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Fathiyah Wardah

Central Jakarta, Indonesia
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About Fathiyah
Hello, my name is Fathiyah Wardah.

I am a freelance journalist based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I graduated  from Institute of Social and Political Science, Jakarta with a degree in communication in 2001.

My Work experience in journalism began in 2022 when I worked for Ms Tri Radio in Jakarta  for a year. After that  I worked at the Voice of Human Rights Media  for  about five years from 2023 to 2008.  I am currently for Voice of America (VOA) as a stringer since 2008. I Covering all kind of news like politics, human rights, health, climate crisis, etc.

I have experience covered  members of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) who were imprisoned in Nusakambangan,  Indonesia illegal migrant workers in Malaysia, child prostitution in Yogyakarta, The first simultaneous regional elections in ACEH.  I have experience also becoming fixer such as arrangement some interviews with the sources. 

If you need more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
English Indonesian
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Vox Pop Feature Stories
Politics Current Affairs Natural Disasters

Fathiyah's confirmed information

Verified using government ID
Jun 2024
Financial institution
Verified May 2024
Phone number
Verified May 2024
May 2024

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