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Klaudjo Jonuzaj

Tirana, Albania
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About Klaudjo
Klaudjo Jonuzaj is a journalist based in Tirana, Albania. I have a important experience working with international media in English. I follow current affairs in Albania and Kosovo.
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Blerina Bala appointed to lead the Municipality of Himara

29 Mar 2024  |  Telegrafi
Blerina Bala has been voted to lead the Municipality of Himara with 16 votes in favor. The other candidate, Pervin Gjikuria, withdrew during the voting process. The meeting to appoint the new leader was held behind closed doors due to tensions, especially when Vangjel Tavo and Blendi Klosi entered the council hall. Bala expressed gratitude for the trust placed in her and emphasized the importance of cooperation to achieve the municipality's objectives, particularly in relation to the upcoming tourist season.

Drug trafficking by mail from the USA, two people arrested in Tirana

29 Mar 2024  |  Telegrafi
The Tirana police have disrupted a case of cannabis sativa drug trafficking from the USA to Albania using postal services, arresting two individuals, Skënder Vata and Jurgest Luzi. The operation, codenamed 'California,' resulted in the seizure of 3.2 kg of high-THC cannabis, cash, and mobile phones. The procedural materials have been forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction in Tirana for further actions.

Weather Forecast in Albania

29 Mar 2024  |  Telegrafi
On Friday, Albania will continue to experience stable atmospheric conditions and warm southern air masses. The weather is expected to be sunny with moderate clouds in the afternoon. Winds will blow from the southeast to northwest at speeds of 1-5m/s, increasing to 8-10m/s along the coast and valleys, causing waves in the Adriatic and Ionian seas to reach force 1-2. Temperatures are forecasted to range from 8 to 21 degrees Celsius in mountainous areas, 9 to 27 degrees Celsius in lowland areas, and 12 to 28 degrees Celsius in coastal areas.

Death of a 3-year-old after dental surgery in Tirana, parents seek exclusion of prosecutor from investigation

15 Jan 2024  |  telegrafi.com
The parents of 3-year-old Brian Spahiu, who died following a dental procedure, have requested the exclusion of prosecutor Alma Felaj from the investigation into the actions of dentist Roland Xhaxho. During a meeting with the head of the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana, they presented documents alleging that the clinic was not licensed to provide medical and dental services at the time of the surgery.

Well-known entrepreneur Dritan Mezini passes away

12 Jan 2024  |  telegrafi.com
Dritan Mezini, a renowned expert in employment and information technology, has unexpectedly passed away. His death is a loss not only to his family and acquaintances but also to the academic world, public opinion, and the country's economy, where he was an innovator and a brave initiator of significant projects. Prime Minister Edi Rama expressed his condolences. Mezini had over 27 years of experience and contributed to digital transformation, e-commerce, project management, and human resources. He advised the private and public sectors, led the association of information and communication technology, founded the startup duapune.com, and was involved in EU working groups for modern technology. Mezini was also a public speaker and distinguished trainer in using technology for successful business, both domestically and internationally. He held degrees in Computer Science from the University of Tirana and two Master's degrees from Western Illinois University and Keller Graduate School of Management at DeVry University in Chicago, USA.

Stunning Views from the Holy Place on Mount Tomor

05 Jan 2024  |  Telegrafi
On the peak of Mount Tomor, the harsh winter temperatures and snowfall have created a true artistic masterpiece. Prime Minister Edi Rama shared stunning images of the Abaz Aliu sculpture, which, covered in snow, surprises the eye with its whiteness and wind-carved shapes. Rama expressed admiration for the winter's sculpting work on Mount Tomor.

41-year-old woman in Durrës ends her life after being bullied on TikTok

02 Jan 2024  |  Telegrafi
A tragic incident occurred in Durrës where a 41-year-old woman, Bedrie Loka, ended her life by consuming poison, allegedly due to depression caused by bullying on TikTok. The victim had reported a year earlier that unknown individuals had created a fake TikTok account using her identity to bully her, which she suspected was done by her colleagues. The police have started an investigation and are questioning the personnel at her workplace to identify the perpetrators. The case has been forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office of Durrës for further investigation.

Removal of Berisha's Immunity, Meta: Unconstitutional Decision, Majority is Afraid

21 Dec 2023  |  Telegrafi
Ilir Meta, leader of the Freedom Party, condemned the removal of Sali Berisha's immunity by the majority as unconstitutional, asserting it reflects the majority's fear of accountability due to deep-seated corruption. Meta argued that the changes to parliamentary regulations and the blocking of investigative commissions are tactics to punish opposition deputies and undermine transparency and parliamentary representation.

Albanian Parliament Opens Way for Arrest of Berisha, Official PD Reacts

21 Dec 2023  |  telegrafi.com
The Democratic Party of Albania has responded to the Parliament's decision to remove the immunity of former Prime Minister and current deputy Sali Berisha. The party's statement emphasized their unwavering support for the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office (SPAK) and the removal of immunity for anyone sought by justice. They accused Prime Minister Edi Rama and Sali Berisha of attempting to block and dysfunction justice, vowing not to be part of their scenarios to escape justice. The Democratic Party reaffirmed its commitment to support thorough, fair, and impartial investigations against all government officials or former officials who have misused the trust of the Albanian people and appropriated their assets.

Albania remains with the lowest income and purchasing power in Europe

14 Dec 2023  |  Telegrafi
Albania continues to lag behind in terms of citizen welfare growth, with the latest Eurostat data showing the country at the bottom in Europe for income per capita relative to the size of the economy and purchasing power. Despite a faster-growing economy than the region, Albanian families and individuals are poorer compared to neighboring states, especially when measured for purchasing power income. Albania's income per capita is 34% of the EU average, while Montenegro leads the region with 50%. The Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) indicator, which measures income according to purchasing power, also places Albania at the bottom, alongside Bosnia and Herzegovina, at 41% of the EU average.

The Blood Feud Mediator: Shaban Murseli Should Remain Silent, Not Be Tempted by the Media

13 Dec 2023  |  Telegrafi
Gjin Marku, head of the International Blood Feud Reconciliation Committee, expressed his disagreement with Shaban Murseli's public appearances following the murder of Liridona Ademaj. Marku believes Murseli should remain silent and not be influenced by public opinion, emphasizing that the issue extends beyond his family and reflects a broader societal problem.

The impact of the euro on the decline of Albanian exports

11 Dec 2023  |  Telegrafi
Albania has experienced an 8.6 percent decline in exports over the past ten months, raising concerns among the Albanian Exporters Association (PEA) due to the rapid devaluation of the euro against the Albanian lek. Businesses, especially in the export sector, are facing the toughest situation in the last 20 years, becoming less competitive in foreign markets. The chairman of PEA, Edvin Prençi, notes that since 2016, the euro has devalued by 35 percent, affecting businesses with contracts in euros. The largest declines were in textiles, footwear, wood, paper, and chemical and plastic products. Anila Golemi, the manager of the shoe manufacturing company FG WALK, states that the devaluation is making Albanian companies less competitive. The ongoing decline in exports could lead to job cuts and business closures, with significant social impacts.

Tension in the Albanian Parliament, PS seeks the exclusion of six opposition deputies, including Berisha

06 Dec 2023  |  Telegrafi
The Socialist Party's parliamentary group has requested the exclusion of six opposition deputies, including Sali Berisha, from the Albanian Parliament due to violent incidents during a plenary session. The request cites specific actions by the deputies, such as lighting flares and causing chaos. The Ethics Secretariat is expected to meet to discuss the request.

Friendly and Hostile Countries for Albania, Data from the Barometer

05 Dec 2023  |  Telegrafi
Albanian citizens have ranked Italy, Germany, the USA, and Turkey as the most friendly countries towards Albania, according to the latest Barometer survey by Euronews. Italy leads with 98%, followed by Germany at 92%, the USA at 91%, and Turkey at 90.5%. Serbia and Russia are considered the most hostile, with Serbia at 49.7% and Russia at 49%. Other European countries like the UK and Western Balkan nations are viewed more neutrally. The rankings have remained consistent over the past year, indicating a cultural and historical belief among Albanians.

Renowned actor Mirush Kabashi passes away

05 Dec 2023  |  Telegrafi
Renowned Albanian actor Mirush Kabashi has passed away at the age of 75. His family announced his death, stating that he died after midnight on December 5. Born on April 17, 1948, in Shkodër and raised in Durrës, Kabashi was known for his numerous roles in theater and film, as well as being one of Albania's greatest poetry performers. He had been honored with the title 'Nderi i Kombit' in 2014, among other accolades throughout his career.

Rama in Skopje: Increase NATO's force in Kosovo, the border is out of control

22 Nov 2023  |  telegrafi.com
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, speaking at a joint conference in Skopje with NATO's Jens Stoltenberg and regional leaders, emphasized the importance of increasing NATO forces in Kosovo to control the border, which is currently facilitating illegal trafficking activities. Rama proposed a NATO Summit format with the Western Balkans, including both member and partner countries, to ensure stability and accelerate Kosovo's integration into NATO. He criticized hesitations by some EU and NATO countries to recognize Kosovo, calling for more unity and strategic vision in the face of new challenges.

Court upholds appearance obligation, former Albanian Minister of Health defends 100 million euro sterilization concession

20 Nov 2023  |  Telegrafi
The Special Court in Albania has upheld the security measure of 'mandatory appearance' against former Minister of Health, Ilir Beqaj, in relation to investigations into a 100 million euro sterilization concession. Beqaj, accompanied by his lawyer Ermal Yzeiri, expressed his willingness to comply with the judicial decision despite reservations about the investigative process. He defended the sterilization concession, claiming it saves the Albanian state 2.4 days of hospital stay per patient daily. Beqaj is the highest official accused in the case, with businessman Ilir Rrapaj and his deputy at the Ministry of Health, Klodian Rrjepaj, previously arrested. Beqaj's legal representatives have five days to appeal the decision.

Serbia bought a painting with Albanian motifs, Boshtrakaj: Here is where the painter is inspired from

14 Nov 2023  |  Telegrafi
Skënder Boshtrakaj, former director of the Museum of Kosovo, discussed a painting with Albanian motifs bought by Serbia, created by a Montenegrin painter who identifies as Serbian. Boshtrakaj highlighted the painter's emotional connection to Albanians and noted the challenges for Albanian state institutions to participate in auctions due to financial and legislative constraints. He also mentioned the painter Paja Jovanoviç, whose works often depict themes from the Near East and are held in collections from that region.

Rama explains the agreement with Italy: Everything in accordance with international conventions

10 Nov 2023  |  Telegrafi
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama provided details about the agreement with Italy regarding migrants, emphasizing that it adheres to international conventions. Speaking from Paris at the Peace Forum, Rama clarified that the agreement, developed by experts from both countries, ensures the dignity of the migrants and addresses concerns about the demographics of those being relocated. The agreement, signed by Rama and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, has faced criticism from opposition parties in both Albania and Italy.

From the murder of two police officers to the kidnapping and murder of another person, who is the Albanian trafficker caught in Turkey

10 Nov 2023  |  telegrafi.com
Dritan Rexhepi, head of the 'Kompania Bello' cartel, was arrested on Friday, November 10, 2023, in his luxurious villa in Istanbul with a fake Colombian passport registered under the name Benjamin Omar Perez Garcia. Once a law student, Rexhepi is now recognized as a powerful drug trafficker wanted in Albania, Spain, Italy, and the UK for drug trafficking and in Albania also for the kidnapping and murder of Jan Prenga. He is suspected to be the country's first hitman and has been sentenced in absentia to 25 years in prison for the 1998 murder of two police officers, Arben Keqi and Durim Kasmi. The media worldwide have reported on Rexhepi, comparing him to Pablo Escobar. The Daily Mail writes about the 'Bello Company' as a criminal network led by Rexhepi, who was arrested in 2020 during coordinated raids in Europe and the Middle East. Europol stated the raid was the largest of its kind against Albanian-speaking organized crime. Profits from cocaine are believed to have fueled a gang war in Ireland with at least 18 deaths since 2015. Spanish media in 2011 reported on Rexhepi as a 'master of prison escapes,' with escapes from Durres police in 2007, Pavia prison in Italy, and later in Belgium. He has been using a forged passport with the identity Lulzim Murataj, which led to his arrest in Ecuador, and has not returned to Albania since November 16, 2013.

Abandoned newborn in Tirana, mother's testimony: I hid the pregnancy because I am unmarried, I was afraid of public opinion

08 Nov 2023  |  Telegrafi
A 30-year-old mother in Tirana has been issued an arrest warrant for abandoning her newborn in a basement. She hid her pregnancy due to fear of societal judgment as an unmarried woman. The male infant, found in critical condition, remains in intensive care with no improvement. The police are involved in the case, and the mother is receiving medical care. The article briefly mentions Prigozhin and Putin in a different context.

Chaos continues, some expelled deputies enter through the windows into the Parliament of Albania

06 Nov 2023  |  telegrafi.com
Expelled deputies of the Democratic Party of Albania entered the Parliament building through windows after clashing with the Guard at the main entrance. They were assisted by colleagues inside who opened the windows. Ervin Salianji, Petrit Doda, and Edmond Spaho were barred from Parliament for 10 days, while Gazment Bardhi, Bledion Nallbati, Edi Paloka, Flamur Noka, and Albana Vokshi were expelled after a physical altercation on October 30. Gazmend Bardhi and Albana Vokshi were ultimately prevented from entering through the windows by the Guard.

Serious accident in Hamburg, confirms German police: Three of the victims are Albanians

31 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
A serious accident occurred in Hamburg, with the German police confirming that three of the victims are Albanians. The incident highlights the ongoing concerns regarding public safety and the impact on the Albanian community.

Fight with fists in the Parliament of Albania, PS will seek the exclusion of seven opposition deputies

31 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
The Socialist Party's parliamentary group in Albania intends to seek the exclusion of seven opposition deputies following a physical altercation in the Parliament on Monday afternoon. The incident involved opposition deputy Bledion Nallbati attempting to punch Socialist deputy Vullnet Sinaj during his speech. Nallbati was excluded from the session and later commented on the unsightly episode, stating it was not worth engaging in something that honors no one. This political conflict is not an isolated event, as the Democratic Party's requests have been consistently rejected by the Socialists, who plan to continue this approach. The next plenary session is scheduled for Thursday, with the opposition continuing its parliamentary blockade and the majority passing acts without discussion.

Albania's parliament approves 70 mln euro EBRD loan to power distributor OSHEE

29 Oct 2023  |  seenews.com
Albania's parliament has approved a 70 million euro loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to assist the state-owned electricity distributor OSHEE. The loan aims to address liquidity issues that have arisen due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A portion of the funds will be allocated to the construction of a new power substation in Tirana. Additionally, OSHEE will receive technical assistance to enhance health and safety protocols, governance against corruption, and to develop a training program for young professionals. The EBRD's assistance will also include a study for a smart grid development roadmap to advance the digitalization of the distribution network. Albania relies heavily on hydro power, with most of its hydro power plants situated along the Drin river in the northern region.

Rama starts the day with views from Gjirokastra, the museum city with a record number of tourists this year

27 Oct 2023  |  telegrafi.com
Gjirokastra, known as the museum city, has recorded the highest number of local and foreign tourists this year, choosing it as a preferred destination. Prime Minister Edi Rama shared views of the Gjirokastra Castle on social media, which is one of the largest castles in the Balkans and appears like a ship sailing through fog. The castle extends over an area of 335 meters and is situated on a hill overlooking the city. Over 200,000 tourists visited Gjirokastra and its surroundings this season, with foreigners making up over 80% of this year's visitors, coming from Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, Scandinavian countries, Western and Eastern Europe, the USA, Brazil, Argentina, China, Australia, and others.

As he is expected in Court, Berisha holds a press conference: Rama has declared war on the opposition

24 Oct 2023  |  telegrafi.com
Former Prime Minister of Albania, Sali Berisha, addressed the media on Tuesday, criticizing the investigation against him as the most political process ever and an attack on the deep reforms he claims to have implemented during his tenure. Berisha accuses Prime Minister Edi Rama of waging a total war against the opposition, which he vows to counter with full force. He emphasizes that the case is not only against him and his family but also against the epochal reforms of the Democratic Party, which he alleges are being attacked by a political crime wave.

Rama proposes November 22 as a national holiday for the Albanian language, advises Kurti to listen to Osmani: I listen to my president

22 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Tirana hosts the third Diaspora Summit, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between Albania and its diaspora. Prime Minister Edi Rama proposes November 22, known as the Day of the Albanian Alphabet and already a national holiday in North Macedonia, to be recognized as a national holiday in Albania. He suggests that Kosovo's President Vjosa Osmani should propose this to Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Rama highlights the significance of unity and learning from each other, referencing the late Arben Xhaferi's vision for the Albanian language.

Blocking of the Assembly, Bardhi: The opposition is not respected, zero argument for not allowing investigative commissions

19 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Gazment Bardhi, the head of the Democratic Party's parliamentary group, stated that the blocking of the Albanian Parliament's proceedings resulted from the majority's arrogant behavior, which, according to him, does not allow the constitutional rights of the opposition to be respected. Bardhi criticized the lack of parliamentary investigation into health concessions, executive decisions, and interference in the TIMS system, demanded by the opposition. He argued that the opposition is not permitted to propose members for the electoral reform commission and that this battle is to restore normalcy and pluralism in parliament.

Berlin Process Summit in Tirana and Macron's visit, Rama meets with President Begaj

09 Oct 2023  |  telegrafi.com
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama met with President Bajram Begaj to discuss the upcoming Berlin Process Summit in Tirana on October 16 and the visit of French President Emanuel Macron. This marks the first bilateral visit of a French head of state in the history of the Albanian state. President Macron will participate in the Berlin Process meeting and conduct his bilateral visit on October 17.

Gërvalla from Tirana: The international community should impose sanctions on Serbia

06 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Kosovo's Foreign Minister Donika Gërvalla, speaking in Tirana, urged the international community to impose sanctions on Serbia, emphasizing the need for immediate actions such as freezing Serbia's EU candidate status. Highlighting Germany, the US, and the UK as key supporters, she stressed the importance of security and the role of international partners. Gërvalla criticized Serbia's aggressive behavior and called for meaningful dialogue, asserting that without sanctions, Serbia would not change its stance.

The warm reception of Gërvalla and the awkward meeting with Dačić, the 'diplomacy of signs' of the Albanian Foreign Minister

06 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
In Tirana, the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Berlin Process began with the reception of delegations. The situation in northern Kosovo and the anticipated encounter between Kosovo's Foreign Minister Donika Gërvalla and Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić drew attention. Albanian Foreign Minister Igli Hasani's interactions with his counterparts were notably different, with a serious demeanor towards Dačić and a warm reception for Gërvalla. The tense situation between Kosovo and Serbia is expected to be discussed, with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock having announced a meeting with representatives of both countries. The main lines of the Ministerial will focus on regional strengthening, integration into the EU, the Common Regional Market, the Green and Digital Agendas, and accelerating European integration.

31-year-old Serbian arrested in Morinë, wanted by Interpol

06 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
A 31-year-old Serbian man, wanted internationally for drug trafficking, was arrested at the Morinë Border Crossing by the Albanian police. The arrest was made following verification and interview procedures, revealing that the individual was wanted by Interpol Vienna. The State Police of Albania is continuing the extradition procedures in cooperation with Austrian authorities.

Death of a 3-year-old in Tirana, dentist detained, suspected cause is anesthesia dosage

05 Oct 2023  |  telegrafi.com
In Tirana, a 3-year-old child died due to a suspected overdose of anesthesia at a dental clinic. The child's father, G.S., reported that he had taken his son to the clinic for dental work, where the child was given total anesthesia. After the procedure, the child began to feel unwell at home, and despite efforts by pediatric hospital doctors over two days, the child could not be revived. A 70-year-old citizen, R. Xh., has been detained for investigation.

Rama supports court decision: Beleri cannot be sworn in as mayor of Himara, current mayor must leave office

05 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Albania, supports the Special Court's decision to prevent Fredi Beleri, the elected mayor of Himara, from being sworn in due to his detention on vote-buying charges. Rama emphasizes the legal correctness of the decision and calls for the current mayor, Jorgo Goro, who lost the recent election, to leave office. The situation has strained relations between Albania and Greece, with Greece threatening to block Albania's EU accession process. Rama's statements underline the legal, not political, nature of the decision and suggest a need to resolve the administrative impasse in Himara.

Terrorist attack and provocation: Baerbock says Serbia is provoking by deploying troops on the border with Kosovo

05 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, speaking in Tirana, called on the Serbian government to advance investigations and clarify the circumstances surrounding a recent incident in northern Kosovo. She criticized Serbia for escalating tensions by increasing troop presence at the Kosovo border following a terrorist attack on Kosovo police. Baerbock highlighted NATO's increased KFOR presence as a signal of vigilance and long-term security commitment. She stressed that the resolution of the conflict lies in the hands of Belgrade and Pristina, urging both to commit to the Ohrid Agreement despite internal political opposition.

Macron's statement on visas, Peka: Deliberate confusion in coordination with Rama

04 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Former Albanian Deputy Minister of Interior, Avenir Peka, claims that French President Emmanuel Macron's statement on visas was deliberately confusing and coordinated with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. Peka argues that Macron's visit to Tirana was not to block Kosovo's visa liberalization process but to strategically pass the responsibility to Rama. This coordination aimed to create ambiguity without making any definitive statements on the visa issue.

Winner announced for the project and feasibility study for the Durrës-Prishtina railway

04 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
In 2025, the project for the Durrës-Prishtina railway line, estimated to cost 700 million euros and funded by the budgets of Albania and Kosovo, will be ready. The winning bid for the feasibility study and project idea was announced, with the joint venture of ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH and ABKONS SH.P.K. offering 168.9 million lekë. The companies have 14 months to complete the feasibility study and project idea. The study will cover the railway's length, route, construction plans for bridges, tunnels, underpasses, overpasses, and passenger stations, as well as investment costs, operating expenses, and maintenance. The project aims to create a modern railway infrastructure for quality and safe services, contributing to a common railway market. The feasibility study budget includes 50 million lekë for 2024 and 73 million lekë in the current budget. Both governments have expressed the necessity of the railway connection.

Albanian Parliament Removes Sali Berisha's Immunity, Expected to be Placed Under House Arrest or Imprisoned

03 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
The Albanian Parliament has removed the immunity of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha in a historic vote, allowing the Special Prosecution Office (SPAK) to seek his house arrest or imprisonment. Berisha, who is under investigation for the 'Partizani' affair, refused to speak during the parliamentary session. The opposition disrupted the session, leading to its early closure. Outside the parliament, Berisha's supporters protested the decision. The Constitutional Court had previously dismissed a lawsuit from Rithemelimit deputies, enabling the parliament to proceed with the mandate removal. The final decision on Berisha's arrest will be made by SPAK and GJKKO.

Death of Dritan Mezini, Rama reacts: I can't believe it, he was with us yesterday afternoon

03 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, expressed his sorrow over the sudden death of renowned entrepreneur Dritan Mezini. Mezini, an IT specialist and CEO of DM Consulting Services, passed away from a sudden cardiac arrest. He was a prominent figure in various organizations and a mentor in innovation and the job market. Mezini was also a co-founder of the online job portal duapune.com and a promoter of sports in Albania. His unexpected death has left a significant impact on his friends, family, and the business community.

Peleshi: Two Canadair planes are working to extinguish the flames in Darëzezë of Fier

02 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Two Canadair CL-415 planes are actively working to extinguish a fire in Darëzezë, Fier. The operation, led by the Ministry of Defense and involving 20 MZSH Fier personnel, 40 FA forces, and various equipment, aims to fully isolate the fire. Greece responded promptly to the Civil Protection Agency's request under the European Civil Protection Mechanism, providing an additional Canadair plane. Strong winds have exacerbated the fire's spread, necessitating a significant ground effort to control the flames.

Court imposes reporting obligation, Berisha appeals the measure against him

02 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Genc Gjokutaj, the lawyer of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, has appealed the 'reporting obligation' and passport confiscation measures imposed by the Special Court (GJKKO). Berisha is accused of corruption related to the privatization of the former Partizani complex. He has labeled the investigation as a political attack and has refused to attend court sessions. His son-in-law, Jamarbër Malltezi, is currently imprisoned in connection with the case.

Special forces from eight Balkan countries train in Albania

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
For the first time in Albania, the Strong Balkan 2023 exercise is being held, running until November 12. Elite units of the Armed Forces from eight Balkan countries are training together to enhance regional cooperation and professional, tactical, operational, and strategic skills to address today's complex security challenges. Photos from the joint exercise were shared on Facebook by Prime Minister Edi Rama and Defense Minister Niko Peleshi. The names of the participating countries have not been disclosed.

Four remote-controlled mines seized in Vlorë, footage of 51-year-old's arrest published

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Police in Vlorë have successfully prevented a serious criminal event by seizing four remote-controlled mines with C4 explosives, programmed for remote detonation. A 51-year-old man from Lezha was arrested after hiding the mines in the dashboard of his vehicle. Previously, Vlorë police had seized five other mines during operations 'Knock Out' and 'Knock Out 2', arresting four individuals transporting these C4 explosives.

Rama explains stance against the EU: We asked them to condemn the killing of the Kosovo Police officer

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama explained why Albania did not align with the EU's statement equating Kosovo and Serbia, emphasizing the need for the EU to condemn the recent killing of a Kosovo Police officer. Rama expressed concern over the high-risk situation in northern Kosovo and criticized Serbia for honoring those involved in the killing. He called for unequivocal condemnation of the criminal act and highlighted the importance of addressing these serious developments.

Railway Durrës-Prishtina, contract signed for feasibility study in the Albanian part

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
The contract for the feasibility study of the Durrës-Prishtina railway has been signed with the winning company, valued at approximately 202 million lekë (around 2 million euros). The project, which is expected to be completed in 14 months, aims to enhance goods transport between Albania, Kosovo, and the broader region, develop passenger rail transport, and provide a better connection between Albania's rail network and European corridors. Three alternatives for the railway route are being considered, with the final decision to be made by the consultant.

Albania, tourism on the rise facing challenges in road infrastructure

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Albania's summer tourism season saw a 30% increase in visitors, highlighting significant road infrastructure challenges, particularly in the northern regions. Despite improvements over the past 15 years, the current infrastructure struggles to handle the high tourist influx. Key issues include traffic congestion and inadequate road conditions, especially on the F. Krujë-Shkodër route. Major projects like the Adriatic-Ionian Corridor and Corridor 8 are progressing slowly. Experts emphasize the need for detailed planning and investment in infrastructure to support tourism growth. Government officials acknowledge the challenges and outline ongoing and future projects aimed at improving road infrastructure by 2030.

EU finds 33.5 million euros in irregularities in agricultural funds in Albania, accounting for 71 percent of abuses across the Balkans

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Irregularities in EU agricultural funds in Albania amount to 33.5 million euros, significantly higher than the 13 million euros of irregularities found in six other Balkan countries combined. The European Commission's report for 2022 highlights that 71 percent of the total irregularities in the Balkans are attributed to Albania. Despite having fewer cases than Turkey and North Macedonia, the monetary value of irregularities in Albania is substantially higher. Due to these irregularities, the EU has blocked IPARD funds for Albania, impacting the agricultural sector, which already suffers from a lack of internal financing. The investigation by OLAF has led to an indefinite suspension of funds, hindering investments in climate change protection and innovation in agriculture. Albania and Serbia were the largest beneficiaries of the IPARD program, but the suspension has particularly affected Albania's agricultural development. The total irregularities in the Balkans amount to approximately 47 million euros, with Albania accounting for the majority. The report underscores the need for stricter oversight and compliance with EU funding regulations. The suspension of funds is a significant setback for Albania's agricultural sector, which is already struggling with low yields compared to the EU.

Serbia buys painting of Albanian in traditional costume, Vučić considers it part of Serbian cultural heritage

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
The Serbian government has purchased a painting titled 'Bashibuzuk' by Paja Jovanović, depicting Albanian motifs, for the National Museum of Serbia. The painting, created in 1858, was acquired at an auction in London for 350,000 euros. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced a 30 million euro fund to repatriate cultural artifacts, emphasizing the importance of returning such items to Serbia. The painting and other cultural works are considered part of Serbia's national heritage, reflecting a broader effort to reclaim cultural assets.

Accused of pushing his wife towards suicide, citizen dies in the premises of the Tirana Court

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
Ilia Drini, under investigation for allegedly causing his ex-partner Ada Xheblati's suicide, died of a suspected heart attack in the premises of the Tirana Criminal Court. Drini was accused of persistent harassment and abuse, leading Xheblati to attempt suicide. Despite multiple police reports and requests for protection, Drini continued his abusive behavior. Authorities are investigating the exact circumstances of his death.

Efforts to Turn the Former Internment Camp in Tepelenë into a Museum

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
The Albanian Ministry of Culture declared the former internment camp in Tepelenë a protected site five years ago, aiming to transform it into a national museum. Despite small efforts, the site remains largely undeveloped, attracting interest from visitors. Scholars argue that Albania lacks deep reflection on its communist past, with no dedicated museum for victims of communism. Witnesses like Gjoka Paloka and Mark Nikolla recount their harrowing experiences in the camp. The University of Tirana's Enriketa Pandalejmoni highlights the limited educational focus on communism. The Municipality of Tepelenë has included the camp in virtual tours, but the site continues to degrade. A group of opposition MPs has proposed turning the camp and the Spaç prison into museums, with the proposal pending parliamentary review.

Agreement on Migrants with Italy, Reacts the Council of Albanian Ambassadors: Transparency Needed in Parliament

01 Oct 2023  |  Telegrafi
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors has responded to the agreement between Italy and Albania to establish two migrant camps in Albania. The Council views the agreement as a political document and suggests it should be discussed in the Albanian Parliament for transparency. They emphasize that the implementation should comply with international human rights documents and norms, ensuring the protection and dignified treatment of refugees.

Building trust main challenge for Albania's e-commerce - Aladini Trade Partner manager

24 Sep 2023  |  seenews.com
Valer Pinderi, manager and shareholder of Aladini Trade Partner, discusses the challenges and potential of the e-commerce market in Albania. Trust-building is a significant hurdle, with many physical retail companies reluctant to invest in online trading. Pinderi highlights the high informality in the sector, with many online traders operating outside regulatory systems. He suggests that government policies and bank loan guarantees could aid the sector's growth. Aladini Trade Partner, formerly known as Nettrade and restructured after investment from Balfin group, has plans to expand into Southeast Europe and increase its online presence with new platforms and services. The company, inspired by Amazon, has seen sales growth and is looking towards international markets for financing to support its expansion.

Population Census in Albania, Rama: Process with European standard, advanced legislation for minorities

13 Sep 2023  |  telegrafi.com
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama expressed pride in the country's integration of minorities and its advanced European legislation on minority rights. He emphasized that Albania's legislation was developed proactively to be optimal and exemplary, and he stated that minorities in Albania are treated without discrimination, facing the same issues as ethnic Albanian communities. Rama concluded by asserting that no one could lecture Albania on minority issues.

Massacre with six killed in Greece, reported as Albanians but victims are from Turkey

12 Sep 2023  |  Telegrafi
New details have emerged regarding the massacre in Greece where six people were found dead. Contrary to earlier reports of the victims being Albanian, the latest Greek media reports identify them as Turkish. The incident occurred on Monday afternoon in Luçë, with five victims in a Ford car and one outside. The car had fake German plates, and the event is suspected to be a settling of scores related to a drug case. Authorities found 25 shell casings and are searching for a black vehicle and a motorcycle.

Transport of migrants for 150 euros to EU countries, 24-year-old from Korça and a Pakistani arrested

08 Sep 2023  |  Telegrafi
24-year-old Dejvi Ahmeti from Korça and Pakistani national Hassan Raza were arrested for transporting and aiding illegal migrants into Albania with the intent to move them to EU countries. Ahmeti was caught transporting 13 migrants for 150 euros per person, while Raza facilitated illegal entry through the Greece-Albania border for 100 euros per person. The case is being handled by the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction Gjirokastër.

Greek customs warn of 48-hour strike, expected blockage at border points with Albania

30 Mar 2023  |  Telegrafi
Greek customs have announced a 48-hour strike starting from April 2nd, which will halt all vehicle movement to and from Greece at border points, including those with Albania. The strike will also affect the movement of goods at ports and airports. The Greek Customs Union stated that the strike is inevitable due to the government's failure to meet their demands. Only pedestrians without luggage will be allowed to cross during the strike period.

14-year-old bride in Divjakë, 20-year-older groom arrested

15 Mar 2023  |  Telegrafi
In Divjakë, Albania, a phenomenon of underage girls getting married persists, particularly in peripheral areas. A recent case from 2024 echoes the satirical work '14-year-old groom' by writer Anton Zako Çajupi. Arianit Arapi, a 34-year-old man, was arrested by Divjakë police for having sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl. The two had been living together since March of the previous year and had a wedding despite the girl's parents' disapproval of the 20-year age difference. Agim Arapi, the father of the accused, claimed that his son had been summoned by the police three times and that the girl had chosen to stay with his son willingly.

Albanian parliament approves new government led by PM Edi Rama

17 Sep 2021  |  seenews.com
The Albanian parliament has approved the new government led by Prime Minister Edi Rama, following the Socialist Party's victory in the April 25 general election. The cabinet, which includes 11 ministers and four ministers of state, was endorsed with 77 votes in favor and 53 against. Prime Minister Rama's government aims to focus on Albania's economic recovery from the 2019 earthquake and the COVID-19 crisis, targeting an average economic growth of 4% and reducing public debt to 60% of GDP within four years. The cabinet features new members including Delina Ibrahimaj as the minister of finance and economy. The Socialist Party won 74 of 140 seats in the election, while the main opposition, the Democratic Party, secured 59 seats. Albania's GDP declined by 3.31% in 2020 due to the pandemic, but the total debt stock decreased slightly in 2021.

Albania should use Covid-19 crisis to rebuild greener, more digitalised economy - EBRD

09 Sep 2021  |  seenews.com
Jurgen Rigterink, the first vice-president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in an interview with SeeNews, emphasized the opportunity for Albania to rebuild its economy in a greener, more inclusive, and digitalized manner post-Covid-19. He highlighted the EBRD's commitment to supporting Albania in transitioning to a green economy, diversifying energy sources, and improving infrastructure. The EBRD has been involved in solar and wind energy projects and is looking to support further renewable integration and regional market development. Rigterink also mentioned the potential for growth in sustainable tourism and agriculture with the right support. The EBRD is financing significant infrastructure projects, including railway improvements, and is focused on aiding the private sector and small businesses. Rigterink urged Albania to prepare for economic recovery with a reform agenda that includes fiscal reforms, business environment improvements, and infrastructure enhancements to attract investors and benefit from multinational on-shoring trends. The EBRD supports Albania's EU integration efforts, having signed a memorandum of understanding to assist with the EU reform agenda.

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