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Danielle Ryan

Budapest, Hungary
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About Danielle
Danielle Ryan is a journalist based in Budapest, Hungary. Her work has appeared most recently in The Nation, Russia Direct, Salon, Rethinking Russia, teleSUR, RT, The BRICS Post and others.
German English
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Business Politics Current Affairs

UN Condemns Suppression of Western Media Coverage of Israeli Atrocities in Gaza

18 Oct 2023  |  www.telesurenglish.net
The UN has condemned the suppression of Western media coverage of Israeli actions in Gaza, with Albanese denouncing the severity of the atrocities. The UNRWA reported the death of at least 200 of its workers and highlighted the displacement of 250,000 people from Khan Yunis, emphasizing the lack of safe places in Gaza.

'Cobra Kai' Was Heavily Inspired By The Gruesome HBO Prison Series 'Oz'

10 Aug 2021  |  SlashFilm
The creator of Netflix's 'Cobra Kai', Hayden Schlossberg, revealed that the show was heavily inspired by HBO's violent prison drama 'Oz'. 'Oz' was a groundbreaking series that influenced many subsequent TV shows, including 'The Sopranos' and 'Breaking Bad'. Schlossberg and his team re-watched 'Oz' episodes during the production of 'Cobra Kai' season 4. The article highlights the enduring legacy of 'Oz' and its impact on television, as well as the journey of 'Cobra Kai' from YouTube to Netflix.

If China's ‘coronavirus charm offensive’ is working on Italians, it's thanks to the West's failures

20 Apr 2020  |  RT International
A poll by SWG research institute shows that 52% of Italians now see China as a friendly nation, a significant increase from the previous year, while the US's favorable rating has dropped. The Atlantic Council attributes this shift to China's effective propaganda and the Italian media's role in it. The article suggests that China's early aid during the COVID-19 crisis and the US's less favorable actions internationally have influenced Italian perceptions. It also notes that Italy's relationship with China was already scrutinized by Western media before the pandemic due to Italy's involvement in China's Silk Road initiative. Additionally, 45% of Italians view Germany and France as enemies, possibly due to their initial refusal to export critical supplies to Italy. The article argues that while China has been managing its international image, the West's own failures have facilitated China's advantageous position.

Hypocrisy: British govt sought out ‘BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES’ in China’s wet markets as public health body warned Brits to stay away

15 Apr 2020  |  RT International
The article criticizes the British government for promoting business opportunities in Chinese wet markets despite public health warnings. It highlights the perceived hypocrisy of British officials, including former PMs Theresa May and David Cameron, who encouraged trade with these markets while public health bodies warned against them. The article also discusses the global debate on the safety of wet markets, with input from various health experts and organizations. It calls for British journalists to hold their government accountable for its actions.

Russian aid to Italy, dubbed an ‘influence operation’ by EU-partnered media outfit, is indeed shameful — for Europe

03 Apr 2020  |  RT International
The article criticizes the European Union's inadequate response to Italy's Covid-19 crisis, highlighting how Russia, China, and Cuba stepped in to provide aid. It condemns Western media, particularly Coda Story, for portraying Russian aid as an influence operation while ignoring the EU's failures. The piece underscores the irony of Western organizations like the European Endowment for Democracy, which it claims engage in similar influence operations. The article suggests that the EU's inaction has damaged its credibility and solidarity, making Russian aid necessary.

Bernie or bust? Bloomberg took a beating from ALL the Democrats at the Nevada debate, but it’s Sanders’ race to lose

20 Feb 2020  |  RT International
Mike Bloomberg faced severe criticism from his Democratic rivals during the Nevada debate, with Bernie Sanders emerging as the clear frontrunner. Bloomberg's performance was widely seen as unprepared and out-of-touch, particularly on issues like 'stop and frisk' and his treatment of women. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders had standout moments, with Sanders emphasizing the need for a political revolution and critiquing the current system's inequality. The article suggests that Sanders' progressive ideals resonate with many Americans facing economic hardships, contrasting sharply with Bloomberg's wealth and centrist policies.

US media tries another ‘Bernie blackout’ after New Hampshire win, but their game is not working

12 Feb 2020  |  RT International
Bernie Sanders' victory in the New Hampshire primary is downplayed by mainstream US media, which instead focuses on Amy Klobuchar's third-place finish. The article criticizes media outlets like CNN, Fox News, Reuters, and MSNBC for ignoring or minimizing Sanders' success, suggesting a bias against his candidacy. It highlights the media's preference for centrist candidates and their attempts to undermine Sanders' electability despite his consistent frontrunner status and popular vote wins in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

Not a great look: Failed Iowa caucus app is deeply linked to self-declared winner Buttigieg… and Hillary Clinton

04 Feb 2020  |  rt.com
The app designed to report Iowa caucus results, developed by Shadow Inc, failed during the crucial moment. Shadow Inc has ties to the Democratic establishment and was paid by Pete Buttigieg's campaign, leading to suspicions of bias, especially among Bernie Sanders' supporters. The company's executives have connections to Hillary Clinton's campaign, and ACRONYM, the digital non-profit that launched Shadow, tried to distance itself from the company post-debacle. Rumors also involve Robby Mook's security company in vetting the app. The DNC's history of bias against Sanders in 2016 adds to the controversy. Despite no official results, Buttigieg declared victory, while Sanders' camp released data suggesting his win, fueling further distrust and anger among progressives.

Trump’s ‘win-win’ deal for Israel-Palestine is a bit like his ‘100 percent’ defeat of ISIS, not backed by reality

29 Jan 2020  |  RT International
Donald Trump claimed a complete defeat of ISIS and touted his 'deal of the century' for the Israel-Palestine conflict, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Experts warn that ISIS remains active and is regaining strength, particularly in the wake of heightened US-Iran tensions following the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. The article criticizes Trump's exaggerated claims and highlights the contributions of other nations and militias in combating ISIS.

Who’s the bigger Russian agent, Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn? Depends who (and when) you ask!

05 Dec 2019  |  RT International
The article discusses the ongoing UK election and the frequent accusations of political figures being Russian agents. Both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn have faced such allegations, with the article highlighting the absurdity and lack of evidence behind these claims. The piece also touches on the broader use of smear tactics in political campaigns, referencing the NHS, the Trump administration, and various reports and organizations.

The EU has a new batch of unelected leaders, but where is the democracy?

03 Jul 2019  |  rt.com
Europe has appointed new leaders without a democratic process, highlighting the EU's undemocratic nature. Ursula von der Leyen, Josep Borrell Fontelles, Christine Lagarde, and Charles Michel have been selected for top EU positions without public votes or debates. The article questions the EU's legitimacy and connection to its citizens, citing the late Austrian political thinker Leopold Kohr, who advocated for smaller states as the true form of democracy.

The ‘greatest country in the world’ can’t afford soap for kids – and it’s not Sarah Fabian’s fault

27 Jun 2019  |  RT International
A viral video of DOJ lawyer Sarah Fabian arguing against providing basic hygiene items to children in US border detention centers has sparked outrage. While Fabian has been criticized, the article argues that the real issue lies in the systemic failures of the US immigration system, which has persisted across both the Obama and Trump administrations. The text highlights the hypocrisy of a nation that spends heavily on defense but cannot provide basic necessities to detained migrant children, and criticizes the media and public for focusing on individual blame rather than addressing broader systemic problems.

US backs Israel’s ‘sovereignty’ over Golan Heights, proving sovereignty is not something it respects

31 Mar 2019  |  www.thecitizen.co.tz
The article criticizes the United States for its 'recognition' of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a region internationally recognized as Syrian territory. It argues that such actions are consistent with a history of US violations of other countries' sovereignty, including military interventions and economic sanctions. The piece suggests that US foreign policy is hypocritical, as it preaches democracy and human rights while engaging in regime changes and supporting undemocratic actions abroad. The article also critiques the US media for failing to hold the government accountable for these actions.

Updated: RT Op-Ed Attacks McFaul For Travel Warning after Espionage Arrest

05 Jan 2019  |  www.polygraph.info
Following the arrest of American citizen Paul Whelan in Moscow on espionage charges, former U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul advised against traveling to Russia, prompting criticism from RT journalist Danielle Ryan. Ryan argued that McFaul's stance exemplifies double standards, contrasting Whelan's case with that of Russian citizen Maria Butina, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy in the U.S. The article critiques Ryan's claims, highlighting Russia's higher homicide rates and questioning the reliability of Russian crime statistics. It also notes the U.S. State Department's travel advisory for Russia, emphasizing the risks of arbitrary detention and harassment.

Actress Jameela Jamil slams the Kardashian family in explosive interview

29 Aug 2018  |  Mail Online
Jameela Jamil criticizes the Kardashian family for promoting harmful body image messages and products like appetite-suppressant lollipops. She labels them as 'double agents for the patriarchy,' profiting from and perpetuating damaging societal standards. Despite facing backlash, Jamil stands firm in her stance, emphasizing the need for constructive criticism and expressing sadness over the Kardashians' influence on young women.

A vision of the future? 28-year-old socialist stirs up New York politics

27 Jun 2018  |  RT International
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old socialist and former Bernie Sanders volunteer, has defeated 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley in New York's Democratic congressional primary. Her victory, with 57.5 percent of the vote, challenges the Democratic establishment and suggests a shift towards progressive policies such as abolishing ICE, medicare for all, and free university education. Ocasio-Cortez's campaign, which rejected corporate donations and raised significant small donations, contrasts with the perceived complacency of establishment figures like Crowley. Her win is seen as a message to Democrats to embrace progressive change or risk further losses, drawing parallels to the party's defeat in the 2016 presidential election.

McCarthy-Style Targeting of Jill Stein Proves Democrats Have Truly Lost The Plot

22 Dec 2017  |  www.mintpressnews.com
The article criticizes the US Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into Jill Stein, accusing it of being a baseless witch hunt driven by Democrats' frustration over their 2016 election loss. It highlights the negative media coverage Stein received from platforms like ThinkProgress and Vice, labeling it as neo-McCarthyism. The piece defends Stein and other dissenting voices against accusations of Russian collusion, arguing that the Democrats' actions are aimed at discrediting all opposition. The article also humorously mentions Lindsay Lohan in the context of the current political climate.

In defense of Jedediah Bila: Another "View" conservative bites the dust

01 Oct 2017  |  Salon
Jedediah Bila's abrupt departure from 'The View' highlights the show's ongoing struggle with conservative co-hosts. Bila, a libertarian-conservative, was reportedly not conservative enough for network executives, leading to her replacement by Meghan McCain. The article criticizes the media's promotion of extreme voices and the lack of nuanced debate, suggesting that 'The View' should have retained Bila for a more balanced discussion. The piece also reflects on the broader media and political culture, lamenting the audience's difficulty in connecting with moderate viewpoints.

Facing Trump's threats, why in God's name would North Korea disarm?

24 Sep 2017  |  Salon
President Donald Trump's speech at the United Nations General Assembly, which included threats to destroy North Korea, has raised questions about why North Korea would consider disarming. The article argues that North Korea views its nuclear arsenal as essential for its defense against the US, especially given historical conflicts and current US rhetoric. The piece also critiques Trump's approach as provocative and counterproductive, suggesting it reinforces North Korea's resolve to maintain its nuclear capabilities.

Brexit and Ireland: Britain's troubled relationship with the island next door is a problem again

20 Aug 2017  |  Salon
The article discusses the complex and contentious issue of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the context of Brexit. It highlights the logistical and political challenges of maintaining a 'soft' border post-Brexit, the potential for renewed violence, and the differing positions of the British government, the EU, and the Irish government. The article also touches on the historical context of the Troubles and the psychological impact of potentially reintroducing a 'hard' border. The British government's proposals have been criticized as unrealistic, and the EU is unlikely to agree to an unmonitored border. The idea of a united Ireland is mentioned as a potential solution but is politically sensitive.

What if the DNC Russian 'hack' was really a leak after all? A new report raises questions media and Democrats would rather ignore

15 Aug 2017  |  Salon
A new report by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) challenges the narrative that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was hacked by Russians in 2016, suggesting instead that it was an insider leak. The report, supported by forensic evidence, claims that the data transfer speed indicates a local download rather than a remote hack. The article criticizes the media and intelligence agencies for not rigorously examining the evidence and for promoting a narrative that may have been politically motivated. The findings, if true, could significantly impact U.S.-Russia relations and the credibility of the DNC and mainstream media.

Outraged British public forces American billionaire Stan Kroenke to drop plans for bloodsport channel

06 Aug 2017  |  Salon
The British public's outrage forced American billionaire Stan Kroenke to abandon plans for a TV channel dedicated to trophy hunting. The channel, My Outdoor TV, faced backlash for intending to air footage of hunting endangered African species. Despite initial defenses by spokesperson Simon Barr, Kroenke retracted the content. The article criticizes the notion that trophy hunting aids conservation, citing reports that debunk such claims and highlight the negative impact on wildlife populations. It also mentions the controversial killing of Cecil the lion and the involvement of Donald Trump's sons in trophy hunting.

Trump's foreign policy: Bizarre and inconsistent, or more strategic than we think?

30 Jul 2017  |  Salon
The article critiques the Trump administration's foreign policy, particularly its decision to end the CIA program to arm Syrian rebels and its inconsistent stance on Ukraine. It argues that while ending the CIA program made sense due to its ineffectiveness, the administration's overall foreign policy is erratic and sends mixed messages. The article highlights the complexities of the Ukraine conflict and questions the strategic coherence of Trump's actions, suggesting that they may be driven by personal grievances and a desire to balance relations with Russia.

What’s really in your dog’s food? You probably don’t want to know

16 Jul 2017  |  Salon
The article exposes the disturbing realities of the pet food industry, highlighting the presence of harmful substances like pentobarbital in dog food due to the use of euthanized animals and other contaminated materials. It criticizes the lack of stringent regulations and oversight by the FDA in the U.S., contrasting it with stricter enforcement in the European Union. The piece also discusses the deceptive marketing practices of pet food companies and the growing trend of raw feeding as a healthier alternative. The author advocates for greater consumer education to drive industry change.

Both sides in Syria’s war are using suffering kids to push their agendas — and it's inexcusable

11 Jun 2017  |  Salon
The article discusses the exploitation of children like Omran Daqneesh and Bana Alabed by both sides in the Syrian Civil War to push their agendas. It criticizes the Western media for using Omran's image to promote regime change in Syria and highlights the political bias of the White Helmets. The piece also questions the objectivity of Western journalists and points out the selective outrage over suffering children based on the narrative they fit. The article underscores the hypocrisy of both sides in using children as symbols of the other's crimes.

Why can't Hillary let it go? Donald Trump’s not the only one still obsessing over the election

04 Jun 2017  |  Salon
Hillary Clinton, in a recent interview, continues to attribute her 2016 election loss to external factors such as Russian interference, fake news, and sexism, while failing to acknowledge any personal or campaign misjudgments. She criticizes the Democratic National Committee's data, the FBI's handling of her email investigation, and the influence of WikiLeaks. The article suggests that Clinton's refusal to accept responsibility and move on is detrimental to the Democratic Party's future prospects.

Donald Trump has no "secret plan" to wipe out the "evil losers" of ISIS — he's stuck in the same old no-win situation

27 May 2017  |  Salon
President Donald Trump's campaign promises to defeat ISIS with a 'secret plan' have proven ineffective. His reliance on allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, who have been accused of supporting extremism, undermines his efforts. The article criticizes Trump's inconsistent stance and highlights the complexities of the Middle Eastern conflict, suggesting that his approach may exacerbate terrorism rather than eliminate it.

Nothing about Comey’s firing makes sense — and there are serious holes in both the right's and left's talking points

13 May 2017  |  Salon
The article critically examines the firing of former FBI director James Comey, highlighting inconsistencies and hypocrisies in both liberal and conservative reactions. It discusses the liberal shift from condemning Comey to defending him, and questions the Trump administration's rationale for the dismissal. The piece also explores the potential implications of the firing on the Russia investigation and suggests that Trump's actions may be driven by personal grievances and miscalculations.

Putin's predicament: Harrowing reports of anti-gay violence in Chechnya have Russia's leader in a tough spot

23 Apr 2017  |  Salon
Reports of anti-gay violence in Chechnya have placed Russian President Vladimir Putin in a difficult position. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov denies the allegations, but evidence suggests otherwise. The Kremlin's reluctance to condemn Kadyrov is tied to the need for stability in the volatile region. Investigative efforts by Novaya Gazeta and the Guardian highlight the risks faced by journalists. The situation underscores the tension between maintaining regional control and addressing human rights abuses.

Dictator vs. democrat? Not quite: Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny is no progressive hero

02 Apr 2017  |  freerepublic.com
Alexey Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition leader and critic of Vladimir Putin, is often portrayed as a hero in Western media. However, the article highlights his nationalist leanings, ties to neo-Nazi groups, and extreme anti-immigrant views, which are frequently downplayed or ignored in Western coverage. The piece argues that Western audiences tend to oversimplify Russian politics, casting Navalny as a 'good guy' without acknowledging the complexities of his political stance.

Ivanka’s West Wing office and Chelsea’s Power of Women honor? Being born to wealthy parents can do wonders for your career

26 Mar 2017  |  Salon
Ivanka Trump's increasing role in the Trump White House, including her West Wing office and security clearance, raises ethical questions and highlights her privilege. Despite her advocacy for women's issues, her actions and initiatives, such as 'Women Who Work,' are criticized as unrelatable and ineffective. Similarly, Chelsea Clinton's recognition at Variety magazine's Power of Women event underscores the advantages of being born to wealthy and powerful parents, with her achievements often perceived as stemming from privilege rather than merit.

(PHOTOGRAPHY) Moscow to Vladivostok: Snapshots from the Trans-Siberian

(PHOTOGRAPHY) Moscow Victory Day 2016 - street photography

TRAVEL FEATURE - Moscow and St. Petersburg (Sunday Business Post)

Making sense of Putin's visit to Hungary - RUSSIA DIRECT

Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country - THE NATION

How a Syrian Family Fares in Ireland Interview with Christian Syrian family who sought refugee status in Ireland - THE NATION

So much for the Russian threat: Putin slashes defense spending while Trump plans massive buildup

19 Mar 2017  |  www.salon.com
The article discusses the significant reduction in Russia's defense budget, which has been cut by 25.5 percent for 2017, according to the Russian Federal Treasury. This is the largest cut since the early 1990s and contrasts with the previous years of military spending increases. The author suggests that the cuts are a result of economic pressures from Western sanctions and low oil prices, rather than a change in Russia's military ambitions. The article criticizes the Western media's lack of attention to this development and challenges the prevailing narrative of Russia as an aggressive threat. It also compares Russian military spending with that of the U.S. and questions the rationality of Western perceptions of Russia, citing a personal anecdote from a hiking trip in Siberia to illustrate misconceptions about Russian intentions.

An end to bromance: Russia's in love with Trump, right? Not as much as you think

11 Feb 2017  |  Salon
The article critiques the oversimplified and conspiratorial narratives surrounding Donald Trump's relationship with Russia, emphasizing that the Russian government is not as enthusiastic about Trump as commonly believed. It highlights the Kremlin's preference for predictability, concerns over Trump's impulsive nature, and the mixed signals from Trump's administration regarding Russia. The piece calls for a more sober and realistic analysis of US-Russia relations, moving away from Cold War-era conspiracy theories.

Clickbait culture and groupthink mentality have led to the collapse of journalism — and the rise of Donald Trump

22 Jan 2017  |  Salon
Journalism's decline is attributed to a clickbait-driven media environment and groupthink, leading to a lack of fact-checking and the rise of unverified reporting. The article criticizes the practice of prioritizing speed and quantity over quality and accuracy, and the reliance on anonymous sources. It highlights the negative impact of such practices on the profession's reputation and their role in the election of Donald Trump. The article calls for a return to responsible journalism, exemplified by the careful informing of the public and adherence to facts, as opposed to the dissemination of rumors and gossip.

Forgotten history: Ireland's short-lived brush with Soviet socialism

30 Sep 2016  |  Russia Beyond
In the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Limerick Soviet emerged as a significant workers' movement in Ireland, inspired by global socialist sentiments. Triggered by the arrest and death of trade unionist Robert Byrne, the workers of Limerick established a soviet that controlled the city, rationed food, and maintained order. Despite initial success, the movement was short-lived due to pressure from the British government, the Catholic Church, and business owners. The article reflects on whether the Limerick Soviet could have led to a broader socialist revolution in Ireland, concluding that nationalism took precedence over socialism at the time.

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