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Andrew Wanjala

Nairobi, Kenya
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About Andrew
Andrew Wanjala is a journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya.Am here to show the world what's new and what's need to be shown. Also am here to mix and master your music. Vedio editing colourgrading presets are available. Photoshop retouching also. **** feel free to reach me out. Thank you very much for your time.
Arabic English Swahili
Vox Pop Content Writing Fixing
Arts & Books Food & Drink Music

It's all about how the world it is right now . We can be entertained other time We can be educated also and we can acquire knowledge if we careful

Now one police, who supports the government his wife has been announced dead yester night after the other day he was seen shooting the protestor's.Now it's been claimed that people were angry and hungry with him. Back to you on studio


All eye's on kenya, it's all about the financial Bill 2024.what do we mean saying financial Bill? Reason the government of aHonarable William Ruto is somehow corrupt.yes it's corrupt leading the a Nation to fire. The day today is the day people are really protesting due to their rights. Back to you on studio


Andrew's confirmed information

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Verified Jul 2024
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Verified Jun 2024
Jun 2024

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