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Anne Ngugi

Nairobi, Kenya
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About Anne
Anne Ngugi is a Multitalented as a MultiMedia/bilingual  Senior Journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. With over a decade of experience in multimedia journalism, I possess the skills and experience required to excel in this role.
Throughout my career, I have thrived as a TV, Radio, and online journalist. My work at BBC World Service and Kenya Television Network honed my understanding of news reporting and storytelling. At BBC Africa, I'm particularly proud of a multilingual health piece that garnered over a million views across platforms. This accomplishment demonstrates my ability to capture audiences with relevant and engaging content.
As a multilingual journalist with extensive online experience, I excel at human-interest stories. I covered the impact of climate change in the region, conducted interviews on climate change and health, and reported on women's issues and conflicts in Rwanda and DRC. I am adept at sourcing credible information to deliver accurate and well-researched stories.

My skillset extends to scriptwriting, selecting visuals and sound, and crafting compelling narratives. I have experience in both field assignments and location shoots and collaborating effectively with camera crews to capture high-quality footage. Additionally, I am proficient in editing software to produce complete broadcast packages.
I am confident that my experience, skills, and enthusiasm make me a valuable asset you . I am eager to contribute insightful analysis, compelling storytelling, and accurate reporting.
English Lingala Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Politics Current Affairs

Anne's confirmed information

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Jul 2024
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Verified May 2024
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Verified May 2024
May 2024

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