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Andreas Klamm

Ludwigshafen, Germany
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About Andreas
Andreas Klamm is a journalist, author, reporter, Music, Media, Television and Media Producer based in Ludwigshafen, Germany and is also known as Andreas Klamm-Sabaot and Andreas P. Klamm.

Since 1986 Andreas Klamm (Andreas Klamm Sabaot) is director, publisher and editor in chief of the multinational and internatonal news and travel magazine British Newsflash Magazine, which is distributed as printed editions, books and online on ******.

In 2008 the author and journalist became also founder and director of Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters, which is active worldwide and four books are available by Andreas Klamm on the issues related to human rights. Andreas Klamm is author of 12 books published in English and German language. Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporter, Web-Site: ******, second web site, ******, Blog: ******. 

Since 1984 Andreas Klamm is active as Radio- TV- and Music Producer and has produced and publsihed more than 1000 TV productions, 800 radio productions, five 5 Music Albums and 74 music singles. 
You Tube: ******.
Reverbnation: Andreas Klamm Sabaot, ******.

The Music Albums and 74 music single produced by Andreas Klamm Sabaot are also available on Spotify, Deezer, Amazon, Microsoft Groove, Apple iTunes and many other known stores.
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Liberty, Peace And Media: Amy Goodman And The Freedom Of The Press

DIE LINKE: Engagement for the People in the Palatinate – Andreas Klamm Runs for the District Council Palatinate on List Position 8

23 Mar 2024  |  lovepeacepeople.org
Andreas Klamm has been selected by DIE LINKE in Kaiserslautern-Siegelbach for the District Council Palatinate election on June 9, 2024, occupying list position 8. His campaign focuses on peace, social justice, security, intercultural dialogue, and the promotion of artists and the rights of people with disabilities. Other top candidates include Sabrina Albers, Stefan Glander, Lena Edel, Jens Schwaab, and Pauline Vogelsanger.

Özcan Acar is the top candidate for DIE LINKE

12 Mar 2024  |  wochenblatt-reporter.de
Özcan Acar, a well-known unionist and politician from Mutterstadt, has been chosen as one of the top candidates for DIE LINKE Vorderpfalz for the upcoming local council elections in the Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis on June 9, 2024. Acar, born in Turkey and raised in Germany, has a long history of involvement with the ver.di union and works as a consultant at Sparkasse Südpfalz. His central concern is to prioritize the needs of the people over administrative processes, aiming to serve all citizens rather than just the wealthy elite.

Trio takes over chairmanship of DIE LINKE Bezirksverband Vorderpfalz

01 Feb 2024  |  www.wochenblatt-reporter.de
DIE LINKE Bezirksverband Vorderpfalz has elected a new board, with Jonas Leibig as chairman, Claudia Kocabalkan as deputy chairwoman, and Vera Rosisko as treasurer. The reorganization follows a structural reform decided at the DIE LINKE Rheinland-Pfalz state party conference. The new district association aims to participate in the upcoming municipal elections on June 9, 2024. Former members Dr. Liborio Ciccarello and Petra Malik have left DIE LINKE to join the BSW Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht for Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit, leading to a competitive election landscape.

Andreas Klamm is a candidate for the state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate with an assistance dog as help

25 Nov 2020  |  lovepeacepeople.org
Andreas Klamm, a journalist and social activist, is running as a candidate for DIE LINKE in the state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate, emphasizing the importance of inclusion, social security, and disability rights. Despite his disabilities, Klamm is determined to represent the needs of disabled individuals in the state parliament. He is supported by his assistance dog, Ayla von der Hardt. Klamm advocates for the introduction of a universal basic income to help people navigate the COVID-19 crisis. The article also highlights other candidates from DIE LINKE and Klamm's efforts to engage with the public through virtual meetings.

Socially engaged in a wheelchair: Andreas Klamm is a candidate for the 2021 state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate

27 Sep 2020  |  lovepeacepeople.org
Andreas Klamm, a journalist and healthcare professional, is running as a candidate for DIE LINKE in the 2021 state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate. Despite his visible disability, Klamm aims to advocate for social security, free public transport, and sustainable agriculture. The article highlights his commitment to political participation for people with disabilities and his efforts to engage with voters through virtual means due to COVID-19 restrictions. DIE LINKE aims to enter the state parliament with a strong focus on social justice.

Climate Countdown: Democracy NOW and Amy Goodman broadcast daily from the UN Climate summit More than 11 million people will not give up hope to save the world´s climate – Millions of people try to reach world leaders with public petition – More than 11 million people have signed a petition for climate change By Andreas Klamm – Sabaot Copenhagen / Denmark. December 16/17, 2009. The daily news hour Democracy NOW and one of the best journalists in the world, the well known American-Jewish journalist, broadcast journalist and author of many books, Amy Goodman (New York City), do broadcast daily since its beginning from the U.N. Climate Conference live from the Bella Center in Copenhagen in Denmark. Amy Goodman has received in 2008 the Alternative Nobel Prize in Stockholm in Sweden. Photos: Democracy NOW and Andreas Klamm – Sabaot. Democracy NOW is the only one daily news hour providing it service to many people around the world.

PLEASE: Do not pay any attention to Anti-Obama „Christian“ propaganda – About the danger of smear campaigns during U.S elections By Andreas Klamm Washington. D.C./New York City. Perhaps I should be thankful that I am not an U.S. citizen at this time and therefore I have not the right to vote for Senator Barack Obama or Senator John Mc Cain. In October 2007 I have written to the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C, United States of America (U.S.A) and have requested according to ARTICLE 15, according to the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS by the UNITED NATIONS the change of citizenship from the German citizenship into the American citizenship. Certainly I do make no secret of the fact that I want to become an U.S. citizen. By birth I am a French-German citizen and since 1984 I am working as journalist, author, broadcast journalist and even as independent television- film- radio- and media producer.

Is the U.S. Secret Service already prepared ? Every 5th German woman is dreaming about a love affair with U. S. President Barack Obama, By Andreas Klamm Washington, D. C./New York City./3mnewswire.org/November 4, 2008. It is amazing how people are planning to celebrate the possible winning of the U.S. election of the first Afro-American U.S. President Mr. Barack Obama in the American history. On the internet women do offer already “sex deals” only to have a chance to be a part of the big and massive party which will be held in the city of Chicago. The newspaper BILD (“Image”) has issued a release that women offer “sex” in exchange for a ticket for the Obama Party which will be held after the U.S. election. According to the leading German newspapers BILD almost 40 percent of the German women are looking for a love affair with Barack Obama. The U.S. Secret Service and its though men will have to face new challenges which they might have never seen before in the American history.

People of Dresden: „Barack Obama – Welcome, Mr. President !“ U.S. President Barack Obama has arrived save in Germany By Andreas Klamm, news correspondent Washington D.C. / Dresden. June 5, 2009. The 44th U.S. President Barack Obama (47) has arrived save on Thursday evening in Germany. On Thursday morning he has addressed a high profile speech at the Cairo University in Egypt. He will stay for about 20 hours in Germany and will meet German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel from the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU). Many people in Germany love the U.S. President Barack Obama. Photo: Ground Report, Creative Commons License German chancellor Mrs. Merkel is planning to talk about the peace process in the Middle East, the global financial crisis and other issues with U.S. President Barack Obama for about half an hour.

How To Appreciate The King Of Pop: Michael Jackson, How To Appreciate The King Of Pop: Michael Jackson By Andreas Klamm, news correspondent Michael Jackson, The King of Pop was an excellent artist which knew how to be creative. Photo: Antonio Manfredonio www.flickr.com/photos/16441028@N00/2135354714 / Creative Commons – Share Alike Los Angeles. June 27, 2009. The mourning after the for many people and friends unexpected death of The King Of Pop, entertainer and singer Michael Jackson is great. As legions and millions of people wanted to express their condolences, their feelings about the loss of The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, web communities such as Twitter , Facebook and other international services have reach their technical limits. The King Of Pop has suffered from a cardiac arrest on June 25, on 12.21 p.m. And has been officially pronounced dead at 2.26 p.m. on June 25, 2009 in the city of Los Angeles in the United States of America (U.S.A.).

Biography of Journalist Andreas Klamm

21 Oct 2019  |  Bokus.com
Andreas Klamm is a journalist and media producer who began his career at the age of 16, writing for Speyerer Tagespost and later becoming involved in radio and television production with the advent of private broadcasting in Germany. He founded British Newsflash Magazine and IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds in England. Klamm has written for three news agencies and studied at the Evangelische Fachhochschule für Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. He works intermittently in England and Germany. In 1993, he became a state-certified health and nurse and worked at Clementine Churchill Hospital in London. Additionally, he is a missionary and mission leader for the German and British representation of the international John Baptist Mission from Togo.

Green Envelope Campaign Launched To Free Roxana Saberi (Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters) 1,000,000 Green Envelopes Needed to be Sent to Iranian Embassies & U.N. from Around the World By Andreas Klamm Nashville, TN. / Teheran, Iran. May 7, 2009. Roxana Saberi is an Iranian-Japanese descendant, a female freelance journalist, and an U.S. citizen and Iranian citizen, who often covers according to different sources and Christian Newswire the conditions and plight of women in Iran. She was arrested in February 2009, and is currently being held in the notorious Evin prison close to the city of Teheran in Iran. The charges brought up against Roxana have been in the first step that she has been accused that she might have bought a bottle of wine and surprisingly in the second step that she has been accused spying for the United States of America. Roxana Saberi has been sentenced to eight years in prison, after a closed quick and

Liberty, Peace And Media: Amy Goodman - Excellent Journalists In Extraordinary Times

20 Oct 2019  |  buchshop.bod.de
The article discusses the work and influence of Amy Goodman, a renowned journalist, author, and host of Democracy NOW!. Goodman, a Harvard University graduate, is recognized for her commitment to independent journalism and peace activism. In 2008, she was awarded the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the alternative Nobel Prize, in Stockholm, Sweden. The article highlights Goodman's perspective on the importance of negotiation over warfare and her role as a voice for peace. The author, Andreas Klamm, also a journalist and author, expresses admiration for Goodman's work and aligns with her views on media's role in promoting peace. Klamm provides information about his own media projects, including IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty and related platforms, which aim to support international understanding since 1986.

Andreas Klamm

20 Oct 2019  |  buchshop.bod.de
Andreas Klamm is a journalist who began his career at the age of 16, writing for Speyerer Tagespost. He became a radio and television producer with the advent of private broadcasting in Germany. Klamm also founded British Newsflash Magazine and IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds in England. He writes for three news agencies and studied at the Evangelische Fachhochschule für Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Klamm splits his time between England and Germany. In 1993, he became a state-certified health and nurse after three years of training and worked at the Clementine Churchill Hospital in London. Additionally, he is a missionary and mission director for the German and British representation of the international John Baptist Mission from Togo.

Die Kinder der John Baptist Mission in Togo

20 Oct 2019  |  buchshop.bod.de
The article discusses the 'Bettinan' Child Care Centre, part of the international John Baptist Mission in Togo, which fulfills two main missions: spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and providing care and education for 300 children. The center aims to offer training to African youth in Africa, encouraging them to stay and contribute to their home countries, such as Togo. The mission was founded by Evangelist, Missionary, and Reverend Yawovi Nyonato and has representations in the USA, Canada, France, several African countries, the UK, and Germany. Journalist and author Andreas Klamm, who was appointed as a missionary and head of the UK and Germany representations in January 2008, reports on the mission's school, child care, and training projects in the first volume of the Edition MJB, 'Die Kinder der John Baptist Mission in Togo'. The mission is seeking financial supporters for its projects and is recognized and valued in Africa for its social evangelization work.

Andreas Klamm

20 Oct 2019  |  buchshop.bod.de
Andreas Klamm is a journalist and media producer who began his career at the age of 16, writing for Speyerer Tagespost and later becoming involved in radio and television production with the advent of private broadcasting in Germany. He founded the British Newsflash Magazine and IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds in England. Klamm has contributed to three news agencies, studied at the Evangelische Fachhochschule in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, and works intermittently in England and Germany. In 1993, he became a state-certified health and nurse after a three-year training and worked in the Clementine Churchill Hospital in London. He is also a missionary and mission leader for the German and British representations of the international John Baptist Mission from Togo.


Public Petition for Global Disarmament and Peace to the German Bundestag

15 Mar 2019  |  lovepeacepeople.org
A public petition for global disarmament and peace was published on March 15, 2019, calling for the German Bundestag to convene a conference for global disarmament and peace. The petition, authored by Andreas Klamm, also known as Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, emphasizes the need for political, legal, and diplomatic solutions to global conflicts. The petition criticizes the arms race and advocates for reallocating military budgets to education, healthcare, and social services. The author faced accusations and account suspension from Facebook Inc. following the publication of the petition. The petition is addressed to various national and international leaders and organizations, including the United Nations and German officials.

World Peace Saved: Please Forward the Message Only to the President Personally

03 Mar 2019  |  lovepeacepeople.org
Hermann Wipperfürth, a 74-year-old social and political activist, claims to have played a crucial role in preventing a nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 through his interactions with John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. Despite the lack of verifiable evidence, his autobiographical accounts suggest significant contributions to world peace and the preservation of the SPD. The article also highlights the heroic actions of Stanislaw Jewgrafowitsch Petrow, who prevented a nuclear war in 1983. The narrative underscores the ongoing global tensions and the need for peaceful, diplomatic solutions.

Skripal Scandal: Criminal Complaint Against Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas

04 Apr 2018  |  lovepeacepeople.org
A German lawyer, Wilfried Schmitz, has filed a criminal complaint against Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas for their public accusations against Russia regarding the alleged nerve agent attack in Salisbury, UK. The complaint includes charges of incitement to hatred, slander, and defamation, among others. The British government, led by Prime Minister Theresa May, has accused Russia of being highly likely involved in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, which Russia has vehemently denied, calling for an objective investigation. Following the UK's lead, Germany and other nations expelled Russian diplomats, prompting reciprocal actions from Russia. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitrij Peskow stated that Russia deserves an apology after a British lab reported no precise evidence of the nerve agent originating from Russia.

Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters - Special International Edition

01 Jan 2009  |  librairie.bod.fr
The article discusses the special edition of 'Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters', a book by Andreas Klamm that focuses on human rights abuses worldwide. Klamm, a journalist and media producer since 1984, has founded several independent media networks, including IBS Independent Broadcasting Liberty, and has been actively involved in promoting international understanding and human rights. The book, which is published in multiple languages, documents over 150 cases of human rights violations, even in Western countries like Germany. It serves as a resource for understanding human rights and how to claim them. The special edition aims to foster international understanding and is part of a larger effort to support human rights, liberty, free speech, peace, justice, and democracy. Contact information for the project is provided, along with links to related blogs for further information.

Liberty and Peace NOW! Freedom To Speak, Part 2

22 Dec 2008  |  Liberty and Peace NOW ! Human Rights Reporters
The article discusses the challenges faced by Wafula Oguttu, a journalist and publisher for the Ugandan newspaper 'The Monitor'. Oguttu has been arrested several times for exercising his rights to free speech and expression, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations. The piece highlights the plight of journalists in Africa and features contributions from Amy Goodman of Democracy NOW! and Andreas Klamm of Liberty and Peace NOW!, who also produced the program. The production took place in Stockholm, Sweden, and was broadcast by IBS Television Liberty, an international service.

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