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Juan José Díez Góez

Medellín, Colombia
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About Juan
Juan José Díez Góez is a journalist based in Medellín, Colombia.
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Carlos Mario Londoño entre sueños y canciones (Entrevista) [Podcast]

El Fénix que escribe para no olvidar (Crónica)

Return to a past that never left: The present of analog music and photography in Medellín

18 Apr 2021  |  La Cola de Rata
The resurgence of analog music and photography in Medellín is driven by a desire for tangible, nostalgic experiences in the digital age. Vinyl records and analog cameras are gaining popularity, especially among the youth who did not experience their peak usage. Experts like Sadoth Giraldo Acosta from Universidad Ean attribute this trend to a psychological preference for the past and future over the present. The vinyl scene is supported by long-time collectors and new, non-traditional spaces for distribution and listening, while analog photography is seeing a revival with young people exploring film cameras and the art of developing photos. Independent labs like Mala Muerte Lab and virtual stores like Bunker Análogo are emerging to meet the demand for analog experiences.

Forced intra-urban displacement is a thermometer of violence: Luz Amparo Sánchez

15 Feb 2021  |  Hacemos Memoria
Despite the strict quarantine imposed in 2020 due to COVID-19, Medellín reported cases of intra-urban displacement, with 467 people displaced within the city. Intra-urban forced displacement, recognized by the Colombian state following a mass displacement event in 2002, has been a persistent issue in Medellín for at least 20 years. Luz Amparo Sánchez, an anthropologist and master in Philosophy, and coordinator of the Right to the City program at Corporación Región, discusses the dynamics and characteristics of this phenomenon. The violence continued during the pandemic, linked to criminal control in neighborhoods. The displacement is closely related to fear and the threat of death, affecting mainly young people. Institutional commitment is crucial for addressing displacement and ensuring the return and social reintegration of victims. The article also touches on the challenges faced by victims due to the invisibility of intra-urban displacement in the context of the Colombian peace process.

And the money for the stranded?

01 Oct 2020  |  delaurbe.udea.edu.co
The article discusses the challenges faced by Colombian nationals stranded abroad due to the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the limited availability and high cost of humanitarian flights not subsidized by the state. It highlights the experiences of individuals like Andrea Luna in Japan and Stacy Taborda in Spain, who faced difficulties accessing embassy and consulate assistance. The article also addresses the disparities in resource allocation by the Colombian government and the role of organizations like Rotary International and Servicolex in providing support. It emphasizes the need for better preparedness and funding to assist nationals in future international crises.

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Feb 2022

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