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Borralho Ndomba

Luanda, Angola
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About Borralho
Borralho Ndomba is a journalist based in Luanda, Angola.
She is a correspondent for Deutsche Welle Africa in Angola.
She studied journalism at the Centre for the Training of Journalists (CEFOJOR) in 2010 and completed a degree in Social Communication at the Private University of Angola (UPRA) in 2017.

He covers different topics of public interest in politics, economics, society, culture and sport. In recent years he has covered moments that have marked the country's history, such as the political transition after 38 years of rule by José Eduardo dos Santos.

She has worked in different newsrooms, such as the provincial station of Rádio Nacional de Angola in Bengo, Rede Angola and Novo Jornal. She started working at DW Africa in 2013 and did an internship in the newsroom in Bonn, Germany, in 2019.
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Politics Current Affairs Technology

Angola ‘slavery’ fuels first-ever general strike

20 Feb 2024  |  mg.co.za
Angola is set to experience its first general strike since independence, driven by labor unions demanding a significant increase in the minimum wage from $38 to $288. The government has proposed a smaller increase to $45, deeming the union's demands unreasonable. The main opposition party, Unita, supports the workers, highlighting the inadequacy of current wages to cover basic living costs. The strike follows a series of sector-specific strikes and recent protests over subsidy cuts, reflecting widespread economic discontent.

Angola: Journalists denounce new wave of persecution

31 Oct 2023  |  www.dw.com
Independent journalism in Angola continues to face intimidation and persecution, with recent incidents including attempted kidnappings and threatening messages. The Sindicato dos Jornalistas Angolanos (SJA) calls for urgent intervention from the Procuradoria-Geral da República to address these issues. Activists, including Hitler Chiconde, also report similar threats, even outside Angola. The situation remains unresolved, with ongoing judicial processes against journalists and concerns about the lack of action from the Ministério Público.

Parliament rejects request for João Lourenço's removal

14 Oct 2023  |  www.dw.com
The Angolan National Assembly rejected a proposal to remove President João Lourenço, presented by the opposition party UNITA. The session, held behind closed doors, was marked by tension and accusations of procedural violations. UNITA leaders criticized the MPLA for lack of transparency and democratic principles, while MPLA members defended the process and accused UNITA of political maneuvering. The session's non-broadcasting was justified by ongoing preparations for an upcoming international parliamentary assembly.

Angola: What if the President decides to 'turn off the internet'?

08 Oct 2023  |  www.dw.com
Angola is debating a new National Security law proposed by President João Lourenço, which the opposition claims could undermine the country's fragile democracy by granting the President extensive powers, including the ability to shut down telecommunications. The law is seen as a threat to press freedom and democratic oversight, drawing comparisons to North Korea. The opposition fears it could facilitate a third term for Lourenço. The government argues the law aligns with the constitution and aims to ensure national stability and security.

End of the crisis in Angola 'depends a lot on political will'

06 Oct 2023  |  www.dw.com
Angola faces a worsening economic crisis marked by rising inflation and decreasing purchasing power. The ruling party, MPLA, acknowledges the issues and promises solutions, but critics remain skeptical. The government aims to reduce inflation and diversify the economy away from oil dependency. Public figures suggest increased public investment and political unity as potential solutions. However, skepticism persists, particularly among youth and political analysts, regarding the MPLA's ability to deliver on its promises.


Miners on strike in Angola complain of police intimidation

08 Aug 2023  |  www.dw.com
Miners in Lunda Norte, Angola, have been on strike since June, demanding better working conditions, health insurance, salary increases, and promotions. The strike continues as the Sociedade Mineira do Cuango has not addressed their grievances. Union leader Ferraz Afonso Fernando accuses the police of using real bullets and tear gas to suppress the protests, resulting in injuries and detentions. The police deny using lethal force, stating they only used tear gas to disperse the strikers. The company's management, led by Artur Gonçalves, plans to sanction union members for disrupting operations and denies any severe injuries occurred during the police intervention. Another strike is also ongoing at the Lulu Mine in the same province.

Angolans protest against million-dollar subsidies for deputies

22 Jul 2023  |  www.dw.com
Protesters in Luanda, Angola, are demonstrating against the substantial subsidies granted to deputies, arguing that these benefits are unjustifiable given the economic hardships faced by the majority of citizens. Activists like Yared Bumba and public servant Benvinda Sebastião criticize the deputies for not prioritizing the people's welfare. The protest, organized by jurist Hélder Chiuto, highlights the disparity between the deputies' benefits and the low wages of state employees, calling for the revocation of the approved subsidies.

Angolans to march against deputies' subsidies

11 Jul 2023  |  www.dw.com
The controversy over installation and end-of-term subsidies for Angolan deputies has sparked public outrage, with citizens planning a peaceful march on July 22. The subsidies, approved by all parties in the National Assembly, are seen as an abuse of power amid economic hardships. Civil society, led by jurist Hélder Chiuto, plans to challenge the subsidies legally. UNITA's decision to share 50% of the subsidies with its deputies has not appeased the public, who feel betrayed. The MPLA has not commented on the issue.

Tanaice Neutro: 'Unfortunately, things have gotten worse, the country is not good'

10 Jul 2023  |  www.dw.com
Angolan activist Gilson da Silva Moreira Tanaice Neutro, recently released after 18 months in prison for insulting the state, refuses to apologize to President João Lourenço until the president apologizes to Angolans for unfulfilled electoral promises. Neutro criticizes the government for not addressing the people's problems and denounces poor prison conditions in Angola, calling for unity among citizens to improve the nation. Amnesty International and others showed solidarity during his imprisonment.

UNITA wants law to stop repression of protests in Angola

25 May 2023  |  time.news
The Angolan Parliament is set to debate a bill proposed by UNITA aimed at ending the repression of protests. The bill seeks to limit authorities' ability to prevent demonstrations and emphasizes that prior notification, not authorization, is required for protests. Political analyst Ilídio Manuel and activists like João Malavindele and Joaquim Lutambi express support for the bill, highlighting the need for clearer laws and state accountability. The bill faces skepticism about its approval but is seen as a step towards upholding fundamental rights.

Temples closed in Angola: IURD prays in backyards or online

27 Apr 2023  |  www.dw.com
In Angola, members of the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) are conducting services in backyards and party halls due to the closure of their temples. The conflict within the church, led by bishops Alberto Segunda and Valente Bezerra, has resulted in some temples being forcibly taken by dissidents. The faithful are awaiting the reopening of the temples, which depends on administrative decisions by the government. The church is in a phase of reconciliation, and the leadership of Alberto Segunda, though not recognized by the Instituto Nacional de Assuntos Religiosos (INAR), is working towards resolving the conflict. The church has also announced the end of certain controversial practices. Efforts to obtain comments from INAR and Valente Bezerra's communication team were unsuccessful.

Who is responsible for the delay of municipalities in Angola?

28 Mar 2023  |  dw.com
In Angola, there is confusion over the delay in implementing local municipalities. The government awaits parliamentary approval of the remaining legislation, while the parliament awaits government action. The opposition party UNITA accuses the ruling MPLA of stalling because it does not want municipalities, but the MPLA insists on its commitment. Only one law is needed to complete the legislative package. The Minister of Territorial Administration and State Reform, Dionísio da Fonseca, calls for parliamentary help, and the Finance Minister, Vera Daves, reports budget allocations for municipal infrastructure. UNITA's Franco Marcolino Nhany suggests the executive is responsible for the delay, and activist Fernando Sakuayela urges for a detailed schedule for the implementation of local power.

International Women's Day: Breaking Rocks to Survive

08 Mar 2023  |  www.dw.com
In the Lubango region, women are breaking rocks to survive due to extreme poverty. They sell the rocks to supplement their families' incomes, as their husbands' wages are insufficient. Despite their hard work, they struggle to make ends meet and call for government support, specifically the Kwenda program, which has yet to reach them. The article highlights the plight of these women and their ongoing battle against poverty.

Angola: Magistrates of the Public Ministry halt services

01 Mar 2023  |  www.dw.com
Magistrates of the Public Ministry in Angola have initiated a national strike lasting until March 8, citing threats to their professional dignity and demanding urgent measures. Despite the strike, essential services such as cell inspections and medical interventions for detainees will continue. The strike has garnered significant participation, with many court hearings being rescheduled. The Procurador-Geral da República, Hélder Pitta Grós, has declared the strike illegal, emphasizing that magistrates are not above the law. The strike highlights broader issues within the justice system, including the need for financial autonomy to ensure judicial independence.

Angola: The contradictions surrounding the dismissal of Exalgina Gambôa

28 Feb 2023  |  www.dw.com
The dismissal of Exalgina Gambôa, president of the Tribunal de Contas, remains shrouded in mystery with conflicting reports about her resignation. President João Lourenço announced her departure due to a lack of conditions to continue, but Gambôa had previously indicated her willingness to remain as a judge. The situation is further complicated by allegations of corruption involving Gambôa and the president of the Tribunal Supremo, Joel Leonardo. The controversy has led to confusion and delays in the judicial calendar, raising questions about the integrity of Angola's judicial system.

State of the Nation: UNITA shouts 'dictatorship' while PR speaks

16 Jan 2023  |  www.dw.com
During the State of the Nation address, UNITA members shouted 'dictatorship' as President João Lourenço spoke, highlighting ongoing political tensions. The President addressed legislative issues, including the stalled local governance package and the need for consensus among deputies. He also mentioned the progress in municipal assemblies and the political-administrative division of Angola. MPLA's Rui Falcão emphasized the priority of administrative division before local governance implementation. The Social Renewal Party (PRS) warned of delays due to insufficient local infrastructure. Lourenço also discussed economic adjustments, including fuel subsidy removal and potential VAT reductions, and highlighted improvements in life expectancy and education.

State of the Nation: UNITA shouts 'dictatorship' while PR speaks

16 Jan 2023  |  www.dw.com
During the State of the Nation address, UNITA members shouted 'dictatorship' as President João Lourenço spoke. The National Assembly recently rejected UNITA's motion to impeach Lourenço. The President advised UNITA against responding to his speech, which led to further accusations of dictatorship. Lourenço discussed the stalled legislative package for local governance, emphasizing the need for consensus among deputies. He also mentioned ongoing administrative divisions and infrastructure developments. MPLA's Rui Falcão highlighted the priority of administrative division over local governance. The Social Renewal Party (PRS) warned of delays due to insufficient infrastructure. Lourenço also addressed economic adjustments, including fuel subsidy removal and potential VAT reductions, and noted improvements in life expectancy and infant mortality rates. UNITA's Liberty Chiaka announced plans to respond to Lourenço's speech, asserting the opposition's constitutional right to do so.

Assembly at IURD: Rekindled Controversy or Case Closed?

12 Jan 2023  |  www.dw.com
The Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) in Angola held an extraordinary general assembly to elect new leadership, following a conciliatory agreement mediated by the Angolan state in August 2023. The assembly, expected to draw 30,000 faithful, aims to resolve a long-standing conflict between the reformist Angolan faction led by Valente Bizerra Luís and the Brazilian faction founded by Edir Macedo, currently led by Alberto Segunda. The election, taking place across various provinces, could end the conflict and lead to the reopening of temples closed since 2019. However, the Angolan faction, led by Capinha Salvador Paulo Domingos, disputes the legitimacy of the assembly, calling it a deceptive act. Despite this, many faithful remain optimistic about the resolution of the conflict.

Angola: Lawyer denounces attacks on activists

09 Jan 2023  |  www.dw.com
Angolan lawyer Zola Bambi, recently detained, warns that his arrest and police raid on his home signify direct attacks on human rights defenders in Angola. Bambi, known for providing legal aid to detained activists, has faced multiple detentions and threats, highlighting a pattern of repression. Activist Laurinda Gouveia, recently acquitted of disobedience, criticizes the government for targeting young activists. The Human Rights Monitoring Group condemns the wave of arbitrary detentions and urges the Angolan President to end these practices.

Angolans believe that victory is possible

02 Jan 2023  |  www.dw.com
The Angolan national football team has regained credibility with their performance in the Ivory Coast tournament, achieving one draw and three victories in the African Football Championship (CAN). Fans like Gabriel Manuel and Patricio Miquima express optimism for Angola's potential against Nigeria, while former captain Irene Gonçalves highlights the team's historic progress. Journalist Carlos Tomé anticipates a challenging match for both teams, emphasizing the importance of fewer mistakes and a fair performance by the referees.

Angolans called to 'bang pots' in 'Christmas of misery'

24 Dec 2022  |  dw.com
In Angola, the cost of basic goods has become prohibitively expensive for many consumers during the festive season, with families struggling to afford essentials for Christmas dinner. Inflation accelerated to 18.19% in November and is expected to rise further. A group of civil society organizations and personalities has called for a protest on December 25th, where citizens are encouraged to bang pots to draw attention to the country's poverty. Activist Jerónimo Nsinsa, one of the promoters, describes this as the worst Christmas in 20 years and criticizes the government for the plight of the majority who have no reason to celebrate.

Young PAJUD members hope to run in Angola elections

09 Apr 2022  |  www.dw.com
The Angolan Party of Jurisnaturalism and Democracy (PAJUD), founded by former members of the MPLA's youth wing, is working towards legalization to participate in the upcoming general elections. PAJUD aims to represent and address the issues of the Angolan youth, with a focus on avoiding the mistakes of other political forces. The party, led by Mauro Mendes, is confident in its ability to meet the legal requirements and has no plans to form coalitions with other parties. PAJUD emphasizes its independence from the ruling MPLA and aims to secure significant youth support in the elections.

CASA-CE presents program for general elections

05 Mar 2022  |  dw.com
CASA-CE, led by Manuel Fernandes, is seeking input from Angolans at home and abroad for their government program ahead of the general elections in August. The party aims to create a program that reflects the electorate's suggestions, addressing citizens' concerns and needs. Fernandes criticizes the arrogance of politicians and calls for an end to the electorate's marginalization. He emphasizes the importance of public participation in governance and promises to listen to citizens to eradicate poverty, drawing comparisons to China and Dubai's success. CASA-CE is also preparing to meet with the National Electoral Commission (CNE) to discuss the controversial hiring of the Spanish consultancy INDRA for election management and is committed to preventing any electoral fraud.

University students march for the return to classes

05 Feb 2022  |  www.dw.com
University students in Angola marched to demand the resumption of classes, disrupted by a month-long teachers' strike. The teachers, represented by the Sindicato dos Professores do Ensino Superior, are demanding better salaries, health insurance, research funding, and improved infrastructure. The students, led by the Movimento dos Estudantes Angolanos, expressed solidarity with their teachers and criticized the Ministry of Higher Education for not addressing the issues. The march was peaceful, and the police were praised for their conduct. However, state media were accused of attempting to undermine the protest.

JLO seeks 'resounding victory' in next year's elections

12 Dec 2021  |  dw.com
João Lourenço, president of the MPLA, promises a resounding victory in Angola's upcoming elections, following his re-election as party leader with 98% of the votes. Despite facing criticism for his public policies, Lourenço dismisses them as detractors' fallacies and calls for MPLA militants to be motivated for political reconquest. The MPLA faces challenges due to social crises, high poverty, and failed anti-corruption propaganda. The party's base structures, including the JMPLA and OMA, are mobilizing communities, with the OMA's increased female leadership expected to garner more votes. Political analyst Olívio N'kilumbo suggests the MPLA may resort to unfair tactics to win, while journalist José Gama predicts an unequal electoral contest between the MPLA and opposition, led by Adalberto Costa Júnior of UNITA and the Frente Patriótica Unida.

Adalberto Costa Júnior wants to dialogue with João Lourenço

05 Dec 2021  |  www.dw.com
Adalberto Costa Júnior, in his victory speech as the president of UNITA, emphasized the restoration of institutional dialogue and the importance of positive messaging for national unity. He aims to lead UNITA to governance in the 2022 general elections, overcoming past challenges and ensuring political alternation. The congress, held amid internal turbulence, concluded with a call for unity and support from former leader Isaías Samakuva. Costa Júnior also announced the resumption of the Frente Patriótica Unida's activities, advocating for democratic principles and good governance to eradicate poverty and social inequalities in Angola.

Controversy reignites in IURD Angola

27 Oct 2021  |  www.dw.com
The controversy within the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) in Angola has reignited following the publication of altered church statutes in the Diário da República. The Angolan faction supporting Brazilian interests, led by Bishop António Miguel Ferraz, claims legitimacy, which has been contested by the Instituto Nacional para os Assuntos Religiosos (INAR). INAR considers the new leadership invalid, while the reformist faction, represented by Ângelo Canga, accuses Ferraz's group of deceit. The Ferraz faction denies any illegality, asserting that the statute changes were properly communicated and are legally binding. The dispute highlights ongoing tensions and accusations of manipulation and partiality within the church and between the church and state institutions.

Angolan newspaper director says he is being intimidated

25 Feb 2021  |  www.dw.com
Mariano Brás, director of the Angolan newspaper O Crime, claims he is being intimidated by the Serviço de Investigação Criminal (SIC) after the newspaper labeled President João Lourenço as the 'worst figure of 2020.' Brás argues that his analysis was not offensive but a critique of the President's unfulfilled promises. He has faced multiple legal challenges from political entities, raising concerns about press freedom in Angola, especially in the pre-election period. The Sindicato dos Jornalistas Angolanos is awaiting more information before commenting on the accusations.

Angola: Trial of activists detained in Cazenga postponed

11 Jan 2021  |  www.dw.com
The trial of 11 activists detained in Cazenga, Angola, has been postponed, with no formal charges yet filed. The defense lawyer, Zola Bambi, suggests the delay may be used to fabricate evidence. Additional activists were detained and later released under harsh conditions by the National Police. The Ministry of Public is expected to review the case further.

First LGBT Association in Angola Hopes for Change

06 Aug 2018  |  www.dw.com
The Associação Íris in Luanda, Angola, recently legalized, is painting its new headquarters and hopes to bring change for the LGBT community. Despite facing discrimination, the association, with over 200 members, including public figures, aims to give a voice to LGBT individuals and assist them in openly embracing their identities. The association, founded in 2015, has been involved in health access strategies and educational projects with the Ministry of Education and UNICEF. With official status, Associação Íris now anticipates more funding for its activities.

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