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Koby Gould

Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
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About Koby
Koby Gould is a writer based in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel:

mental health/wellness/wellbeing; 
news, politics, current affairs;

@kobysnews : politics, geopolitics, news/current affairs;
@kobysfightback : mental health/wellbeing/wellness, depression/recovery, sport/fitness/running;
@kobysmusic: music, from jazz through rock music to soul, disco, R&B to classical. Fav: Sinatra;
@kobysstars : movies, tv, 'Hollywood', showbiz, 'celebrity'.

Content Writing Fact Checking
Business Politics Current Affairs

The Tragic, Heartbreaking, Chilling Demise of the UK Labour Party: A Warning

11 Apr 2021  |  kobygould.com
The UK Labour Party is facing accusations of institutional antisemitism, which has led to long-time members like Miles Webber resigning in protest. The issue has escalated with the party's handling of the IHRA definition of antisemitism, causing concern among Jewish communities and beyond. The article suggests that antisemitism is not exclusive to the far right, as the Labour Party, traditionally a refuge for minorities, is now a source of discrimination. The author condemns the party leadership, particularly Jeremy Corbyn and Jennie Formby, for their approach to defining antisemitism and for alienating Jewish members. The situation is described as a tragic and chilling development in UK politics.


20 Feb 2020  |  kobygould.com
The author shares a personal experience about overcoming mental and physical barriers during running. At 53, having started running at 48 to lose weight and improve mental health, the author describes the discipline required to maintain a running regimen. Despite feeling sluggish and tired during an early morning run, the author emphasizes the importance of mental preparation and the decision to eliminate the option to quit. This mindset allows the author to push through the initial struggle, eventually finding strength and getting into 'the zone'. The key takeaway is that discipline, determination, and a 'do or die' attitude are essential for overcoming challenges and achieving goals, whether in running or other areas of life.

‘PROOF of HEAVEN: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife’, by EBEN ALEXANDER, M.D.

20 Feb 2020  |  kobygould.com
The article is a review of a book by Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurologist who experienced a near-death experience (NDE) during a bout with bacterial E-coli meningitis. The author emphasizes that the book is not just for the religious or spiritual, as it provides a compelling account of Dr. Alexander's journey and challenges the scientific understanding of consciousness. Dr. Alexander, previously a skeptic of NDEs, had his neocortex shut down during his coma, which according to current medical understanding, should have precluded any form of conscious experience. Yet, he describes a vivid journey with sensory experiences that he believes cannot be dismissed as hallucinations. The book delves into the intersection of science and spirituality, with Dr. Alexander arguing that consciousness exists independently of the brain. The reviewer finds the book transformative, urging readers to approach it with an open mind and consider its potential to expand one's understanding of consciousness and the human spirit.


20 Feb 2020  |  kobygould.com
The article is a reflective piece on the impact of the movie 'Joker', directed by Todd Phillips. The author praises Joaquin Phoenix's acting as deeply authentic and transformative, suggesting it comes from a place within his soul. The article discusses the film's portrayal of Arthur Fleck (Joker) as a symbol of America's disenfranchised and mentally ill. The author fears that the character's actions in the film might inspire real-world violence among those who feel similarly oppressed. The film is seen as a warning and a wake-up call for society to practice more empathy, kindness, tolerance, and forgiveness. The author is concerned that while the movie is meant to entertain, it may also inadvertently excite dangerous individuals who identify with the protagonist's struggle against a perceived cruel society.


20 Feb 2020  |  kobygould.com
The article discusses the recent announcement by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle about their intention to step back from being 'senior' members of the Royal Family. The author expresses sadness over the situation and reflects on the challenges of royal life, particularly for Prince Harry following his mother's death. The article criticizes the couple if they did not consult with senior royals before making their announcement and suggests that their privileges come with responsibilities. The author hopes that the situation will not escalate and acknowledges the pressure on The Queen, who is dealing with this amidst other controversies at the age of 93.


20 Feb 2020  |  kobygould.com
The article reflects on the behavior of social media users in the wake of Caroline Flack's death, particularly focusing on the nature of interactions on Twitter. The author admits to having made an over-the-top (OTT) critical comment to a TV journalist on Twitter and apologizes, using this as a springboard to discuss the broader issue of online conduct. The piece questions the impulsiveness and potential harm of tweets, urging readers to consider the impact of their words and the real pain they can cause. It challenges readers to reflect on their motives for tweeting, whether it's for sharing joy, educating, seeking approval, or simply for instant gratification. The author also calls for self-awareness and restraint in the way we communicate online, especially when criticizing public figures like politicians, emphasizing the need to avoid personal attacks.

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