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Fulvio Beltrami

Kampala, Uganda
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About Fulvio
Fulvio Beltrami is a journalist based in Kampala, Uganda.
Economic immigrant from Italy to Africa since 1994. Correspondent for East Africa and the Horn of Africa for the Italian Catholic newspaper Il Faro Di Roma (******) , the Italian magazine Focus on Africa (******)  and the French Catholic newspaper Place St Pierre (******) . I also maintain a personal blog in English on the Medium information platform (******)
Investigative Journalism Fact Checking
Politics Fact Checking

Ethiopia. The Khartoum-Washington-Paris peace initiative could hide a radical regime change in Ethiopia and Eritrea

06 Aug 2021  |  Medium
The article discusses Sudan's role as a mediator in the conflict between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), with support from the United States and France. The author, Fulvio Beltrami, suggests that the peace initiative may be a facade for a more significant agenda of regime change in Ethiopia and Eritrea. The African Union is criticized for its ineffectiveness, and the internal divisions within Sudan's transitional government are highlighted as obstacles to war with Ethiopia. The article also touches on the involvement of the US and France in the region, the Prosperity Party's struggles in Ethiopia, and the potential for a regime change in Eritrea. Beltrami expresses skepticism about the success of the peace initiative and implies that Western powers have ulterior motives in the region, including maintaining influence and preventing Russian or Turkish intervention.

Ethiopia: TDF and OLA focus on Addis Ababa?

24 Jul 2021  |  fulviobeltrami.medium.com
The Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) are intensifying their military campaigns in Ethiopia, with the TDF threatening the transport corridor to Djibouti and advancing towards Gondar, while the OLA is moving closer to Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian Federal Army has suffered significant defeats, and there are signs of fractures within the ruling alliance. The Afar region has seen heavy fighting, with civilian appeals for resistance and over 50,000 displacements reported. The Amhara leadership is under pressure, with curfews in Gondar and accusations of sabotage against the federal government. The situation undermines prospects for a peaceful resolution, with the TDF and OLA gaining strength and the ENDF's position weakening. Regional experts suggest that external support for the TDF and a shift in US foreign policy may be influencing the conflict's dynamics.

Ethiopia: Twitter and Facebook must take action against the spread of ethnic hatred and incitement to genocide

23 Jul 2021  |  placestpierre.fr
Despite a unilateral ceasefire declared by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Tigray remains besieged with millions at risk of starvation and in need of immediate humanitarian aid. Ethnic Tigrayans in Ethiopia face mass arrests, frozen bank accounts, job purges, and travel bans. Hate speech and targeting of Tigrayans are escalating in Addis Ababa, with fears of a potential genocide reminiscent of Rwanda. The Ethiopian government and Amhara-controlled media outlets, Fana TV and Borkena TV, are accused of promoting ethnic hatred and incitement to genocide. A study by Ethiopian researchers published by Taylor & Francis Group indicates that the spread of hate on social media is a premeditated government communication policy. The article calls for social media giants to adhere to the EU's Digital Service Act and take action against content promoting ethnic hatred and genocide.

Burundi: General Neva's RFI & France24 Interview Aimed to Rehabilitate Military Junta Leader's Image

19 Jul 2021  |  fulviobeltrami.medium.com
General Neva, head of Burundi's military junta, was interviewed by RFI and France24 during his visit to the DRC, aiming to rehabilitate the regime's image. The interview coincided with the signing of economic agreements with the DRC, despite the junta's history of human rights abuses and suspected involvement in the death of former leader Pierre Nkurunziza. The EU's sanctions against Burundi were a focal point, with Neva seeking their removal while denying human rights violations. The visit to Kinshasa represents a diplomatic success for the junta, although concerns remain about the sincerity of democratic reforms and the protection of human rights in Burundi.

Ethiopia: Agegnehu Teshager and Temesgen Tiruneh Play the Genocidal Card Against Tigray

18 Jul 2021  |  fulviobeltrami.medium.com
The Amhara leadership in Ethiopia, including figures like Agegnehu Teshager and Temesgen Tiruneh, is accused of playing the genocide card against the Tigray population by inciting ethnic hatred and violence. The conflict has escalated with the TPLF regaining control of territories and the Amhara leadership calling for a 'holy war' against TPLF 'terrorists.' The Ethiopian government has been criticized for blocking humanitarian aid to Tigray, leading to famine conditions. The EU and the US are considering measures against Ethiopia to prevent a genocide, while the TPLF maintains it has no intention of enacting revenge on the Amhara people and calls for resistance against the power-hungry leaders.

The EU must honor its human rights commitments in Burundi

27 Jun 2021  |  placestpierre.fr
Since 2016, Burundi has been under economic sanctions and a freeze on bilateral aid by the EU due to crimes against humanity committed between 2015 and 2016. A political lobby within the EU is attempting to rehabilitate the Burundian regime, responsible for thousands of deaths during and after the civil war, by presenting it as committed to democracy and human rights. This lobby, along with the military junta in power, is pushing for a historical revision to lift EU sanctions. Human rights organizations are urging the EU to uphold its human rights commitments in Burundi, highlighting the lack of significant progress on human rights and the continued impunity for past and ongoing serious human rights violations.

Ethiopia, the electoral defeat of Abiy if the elections were free and inclusive

12 Jun 2021  |  www.focusonafrica.info
The upcoming Ethiopian elections on June 21 are expected to have low voter turnout due to a boycott and government exclusion tactics, with 28.4 million citizens likely not voting. The Tigray region and others are excluded, affecting 63 parliamentary seats. Diplomatic sources warn of a pre-determined victory for Prime Minister Abiy and the Prosperity Party, which may be recognized by some European governments. A survey by Afrobarometer indicates that 53% of Ethiopians believe the government is mismanaging the economy, and there is a high level of distrust in the government among the youth, with 71% considering the parliament and government corrupt. The youth demand more inclusion and representation, and the survey suggests Abiy's Prosperity Party would only garner 22-36% of votes. Abiy's exclusionary voting strategy is seen as a response to his unpopularity.

Ethiopia: The Chilling Denunciation of Sexual Violence Against Catholic Nuns in Tigray

22 May 2021  |  fulviobeltrami.medium.com
Eritrean and Ethiopian troops in Tigray have been systematically committing sexual violence against dozens of Catholic nuns, suspected as revenge against the Catholic Church's denunciations of crimes in the region. A Catholic priest from Adigrat diocese, under anonymity, reported ongoing mass killings, kidnappings, and rapes targeting men, young people, and women. The violence aims to prevent resistance to Premier Abiy's regime and weaken the Tigrinya population. The Catholic Church, alongside the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, has been vocal in condemning these crimes. The Association of Episcopal Conferences of East Africa has called for humanitarian aid for Tigray, while the Ethiopian government has launched a

In Uganda, a sixth presidential term for the old wolf Museveni

13 May 2021  |  placestpierre.fr
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni was sworn in for a sixth presidential term amid allegations of election fraud and intimidation by the government, which used COVID-19 prevention measures to hinder opposition rallies. The opposition, led by Robert Kyagulanyi, known as Bobi Wine, claims victory and continues to fight for democracy despite facing arrest and military intimidation. The inauguration ceremony was marked by a heavy military presence and the absence of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, highlighting ongoing tensions between Uganda and Rwanda. Museveni's speech dismissed election violence claims and asserted his uncontested leadership, while international reactions remain cautious, balancing moral principles with realpolitik.

Congo: $43 million disappeared as fake loan to a company linked to former President Kabila

12 May 2021  |  placestpierre.fr
A financial scandal in the Democratic Republic of the Congo involving a $43 million fake loan to Egal SARL, a company linked to former President Joseph Kabila, has resurfaced. The scandal, known since 2016 from the 'Lumumba Papers', implicates the Central Bank of Congo and BGFI Bank in fraudulent activities. The General Inspector of Finances, Jules Alingete, has investigated and found that the Central Bank transferred the funds to BGFI Bank, which then credited Egal SARL's account. Despite BGFI Bank's defense, evidence suggests the bank's responsibility for the missing funds. High-ranking officials, including Central Bank Governor Deogratias Mutombo Nyembo and former minister Patrice Kitebi, are under suspicion. The case has been forwarded to CENAREF, and President Félix Tshisekedi must decide on further action against the officials.

Congo: The offensive against 'negative forces' has begun, but grey areas persist

11 May 2021  |  placestpierre.fr
The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) have launched an offensive against armed groups occupying territories in the eastern provinces, focusing on the FPCA-PFI group. The FARDC has reported successes, including the liberation of Nyakunde hospital and the surrender of various militia leaders. The offensive aims to dismantle the network of groups allied with the FDLR, a Rwandan terrorist group. Despite military progress, there are concerns about human rights violations by the military and the humanitarian crisis with over 3 million internally displaced persons in Ituri and North Kivu. The government has promised increased support for those affected. The situation of the Banyamulenge ethnic group is particularly dire, with allegations of ethnic cleansing. Additionally, the UPDF is coordinating with the FARDC to combat the ADF, an extremist Ugandan rebel group in North Kivu.

Ethiopia, civil war in Tigray and Amhara expansionist nationalism

10 May 2021  |  www.focusonafrica.info
The civil war in Tigray, Ethiopia, is fueling Amhara expansionist nationalism, according to anthropologist Kietil Tronvol. The conflict is driven by the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali's desire for political control over Tigray and the Amhara political elite's aim to reclaim territories lost in 1991. Amhara militias and special forces are key in the conflict, with western and southern parts of Tigray currently under Amhara administration. Territorial claims extend beyond Tigray, with disputes over fertile lands with Sudan. The restructuring of Ethiopia's provinces has been used historically by the central government to maintain control. The current war is seen as a continuation of the 1998 Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict for Eritrea. Amhara leaders Teshager and Tiruneh have been strategically placed in positions of power, with Tiruneh controlling the NISS. Ethnic cleansing in contested territories has been reported, with the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken labeling it as such, a claim the Ethiopian government rejects. Abiy's approval of the re-incorporation of contested territories into the Amhara State is seen as a political necessity due to his reliance on Amhara support. The internal discord within the Amhara leadership and the Prosperity Party is threatening to destabilize Abiy's government. The upcoming elections are expected to be won by the Prosperity Party, but the real political struggle is within the party itself. The formal incorporation of territories under Amhara control is pending, with no clear action from the Ethiopian Prime Minister. The TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael has stated there will be no peace or negotiations until all enemy forces withdraw from Tigray.

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Aug 2021

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