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Kaung Zaw Hein

Mae Sot, Thailand
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About Kaung
Kaung Zaw Hein is a seasoned photojournalist, fixer, and videographer based in Mandalay, Myanmar. Since embarking on his career in 2018, he has diligently covered a wide spectrum of topics, including human rights violations, labor exploitation, student activism, marginalized minority communities, the complexities of civil conflicts, the plight of internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugee crises, societal transformations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, frontline reporting, and the intricate web of political developments in Myanmar.

His work, known for its poignant portrayal of social injustices, has been featured on various international media platforms, contributing significantly to global understanding of issues in Myanmar. Kaung Zaw Hein's dedication to ethical journalism is evident in his persistent efforts to provide a voice to marginalized communities and shed light on their struggles.

In response to the military coup in Myanmar, which disrupted civil liberties and press freedoms, Kaung Zaw Hein made the decision to relocate to Thailand. Despite the challenges posed by displacement, he continues to contribute to the field of journalism, navigating the dynamic socio-political landscape with resilience and a commitment to truth-telling.

This academic-style portrayal highlights Kaung Zaw Hein's significant contributions to journalism in Myanmar and his ongoing resilience in the face of adversity.
English Burmese
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Politics War Reporter Social

Karenni Nationalities Defence Force in the frontline in Karenni State, Myanmar

Sothae IDP camp in Myanmar

2024 May Day Ceremony in Mae Sot, Thailand Hundreds of migrant workers are celebrating the 2024 May Day Ceremony in Mae Sot, Thailand.

Protest against military coup in Mandalay

Fifteen people killed during insurgents attack in Myanmar A soilder inspects the bodies of military personnel after an attack at the Gote Twin police station after an attack by armed ethnic insurgents near Naung Cho township, Shan State, Myanmar, 15 August 2019 (issued on 16 August 2019). According to reports, at least 15 people were killed after armed ethnic insurgents attacked a police station, a narcotic police office and a military academy on 15 August 2019. Northern Alliance rebels claimed responsibility for the attack.

The first Chiang Mai Pride Festival 2024 parade in Thailand

Myanmar Border Line, Thailand

Volunteers provide free health services to displaced Myanmar citizens along Thai-Myanmar border. A volunteer health worker of Myanmar's opposition Civil Disobedience Movement takes the body temperature of a Myanmar citizen displaced by the war living in a camp on the Thailand side of the border with Myanmar in Phop Phra district, Tak province, Thailand, 11 February 2024 (issued 12 February 2024). There are over 150 Myanmar citizens displaced by the war and living in a gray zone on the Thai side of the border with Myanmar. Most of them came from Blato village near Myawaddy city, Kayin State, after escaping from fighting between the Myanmar military and armed resistance groups.


Kaung's confirmed information

Phone number
Verified Jun 2024
Jun 2024

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