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Abraham Calas

Guayaquil, Ecuador
Book Abraham with Paydesk
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Abraham is more likely to commit to assignments booked through paydesk, as it is a trusted platform that validates the seriousness and legitimacy of each engagement.

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About Abraham
I am a Systems Engineer graduated with honors from the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) in Havana, Cuba, and the current Director of Innovation and Development at elToque. In this platform, I have contributed to projects such as “The Cuba that comes…”, winner of the Online Journalism Award 2019, and “The drama of food in Cuba”, nominated for the Gabo Award 2021. I am passionate about independent, truthful, and transformative journalism. Therefore, I participated in the JournalismAI Academy for Small Newsrooms, an initiative that seeks to integrate artificial intelligence into journalism to optimize processes and improve content. Additionally, I am part of the Observatory of Currencies and Finance of Cuba (OMFi), where I research and analyze the informal currency market in Cuba in real-time. This work reflects my commitment to transparency and truth in economic and financial analysis. My goal is to continue innovating and applying advanced technologies to strengthen independent journalism and provide accurate and accessible information to the community.
English Spanish
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Abraham's confirmed information

Verified using government ID
Aug 2024
Financial institution
Verified Aug 2024
Phone number
Verified Aug 2024
Aug 2024

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