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Hedayatullah Amid

Kabul, Afghanistan
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About Hedayatullah
Hedayatullah Amid is a freelance photojournalist/video journalist based in Kabul, Afghanistan. His works have been published in major national and international media outlets such as Washington Post, New York Times, the Guardian, Time LightBox, CNN, BBC, World Photo, The Times, The Seattle Times, Boston, Walls Street Journal, TIME Magazine, and several other international media outlets. Hedayat’s photography has won prizes from UNESCO, Premio Luchetta, the British Embassy in Kabul, and in 2015, one of his photos was selected as part of the top 100 photos of the year by Time magazine.
English Persian (Farsi) Pashto
Photography Fixing Interview
Politics Arts & Books Natural Disasters

The Sport Fisherman

19 Sep 2023  |  nrc.nl
Johan Aarts from Sint Willebrord has been a sport fisherman for over forty years, starting around age ten. He recently traveled to Vlaardingen Holysingel for sport fishing training with friends. Unlike in Afghanistan, where recreational catch-and-release fishing is not common, sport fishermen like Aarts catch fish for fun, not for consumption or sale. Aarts has competed in the Dutch championships seven times and was selected for the World Championships three times, though he never participated. He finished second in a recent Vlaardings fishing tournament and advocates fishing for its stress-reducing benefits and the opportunity to spend time in nature.

Camping on artificial grass at the indoor camping

13 Sep 2023  |  nrc.nl
In Amsterdam, the indoor camping facility Outside Inn, founded by Willem Megens in 2020 near the Johan Cruijff Arena, offers a unique camping experience on artificial grass. Despite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the business has thrived, continually adding new caravans and huts to its 25 'rooms'. With rates starting at 90 euros, it attracts guests for weekend stays and is popular among young people attending concerts in Amsterdam.

At least seven people were killed and 14 injured after petrol cisterns burst into flames and exploded Saturday-Sunday night in Kabul. The fire destroyed power lines supplying electricity to part of the city, the authorities of the Afghan capital reported



When evolution is not a slow dance but a fast race to survive

24 Apr 2021  |  Aeon
The article discusses the genetic evolution of human populations in ancient Europe, highlighting the transition from dark-skinned, blue-eyed hunter-gatherers to light-skinned, brown-eyed farmers due to the spread of agriculture from the Middle East. It explains how the gene for lactose tolerance and lighter skin became prevalent as these traits were advantageous for a farming lifestyle. The article also touches on the concept of fast evolution, using the work of evolutionary biologists like Peter and Rosemary Grant, David Lahti, and Paul W Ewald as examples. It emphasizes that human evolution is ongoing, driven by natural selection, and that local adaptations continue to shape human populations in response to environmental and social pressures.

Afghanistan: At least 14 civilians killed across three provinces

24 Apr 2021  |  Al Jazeera
The article reports on the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, highlighting the recent deaths of 14 people in various attacks across the country. Despite ongoing peace efforts, the violence has not abated, with targeted killings in Kabul on the rise. The victims include security forces, government employees, activists, and journalists. In Ghazni province, a roadside bomb killed four civilians, and in Kandahar province, another bomb resulted in four civilian deaths. The United Nations has reported a 29 percent increase in civilian casualties in the first quarter of the year, with a significant rise in women and children affected. The Taliban, who have a history of ruling Afghanistan and are currently engaged in an armed uprising, have refused to attend peace talks until all foreign forces are withdrawn, a condition that has seen some movement with the US agreeing to withdraw forces by a postponed date.

Car bomb terror in Afghan capital kills 31, Taliban issue statement

23 Apr 2021  |  www.cnn.co.jp
A car bomb explosion in Kabul, Afghanistan, on the morning of the 24th killed at least 31 people, with the Taliban claiming responsibility. The explosion targeted a bus carrying Afghan intelligence officials, but all victims were civilians, including women and children. The Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah condemned the attack on public servants, while President Ghani criticized the enemy for targeting innocent civilians. UN Secretary-General António Guterres also condemned the attack, which could constitute a war crime. The UN reported over 1600 civilian deaths in Afghanistan from January to June, marking the deadliest period since 2001. Amidst the Taliban's intensifying offensive, the Trump administration is considering a troop surge in the country.

US Warns of Increased Risk of Extremist Attacks on Women in Afghanistan

18 Sep 2020  |  www.theguardian.com
The US embassy in Kabul has issued a warning about the increased risk of attacks on women in Afghanistan by extremist groups. Despite ongoing peace negotiations in Doha between the Taliban and the Afghan government, attacks on women have been on the rise. Recent incidents include an assassination attempt on Fawzia Koofi, a member of the government's negotiation team, and the killing of Fatima Khalil, a human rights worker. A shocking attack also occurred in a maternity ward in Kabul, resulting in the death of 16 mothers. The UN reports that almost 1,300 people have been killed in Afghanistan in the first half of the year. Women in Afghanistan face severe challenges, including low literacy rates and the fear of the Taliban returning to power, which could further restrict their rights to education and employment.

Afghanistan: Deadly Attacks on Hospital and Funeral Shatter Peace Hopes

12 May 2020  |  www.theguardian.com
On a tragic day in Afghanistan, gunmen attacked a Kabul hospital, killing at least 16 people, including newborns and mothers. A separate suicide bombing at a funeral in Nangarhar province resulted in at least 24 deaths. President Ashraf Ghani ordered a full offensive against the Taliban and other militants, signaling an end to the reduced military activity that was in place for anticipated US-brokered peace talks. The Taliban denied responsibility for the attacks, which have cast doubt on the peace process. The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, condemned the attacks and urged cooperation between the Taliban and the Afghan government. The violence continued with another bombing in Khost province, killing a child and injuring others.

At least two civilians and four military personnel killed in bombing that targeted government-run military academy.

11 Feb 2020  |  Al Jazeera
A suicide bombing at the Marshal Fahim Military Academy in Kabul, Afghanistan, resulted in the death of at least six individuals, including two civilians and four military personnel, with 12 others wounded. The attack occurred early Tuesday morning and marks the first significant assault in the Afghan capital in months. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, which comes amidst ongoing negotiations between Washington and the Taliban. The Taliban have avoided targeting major cities recently, but violence persists in other regions. The military academy, established with the oversight of British troops, has been attacked several times in the past. The incident adds to the instability in Afghanistan as the US and the Taliban continue their tumultuous peace talks.

The Unspeakable War - The New York Times

11 May 2019  |  www.nytimes.com
The article discusses the detailed findings of the inspector general's office regarding the situation in Afghanistan. The public reports, which have been issued quarterly since 2008, provide an honest accounting to taxpayers and military families, despite classified information being reserved for Congress. The latest report highlights a lack of updates on key metrics such as Taliban control, Afghan security forces casualties, and assessments of Afghan military and police performance. The report also indicates a significant increase in enemy-initiated attacks during the winter months and a concerning rise in civilian deaths caused by Afghan government and international forces compared to anti-government forces. These findings suggest that the Trump administration's strategy to pressure the Taliban into a peace deal may not be as effective as hoped.

Kabul gun and suicide attack kills 43 in one of year's deadliest assaults

25 Dec 2018  |  www.theguardian.com
Kabul experienced one of its deadliest attacks this year when gunmen and a suicide bomber targeted a government compound, killing at least 43 people. The Afghan Health Ministry confirmed the casualties and noted that 10 others were wounded. The attack occurred at a site housing the Ministry of Public Works and a veterans' benefits office. The assault began with a car bomb, followed by gunmen storming the building, leading to a prolonged siege with security forces. The Taliban have not claimed responsibility, but the attack follows a period of political and military upheaval in Afghanistan, including US plans to reduce troop numbers and a local security reshuffle. Afghan leaders have condemned the attack while acknowledging the challenging situation on the ground.

Militants Storm Afghan Offices in Kabul, Killing Dozens

24 Dec 2018  |  www.nytimes.com
Militants launched a deadly attack on Afghan government offices in Kabul, detonating a car bomb and engaging in a firefight that lasted at least five hours. The assault resulted in at least 43 fatalities and marked a break in the recent lull of violence in the city. This incident occurred shortly after President Trump's unexpected order to the Pentagon to plan for the withdrawal of roughly half of the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a decision that surprised Afghan authorities. The targeted area included the Ministry of Public Works and an administrative office for war-related pensions.

Un atentado suicida en Kabul contra un centro de la minoría musulmana chií causa al menos 41 muertos

28 Dec 2017  |  La Rioja
El artículo reporta un atentado suicida en Kabul, Afganistán, dirigido contra un centro cultural de la minoría musulmana chií, que ha sido reivindicado por el Estado Islámico. El ataque resultó en al menos 41 muertos y 84 heridos. El centro cultural, además de ser un lugar de reunión, albergaba una madrasa, una mezquita y las oficinas de la agencia de noticias Sada-e-Afghan. El ataque fue condenado por el presidente Ashraf Gani como un crimen contra la humanidad y contrario a los valores islámicos y humanos. El artículo también menciona ataques previos en Kabul y la situación de seguridad en Afganistán, donde el gobierno ha perdido terreno frente a los talibanes.

Afghans killed in anti-government protest after Kabul bombing

02 Jun 2017  |  www.theguardian.com
In the aftermath of a devastating truck bombing in Kabul's diplomatic quarter, which resulted in at least 90 deaths and over 460 injuries, hundreds of Afghan protesters clashed with police while demanding the resignation of President Ashraf Ghani. The protesters, who were also chanting against the Taliban, were met with live ammunition, teargas, and water cannon by security forces as they attempted to breach a security cordon. The attack has raised questions about the government's intelligence capabilities and security measures. The Afghan intelligence agency has accused the Haqqani network, which is affiliated with the Taliban, of orchestrating the bombing. In response to the public outcry, President Ghani is expected to approve the execution of 11 Taliban and Haqqani prisoners.

Afghanistan marks day of national mourning after huge attack

24 Jul 2016  |  www.seattletimes.com
Afghanistan observed a national day of mourning after a suicide bomber, claimed by the Islamic State group, killed at least 80 people in Kabul. The victims were part of a peaceful Hazara community demonstration. The Hazaras, who are predominantly Shiite Muslims, were targeted by the attack, which is the first by IS in Kabul and raises concerns about the group's capabilities in Afghanistan. The Taliban denied involvement, and the government has banned public gatherings to prevent further strife. The Hazaras were protesting for equal development and had previously demanded the rerouting of a power line through their province. President Ashraf Ghani attended a memorial service and has agreed to some demands of the Enlighten Movement, which organized the demonstration.

Fifty Years After 'Bloody Sunday,' Selma Marches On

23 Mar 2015  |  Time
The article reflects on the 50th anniversary of 'Bloody Sunday,' a pivotal event in the civil rights movement where demonstrators were violently confronted by state police in Selma, Alabama. The commemoration involved thousands of people, including President Obama and his family, who joined original participants like Congressman John Lewis and Amelia Boynton Robinson in a symbolic march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. President Obama spoke at the event, emphasizing that the struggle for racial equality and justice continues and the goals of the original marchers have not yet been fully achieved.

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