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John Kagaruki

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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About John
John Kagaruki is a journalist based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He has produced a number of videos for both corporate clients and for public view. His main skills are in the field of audio recording and production and also works with video. He has also done radio presentation on live radio shows in Tanzania.
English Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Arts & Books Entertainment & Celebrity Music

Women are the hardest hit when it comes to income inequality in Africa and often do the most work and carry the biggest burden of supporting their families. This short video highlights the problem.

An overview of an irrigation project for small-holder farmers in Tanzania. The background music is a joint composition of my music group, Mopao Swahili Jazz.

Kickstart is an international NGO promoting irrigation solutions for smallholder farmers in rural Tanzania. This video was taken in the field and used to showcase a success story.

Local women welcoming the Minister of Agriculture at a site inspection for a Irrigation Scheme helping local farmers

A letter to President Magufuli: Why agriculture must come first


John's confirmed information

Verified using government ID
Jun 2024
Financial institution
Verified Jun 2024
Phone number
Verified Jun 2024
Jun 2024

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