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Eman El-Sherbiny

Nairobi, Kenya
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About Eman
I'm currently the Managing Editor and Communications Consultant of ************, a community of green entrepreneurs around the Mediterranean region.

I've been working as a freelance journalist, editor, financial, and technical writer for a great 5 years. I have been widely published in major media outlets and worked on critical pieces pertaining to entrepreneurship, environmental issues, finance and economy in international and regional markets. I was also the Managing Editor of Invest Gate, a real estate news website and magazine, and I worked on B2B content as part of my role.

I'm currently based between East Africa and the Middle East.
Arabic English
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Feature Stories Content Writing
Business Finance Current Affairs

12-year-old Palestinian is Fatally Shot in Shuafat Refugee Camp

13 Mar 2024  |  www.bellingcat.com
Bellingcat has geolocated footage showing the fatal shooting of 12-year-old Rami Hamdan Al-Halhouli in Shuafat Refugee Camp in East Jerusalem. The boy was seen lighting a firework before being shot by Israeli police, who claimed he endangered their forces. The incident is under investigation, with Israel’s National Security Minister supporting the police officer's actions. Audio analysis suggests the bullet was fired before the firework launched. The footage and location details were corroborated through satellite imagery and other sources.

Talking Peace in Sudan, the U.A.E. Secretly Fuels the Fight

29 Sep 2023  |  www.nytimes.com
The United Arab Emirates is covertly supporting one side in Sudan's civil war under the guise of humanitarian aid, supplying weapons and drones to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and treating injured fighters. The operation is based in Chad, with cargo planes landing frequently since June. The RSF, linked to the Russian mercenary group Wagner, has been accused of atrocities in the conflict that has killed 5,000 civilians and displaced over four million people. Despite the UAE's claims of humanitarian motives, evidence suggests otherwise.

Symposium on Fairness, Equality, and Diversity in Open Source Investigations: Why Tapping Into Open Source Intelligence Still Comes at a Cost for Researchers in the Global South

06 Feb 2023  |  Opinio Juris
Open source intelligence (OSINT) is a rapidly growing field, projected to reach $35 billion by 2030. However, researchers in the Global South face significant challenges, including limited access to high-resolution satellite imagery, lack of street view data, and the removal of critical social media content. The security of these researchers is also at risk due to state-sponsored cyber surveillance and attacks. Training and education in OSINT are crucial but often inaccessible due to cost and time constraints. Recognition and mental health support for researchers in the Global South are also lacking, contributing to vicarious trauma and despair.

Political cartoons from the last 111 years

08 Nov 2022  |  Magnolia State Live
Political cartoons have been a significant medium for social and political commentary over the last 111 years, evolving in style and subject matter. From Benjamin Franklin's call for colonial unity to modern critiques of political figures and policies, these cartoons have captured public sentiment and influenced political dialogue. The article highlights notable cartoons and their historical contexts, including opposition to the Roman Catholic Church, critiques of U.S. immigration policies, and commentary on major events like World War I, the Great Depression, and the Cold War. The role of political cartoons in shaping public opinion and reflecting societal issues remains crucial, as evidenced by their continued relevance in contemporary political discourse.

Here is the link to my portfolio on Contently.

Here is the link to my portfolio on Contently.


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Verified Nov 2017
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Verified Oct 2017
Oct 2017

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