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Davide Lerner

Ankara, Turkey
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About Davide
Davide Lerner is a freelance journalist based in Ankara, Turkey. He graduated from the London School of Economics and the London School of Oriental and African Studies. He has previously worked for Agence France Presse and Associated Press, as well as done live radio and TV. He freelances widely in both English and Italian and speaks fluently four languages (English, Italian, French and Hebrew).
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Armed gangs, vendettas, and military operations. The war in Gaza unleashes the violence of the settlers

09 Nov 2023  |  editorialedomani.it
Following the most bloody attack in the country's history on October 7th, perpetrated by Palestinian militants from Hamas and other organizations, resulting in 1,400 Israeli and approximately 10,000 Gazan casualties, violence has surged in the West Bank. About 155 Palestinians have been killed by soldiers or settlers in the last month, surpassing the previous year's death toll. Israeli extremists have been conducting cold-blooded executions in Palestinian villages and attacking farmers. The Israeli government, which includes representatives of violent extremist settler factions, has been criticized for its inaction and creating a climate of widespread impunity. The push to arm more Israeli civilians could exacerbate the situation, with the White House seeking assurances that the weapons provided to Israel do not end up with extremist groups in the West Bank. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to comment on the surge in extremist violence, possibly due to coalition concerns.

Ahed Tamimi Arrested, the Icon of the Fight Against Israeli Occupation

07 Nov 2023  |  editorialedomani.it
Ahed Tamimi, a 22-year-old Palestinian activist from Nabi Saleh, known for her resistance against Israeli occupation, was arrested by Israeli forces on charges of incitement to terrorism. The arrest followed a controversial Instagram post, which is suspected to be fake, as her family denies her having an account. Tamimi became an icon of Palestinian resistance after a viral video of her slapping an Israeli soldier. She had previously served eight months in prison and upon release, expressed her desire to study international law to continue her fight against the occupation. Israeli Public Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir praised the arrest, while Tamimi's past and future intentions highlight the ongoing struggle and hope for an end to the occupation.

Netanyahu again towards victory in Israel vote

31 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Exit polls in Israel suggest a return to power for Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the right-wing Likud party, with his bloc potentially securing over half of the Knesset seats. The ultra-nationalist Religious Zionism party also saw significant gains. The current prime minister, Yair Lapid, and his bloc are trailing. The article highlights the political uncertainty and the potential impact of the Arab nationalist party Balad. Key issues for voters include the cost of living and social concerns, with left-wing parties focusing on these areas. Netanyahu remains a polarizing figure, capable of mobilizing high voter turnout.

Now Netanyahu collapses in the polls, resentment of the country smolders in silence

15 Oct 2023  |  editorialedomani.it
Following a significant attack by Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approval ratings and those of his allies have plummeted, as shown by a Maariv poll. Netanyahu's Likud party is projected to drop to 19 seats from the current 32. The crisis has benefited Benny Gantz's HaMahane HaMamlakhti party, which is now expected to secure 41 seats. Gantz has decided to join Netanyahu's government amidst the crisis. The article suggests that Netanyahu's political vision and the 'peace through strength' approach are being questioned in light of the recent attack.

The other war for water that condemns the innocent

15 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The article discusses the severe water crisis in Gaza exacerbated by the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. It highlights the structural dependency of Gaza on Israel for water supplies, with many Palestinians having access to only half a liter of potable water per day. The Israeli government has partially resumed water transfers to Gaza under international pressure, despite initially halting them. The article also covers the historical and ongoing water scarcity in the region, the advanced water management technologies in Israel, and the unequal distribution of water resources in the West Bank, where Israeli settlers receive significantly more water than Palestinians.

Biden reaffirms special relationship with Israel, ignores Palestinians and alludes to Iran

12 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Joe Biden's visit to Israel reaffirms the strong US-Israel relationship, with a focus on security cooperation and the Iran nuclear threat. Despite his historical support for Israel, Biden did not address the Palestinian issue in his speech, aligning with his administration's stance of not proposing new peace initiatives. The visit also highlighted the controversy surrounding the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, with the US inviting her family to Washington. The article underscores Biden's longstanding ties with Israeli leaders and his commitment to maintaining the special relationship between the two nations.

The war continues 'at full speed'. The truce is moving away

08 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that military operations in Gaza will continue 'at full speed,' dashing hopes for a ceasefire. The conflict has resulted in significant casualties, with over 190 deaths in Gaza and 10 in Israel. Diplomatic efforts are ongoing, with Jordan's King Abdullah and UN Secretary-General António Guterres advocating for an immediate ceasefire. The situation remains perilous, with increased civilian casualties and continued violence in mixed Arab-Jewish cities. Netanyahu's actions have been criticized by opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Avigdor Lieberman, who accuse him of using the conflict for political gain. The Israeli military's recent attack on a building housing media offices has also drawn international attention. The conflict's escalation is partly attributed to the postponement of Palestinian elections, which Hamas saw as an opportunity to gain political ground.

The war in Ukraine draws new Middle Eastern balances

03 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed in Sharm El Sheikh to discuss regional cooperation, energy prices, and food security amid the Ukraine war. The summit signals a message to the US regarding the Iran nuclear deal, with both Israel and UAE opposing its revival. The meeting also underscores the diminishing focus on the Palestinian issue and highlights Egypt's economic challenges, including its reliance on grain imports. The article reflects on the evolving Middle Eastern alliances post-Abraham Accords.

Olmert: 'It is a judicial pogrom. Israel risks drifting'

02 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Ehud Olmert, former Israeli Prime Minister, criticizes the current government's judicial reforms, describing them as a 'judicial pogrom' that threatens Israel's democratic values. He expresses concern over the increasing influence of ultra-orthodox sectors and the aggressive response to protests. Olmert also criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership, accusing him of prioritizing personal interests over national welfare and failing to achieve peace with Palestinians. The article highlights the potential negative impacts on Israel's military and economy, with significant internal and external pressures on the government.

Keret: 'Netanyahu is a zombie and will not compromise'

02 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Etgar Keret, a prominent Israeli writer, criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, describing him as a 'zombie' who will not compromise on judicial reforms. Keret expresses deep concern over the current state of Israeli politics, highlighting the ideological battle over the Supreme Court and the increasing polarization within society. He fears that Netanyahu's actions could lead to further violence and undermine democracy. Keret also reflects on his personal struggles and the impact of the political climate on his creativity.

Lebanon goes to the polls, but no one believes in change

01 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Lebanon is heading to the polls amid widespread skepticism about the potential for political change. The country is grappling with a severe economic crisis, and many citizens have low expectations for the elections. The political landscape remains divided, with Hezbollah's influence and the debate over its military power being central issues. The International Monetary Fund has offered financial aid, but concerns about currency devaluation and economic instability persist. Key political figures like Hassan Nasrallah, Saad Hariri, Samir Geagea, and Gebran Bassil are mentioned, with Bassil facing criticism for alleged corruption. The upcoming elections are unlikely to bring significant change, and the formation of a new government may face prolonged negotiations.

Moldova welcomes Ukrainian refugees and fears it may be the next front

01 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Moldova is grappling with an influx of Ukrainian refugees, with many arriving in desperate conditions. The country has shown significant solidarity, but faces challenges including a strained humanitarian response and security risks from its dependence on Russian gas and the presence of Russian troops in Transnistria. The situation is compared to Lebanon's refugee crisis, highlighting internal poverty and potential social tensions. Moldova's pro-European government is focused on reforms and integration into the EU, but the ongoing conflict in Ukraine poses significant risks.

The lawyer of extremists who brought Netanyahu back to power in Israel

01 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Itamar Ben Gvir, a controversial lawyer and politician with a history of extremist views and actions, has played a significant role in bringing Benjamin Netanyahu back to power in Israel. Ben Gvir's past includes associations with the illegal Kach movement and defending individuals accused of hate crimes against Arabs and Palestinians. His political rise has been facilitated by Netanyahu's strategic alliances with far-right parties, leading to the normalization of Ben Gvir's movement and his potential appointment to a significant ministerial position. The article highlights the implications of this political shift and the challenges Netanyahu may face on the international stage.

Netanyahu's Book Foresees Clash with the High Court

01 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Benjamin Netanyahu's autobiography, 'Bibi, la mia storia,' outlines his perspective on the ongoing conflict with Israel's Supreme Court, emphasizing the need for judicial reforms to balance the branches of government. Netanyahu criticizes the judiciary and media, portraying them as obstacles to conservative governance. The proposed reforms, including the override clause, aim to weaken the judiciary's power. Netanyahu's narrative underscores his belief in Israel's strength through power rather than concessions, reflecting a realist approach to international relations. The new government also targets the public broadcaster Kan, indicating a broader strategy against perceived leftist institutions.

The Forgotten Crisis of Afghanistan, Increasingly Poor Under Taliban Rule

01 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is worsening under the Taliban regime, with widespread poverty and a collapsing healthcare system. The Taliban blame U.S. sanctions and frozen assets for exacerbating the situation, while also imposing repressive measures on the population. International recognition remains limited, with some diplomatic presence but no ambassadors. The Taliban are seeking new international partnerships, as evidenced by their participation in the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey.

On Palestinians with Two Passports, Israel Yields to the USA

01 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Israel is negotiating with the United States to join the Visa Waiver Program, which would allow Israeli citizens to travel to the US without a visa. However, the US requires reciprocal access for all its citizens, including Palestinian-Americans, who currently face travel restrictions in Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has initiated a pilot program to allow Palestinian-Americans to enter Israel, despite security objections from Shin Bet. The outcome of this program will be crucial for Israel's acceptance into the Visa Waiver Program, with a deadline for negotiations set for September 30.

The Iranian Dissident Who Frightens Tehran from Her American Exile

01 Oct 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Masih Alinejad, an influential Iranian dissident living in American exile, uses social media to challenge the Iranian regime, advocating for human rights and freedom. Despite threats and attempts on her life, she continues her activism, supported by international figures and organizations. Her efforts have highlighted the regime's oppressive actions, particularly during the 2019 protests. Alinejad's work, including her documentary 'Be My Voice' and book 'Il vento fra i capelli,' underscores the ongoing struggle for freedom in Iran.

Biden goes to Israel. And Tel Aviv dreams of a Middle Eastern NATO

12 Jul 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
US President Joe Biden's visit to Israel and subsequent direct flight to Saudi Arabia marks a historic moment, highlighting the growing isolation of Iran and the diminishing focus on the Palestinian issue. Biden's participation in the Gulf Cooperation Council summit in Jeddah could pave the way for new defense agreements involving Israel, potentially leading to a 'Middle Eastern NATO' against Iran. The visit includes meetings with Israeli leaders and a brief encounter with opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu. The article discusses the potential for new cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the risks of escalating tensions with Iran. Biden's administration maintains Trump's policies on Jerusalem and the Golan Heights while restoring funding to Palestinians and considering reopening the PLO's Washington office. Biden will also review a new laser-based missile defense system in Israel.

The theater symbol of freedom that was occupied during the invasion of Jenin

05 Jul 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The Freedom Theatre in Jenin, a symbol of cultural resistance, was occupied and damaged during a recent Israeli military invasion. The attack, which resulted in significant destruction and casualties, is reminiscent of past conflicts. The theater, founded by Juliano Mer Khamis, has been a beacon of cultural resistance and international appreciation. The article highlights the impact on local infrastructure and the community, including the death of an Israeli soldier and the involvement of the Samaritan community. Mustafà Sheta, the theater's director, faces the challenge of restoring the damaged institution.

Rain of rockets on Israel after the death of the jihadist leader in prison

02 May 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Khader Adnan, a member of the Islamic Jihad group, died in an Israeli prison after a prolonged 86-day hunger strike, sparking a barrage of rockets from Gaza into Israel, injuring at least seven people. Protests and clashes occurred in the West Bank, marking the start of 2023 as the deadliest since the second intifada. Israeli prisons are a battleground for Palestinian factions to negotiate with Israeli authorities, with tensions heightened by the appointment of Itamar Ben Gvir as Minister of National Security, who vowed to end 'summer camp' conditions for 'murderous terrorists'.

In Transnistria race to apply for Moldovan citizenship to save themselves from Putin

27 Apr 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Explosions in Tiraspol, the capital of the pro-Russian separatist region of Transnistria in Moldova, have caused shock and fear among residents. The incident, suspected to be orchestrated, has heightened tensions amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. The article discusses the divided opinions among locals regarding the conflict, with some supporting Russia and others sympathizing with Ukraine. The Moldovan government has banned the Russian military symbol, leading to threats from Russia. The article highlights the increasing number of Transnistria residents applying for Moldovan citizenship, indicating a preference for alignment with the West. The future of Transnistria and Moldova is seen as dependent on Ukraine's resistance.

Is Israel's Netanyahu Truce Merely a Tactic?

28 Mar 2023  |  editorialedomani.it
Following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to pause legislation that would weaken the Supreme Court and politicize the judiciary, there is widespread concern that this is merely a tactical truce. Netanyahu has stated his commitment to implementing a reform to restore balance between authorities. Israeli author Nadav Eyal suggests Netanyahu will attempt to pass the reform by July but acknowledges his weakened position. Itamar Ben Gvir, a hardliner within the coalition, remains committed to the reform, while Netanyahu has proposed forming a new 'National Guard' under Ben Gvir's command. The day after Netanyahu's step back, there was a sense of relief, with President Isaac Herzog calling for dialogue and the United States signaling openness to a future visit by Netanyahu. Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's meeting with UAE leader Mohammed bin Zayed is seen as a sign of international coolness towards Netanyahu.

Israel, Netanyahu grants a pause for reflection on judicial reform

27 Mar 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a pause in the legislative process for the controversial judicial reform, citing the need for dialogue to avoid civil war. The reform, which would diminish the power of the Supreme Court, has sparked widespread protests, including strikes and demonstrations. The protests intensified after Netanyahu dismissed a minister who opposed the reform. The situation has led to significant disruptions in Israel, with fears of potential violence between opposing groups. Netanyahu's decision to delay the reform follows pressure from various sectors, including the military and unions.

Netanyahu under siege seeks refuge from ally Meloni

08 Mar 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Benjamin Netanyahu, under siege due to proposed judicial reforms in Israel, seeks refuge in Italy with ally Giorgia Meloni. The reforms, which would weaken the Supreme Court, have sparked widespread protests and international isolation for Netanyahu. His visit to Rome is seen as a diversion, with critics labeling the reforms as a coup. The trip is marked by logistical challenges and dissent within Israeli society, including a boycott by El Al pilots. Meloni, eager to reaffirm her support for Israel, faces scrutiny over her political past. Netanyahu's return to Israel will coincide with further protests against the judicial reforms.

Israel, the battle against Netanyahu's assault on the judiciary

14 Feb 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The article discusses the intense opposition in Israel to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed judicial reforms, which aim to weaken the Supreme Court's power and increase government control. The reforms have sparked widespread protests and criticism from various sectors, including opposition leaders, legal experts, and international bodies like the White House. The article highlights the potential consequences of the reforms on Israel's democratic principles and judicial independence.

Lawyers, Writers, and Entrepreneurs: The Voices of Protest Against Netanyahu

30 Jan 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Recent protests in Israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's divisive figure have united a diverse group of individuals, including right-wing disillusioned, progressives, secularists, religious people, tech entrepreneurs, and writers. They oppose a new package of reforms aimed at curtailing the Supreme Court's powers. Notable figures in the protests include Avi Himi, David Grossman, and former police chief Roni Alsheich. The tech sector has also voiced concerns that the reforms threaten Israel's judicial independence and, by extension, its innovation and investment climate. U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has expressed concern over the reforms during his visit to Israel, emphasizing the importance of democratic institutions and human rights.

In Israel, the hardline government risks a security crisis

30 Jan 2023  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The newly established right-wing Israeli government faces a security crisis following recent violent incidents, including a deadly attack near a synagogue in East Jerusalem. The escalation has led to Palestinian celebrations and increased tensions. Key figures like Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich are pushing hardline policies, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls for calm. The situation remains volatile, with experts cautioning against drawing direct connections between the new government's rhetoric and the recent attacks.

Zeruya Shalev, the Israeli writer who acts as a therapist for her country

02 Nov 2022  |  editorialedomani.it
Zeruya Shalev, author of the novel 'Stupore' recently released by Feltrinelli and translated by Elena Loewenthal, is known for her deep exploration of the souls of a highly divided Israeli society. Her work, which has been translated into about twenty languages, often reflects universal behaviors and neuroses, resonating with readers' own experiences. Shalev's latest novel delves into 'patchwork families' and the challenges they face. She also touches on the legacy of the Lehi group, a paramilitary organization active during the British mandate in Palestine, which included her father as a member. The novel examines the devotion of Lehi members and the female experience within the group, offering insights into the founding of Israel and the nature of militant groups. Shalev also addresses the contemporary Israeli landscape, its rapid development, and the psychological impact of historical and current events on its society.

Israel, an influencer stirs the elections

23 Sep 2022  |  www.repubblica.it
Hada Muchtar, an influencer, is leading protests against the high cost of living in various cities across Israel, including Tel Aviv, Eilat, Hadera, Ashqelon, Ashdod, and Ramat HaGolan. The protests highlight the economic struggles faced by residents in these areas, contrasting with the wealthier metropolitan regions.

The Israeli writer who acts as a therapist to her country

07 Sep 2022  |  editorialedomani.it
Zeruya Shalev, an Israeli author recently dubbed the 'therapist of Israel,' delves into the souls of a deeply divided society in her novel 'Stupore,' translated by Elena Loewenthal. The book, which reflects on Israel's complex family dynamics and 'patchwork families,' offers a universal analysis of behaviors, idiosyncrasies, and neuroses. Shalev's work also touches on the militant group Lehi from Israel's early days, providing insight into the nation's founding and the human nature of militant groups. The novel addresses the post-traumatic stress disorders affecting soldiers, a previously taboo subject in Israeli society. Additionally, it explores the refuge found in ultra-Orthodoxy among those dealing with trauma. Shalev's personal connection to the narrative is rooted in her father's involvement with Lehi and the stories he shared, which gained significance after his passing.

Zero Growth in Moldova as Moscow Imposes New Sanctions

24 Aug 2022  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Moldova faces zero economic growth and high inflation amid new Russian sanctions targeting its agricultural exports. The sanctions, politically motivated according to Moldovan officials, exclude the pro-Russian region of Transnistria. The EU has responded by liberalizing imports of Moldovan products to support the country's economy. Moldova's dependence on Russian gas remains a significant issue, affecting the popularity of pro-European leaders. The influx of Ukrainian refugees and the ongoing war in Ukraine further complicate the situation.

Israel launches operation in Gaza

06 Aug 2022  |  editorialedomani.it
Israel has launched a large-scale attack on the Gaza Strip, citing threats from the Islamic Jihad group following the arrest of a senior member in the West Bank on August 1. The second day of the operation, named 'Dawn's Rise,' resulted in over ten casualties, including Islamic Jihad leader Taysir al-Jabari and a five-year-old girl. Hamas, which governs Gaza, has so far stayed out of the conflict. Palestinian militants retaliated by firing over 200 rockets towards Israel, most of which were intercepted by the 'Iron Dome' defense system, resulting in no Israeli casualties. Interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid stated the operation would last as long as necessary. The escalation began with the arrest of Islamic Jihad leader Bassam al-Saadi in Jenin, a friction point in the conflict. Lapid's tough stance on Gaza may be politically motivated ahead of the November 1 elections. Gaza has suffered from multiple Israeli military operations since 2005, leading to thousands of Palestinian deaths and deteriorating economic and sanitary conditions. Lapid had previously proposed a long-term truce plan for Gaza's economic prosperity, which has not been pursued.

Kazakhstan Tastes a Bit of Democracy

05 Jun 2022  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Kazakhstan, still commonly referred to by its former name Astana by many citizens, is experiencing political changes as President Kassym Tokayev, who took over after Nursultan Nazarbayev stepped down in 2019, announces the beginning of a 'Second Republic' and a 'New Kazakhstan'. A referendum was held to vote on constitutional amendments aimed at weakening the presidency and strengthening democratic checks and balances. Despite skepticism and indifference among the public, the government describes the referendum as epochal. The country's Soviet past and the current conflict in Ukraine have implications for the domestic situation, particularly concerning the Russian minority in Kazakhstan.

Ukraine, little mediation and a lot of publicity for Turkey. The meeting between Kuleba and Lavrov

10 Mar 2022  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The Antalya meeting between Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, hosted by Turkey, highlighted Turkey's diplomatic efforts but yielded no significant progress towards a ceasefire or humanitarian corridor for Mariupol. Kuleba expressed frustration over the lack of decision-making power from Lavrov, while Lavrov insisted on the Belarus negotiation channel and denied the invasion of Ukraine. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu emphasized Turkey's balanced position and potential future talks between Putin and Zelensky. The event served as a significant diplomatic showcase for Turkey amid ongoing tensions and international reactions.

Ukraine, Israel works as a mediator also to protect its interests on the Syrian front

03 Mar 2022  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Israel is navigating a complex diplomatic role as a mediator in the Ukraine conflict, balancing its strategic interests in Syria and its relationship with the U.S. Israeli leaders are in communication with both Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky, aiming for a diplomatic success. The presence of Russian military forces in Syria and concerns for the Jewish community in Russia influence Israel's cautious stance. The ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran and the potential cyber threats from Russia are also significant factors. Israel's position has drawn criticism from both domestic and international figures, including U.S. officials and politicians.

Ukraine Invasion, Israel's Choice That Could Have Changed the Balance of the War

26 Feb 2022  |  editorialedomani.it
In October 2021, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog during Herzog's first trip abroad to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar massacre. Zelensky sought Israel's military support, specifically the Iron Dome missile defense system, to counter the Russian threat. However, Herzog was unable to fulfill this request due to Israel's delicate relationship with Russia, which has gained regional influence through its support for Bashar Assad in Syria. Israel's actions in Syria are contingent on Russian approval, and the Israeli government, led by Naftali Bennett, has been restrained in its response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The article also touches on the cultural memory of the Holodomor and Zelensky's secular Jewish identity.

Lebanon, power cuts even in the last happy island

14 Feb 2022  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Zahle, a Christian town in Lebanon, has been renowned for its autonomous and efficient energy supply through Electricité de Zahlé (EdZ), led by Assaad Charles Nakad. Despite Lebanon's widespread energy infrastructure issues and economic crisis, EdZ managed to provide 24-hour electricity until recently. The economic downturn and inflation have forced EdZ to implement daily four-hour power cuts. The public energy provider, Électricité du Liban, has been criticized for inefficiency and corruption, contributing significantly to the national debt. Nakad advocates for decentralization as a solution for Lebanon's energy crisis.

Algeria, the government focuses on startups for an alternative to gas and oil

14 Dec 2021  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Algeria is attempting to move away from an oil and gas-dependent economy towards a diversified, innovation-driven one, as expressed by Yacine Oualid, the minister with a special delegation for startups. The government is introducing legal frameworks and incentives to support startups and SMEs, aiming to diversify exports and create wealth. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, Algeria has seen some success in diversifying exports. The government is also attempting to reform the public subsidy system and open the country more to foreign investors, amidst a backdrop of diplomatic tensions with Morocco.

Erdogan's adviser: 'Dictator? The phrase by Draghi has been overcome'

04 Dec 2021  |  editorialedomani.it
Ibrahim Kalin, a key political figure in Turkey and adviser to President Erdogan, discusses various issues including Turkey's economic crisis, monetary policy, and foreign relations. Despite high inflation and currency devaluation, Kalin highlights positive economic indicators and defends Erdogan's economic strategies. He addresses the resignation of Finance Minister Lutfi Elvan, the possibility of early elections, and Turkey's relations with the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. Kalin criticizes the politicization of the refugee issue in Turkey and confirms the potential for military operations in Syria to protect borders. He dismisses the significance of the private military company Sadat in Turkey's defense strategy and comments on the judicial process against the Hdp party and its ties to the Pkk. Relations with Italy are described as strong despite past comments by Mario Draghi. Kalin also responds to the Council of Europe's threat to sanction Turkey over the detention of philanthropist Osman Kavala and rejects the idea of an amnesty for Gulenists not directly involved in the 2016 coup attempt.

Israel, the 'change government' is faltering

31 Oct 2021  |  editorialedomani.it
Tensions within Israel's coalition government, which ended Benjamin Netanyahu's 12-year rule, are surfacing due to Defense Minister Benny Gantz's unilateral actions, such as blacklisting six Palestinian civil society groups and approving new housing units in the occupied territories. These moves have caused international backlash and internal disagreements, particularly with coalition partners Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid. The government, supported by a slim majority, faces further challenges with the upcoming budget vote, which could trigger new elections if not passed. Meanwhile, Netanyahu's potential withdrawal from Likud leadership poses a significant risk to the coalition's stability. The government's inclusion of an Arab Israeli representation, led by Mansour Abbas, has so far not caused issues and is set to secure significant socio-economic development funds for Arab municipalities.

Ukraine, the Holocaust of Bullets Commemorated Amid Controversies

29 Sep 2021  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The article discusses the commemoration of the 'Holocaust of Bullets' at Babin Yar in Kiev, highlighting the involvement of international leaders and the establishment of the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center. Despite the significance of the event, the project faces controversy due to the involvement of Russian financiers like Mikhail Fridman, leading to accusations of foreign influence and potential manipulation of historical narratives. Ukrainian and international figures express mixed reactions, with some supporting the initiative and others criticizing it as a form of 'hybrid war' by Russia. The article also touches on the broader context of Ukraine-Russia relations and the ongoing cultural and political tensions.

The fall of Kabul fuels Israel's concerns

23 Aug 2021  |  www.editorialedomani.it
The fall of Kabul has raised concerns in Israel, drawing parallels to Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000. Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who led the withdrawal from Lebanon, contrasts the situations in Afghanistan and Lebanon, while others in Israel, including Benjamin Netanyahu, see the Taliban's rise as a warning to maintain control over occupied territories. Upcoming talks between Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and U.S. President Joe Biden are expected to address various issues, including the Palestinian question and Iran's nuclear program. Meanwhile, the fate of Zablon Simintov, the last Jew in Afghanistan, is also a concern for Israeli institutions.

Netanyahu tries to take advantage of the war

22 May 2021  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is criticized for leveraging the recent conflict with Gaza for political gain, drawing comparisons to Winston Churchill. Despite a ceasefire, Netanyahu's rhetoric remains aggressive, particularly towards Hamas and Arab-Israeli citizens. Defense Minister Benny Gantz warns that without political follow-up, the violence may continue. The conflict has exacerbated political and social divisions within Israel and among Palestinians, with potential implications for future elections and governance.

Israel Gains International Support on Gaza

17 May 2021  |  editorialedomani.it
As the conflict between Israel and Gaza militants enters its second week, Israel is experiencing a sense of satisfaction within diplomatic circles due to the global reaction. The country has not faced any threats of diplomatic agreement revocations from Arab countries with which it established ties last year. The European Union, with some countries like the Czech Republic and Austria showing particular support by displaying Israeli flags, and the United States have expressed solid support for Israel's right to self-defense. Turkey's President Erdogan has been publicly critical of Israel but has not taken any steps that would affect Turkey's strong commercial ties with Israel. Israeli officials appreciate the fact that hostilities began after Hamas rocket attacks rather than an Israeli raid, which they believe has influenced international support. Despite some condemnation from Arab countries, there have been no severe diplomatic repercussions. The UN's position remains a point of contention for Israel, with the US opposing a UN Security Council statement calling for a ceasefire and the cancellation of evictions in Sheikh Jarrah.

Pills, vaccines, and inconsistency: Netanyahu's secrets to always survive

25 Mar 2021  |  www.editorialedomani.it
Benjamin Netanyahu, a prominent Israeli politician, is navigating another challenging election cycle, leveraging his successful COVID-19 vaccination campaign and economic resilience to maintain his position. Despite facing significant opposition and corruption charges, Netanyahu's strategic alliances, including potential support from Arab parties, and his ability to adapt to political dynamics, continue to bolster his leadership. The article highlights Netanyahu's historical and current political maneuvers, his economic achievements, and the complexities of forming a stable government in Israel's proportional representation system.

Slovakia’s far right: ‘We are the new Roma’

28 Mar 2017  |  POLITICO
The article discusses the stance of Slovakia, particularly the center-left Direction-Social Democracy party (SMER) and the far-right Slovak National Party (SNP), on the European migration crisis. L’uboš Blaha, a member of SMER, opposes the EU's approach to refugee burden sharing, suggesting an exchange of Roma for refugees. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has taken a hardline stance, refusing to accept Muslim migrants and suing the EU over refugee quotas. The article also touches on the rise of nationalism and xenophobia in Slovakia, as well as the broader Visegrád Group, which includes Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. The government's adoption of far-right rhetoric in response to public opinion and the neo-fascist Kotleba party's electoral success are highlighted. The article also mentions the EU's perceived hypocrisy in its refugee policies and the historical context of Slovakia's national identity concerns.

Among the Kurds in Diyarbakir: 'Erdogan Will Not Pass Here'

21 Mar 2017  |  La Stampa
Hundreds of thousands gathered in Diyarbakir's Bağlar district to celebrate the Kurdish festival of Nevruz, amidst ongoing operations against the PKK by Turkish forces. Osman Baydemir of the pro-Kurdish HDP party rallied the crowd against President Erdogan, likening him to the mythical tyrant Zohak. The event, which saw only one casualty, comes a year after a military operation against the PKK that resulted in significant casualties and refugees. The article discusses the Kurdish issue in Turkey, the government's urban renewal program that threatens to demolish homes, and the potential impact of Kurdish votes on the upcoming referendum for a presidential system, which the crowd at Nevruz opposed.

Work on Haaretz, mainly from Turkey

My reportage on Syrian fighter safe houses in Turkey, for La Stampa.

Haaretz author page including work on turkey

Migrants, the EU-Turkey agreement turns one year. Amnesty: 'It has worsened the conditions of thousands of refugees'

14 Feb 2017  |  La Stampa
The EU-Turkey agreement, which aims to manage refugee flows in exchange for financial aid to Turkey, has been criticized by Amnesty International for worsening refugee conditions. The agreement has reduced arrivals in Greece but has resulted in refugees being stuck in limbo on islands like Lesbos, Samos, and Kos. Only a fraction of the promised aid has been disbursed by the EU, and Turkey's President Erdogan has threatened to end the agreement. Meanwhile, the EU is launching its largest humanitarian program, ESSN, to distribute prepaid cards to Syrian refugees in Turkey.

My video-reportage from Giglio at AFP

My profile of Sadiq Khan on Italy's first weekly, l'Espresso

Reportage from Cuba for Italy's first weekly magazine

My articles on TPI, an ITALIAN news-websites I co-founded with a group of internationally-educated young journalists

ISIS Uses Palestine as Rallying Cry in Molenbeek, Residents Say

18 Jun 2016  |  www.haaretz.com
The article discusses the atmosphere in Brussels following a series of terror attacks that occurred on a Tuesday. It describes the city as being unusually quiet, with businesses and transportation services shutting down. The focus of media and police was on the Molenbeek neighborhood, which had been in the news just days earlier due to the arrest of Salah Abdeslam. Abdeslam, who is believed to be the mastermind behind the Paris attacks in November, was captured after a four-month manhunt and found hiding in a basement on Rue Quatres Vents, a main street in Molenbeek.

Prior to the last attacks in Brussels, I was already writing about the problem of extremism in some of its peripheries with Esther Judah

EU politicians to Israeli MKs: NGOs aren't enemies of the state

10 Feb 2016  |  +972 Magazine
Fifty members of the European Parliament sent an open letter to the Israeli Knesset urging them to reject a controversial NGO law that imposes transparency requirements on left-wing organizations funded from abroad. The letter, led by UK Labour MEP Julie Ward, emphasizes the role of NGOs in upholding democracy and criticizes the selective nature of the bill. The letter comes amid heightened tensions between Israel and the EU, particularly following the EU's decision to label products from Israeli settlements. The article highlights the growing cultural hegemony of the right in Israel and the EU's increasing frustration with Israel's policies regarding the occupation and the two-state solution.

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