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Anja Zulić

Freelance journalist pursuing a master`s degree in journalism at the Faculty of Political Science. 
Reporting about human rights and marginalized social groups. Focused on women`s issues and women`s problems in the region.

Bosnian English Croatian Serbian
Research Investigative Journalism Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast) Fact Checking
Politics Arts & Books Paranormal Media Training Investigative Reporting Social Cultural Fact Checking

Šta novo donosi GDPR?

Djevojke i žene zainteresovane su za bavljenje muzikom, ali ih je značajno manje na sceni nego muškaraca. Nedostatak podrške i prostora za njih da taj poziv shvate ozbiljno, kao i nevidljivost žena koje se bave muzikom samo su neki od razloga za trenutnu situaciju.

Koliko mi zapravo oduzimamo prava ženama na ono što su one uložile i izgradile udaljavajući ih iz zajedničkog domaćinstva, dok nasilnik ostaje u toplini doma?

The research “Real Voice of Journalism” is based on the work of the local media through the voices of its journalists and has provided an opportunity to showcase the true state of journalism in targeted BiH communities.

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