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Diego Giuliani

Geneva, Switzerland
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About Diego
Journalist since 2001, I've worked for almost all kind of medias: radio, print media (press-agencies, websites and magazines) and a lot of TV. Born in Italy, where I've spent a big part of my life, but with a very international background, I've studied one year in Toronto and spent two years in Germany, before landing to France, where I've been living since 2009. Fully bilingual French and Italian, and fluent in English and German, I've worked as a reporter, presenter, newsdesk journalist and replacing head of service for the Italian Public Broadcaster RAI and the international all-news channel Euronews. In the past also free-lancer for the German radio network WDR, I work now especially as videomaker and videojournalist with both traditional and MoJo equipment, delivering full-edited packages. I also provide radio reports and editing and fixer services for Italy, Geneva and the Lyon area (France).
English French Italian
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Current Affairs Technology

Éric, the 'punk gardener'. When humility and counterculture serve biodiversity

10 Jan 2024  |  bferst.eu
Éric Lenoir, self-described 'punk gardener', advocates for a more observant and less interventionist approach to gardening, challenging the notion that humans are 'masters of nature'. He emphasizes the use of natural resources, such as young tree shoots and leaves, for sustainable fertilization. His methods inspire both the industry and research, including the European project BFerst, which is exploring bio-fertilizers to reduce environmental impact. Lenoir's philosophy is detailed in his book 'Le grand traité du jardin punk', and he promotes a 'punk approach' to gardening, which involves questioning mainstream practices and finding low-cost, effective solutions that respect nature's autonomy.

Too much demand for the existing infrastructure. The renewables communities’ paradox in the energy crisis era

01 Oct 2023  |  socialres.eu
Renewable energy cooperatives like EcoPower and I-ENER are experiencing unprecedented demand due to the energy crisis and geopolitical tensions, particularly the war in Ukraine. These cooperatives face challenges in meeting the sudden surge in demand and managing market volatility. EcoPower had to adjust its tariff policy, while I-ENER struggles with supply chain issues. Abundance Investment promotes 'democratic finance' to involve citizens in renewable projects. The European Union's clean energy directives aim to support such initiatives, but implementation is delayed due to the ongoing crisis. The article underscores the importance of citizen ownership in accelerating the energy transition.

Why a former army barracks is being transformed into Austria's first eco-village

10 Apr 2023  |  www.euronews.com
A former army barracks in Austria is being transformed into the country's first eco-village, Cambium Leben in Gemeinschaft, located near Graz. The community, supported by the European project Houseful, employs sustainable solutions like the Bio-Meiler for heating and a green wall for water purification. The eco-village, home to 60 residents, grows 70 different crops and uses a mini-bio gas plant for natural fertilization, aiming to create a self-sustaining, circular ecosystem.

Cambium: A pioneering community in recycling and reuse

10 Apr 2023  |  es.euronews.com
In Fehring, near Graz, Austria, the 60-person Cambium community has transformed a former military barracks into an ecological village, pioneering recycling and reuse practices. They have developed a 'Biomeiler', a wood compost pile that generates heat for their greenhouse. The greenhouse, constructed from repurposed barracks materials, is essential for cleaning the community's greywater, excluding toilet waste. Environmental engineer Marco Hartl from Alchemia-nova has implemented the VertECO solution, a nature-based system that uses plants and microorganisms to purify water without additional energy. The regenerated water is then used to irrigate a garden with about 70 crops. The community is crowdfunded and supported by the European Houseful project.

The Hacker Who Decrypted His Medical Records to Create Open-Source Therapy

05 Apr 2023  |  Ulises
The article discusses the story of Salvatore, a brain cancer patient who made headlines for decrypting his medical records and sharing them online, which he described as a 'bio-political act'. It highlights the emotional and psychological challenges faced by cancer patients, who often feel reduced to their illness. The article also touches on the concept of 'narrative medicine', an approach that emphasizes the importance of listening to and valuing patients' experiences. Additionally, it mentions the European project Ulises, which is developing a nanotechnology-based therapy for pancreatic cancer, and the need for financial support from the pharmaceutical industry to advance clinical trials. The article underscores the urgency of developing new therapies, given the high mortality rate of pancreatic cancer.

"Under the Turkish sun: Antalya goes solar". Video on the EU project MAtchUP, filmed on behalf of Icons Innovation Strategies and then aired by several international news broadcasters

Displaying the refugees' cooking art, to pave the way for their professional success. The Refugee Food Festival. TV report aired in several languages by the international news broadcaster euronews.

Street chefs against hunger and isolation. Professional chefs and city residents meet regularly in Lyon and set-up "street-kitchen" to prepare and deliver food to people in distress. TV item aired in several languages by the international channel euronews

Eating with the refugees, to discover our neighbours. Video filmed for a tv item aired in several languages by the international tv channel euronews

Lyon stands for Ukraine. Demonstration in support of Ukraine, with representatives of the local Ukrainian community and the city mayor, calling for "standing up against Putin's dictatorship"

"Valencia 2030: heading for climate neutrality". Video on the EU project MAtchUP filmed on behalf of Icons Innovation Strategies and then aired by several international news broadcasters.

"Smart and electric: Dresden goes climate neutral". Video on the EU project MAtchUP, filmed on behalf of Icons Innovation Strategies and then aired by several international news broadcasters

Disguising solar panels as ancient Roman tiles in Pompeii

01 Dec 2022  |  techxplore.com
Innovative solar panels disguised as ancient Roman tiles are being used in Pompeii and Evora to blend with historical architecture while promoting sustainability. The Archaeological Park of Pompeii has adopted these 'traditional PV tiles' to preserve the aesthetic of the site while reducing energy costs. Created by the family business Dyaqua, these tiles are also being implemented in other heritage sites across Europe. The initiative aligns with the broader goal of integrating cultural heritage into sustainable development, as recognized by international organizations like UNESCO and the United Nations.

Shielding the grid to foster renewables: The cybersecurity challenge

18 Jul 2022  |  techxplore.com
The article discusses the cybersecurity challenges faced by power grids as they integrate more renewable energy sources. It highlights the efforts of a European project aimed at improving grid security, led by Ubitech Energy. The article features insights from former hacker Tommy DeVoss, who now works as a security engineer, and emphasizes the need for proactive cybersecurity measures. It also mentions the increased threat of cyber-attacks from Russian groups, as warned by U.S. and allied cybersecurity authorities. The article underscores the importance of awareness and preparedness in tackling cyber threats, with experts from ENISA and HackerOne providing their perspectives.

From 100% renewables to greenwashing: Your energy supplier might not be as green as you think

24 Jun 2022  |  www.euronews.com
Energy providers often market 'green tariffs,' which can range from 100% renewable energy to greenwashing. Greenwashing involves misleading claims about sustainability for marketing purposes. Kit Dixon of Good Energy, a fully renewable supplier, recalls a British provider that claimed 100% renewable energy after buying REGO certificates. REGOs and European Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) track renewable energy to the final consumer. Critics argue that these certificates allow providers to label non-renewable energy as green. Volker Kromrey of the Lake Constance Foundation and Gianluca Ruggieri of the Italian cooperative ènostra discuss the challenges consumers face in finding genuinely green tariffs and the importance of supporting renewable energy generators.

Cooking with refugees to overcome prejudice

09 Mar 2022  |  euronews
Le Recho, a female-led project founded by actress and cook Vanessa Krycève, aims to use the unifying power of cooking to foster connections between refugees and local residents. Since its inception in 2016, the association has prepared 22,000 meals with refugees. The initiative, which has been well received by locals, includes cooking workshops and communal meals. It is seen as a way to overcome prejudices and build a new world, contrasting with capitalist ideologies like those of Wall Street. Le Recho also runs a restaurant in Paris that helps refugees become professional chefs, further aiding their integration.

Filmed with a Samsung A8 smartphone

Caporalato and migrations: an organic approach is needed

23 Jun 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The article highlights the exploitation of migrant workers in the agricultural sector in Italy, focusing on the recent arrest of two entrepreneurs for subjecting workers to degrading conditions. Livia Pomodoro, President of the Milan Center for Food Law and Policy, emphasizes the vulnerability of migrants to exploitation and calls for an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to address the issue. The article also references a report presented to the European Parliament, which underscores the widespread nature of labor exploitation across Europe, particularly in southern and eastern countries.

Jordan: Head of the Anglican Church prays with Christian refugees

03 May 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The head of the Anglican Church, Archbishop Justin Welby, visited Jordan to pray with Christian refugees and offer a message of hope and comfort. During his visit, he met with Iraqi and Syrian refugees, including children at the Zaatari refugee camp, and shared their stories of incredible courage. Welby emphasized the ongoing suffering of Iraqi Christians and highlighted the importance of supporting refugees in the Middle East.

May 3, World Press Freedom Day

03 May 2017  |  it.euronews.com
May 3 marks World Press Freedom Day, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993 following a recommendation from UNESCO's 66th session. The 2017 event in Jakarta, Indonesia, carries the theme 'Critical minds for critical times.' UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierres called for an end to the persecution of journalists, emphasizing their role in promoting freedom and peace. Amnesty International highlighted concerns over press freedom in Turkey and the United States. Reporters Sans Frontières' annual report noted a global decline in press freedom, with Turkey's ranking falling and the US also seeing a drop. Scandinavian countries topped the press freedom index, while Italy ranked 52nd, and North Korea remained at the bottom.

Attack on a NATO convoy in Kabul: deaths, injuries and ISIL claim

03 May 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The self-proclaimed Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack that caused several casualties near the US embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Ministry and security sources estimate 8 dead and over 20 injured. A NATO Resolute Support mission spokesperson informed that the target was a military convoy carrying personnel of the Atlantic Alliance, including three injured US soldiers. While an initial suspicion pointed towards the Taliban, especially in light of their recent announcement of a 'spring offensive' primarily against foreign troops, ISIL has since claimed responsibility for the attack.

Macron speaks as a winner: 'President of all against nationalism'

24 Apr 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Emmanuel Macron, the centrist candidate of the En Marche movement, appeals for unity ahead of the second round of the French presidential election on May 7 and the subsequent legislative elections in June. Flanked by his wife Brigitte and celebrating with supporters, Macron acknowledges the broad support from other defeated candidates and positions himself as the 'president of all' against the threat of nationalism, referencing his opponent Marine Le Pen. He emphasizes the challenge of writing a new chapter in France's history rather than voting against something.

Benoît Hamon: The Standard-Bearer of France Who Wants to Dream Again

23 Apr 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Benoît Hamon, having won the Socialist Party primaries against Manuel Valls in January, represents a dreamful vision for a disillusioned French left. His proposals, including the legalization of cannabis and universal income, have alienated the more liberal and pragmatic wing of the party, leading to a lack of support. Hamon, once a voice out of line with President Hollande's policies, finds himself increasingly isolated, with centrists and the far-left closing ranks against him. His outreach to Jean-Luc Melenchon for an alliance was rejected, and many socialists have shifted their support to the centrist Emmanuel Macron.

Poland celebrates NATO troops: 'A deterrent against Russia'

13 Apr 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Poland welcomes a predominantly U.S.-led NATO battalion as a deterrent against potential Russian aggression, a moment long awaited since World War II, according to President Andrzej Duda. Amidst deteriorating relations between Moscow and Washington, this move comes as the Polish Armed Forces face internal controversies, including a 90% turnover of senior staff and a contentious expansion to 150,000 personnel under Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz, who also canceled a helicopter deal with Airbus and reduced Poland's Eurocorps participation.

Missile crisis in Syria. Rohani's warning: 'Iran will not stand by'

10 Apr 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Iranian President Hassan Rohani has issued a stern warning against further US military intervention in Syria, stating that Iran is prepared to respond. This follows a joint Russian-Iranian command center's warning about the 'red lines' crossed by the recent US attack. Rohani, seeking re-election, emphasized that the US actions violate international law and regional interests. The article also draws parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis, with Russian Deputy Mikhail Yemelyanov cautioning about significant consequences for US-Russia relations.

“Dad No. 1”. The farewell of family and police to the officer killed in Westminster

10 Apr 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The British police paid tribute to a fallen officer with two minutes of silence in police stations and a 4 km long procession of officers, honoring him as a hero.

Attack in Stockholm, tears and cold blood: 'Evil has no color'

10 Apr 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Sweden is in mourning following Friday's attack in Stockholm, which left four people dead. The city saw massive commemorations on Sunday, with a police van covered in flowers and tributes. The attack has been described as a shock, with many narrowly escaping harm. A large crowd participated in the 'March for Love' organized via Facebook, emphasizing unity and the message that 'evil has no color'.

France: Hamon attacks Valls and seeks alliances (but Melenchon declines)

30 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Benoît Hamon, the Socialist candidate in the French presidential campaign, responds to the defection of his party colleague Valls, who announced his support for centrist Macron, by calling for unity among the 'other left'. Hamon, speaking in Lille, urges left-wing voters to punish those who are opportunistic in their political support. Despite internal turmoil within the Socialist Party, Hamon's message remains focused on stopping Marine Le Pen's Front National. However, Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the more radical left, declines Hamon's invitation to unite, withholding a significant percentage of votes that could boost Hamon's position in the polls.

European Parliament, Tajani on Brexit: 'Ready to play hardball'

30 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The European Parliament, through President Antonio Tajani, has emphasized the importance of citizens' rights in Brexit negotiations, stating that failing to reach an agreement on this issue means no deal at all. Guy Verhofstadt, aligned with EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier, reiterated the determination to use a veto if the set conditions are not met.

Russia-gate: Trump's son-in-law's contacts with the sanctioned bank

28 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The Russiagate scandal is drawing closer to Donald Trump, implicating the House Intelligence Committee and particularly Trump's son-in-law and White House advisor, Jared Kushner, due to his contacts with the Russian bank Vnesheconombank (VEB), which has been under sanctions since the Obama administration. After confirmation of a December meeting with VEB's vice president Sergei Gorkov, both the bank and the White House acknowledged the encounter. The Senate Intelligence Committee seeks to determine if the meeting involved discussions about investments in Trump-related real estate. Trump has responded by suggesting the Committee should investigate Bill and Hillary Clinton's involvement with a uranium deal between Rosatom and a Canadian company. Meanwhile, David Nunes, the Republican president of a similar committee in the House of Representatives, is under scrutiny for his visit to the White House and subsequent revelations about possible wiretapping of Trump's associates, leading to calls for his resignation by Democrat Adam Schiff.

Absurdity or justice? The third life sentence for Carlos, 43 years after the facts

28 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The third life sentence for the pro-Palestinian terrorist 'Carlos' in France for a 1974 drugstore attack in Paris has been met with mixed reactions. The attack resulted in 2 deaths and 34 injuries. Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, President of the Association of Victims of Terrorism, sees the verdict as a symbolic victory for the victims who have waited 43 years for accountability. Carlos' defense, including lawyer François Vullemin, contests the verdict, arguing a lack of evidence and suggesting media influence over justice. Carlos, already serving two life sentences and now 67, has called the trial absurd and plans to appeal the verdict.

Japan: Tillerson justifies (and contradicts...) Trump on budget and alliances

16 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Rex Tillerson, the US Secretary of State, defended the Trump administration's budget cuts to the State Department, emphasizing increased spending on security and defense. During his visit to Tokyo, Tillerson reassured Japan of continued US military support amidst North Korean threats, despite Trump's earlier campaign rhetoric. He highlighted the importance of the US-Japan alliance for regional stability and called for a trilateral cooperation including South Korea. Tillerson also acknowledged the failure of past diplomatic efforts with North Korea, advocating for a new approach while reassuring the North Korean people.

Lords deliver a blow to Brexit: 'Yes to Parliament's right to veto'

07 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The House of Lords approved an amendment granting the UK Parliament the right to veto the activation of the process for Britain's exit from the European Union, with 366 votes in favor and 268 against. The bill for activating Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is expected to move to the House of Commons next week, where the Conservative majority is anticipated to overturn the Lords' vote. The lower house had previously opposed granting veto power to Parliament. Labour Lord Peter Hain tweeted about the importance of parliamentary sovereignty and suggested that a referendum that began with the people should end with them, supporting the amendment.

PSA's Day: First the Purchase of Opel, Then the Peugeot 3008 Car of the Year

07 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
On the same day PSA Group, which includes Citroën and DS, announced the acquisition of Opel-Vauxhall, its Peugeot 3008 was named Car of the Year 2017. The acquisition is set to make PSA the second-largest automotive company in Europe, surpassing Renault and approaching Volkswagen. The merger raises questions about market overlap and potential job cuts, but employees at the Vauxhall plant in Ellesmere Port are not overly concerned, with their main worry being learning French quickly.

WikiLeaks accuses the CIA of spying through smartphones and listening through TVs

07 Mar 2017  |  it.euronews.com
WikiLeaks has revealed over 8,000 files, dubbed 'Year Zero,' which suggest the CIA and FBI were aware of vulnerabilities in widely-used smartphones in America. A software called 'Weeping Angel' reportedly turns Samsung Smart TVs into microphones for spying. The CIA's alleged operational base is in the U.S. consulate in Frankfurt, Germany. Cybersecurity expert Raphael Satter predicts significant repercussions within the CIA. The leaks come ahead of Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to President Trump, potentially straining international relations.

Mattis reassures Europe: 'Trump supports NATO. Granite commitment'

17 Feb 2017  |  it.euronews.com
James Mattis, the US Secretary of Defense, reassured Europe of the Trump administration's strong support for NATO during the Munich Security Conference. He emphasized the unbreakable commitment of Article 5, which ties American security to European security. German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen echoed this sentiment, appreciating the US's commitment and promising increased European contributions to NATO. Mattis also highlighted concerns about instability on Europe's periphery, implicitly referencing Russia.

Noos Scandal: Infanta Cristina acquitted, husband sentenced to 6 years and 3 months

17 Feb 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Infanta Cristina of Spain was acquitted in the Noos Foundation scandal but must pay €265,000 in civil liability. Her husband, Inaki Urdangarin, was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months for fraud and embezzlement. The case, which involved fraudulent invoices and misuse of public funds, also saw other significant sentences, including 8 years and 6 months for Diego Torres and 3 years and 8 months for Jaume Matas. The Spanish Royal Family expressed respect for the judicial process, while public opinion in Madrid showed disappointment over perceived leniency.

Flynn Case, Pressure Mounts on Trump: 'Clarify Relations with Moscow'

14 Feb 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Pressure is growing on Donald Trump following a phone call with the Russian ambassador that led to the resignation of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Bipartisan calls for clarity on the relationship between the White House and the Kremlin are met with Trump's administration blaming illegal leaks. White House spokesman Sean Spicer stated that Flynn's actions were not illegal but had eroded the President's trust. Flynn tweeted accepting responsibility and his role as a scapegoat if it benefits the administration. Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, suggest other individuals are also responsible and question why the White House did not reveal the case immediately after being informed by the Department of Justice.

Anti-Muslim Decree. Trump attacks: 'Justice is politicized'

08 Feb 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Donald Trump criticizes the U.S. judiciary as his controversial 'anti-Muslim' decree is under review by a San Francisco Appeals Court. Trump describes the situation as a 'sad day' for the country, with 'security at risk' and a 'politicized' justice system. The Appeals Court must determine whether the decree is discriminatory or within the President's legitimate prerogatives. The case is likely to be escalated to the Supreme Court, which is currently evenly split between liberal and conservative judges, with Neil Gorsuch awaiting Senate confirmation.

Marine Le Pen: 'I am the people's candidate, against the right and left of money'

05 Feb 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Marine Le Pen declares herself as the people's candidate, positioning against both the right and left factions associated with financial interests, and emphasizes the risk to France's future as a free country.

Romania still in the streets: 'The withdrawal of the decree is not enough. The government must leave'

05 Feb 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The withdrawal of the controversial 'save-the-corrupt' decree has not quelled protests in Romania, with over 400,000 people demanding the government's resignation. The decree, which aimed to decriminalize certain corruption offenses, sparked widespread outrage and accusations of the government protecting the political class. Despite the government's backtrack, protesters continue to call for the resignation of Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu and Justice Minister Florin Iordache. The protests, the largest since the fall of Ceausescu, highlight deep-seated issues of corruption within the Romanian government.

Romania still protests: 'Withdrawal of the decree is not enough. The government must go'

05 Feb 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The withdrawal of Romania's controversial 'save-the-corrupt' decree has not appeased protesters, who are now demanding the resignation of the government. Over 400,000 people took to the streets in Bucharest and other cities following the government's confirmation of the decree's withdrawal. Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu announced the decision to retract the decree and tasked the Minister of Justice with drafting a new version for parliamentary review. The protests, which have been ongoing for nearly a week, are the largest in Romania since the fall of Ceausescu. The government's backtracking came amid widespread accusations of corruption and intentions to protect the political class, with particular focus on the 'Dragnea case' and the decree's potential to halt the trial against Liviu Dragnea, a close associate of Grindeanu, for alleged abuse of office.

Fillon Case, Canard Enchaîné Relaunches: 'Children Also Involved'

31 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The scandal involving François Fillon, the center-right presidential candidate in France, has expanded to include his children. The satirical newspaper Canard Enchaîné reports that Fillon's wife, Penelope, received over 800,000 euros for a fictitious job as a parliamentary assistant, and their children received 84,000 euros for similar roles. Fillon has responded by calling the allegations a professional operation to undermine his candidacy, asserting that such a situation is unprecedented in the Fifth Republic.

Attack on Quebec City mosque: 'There is only one suspect'

30 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
A shooting at the Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec City resulted in six deaths and eight injuries. Canadian police have identified only one suspect, releasing a Moroccan-origin student previously detained. The motive remains unclear. A moment of silence was held in Toronto, where people gathered to protest Trump's immigration freeze. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard condemned the attack, calling it a terrorist act against the Muslim community and advocating for love, compassion, and solidarity.

Attack on Quebec City Mosque: 'There is only one suspect'

30 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
A single suspect, Alexandre Bissonette, remains in custody for the Quebec City mosque shooting that resulted in six deaths and eight injuries. The Canadian police have ruled out additional accomplices, suggesting a 'lone wolf' attack. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard condemned the attack as terrorism and expressed solidarity with the Muslim community. Trudeau emphasized responding to violence with love and compassion, while Couillard called for unity against violence.

Benoit Hamon: the victory of the left that returns to dreaming

29 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Benoit Hamon wins against Manuel Valls by inspiring the disillusioned French left with a vision of a more egalitarian, just, and ecologically responsible society. Hamon's political journey, from a young star in the Socialist Party to a proponent of social justice and universal basic income, is highlighted. Despite criticism from Valls, Hamon's idealistic approach gains support from key figures like Martine Aubry. The article reflects on the potential impact of Hamon's victory on the French Socialist Party.

More unity. Merkel and Hollande's response from Berlin to the May-Trump axis

27 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
French President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, meeting in Berlin, emphasized the need for increased unity and cooperation among the remaining 27 EU member states in response to Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency. Merkel highlighted the importance of the commitment made in Bratislava to face upcoming challenges. Hollande stressed the importance of dialogue with Trump while defending European values and interests. Both leaders suggested that Europe's response to Trump's 'America First' policy should involve strengthening European identity and collaboration to resist the allure of populism.

Theresa May flies to Trump. London takes off with the upcoming farewell to Europe

26 Jan 2017  |  euronews
UK Prime Minister Theresa May is set to meet with US President Donald Trump, becoming the first European leader to do so since his inauguration. The meeting is crucial for the UK as it seeks new trade partners ahead of its departure from the European Union and its single market. Trump, a supporter of Brexit, has expressed a desire to quickly conclude a trade deal with the UK. May will also attend the Republican Congress in Philadelphia before the White House visit, where she will emphasize the importance of the UK-US special relationship and address strategic interests within NATO, despite Trump's criticism of the alliance. Discussions will also touch on the Iranian nuclear deal and relations with Putin's Russia.

Trump: 'Maxi-inchiesta sui brogli di novembre'. Fronda tra i Repubblicani

25 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Donald Trump announces a major investigation into alleged voter fraud in the November presidential elections, claiming without evidence that millions of illegal votes were cast. His accusations have caused a split within the Republican Party, with Speaker Paul Ryan distancing himself from the claims. Bernie Sanders criticizes Trump, suggesting that the real issue is voter suppression aimed at marginalized groups. No evidence has been presented to support Trump's allegations.

Attack on the Politicians' Hotel. Blood in Somalia over the Electoral Process

25 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
A terrorist attack involving two car bombs and armed assailants targeted the Daraya Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia, resulting in at least 28 deaths and numerous injuries. The attack, claimed by the Islamist terrorist group Al-Shabaab, occurred near the Parliament and Presidential buildings. Several journalists were injured in the incident, including those from Al-Jazeera, AP, and AFP. The attack comes just weeks before the scheduled presidential elections, which have already been postponed multiple times. Al-Shabaab has intensified its attacks since being ousted from Mogadishu in 2011.

German Constitutional Court: 'No to the ban on the pro-Nazi NPD party'

17 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
The German Constitutional Court has rejected the request to ban the far-right NPD party, citing its limited influence on federal and local politics despite its unconstitutional goals. The decision, which acknowledges the party's xenophobic nature, has sparked reactions from various political entities, including the Bundesrat and the SPD, as well as indignation from the Auschwitz International Committee. The NPD's decline is attributed to the migration of its supporters to the nationalist AfD party.

No small islands to Saudi Arabia. Celebration in Cairo (in spite of Al-Sissi)

16 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Celebrations erupted in Cairo following the High Administrative Court's unanimous decision to annul the Egyptian government's plan to transfer two uninhabited Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia. The proposed cession, announced in April and perceived as a national humiliation, had sparked protests and was initially overturned by the judiciary before being reinstated last month. The islands, Tiran and Sanafir, are geostrategically significant, controlling access to the Red Sea and potentially affecting the Camp David Accords. The ruling exacerbates tensions between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, already strained over their differing stances on the Syrian crisis.

Mutiny in Ivory Coast: everything resolved in 48 hours?

08 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Acceptance of the demands of mutinous soldiers and the release of the Defense Minister appear to have resolved the crisis that began on Friday in Ivory Coast. The mutiny, which started in Bouaké and spread to Abidjan and other cities, was driven by soldiers demanding better pay and conditions. President Alassane Ouattara announced on television that the soldiers' demands would be met, although he criticized their methods. Defense Minister Alain-Richard Donwahi was briefly detained by the mutineers during negotiations.

Polar cold in Europe. 10 dead in Poland. Increasing victims in Italy

07 Jan 2017  |  it.euronews.com
Arctic currents are causing severe cold and snow across Europe, heavily impacting Italy with rare snowfall in Calabria and Puglia. In Poland, temperatures as low as -20°C have resulted in ten deaths over the past two days, with authorities warning of worsening conditions. Istanbul experienced up to 40 cm of snow, leading to significant travel disruptions. In Italy, the cold has caused at least seven deaths, with severe weather affecting transportation and daily life.

Attack in Karak: Arsenal Found, but Only Hypotheses on Command and Motive

19 Dec 2016  |  it.euronews.com
Significant seizures of weapons and explosives were made, but there is still no confirmation on the identity and motive of the attackers. The attack on Karak Castle resulted in the deaths of 10 people, including seven police officers, two civilians, and a Canadian tourist. The Jordanian police reported finding a large quantity of weapons, explosive belts, and automatic weapons in the hideout used to prepare the attack. The hostage-taking occurred at the historic Karak Castle, a key tourist site along the 'King's Highway' connecting Amman to Petra.

New cases of avian flu in France. The foie gras market trembles

02 Dec 2016  |  it.euronews.com
The southwest of France, known for foie gras production, is severely affected by a highly pathogenic avian flu, leading to the culling of thousands of birds and threatening significant export repercussions. The outbreak originated from a farm in the Tarn region. French agricultural authorities have confirmed the H5N8 strain, emphasizing the need to halt animal transfers to prevent further spread. Despite no human cases and assurances that consuming meat, eggs, and foie gras is safe, the outbreak could damage France's export status, impacting the foie gras market.

Hollande refuses a new term: 'If I ran, I would split the left'

02 Dec 2016  |  it.euronews.com
French President François Hollande made an unexpected announcement that he would not seek a new term, acknowledging that his candidacy could divide the left. The center-right criticizes this as an admission of failure, while some socialists describe the decision as courageous and dignified.

Sarkozy's Endorsement: 'In the second round of the primaries, I will vote for Fillon'

21 Nov 2016  |  it.euronews.com
Nicolas Sarkozy, former French president, endorses François Fillon for the second round of the center-right primaries, acknowledging Fillon's understanding of France's challenges. Fillon, who has gained significant support, represents the right wing of the party and seeks strategic alliances with Putin and Assad. Alain Juppé, embodying more centrist positions, vows to continue his campaign despite trailing in the polls. The article highlights the political dynamics and public sentiment surrounding the primaries, with Sarkozy's fall from favor being a focal point.

New Zealand after the earthquake: navy and helicopters to evacuate tourists

15 Nov 2016  |  it.euronews.com
New Zealand's rescue services have begun evacuating Kaikoura, a town on the South Island isolated by landslides following a powerful earthquake. Prime Minister John Key, after surveying the affected areas, described the situation as terrible and emphasized the urgency of evacuating tourists. The earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.8, caused significant damage and resulted in two fatalities. The NZ Defence Force is actively involved in the rescue operations.

Tragedia aerea di Smolensk: la Polonia riesuma i cadaveri delle vittime

15 Nov 2016  |  it.euronews.com
Poland has initiated the exhumation of victims from the 2010 Smolensk air disaster, including President Lech Kaczynski, to investigate the possibility of an in-flight explosion. The move, led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski of the ruling Diritto e Giustizia party, has sparked controversy and opposition from victims' families and the public, with accusations of political motives to stoke anti-Russian sentiment. The Russian government is criticized for not providing the plane wreckage, while previous investigations attributed the crash to fog and pilot error.

New ISIL horrors in Mosul: UN denounces and strengthens refugee camps

11 Nov 2016  |  it.euronews.com
The United Nations has reported an escalation of violence by ISIL in the battle for Mosul, enhancing the capacity of refugee camps in the region in response. The UN's human rights spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani spoke in Geneva of hundreds of executions in the past week, the discovery of mass graves, and evidence suggesting the preparation of chemical weapons. Since the offensive against Mosul began on October 17, an estimated 45,000 people have fled, with over half finding refuge in four camps in the Niniveh region. The UN warns that the crisis could potentially affect up to one and a half million people.

The nuclear deal in the Trump era. Tehran: 'We are considering alternatives'

11 Nov 2016  |  it.euronews.com
Tehran is considering alternative options to the nuclear deal if the incoming Trump administration decides to withdraw from it, as threatened during the campaign. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif emphasized Iran's compliance with the deal, while noting the U.S. has not reciprocated fully. Trump advisor Walid Phares suggested a review and modification of the deal rather than a complete withdrawal. The U.S. State Department recently accused Iran of violating the agreement, which was originally signed in July 2015 under the EU's guidance and involved major world powers. Key points of the deal include Iran's commitment to reduce uranium enrichment and allow inspections in exchange for lifting certain international sanctions.

In Aleppo, rebels used chemical weapons. Moscow says it has proof

11 Nov 2016  |  it.euronews.com
Moscow claims to have evidence that rebels in Aleppo used chemical weapons, citing unexploded shells containing white phosphorus and chlorine. The Russian Ministry of Defense has called for the UN's chemical weapons watchdog, OPCW, to examine the samples. The Syrian Opposition Council, based in Istanbul, denies these accusations, asserting that such munitions are used only by Bashar Al-Assad's forces. Conflicting reports and accusations continue, with Reuters citing sources that the OPCW condemns both the Syrian government and ISIL for using banned toxic agents.

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