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Janisset Rivero

Miami, United States of America
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About Janisset
Janisset Rivero is a journalist based in Miami, United States of America. She was born in Camagüey. She left Cuba as a political refugee and lived for several years in Venezuela. She has a degree in Communications and Advertising from the New Professions University Institute in Caracas, and in Spanish from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami. In 2003 she completed a master's degree in Latin American literature from FIU. 

She is a founding member of the Cuban Democratic Directorate; she represented this organization internationally in forums such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS and the Human Rights Council of the UN. Janisset Rivero has worked closely with the opposition movement in Cuba in several projects during more than 20 years of activism. She is also the co-author of the reports "Steps to Freedom" published from 1997 to 2008 and "Situation of Human Rights in Cuba" which is published from 2003 to 2014. She also helped in the preparation of the report "Torture in Cuba", published by Directorio in 2007.  For 10 years, she was the host of the short-wave radio program "Barrio Adentro" interviewing human rights activists inside Cuba.

She has published poems, essays, and articles in newspapers and magazines in Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and the United States. 

She is the author of the published poetry collections "Ausente" (Spain, Aduana Vieja, 2008) and "Witnesses of the night" (United States, Ultramar, 2014) and her first novel "Letters to Pedro" (Verbum Editorial, 2021).

She is currently the host of two AM Radio Programs in South Florida: Comunidad Libre and Libertad en Accion. She works closely with Hispanic communities nationally.
English Spanish
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Investigative Reporting Breaking News

Interview with Cuban priest Alberto Reyes, as part of Voces de Cuba (Voices of Cuba) oral history project.

Article published in El Nuevo Herald

Weekly Radio Program for Hispanic Community in South Florida

Tampa and the Uneac


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