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Jan Polak

Auckland, New Zealand
Book Jan with Paydesk
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About Jan
With over three decades of experience, I'm a highly acclaimed Director of Photography based in New Zealand. I've worked on various TV shows for international networks and independent productions, known for delivering captivating visuals. I handle projects of any scale, using top-notch camera gear I own to ensure exceptional results. My goal is always to exceed expectations and provide the best camera work. I've collaborated with industry leaders, leaving a mark with my innovative storytelling through visuals. Explore examples of my work at http://www.visiondynamic.com. My credits include appearances on channels like Discovery Science and HBO, and I've contributed to many well-known US-based productions filmed in NZ. My services are available across New Zealand and the South Pacific region.
English Polish
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Business Finance Politics

Jan's confirmed information

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Verified May 2024
May 2024

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