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Joan Masai

Nairobi, Kenya
Book Joan with Paydesk
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About Joan
Joan Masai is a journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is aged thirt seven(37) , has a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and a Diploma in Film video production.Equipped with over five years experience in camera operations,production,scripting and editing.she is interested in working on different and diverse projects with you.
English Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Politics Current Affairs

A pre-recorded TV program where meals are prepared in real time and aired later.

This is a farmer featuring on an Agricultural program,showcasing cycle economy in kitchen garden type of farming

A feature story filmed at Lake Baringo on why the Lake was surging and causing havoc to the residents


Joan's confirmed information

Phone number
Verified Oct 2022
Oct 2022

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