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Helia Asgari

Tehran, Iran
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About Helia
_ senior social media Editor
_ researcher...
_ translator
_ video journalist
_ Document film researcher, director, Editor
German English Persian (Farsi)
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Current Affairs Fact Checking

research about Climate change and the situation of crops and plants. Neuer Osten

Table of Contents

16 Aug 2020  |  novapublishers.com
This book serves as a comprehensive handbook for students, scholars, and professionals in various fields such as communication, journalism, international affairs, political science, linguistics, and social media studies. It compiles a series of chapters that explore the use of Twitter in different contexts of political activism and discourse. The chapters cover a range of topics including the potential of Twitter for political activism, promotional and emotional strategies in political discourse, the impact of digital communication on public spheres, and the role of Twitter in various social movements and campaigns. The book also examines the ethical considerations and challenges related to freedom of speech and governance in the digital age. Each chapter is authored by experts from various universities around the world, providing diverse perspectives on the intersection of social media and political engagement.

University of Vienna - Academia.edu

14 Oct 2018  |  univie.academia.edu
The article explores the impact of new media, such as social networks, blogs, and microblogs, on democracy and political participation. It highlights the role of these digital tools in civic engagement and their potential to challenge existing political power structures, particularly referencing their importance during the Middle East uprisings. The paper aims to investigate the relationship between social media use and public engagement, addressing the debate on whether new media significantly influence social movements and the democratization process. It reviews two contrasting perspectives: Skeptics, who doubt the effectiveness of new media in political participation, and Utopians, who believe new media foster greater inclusivity and participation. The article seeks to evaluate the role of new media in political campaigns, debates, choices, representation, and decision-making.

این یک ترانه نیست هلیا عسگری

اوکراین فاحشه خانه نیست هلیا عسگری

محل تولد: زندان هلیا عسگری

فمینیسم اروپای شرقی هلیا عسگری

جنبشِ نه به خشونت علیه زنان در آمریکا کانون زنان ایرانی/ هلیا عسگری

دختران كانون اصلاح و تربيت در آستانه نوروز روزنامه ایران/ ویژه نامه نوروز / سال ۹۶/ هلیا عسگری

gheseye dokhtaran Iranshahr/ the tale of Iranshahr's women Zanan E Emrooz Magazine Helia Asgari

zanan E emrooz Magazine new issue promotional video Helia Asgari

nationality zanan E emrooz Magazine Helia Asgari

Gharchak Prison video by: Helia Asgari screenwriter/ director/Editor/ narrator

verbal violence against women poster: UN women animation: Helia Asgari

break the silence stop the violence illustration: Helia Asgari animation; Helia Asgari irwomen

END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN poster of UN women animation: Helia Asgari kanoon zanan Irani/ irwomen


Feminism and the Hip-Hop Movement

06 Jul 2017  |  www.radiozamaneh.com
Hip-hop, originating from the struggles of African American youth in New York's Bronx, has evolved beyond music to include graffiti, dance, and DJing, becoming a cultural movement that peaked in the 80s and 90s. Despite its protest tones against racial, economic, and social discrimination, hip-hop initially portrayed women negatively. Hip-hop feminism emerged as a response, challenging traditional gender roles and advocating for gender equality. Coined by cultural critic Joan Morgan in 1999, hip-hop feminism is rooted in black feminism and addresses the intersection of racial, gender, and class discrimination. Artists like Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill, and Salt-N-Pepa used the genre to empower and respect women, contrasting with the male-dominated early hip-hop scene. The movement continues to influence today's female hip-hop artists, who address everyday issues and encourage women to love their bodies and speak out against sexual harassment and assault.

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Oct 2018

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