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Bakhodir Khorunkhodjaev

Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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About Bakhodir
I am Uzbekistan based fixer and production coordinator looking to provide support for productions coming to Uzbekistan. I've worked on several productions mainly filming documentaries (including Euronews, CNN, BBC, CGTN, Eccholine, Warner Bros). I'd love to assist your production with any of the below: - Finding locations in cities, historical places, studios or even mountainside - Obtaining filming permits for locations listed and beyond. Suggesting and assisting booking places and accommodation for the crew. Assisting with getting rental equipment locally, assisting with getting filming equipment in to and out of the country. I am since 2021 in this field, can organize camps, outdoor logistics and support filming in difficult access zones. If you have any questions please do contact me.
German English Russian
Business Finance Technology

Acted as a local fixer helping CNN team to make this show live.

Worked as a fixer, helping BBC crew to make this travel show in Uzbekistan. The job was to organize the whole filming process, starting from obtaining a filming permit from Ministry of Foreign Affairs (so called accreditation) and ending (but not limited to) with logistics, searching for the right places and people, translation from English to local languages and back, and many other tasks


Bakhodir's confirmed information

Verified using government ID
Aug 2024
Financial institution
Verified Aug 2024
Phone number
Verified Aug 2024
Aug 2024

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