remains popular domestically. His party's legislative victory allowed for the removal of Supreme Court justices and the attorney general, consolidating his power. Bukele's government has also faced setbacks, such as the failed adoption of Bitcoin. Looking ahead, Bukele plans to run for reelection, despite constitutional prohibitions, leveraging his popularity and the Supreme Court's reinterpretation of the law. Meanwhile, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro accuses former minister Tareck El Aissami of conspiracy and corruption, and Colombia's peace talks with the ELN face challenges as the government considers a regional negotiation with a guerrilla faction.

UN denounces 63 'arbitrary detentions' in the last month in Nicaragua

31 May 2023  |  martinoticias.com
The UN has denounced 63 arbitrary detentions in Nicaragua by Daniel Ortega's government, including human rights defenders, political opponents, and journalists. The ONU spokesperson called for an end to repression and the release of political prisoners. The OEA condemned the intrusion into Mexico's embassy in Ecuador and violence against diplomatic staff. The US sentenced Venezuelan general Cliver Alcalá for aiding FARC and drug trafficking. The OEA also condemned a new Venezuelan law on Esequibo as contrary to international law.

Opposition asks Maduro's government to act in good faith, after summit in Bogotá

26 Apr 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Gerardo Blyde, head of the opposition's Plataforma Unitaria, deemed the International Summit on Venezuela, organized by the Colombian Government, a success. He suggested that clear signals from Maduro's administration could lead to international community responses. Opposition presidential candidate María Corina Machado called for the release of political and military prisoners as a sign of good faith. Student leader Jesús Mendoza emphasized the need for broader civil society participation in discussions.

Venezuelan Poet Rafael Cadenas Receives the 2022 Cervantes Prize

25 Apr 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Venezuelan poet Rafael Cadenas, at 93 years old, was honored by King Felipe VI of Spain with the Cervantes Prize, the highest accolade for literature in the Spanish language, during a traditional ceremony at the University of Alcalá de Henares. Cadenas, who became the first Venezuelan writer to receive the award, which includes a prize of 125,000 euros from the Spanish Ministry of Culture, emphasized the urgency of defending and renewing democracy in his acceptance speech. Venezuelan poets Luna Benitez and Lenin Pérez expressed their joy and pride in Cadenas' recognition, highlighting its significance for Latin American literature.

Inflation Empties the Pockets of Venezuelans

18 Apr 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Inflation remains a significant issue in Venezuela, severely impacting citizens' ability to afford basic necessities. Public sector worker Georaxi Urbano highlights the struggle to survive on low wages, while economist José Guerra from the Observatorio Venezolano de Finanzas warns of a return to hyperinflation and calls for a fundamental economic model change. Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, speaking at an anti-inflation summit, acknowledges the severe impact of food inflation and outlines government efforts to address the crisis.

Inflation empties the pockets of Venezuelans

18 Apr 2023  |  diariolalibertad.com
Despite the de facto dollarization in Venezuela, inflation rates continue to impact the pockets of Venezuelans, with experts warning about a possible hyperinflation.

Calls for the Release of Venezuelan Women Detained for Political Reasons

17 Mar 2023  |  Voz de América
The Venezuelan non-governmental organization Foro Penal Venezolano reports that the number of women jailed for political reasons has doubled since 2020, with 13 currently incarcerated. Human rights violations, including unjust trials, lack of evidence, torture, and cruel treatment, are alleged by family members and organizations like Justicia y Perdón. The United Nations has documented cruel and inhuman treatment, torture, forced disappearances, and sexual violence against some of these women by security officials. Yorbelis Oropeza, the wife of political prisoner Alcides Bracho, also reports repression and lack of justice. Human rights activist Lisett González highlights the additional burden on women due to the humanitarian crisis. Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly, insists on respecting the human rights of political detainees and ties any agreement on their release to the lifting of U.S. economic sanctions against Venezuela.

Venezuelan Education Sector Workers Demand 'Dignified Salaries'

14 Mar 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Venezuelan education sector workers, along with representatives from other sectors, protested in front of the Ministry of Education in Caracas, demanding 'dignified salaries'.

Will a primary election among the Venezuelan opposition generate unity?

27 Feb 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
With eight months to prepare for internal elections, the Venezuelan opposition, historically known for internal divisions, is channeling a political route towards 2024. Political scientist Angel Medina sees it as an achievement to sustain a path that channels differences. Benigno Alarcón, director at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, believes that if the primary achieves a high level of consensus, it will force the opposition to remain united. Pre-candidates César Pérez Vivas and Emilio Useche agree that the primaries will achieve lasting unity. Nicolás Maduro, whose 2018 re-election was deemed fraudulent by the US and 50 other countries, remains in power.

Is it complicated to rent or buy a home in Venezuela?

21 Feb 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
In Venezuela, the obstacles to accessing housing often force multiple generations of a family to live under the same roof.

Venezuelan Journalists Reject Government Institute's Course to Become a Reporter in Three Months

01 Feb 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Venezuelan government's educational institute, INCES, proposed a three-month technical course for aspiring reporters, sparking criticism from the country's journalist union for undermining professional journalism and violating the Law of the Practice of Journalism. The law requires a university degree and registration with the National College of Journalists (CNP) to practice journalism in Venezuela. CNP President Tinedo Guía reported the course's withdrawal after the union requested information about its scope. The government's move is seen as part of a broader effort to 'deprofessionalize' journalism, a concern echoed by Marco Ruiz of the National Press Workers Union (SNTP). This initiative follows a pattern established by the late President Hugo Chávez, who promoted alternative reporters and community media as part of the Bolivarian Revolution, which critics view as a means of disseminating government propaganda.

Unions protest on emblematic date for Venezuelan society

23 Jan 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
On the 65th anniversary of the fall of Marcos Pérez Jiménez's dictatorship, which marked the return of democracy to Venezuela, citizens express that the current political and economic crisis leaves no reason to celebrate. Venezuelans like Francisco Moya and Roberto Carpio compare the current regime to the past dictatorship, criticizing it as dictatorial and mentioning a new betrayal similar to the past. Meanwhile, the ruling party, Partido Socialista, organizes mobilizations to reject U.S. sanctions and support the current administration. The low incomes have led to an increase in street protests at the start of 2023.

The Inside Story-New Congress, New Challenges Episode 75

19 Jan 2023  |  www.voanews.com
A new Congress has taken over Capitol Hill after a contentious leadership battle. This episode of The Inside Story examines the potential effects of a divided government on America's trajectory, including issues such as immigration and the defense of Ukraine.

Public divisions grow in the Venezuelan opposition

19 Jan 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The Venezuelan opposition is experiencing significant internal divisions following the end of Juan Guaidó's interim presidency, as it prepares for the 2024 presidential elections. The fractures within the opposition are highlighted as a major issue.

Censorship on Rise in Venezuela, Analysts Warn

10 Jan 2023  |  www.voanews.com
Over 100 radio stations have been shut down in Venezuela in the past year, and there are new proposals to regulate social media. Journalists in the country are preparing for increased challenges. The report, narrated by Veronica Villafañe and filmed by Alvaro Algarra, highlights the growing concerns about censorship and media freedom in Venezuela.

Censorship on Rise in Venezuela, Analysts Warn

01 Jan 2023  |  www.voanews.com
Venezuela has seen the closure of over 100 radio stations in the past year and is considering new regulations for social media, signaling a rise in censorship. Journalists in the country are preparing for increased challenges as the government tightens control over media outlets.

Russians find Venezuela a perfect place to vacation

28 Dec 2022  |  vozdeamerica.com
Margarita Island in Venezuela has become a popular destination for thousands of Russians seeking sunny vacations amidst visa and flight restrictions due to the Ukraine war. The recent direct flight between Moscow and Margarita Island, which resumed on October 2 after a seven-month hiatus, has brought about 3,000 Russian tourists in the last two months. This influx has revitalized the local economy, benefiting trade, tourism, restaurants, and taxi services. Tourists also visit popular areas in Caracas, including the resting place of former president Hugo Chávez.

Fuel Lines Return in Venezuela

21 Dec 2022  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Long lines for gasoline have reemerged in some Venezuelan cities, reminiscent of earlier in the year. Transporter Angel Geraldi has been waiting since 4 AM, noting increased wait times. José Gregorio Bello is concerned about the situation, unsure if it's due to dollarization or diversion of fuel. Hydrocarbons expert Heliodoro Quintero links the issue to production failures at the Amuay refinery, one of the world's largest. Despite the reactivation of the Cardón refinery, Amuay's issues continue to impact fuel availability. This situation echoes the hardships of 2020 and 2021 when drivers endured long lines and agriculture was halted due to fuel scarcity.

Heavy rains continue to wreak havoc in Venezuela

26 Oct 2022  |  vozdeamerica.com
Torrential rains have caused deaths and significant material damage in various parts of Venezuela. Civil engineer Gustavo Iribarren believes the recent disasters are a combination of lack of urban planning and early warnings. Colonel Ángel Graterol, Manager of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, reported that a trough system is approaching Venezuela and will coincide with Tropical Wave 47, generating intense precipitation across the country.

Venezuela: Heavy rains continue to hit the state of Aragua

18 Oct 2022  |  vozdeamerica.com
Heavy rains on Monday afternoon in El Castaño, Maracay, caused rivers and streams to overflow, leading to significant water flow through the main avenue. Residents climbed to the rooftops in fear of a situation similar to Las Tejerías, as water levels rose considerably. Carlos Solís, Deisy Merano, and Lizavier Gonzales, among others, recounted their experiences of distress, with some losing their homes and seeking refuge on higher ground.

concentration of people and demonstrations in support of Nicolás Maduro, in #Caracas, about the inauguration of #venezolano president. Reports: Álvaro Algarra

The president of #Venezuela Nicolás Maduro resumed his position and was sworn in before the Supreme Court of Justice and not before the National Assembly, as established by the Magna Carta of his country, for the period 2019-2025, and despite the pressure internal and external, considering it illegitimate. #VOANnews

Opposition of Venezuela rejects re-election of Nicolás Maduro as re-elected president of Venezuela for the period 2019 -2025. Alvaro Algarra in the place reporting live for Voice Of America.


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