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Krisztina Fenyo

Krisztina Fenyo is a video journalist based in Budapest, Hungary, with more than 20 years of experience. Freelancing mainly for Reuters but available for occasional jobs also as fixer, researcher, edited video spot news and features.

Video Rushes
Current Affairs

Dogs can associate words with objects, study finds

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Israeli families celebrate Hanukkah in Hungary, a temporary refuge

Climate change threatens Hungary’s Christmas trees

Climate change threatens Hungary’s Christmas trees

Climate change threatens Hungary’s Christmas trees

Climate change threatens Hungary’s Christmas trees

Climate change threatens Hungary’s Christmas trees

Climate change threatens Hungary’s Christmas trees

Climate change threatens Hungary’s Christmas trees

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