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Devianti Faridz

Central Jakarta, Indonesia
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About Devianti
Devianti Faridz is a Freelance Broadcast Journalist in Jakarta.

She had worked as a News Correspondent at a Singapore based regional broadcaster, Channel NewsAsia.

Prior to that, she served as Producer for several English news programs, as well as a Bahasa Indonesia tourism program on Metro TV, Indonesia’s 24 hour news channel, from 2005 to 2012. One of her roles during her stint in Metro TV include launching an English News magazine program called “Indonesia Now”, an internationally distributed weekly program which provides stories from across Indonesia.

She was previously an anchor and journalist for Televisi Republik Indonesia and Voice of America-Indonesia Service in Washington D.C., USA.

Devianti has covered a wide range of stories, ranging from current affairs, politics, and social issues. Among her memorable assignments were covering the plight of young Indonesian boat crew members who were detained in Australian prisons after being deceived by human traffickers as well as the Air Asia flight 8501 crash in late 2014.

Throughout her career, she had interviewed a variety of public figures including Indonesian Presidents Joko Widodo and President Abdurrachman Wahid, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as well as Chef and TV Personality Bobby Chinn.

She has won several accolades for herself and her programme namely including Australia’s Elizabeth O Neill Award 2011 and Indonesia’s Culture and Tourism Ministry Award for Best Tourism TV program. 

Devianti is a Fulbright scholar and graduated from University of Missouri, USA with a Master of Arts in Broadcast Journalism. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Communications Design from Trisakti University.

She is fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English. For leisure, she enjoys watching movies and is actively involved in an organization that encourages cultural exchange.
English Indonesian
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Business Current Affairs Science & Environment

Indonesia Launches High-Speed Railway, Seeks to Negotiate Debt With Chinese Banks

Mosque in Jakarta a haven for ethnic Chinese Indonesians embracing Islam

China Emerging as One of the Key Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s New Capital City

China Expands Media Influence in Indonesia

Indonesian Candidates Differ on Solutions for South China Sea Disputes

TikTok Revives E-Commerce in Indonesia With $1.5 Billion Investment

Indonesia Expands QR Payment System to Increase Chinese Spending

Indonesia launches high-speed railway, seeks to negotiate debt with Chinese banks

17 Oct 2023  |  khmer.voanews.com
Indonesia has launched a high-speed railway while seeking to negotiate its debt with Chinese banks. This development highlights Indonesia's efforts to enhance its infrastructure and manage financial obligations with international lenders.

Indonesia's Plan to Attract Chinese Investment in Rempang Faces Local Opposition

13 Oct 2023  |  voaindonesia.com
Recent clashes between residents and police on Rempang Island highlight tensions over China's large-scale infrastructure investments. The Indonesian government plans to develop Rempang Eco-City, featuring Chinese manufacturing facilities for glass and solar panels. The project, involving a $24.6 billion investment and creating 306,000 jobs by 2080, requires the displacement of 7,500 residents. Protests have led to injuries and arrests, with accusations of human rights violations by security forces. President Joko Widodo secured the deal in China, declaring it a national strategic project. Analysts note the importance of Chinese investment for Indonesia's economic development but raise concerns about environmental impact and local employment. The government has offered compensation and relocation incentives, but civil society groups criticize the prioritization of investment over community interests.

Jakarta’s Plan to Court Chinese Infrastructure Investment Faces Local Resistance

13 Oct 2023  |  www.voanews.com
Indonesia's plan to develop Rempang Island into an industrial park with Chinese investment is facing resistance from local residents due to forced evictions and potential human rights violations. The project, which includes a glass and solar panel manufacturing facility by Xinyi Glass, is part of a joint venture with local company PT Makmur Elok Graha and the Batam Indonesia Free Zone Authority. Despite government promises of jobs and compensation, tensions have escalated, resulting in protests and clashes with police. The Indonesian government has attempted to ease tensions by adjusting the evacuation deadline and offering incentives, but many residents remain unsatisfied, demanding recognition of their ancestral land rights.

China Expands Media Influence in Indonesia

05 Oct 2023  |  khmer.voanews.com
China is expanding its media influence in Indonesia through partnerships with local media outlets such as Metro TV and The Jakarta Post. These agreements include content sharing and broadcasting Chinese-language programs. Analysts note that these partnerships may help struggling Indonesian media financially but also raise concerns about potential bias and influence. Freedom House reports that some Indonesian media avoid negative coverage of China. Experts emphasize the importance of maintaining editorial independence despite foreign investments.

China Emerging as One of the Key Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s New Capital City

04 Oct 2023  |  international.thenewslens.com
Indonesia is relocating its capital from Jakarta to Nusantara on Borneo island, aiming to create a sustainable forest city. Chinese entities are emerging as significant investors in the $32 billion project, with China expected to become Indonesia's largest foreign direct investor within two years. The Nusantara Capital Authority is actively engaging foreign investors, with 345 letters of intent received. The project includes major infrastructure developments, with Chinese companies involved in various sectors. President Joko Widodo assures investors of the project's stability, while his likely successor, Prabowo Subianto, supports the capital move.

A growing number of Chinese Indonesians are winning political offices

Plan Positions Indonesia to be Green Energy Leader

01 Oct 2023  |  www.voanews.com
A consortium of developed nations has announced a multi-billion-dollar plan to help Indonesia transition to renewable energy, aiming to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and position Indonesia as a leader in green technologies. The Just Energy Transition Partnership, announced at the G-20 summit, involves the International Partners Group, co-led by the U.S. and Japan, and aims to raise $20 billion over the next three to five years. The plan includes phasing out coal-fired electricity and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Key stakeholders emphasize the need for regulatory frameworks, institutional reforms, and proper supervision to ensure the plan's success and avoid potential economic disruptions.

China Expands Influence on Media in Indonesia

01 Oct 2023  |  www.voaindonesia.com
China is expanding its influence on Indonesian media through various investments, including content-sharing agreements and funded trips for journalists. Major Indonesian media outlets like Metro TV, The Jakarta Post, and Antara have entered into agreements with Chinese media organizations such as China Media Group, China Daily, Xinhua, and CGTN. While some experts express concerns about potential bias and lack of transparency, others argue that strong editorial policies and legal restrictions in Indonesia help maintain media independence. Economic challenges in the media industry have made Indonesian outlets more open to foreign investment, but experts emphasize the importance of maintaining editorial independence.

Indonesia Courts Chinese Investors for EV Production Ecosystem

01 Aug 2023  |  www.voanews.com
Indonesian President Joko Widodo is intensifying efforts to position Indonesia as a global hub for electric vehicle (EV) production by courting Chinese investors. The strategy includes developing a downstream nickel industry, essential for EV batteries, and ensuring technology transfer from China. Despite infrastructure challenges and anti-China sentiment, Indonesia offers incentives like tax holidays and streamlined work permits to attract investment. The country aims to produce over 2.4 million EVs by 2035 and become a top EV battery producer by 2027. However, concerns about environmental and social impacts of Chinese investments persist.

Experts: China Faces Uphill Battle Brokering Peace Between Israel and Palestinians

14 Jul 2023  |  www.voanews.com
China's efforts to mediate peace between Israel and Palestinians are seen as unlikely to succeed but may signal a decline in U.S. influence in the Middle East. Following a successful brokering between Saudi Arabia and Iran, China is optimistic about reviving stalled Israeli-Palestinian talks. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has been invited to Beijing, and Chinese officials have offered to host peace talks. Experts argue that China's lack of deep regional knowledge and the unchanged circumstances of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict limit its chances of success. China's motivations include securing oil imports and fostering economic ties through its Belt and Road Initiative. Despite this, China is not expected to replace the U.S. as the security guarantor in the region.

Targeting China, ASEAN to Hold First Joint Military Exercise

19 Jun 2023  |  www.voaindonesia.com
Amid regional tensions with China, ASEAN plans to hold its first joint military exercise in the South Natuna Sea. The exercise, involving the army, navy, and special forces, will take place from September 18-25, despite Cambodia's skepticism. The location was moved due to territorial disputes with Beijing in the resource-rich South China Sea. The exercise, named 'Solidarity,' aims to focus on disaster relief and search and rescue operations rather than combat. China emphasizes that defense cooperation should promote regional peace and stability. Cambodia and Myanmar, close to China, did not participate in the planning discussions. The exercise marks a significant step for ASEAN, which has previously conducted naval exercises with other countries, including the US and China.

ASEAN Planning First Joint Military Drills With Eye on China

15 Jun 2023  |  www.voanews.com
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is planning its first joint military drill amid regional tensions with China, to be held in Indonesia's South Natuna Sea from September 18-25. The exercise, named Solidarity, will focus on disaster relief, search and rescue activities, and community service rather than combat. The decision comes as China asserts its claims over the South China Sea, which are disputed by several ASEAN member states. The U.S. has rejected China's maritime claims within Indonesia's exclusive economic zone, emphasizing the importance of freedom of the seas and adherence to international law. Cambodia and Myanmar, which have close ties with China, did not participate in the planning conference.

Different Views Expressed as US Signs New Security Pact with Papua New Guinea

30 May 2023  |  khmer.voanews.com
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Papua New Guinea for the U.S.-Pacific Islands summit highlights President Joe Biden's increased focus on Pacific Island nations amid concerns over China's growing influence in the region. In Port Moresby, Blinken signed a national defense and maritime agreement with Papua New Guinea. The new pact grants the U.S. significant access to the waters of this Pacific Island region, sparking public debate on whether the U.S. maritime presence could affect Papua New Guinea's national security. Students from Papua New Guinea and the University of Technology organized a protest against the defense cooperation agreement, calling for public scrutiny and transparency before its signing. High-ranking officials from Papua New Guinea stated that the agreement would be reviewed by the parliament and lawyers before signing and would soon be distributed to the public. Prime Minister James Marape assured that the security agreement would not hinder relations with other countries, including China, Australia, the UK, Japan, India, or any other related to the issue. The U.S. is also increasing its presence in the Pacific Islands by opening embassies in the Solomon Islands and Tonga, with discussions to open more in Kiribati and Vanuatu. The U.S. State Department documents reveal that since September 2022, Peace Corps volunteers have returned to the Pacific region and are currently in Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga, with plans to return to Vanuatu this year. The Peace Corps is also evaluating the re-establishment of operations in the Solomon Islands, Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia. A key point of discussion among Pacific Island leaders was addressing climate change, as recent storms and rising sea levels have impacted the region. The USAID has assisted Pacific Island countries by securing over $500 million from international organizations like the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Climate Resilience Fund, and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The plans also aim to provide quality, sustainable energy and infrastructure resilient to climate change. Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown expressed excitement about the G-7 leaders' recent acknowledgment and support for the Pacific Blue strategy for 2050, which recognizes the interconnected challenges of politics, culture, and the environment in the Pacific Islands.

US Inking Cooperation Deals with Papua New Guinea

22 May 2023  |  www.voanews.com
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Papua New Guinea to sign defense and maritime cooperation agreements, emphasizing military infrastructure development and countering illicit maritime activities. The U.S. is providing $12.4 million in protective equipment to the PNG Defense Force and $12.5 million through USAID for climate resilience. The visit underscores increased U.S. engagement in the Pacific amid China's growing influence. Chinese officials warned against geopolitical games in the region. The agreements maintain PNG's sovereignty and align with its laws, with no immunity for foreign military personnel.

US-Pacific Islands Defense Cooperation Agreement Raises Domestic Concerns

22 May 2023  |  www.voaindonesia.com
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Papua New Guinea for the US-Pacific Islands Forum Summit aimed to counter China's growing influence in the region. Blinken signed defense and maritime cooperation agreements with Papua New Guinea, sparking public debate over national security concerns. Students protested for transparency, while Prime Minister James Marape assured that the agreements would not affect bilateral relations with other countries. Blinken emphasized the importance of high standards and a free and open Indo-Pacific. The US is also increasing its presence in the Pacific Islands by opening new embassies and expanding Peace Corps operations.

Chinese official criticizes US for its UN votes on Gaza cease-fire

Indonesian Businesses Bask in G20 Spotlight

16 Nov 2022  |  voanews.com
Indonesia is hosting the G20 summit in Bali, providing local business owners with an opportunity to promote their products and raise brand awareness. Devianti Faridz reports from Bali with videography by David Andreas.

Jakarta is putting a stop to street monkey performances, known locally as "topeng monyet". The city's administration has begun rounding up the monkeys, and has sent them for health checks.

Travelling at night alone can be an unsettling experience for many women throughout Asia - and in Jakarta, a recent poll survey showed that the Indonesian capital has one of the most unsafe transportation systems for women in the world. However, most crimes go unreported.

Besides being a month of self-reflection and prayer, Ramadan is often considered a good time to strengthen ties between friends and family. Sending gifts to relatives is the norm and some entrepreneurs in Indonesia are turning it into a money making venture.

Modern bakeries make use high-tech machines for greater efficiency, and come up with new creations to keep customers coming.


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