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David Bett

Nairobi, Kenya
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About David
David Bett is a multimedia journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya.
English Swahili
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Investigative Journalism Live Reporting
Technology Natural Disasters War Reporter

Lesions of the Head Direction Cell System Increase Hippocampal Place Field Repetition

Digital Era in Newsrooms: Why Journalists Need to Adapt

01 Oct 2023  |  www.talkafrica.co.ke
Journalists and media practitioners face significant challenges due to the digital transformation of the media industry, leading to job insecurity and the need for new skill sets. Traditional media must adapt to compete with digital platforms, and journalists are encouraged to build personal brands to enhance their visibility and negotiating power. The rise of platforms like TikTok and Meta has shifted advertising dynamics, requiring media houses to tailor their content and policies accordingly. The future of journalism education emphasizes digital skills, with institutions like Aga Khan University leading the way. Prominent media figures like Mark Masai and Soni Kanake have successfully transitioned to digital platforms, underscoring the importance of adaptability in the evolving media landscape.

Staring at Death: The Agony of Living Without ARVs in Kenya

05 Apr 2023  |  Orato
The article highlights the dire situation faced by Kenyans living with HIV, including the first-person account of Mary Kariuki, due to a shortage of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. This shortage is a result of a standoff between Kenya and USAID, the organization that donates ARVs to Kenya. Mary, who has been living with HIV for nearly a decade, describes the life-threatening risk posed by the unavailability of ARVs, including the dangerous practice of drug-sharing with her son. The article emphasizes the urgency for the Kenyan government to resolve the issue with USAID to ensure that over 1.5 million Kenyans living with HIV can access their life-saving medications. The cost of ARVs is prohibitive for most Kenyans, making donated drugs essential. The government claims to be working to resolve the supply issues, but for many, the situation remains critical.

I became heartless and could do anything to anyone, including killing if that was my mission.

01 Apr 2023  |  Orato
The article is a first-person account of Anthony Mugendi, a former gang leader of the Pirates in Mathare slum, Nairobi, Kenya. Mugendi recounts his past as a criminal, engaging in activities such as robbery, rape, and murder. He describes the Pirates' rivalry with another gang, Mungiki, and how they took over their extortion practices. The article details Mugendi's transformation and regret over his actions, as well as his current efforts to give back to the community through farming, garbage collection, and running a library for children. Despite their reformation, the group still faces extrajudicial killings by the police, with their numbers dwindling from over 400 to around 20. Mugendi expresses hope for forgiveness from those he harmed and urges other criminals to reform, emphasizing the futility of crime.

Mahakama zazindua mfumo mpya wa kufanya kesi.

Teenage Pregnancies in Kenya

Reopening of schools amidst Coronavirus scourge

Traditional garments among Kalenjin people in Kenya, made out of animal hides.


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