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Kaja Puto

Warsaw, Poland
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About Kaja
Kaja Puto (b. 1990) - Polish journalist and editor who writes on Eastern Europe, nationalism and migration. She studied culture studies, history and philosophy in Kraków, Tbilisi and Berlin. Member of Krytyka Polityczna, n-ost - The Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe and Rekolektyw Association. In 2015-2018 deputy director of Korporacja Ha!art publishing house.
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Feature Stories Investigative Journalism Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast)
Politics Current Affairs Media Training

The Slow News Season in Poland

01 Apr 2023  |  politicalcritique.org
The article by Kaja Puto reflects on the heightened sense of alarm among Polish journalists about a potential war, drawing parallels with the pre-World War II atmosphere. Puto critiques the Polish media's focus on sensationalism and fear-mongering, particularly in the context of international tensions involving Brexit, Trump, Putin, Erdogan, and IS. She references journalists like Grzegorz Sroczyński, Anda Rottenberg, and Bartosz Wieliński, who have contributed to the war rhetoric. Puto argues that Poland is unlikely to be a target for Putin due to NATO membership and widespread Russophobia. She emphasizes the need to understand the role of new media in spreading panic and misinformation, rather than drawing historical parallels with 1939. The article also points out the lack of funding for Polish journalists compared to their Western counterparts, who can produce in-depth reports on issues like the Middle East conflict.

Five Scientific Achievements You Might Have Missed in 2021

01 Jan 2022  |  krytykapolityczna.pl
Despite the focus on COVID-19, 2021 saw significant scientific achievements including the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, the approval of the first malaria vaccine by WHO, the discovery of unexpected muon behavior suggesting new physics, the controversial approval of aducanumab for Alzheimer's, and research showing psilocybin's effectiveness in treating depression.

Helping migrants at the border has become taboo [interview]

06 Dec 2021  |  krytykapolityczna.pl
Nina Boichenko, initiator of the 'Researchers at the Border' initiative, discusses the impact of the migration route through Belarus and the state of emergency on the local community in Podlasie, Poland. The initiative aims to connect researchers in the field to share advice, avoid duplicating research topics, and establish common ethical work rules. Boichenko, along with Natalia Judzińska, seeks to create a research base, a repository of collected data, and possibly an educational website with short films. Despite the lack of funding, they hope to facilitate research in the border zone, which is dynamic and requires immediate attention. Boichenko, a migrant herself, reflects on the taboo of helping migrants and the polarized attitudes towards them in the region.

Young Polish doctors are fleeing to Germany. But not necessarily for money

23 Mar 2021  |  krytykapolityczna.pl
Polish doctors are increasingly choosing to work in Germany, attracted by better working conditions, higher salaries, and a more balanced work-life integration. The German healthcare system is praised for its high standards, modern equipment, and shorter patient queues. In contrast, the Polish system is criticized for its long working hours, low pay, and insufficient funding. The article discusses the challenges faced by young Polish doctors, including the difficulty of specializing in Poland and the bureaucratic hurdles. The political climate in Poland, particularly regarding women's reproductive rights, is also a factor driving emigration. Despite improvements following strikes, many doctors still consider leaving Poland, exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.

Post-Soviet culture and aesthetics as seen from an Eastern European block

About Polish immigrants in Germany against immigrants in Germany

A review of "Wołyń" (Hatred) - a film by Wojciech Smarzowski, which divides Poles and Ukrainians

Is Poland violating international asylum regulations?

21 Mar 2017  |  www.dw.com
The article discusses the plight of Chechen refugees attempting to cross the border from Belarus into Poland to seek asylum. Despite the harsh winter conditions, many are turned away by Polish border guards, with only a few families allowed to enter. The situation reflects a change in Poland's policy towards refugees, particularly from Muslim-majority regions, amidst fears of Islamist terrorism. The Polish ombudsman for civil rights and human rights groups have raised concerns about the potential violation of the Geneva Convention, as the majority of asylum-seekers are sent back. The article also touches on Poland's reluctance to assist residents of eastern Ukraine of Polish ethnicity, despite previous government promises and the willingness of the liberal Civic Platform in Poznan to help.

Calling For the Eastern International – Political Critique [DISCONTINUED]

16 Mar 2017  |  politicalcritique.org
The article discusses the need for Eastern European countries to learn from each other and stand united in the face of political challenges. It criticizes the portrayal of Eastern European women in literature and the patronizing attitudes they face, particularly from right-leaning circles. The author argues for the Polish left to establish a presence in discussions about Eastern Europe, which is often overlooked in favor of Western or global issues. The piece highlights the lack of attention given to Eastern European issues by the younger generation and the left, who are more inclined to align with Western movements. The article calls for a collective regional effort to address the rise of nationalist sentiments and to dismantle the 'brownshirt' nationalist legacy. The author emphasizes the importance of Eastern European solidarity and the need for the left to engage more with the region to counter the influence of conservative think-tanks.

Central Europe: From Liberal Dreams to Xenophobia and Hypocrisy

23 Feb 2017  |  politicalcritique.org
The article reflects on the transformation of Central Europe's political and cultural landscape since the fall of the Soviet Union. It discusses a 1988 literary conference where Central European intellectuals debated their identity against Russian perspectives. The article suggests that the hope for Central Europe to become a liberal democracy has been replaced by xenophobia and a cultural counterrevolution, with countries like Poland and Hungary leading the way. The Visegrad Group's failure to form a meaningful alliance and the rise of anti-refugee sentiments are highlighted. The piece criticizes the region's governments for adopting populist and hypocritical stances, and it questions the future of Central European identity in the face of geopolitical challenges and the rise of populism in Western Europe.

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