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Krzysztof Boczek

Warsaw, Poland
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About Krzysztof
I am journalist based in Warsaw, Poland.
Over 25 of experience in media. I wrote for newspapers (Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolia), magazines (PRESS, SENS, Slużba Zdrowia, websites/ online media (OKO.press) and others. 
In last years mostly I write for OKO.press - polish well know online media team ( rule of law, democracy, civil society, human rights, LGBTQA+) and PRESS (magazin for journalists in POland).
I was a photojurnalist for short time, was teaching journalism at schools, on trainings, also abroad (in Ukraine).
Last years I also do FIXING for foreign media, mostly tv teams (topic: war, migrants, refugees, army, democracy etc).
english (fluent), 
russian (communicative), 
I understand ukrainian and communicate with Ukrainians, know some basic german and french.
Got driver licence (over 30 years), combi car (enough for 4 persons with equipment) and lots, lots, lots of contacts in Poland.
English Polish Russian
Feature Stories Content Writing Research
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Police massively pursued activists who commemorated Covid-19 victims. Now they are losing in courts

26 Mar 2024  |  oko.press
Activists from the Lotna Brygada Opozycji and their associates faced over a hundred legal cases for commemorating the tens of thousands of Covid-19 victims in Poland by laying flowers, drawing crosses, and lighting candles. The police accused them of 'littering' among other charges. However, the activists are now winning these cases in court. The article compares the situation to the treatment of Russians who tried to honor the late opposition figure, Alexei Navalny. The police's actions included detaining activists, confiscating materials, and issuing fines. Despite the numerous cases filed by the Warsaw Police Headquarters, almost all activists contacted have won their cases, with the exception of Katarzyna Augustynek, who did not appeal one of her cases. The court rulings have been overwhelmingly against the police, questioning the justification of their actions and the waste of judicial resources.

Police pursue PiS MPs for hooligan actions – destroying wreath at Smolensk monument

20 Mar 2024  |  oko.press
The article reports on the legal actions pursued by the Warsaw Police against three PiS MPs—Marek Suski, Jarosław Kaczyński, and Anna Czerwińska—for vandalizing wreaths placed at the Smolensk monument by activist Zbigniew Komosa. Despite previous court rulings in favor of Komosa, the MPs continued their actions, leading to police intervention and potential legal consequences. The article highlights the persistent efforts of Komosa and the changing stance of law enforcement following the PiS's electoral defeat.

Radio for You – How Public Money Was Spent in a Niche State Station

19 Mar 2024  |  oko.press
The article investigates the inefficiency and high employment costs at Radio dla Ciebie (RDC), a regional public radio station in Warsaw with low listenership. Despite declining audience numbers, the station has seen a significant increase in employment and high salaries, including nearly 28,000 PLN for the accountant and 19,800 PLN for the editor-in-chief. The article highlights concerns about the misuse of public funds, with numerous employees and collaborators receiving substantial payments for minimal work. The new liquidator, Emilia Benedykcińska, plans to reduce employment to improve efficiency. Comparisons are made with private radio stations, which operate with fewer staff and lower costs.

Freshly appointed deputy head of the capital police dismissed. Under PiS, she prosecuted the opposition in courts

12 Mar 2024  |  oko.press
Judyta Prokopowicz, recently appointed as the deputy head of the Warsaw police, was dismissed following public outrage. Prokopowicz, known for her aggressive prosecution of pro-democratic activists during the PiS government, faced criticism for fabricating evidence and repeatedly bringing charges against activists despite court rulings. The dismissal was seen as a response to pressure from both police officers and activists. The article highlights the controversial nature of her actions and the broader implications for the police force and judicial system in Poland.

After the 'battle' in front of the Sejm. Witnesses: police responded to attacks adequately

06 Mar 2024  |  www.onet.pl
During a protest in front of the Sejm in Warsaw on March 6, 2024, witnesses reported that the police responded adequately to attacks from aggressive demonstrators, who were described as being armed with flares, bricks, and bottles. The protest, which included farmers and nationalists, resulted in injuries to 14 police officers, with one hospitalized. The article details the chaos, including attempts to burn down the Miasteczko Wolności protest camp. It also criticizes right-wing politicians for their portrayal of the police response and suggests that the police were restrained compared to previous events.

New TVP authorities prepare further layoffs and provide information on the earnings of PiS nominees

08 Jan 2024  |  oko.press
The new authorities at TVP are preparing further layoffs and have disclosed the high earnings of PiS nominees, causing outrage among employees. Foreign correspondents and other staff members are at risk of being dismissed. Paweł Gajewski, a former assistant to Jacek Kurski, earned over 3 million PLN in just over two years, sparking criticism for the exorbitant salaries within the public broadcaster. The article also highlights the high earnings of other propagandists in TVP and Polskie Radio, and the influence of PiS politicians on media operations.

Coup at TVP Info. PiS MPs as doormen in the building on Powstańców Square

04 Jan 2024  |  oko.press
The headquarters of TVP Info in Warsaw continues to be 'occupied' by dismissed propagandists, with Law and Justice Party (PiS) MPs and deputies controlling access to the building. They claim to be there on a 'parliamentary intervention' to ensure legal order at TVP. The situation was foreshadowed by Paweł Hałasik, a TVP Info manager, who informed employees to report to work as scheduled, with MPs assisting if access cards failed. Former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and former Minister Michał Dworczyk were seen entering and leaving the building. Michał Adamczyk, who considers himself the legitimate 'president' of TVP following a decision by the National Media Council, has been sending emails to employees, denouncing the new management as 'false', 'pseudo', and 'usurpers'. Despite requests, neither Adamczyk nor Samuel Pereira agreed to meet with OKO.press journalists to answer questions.

The old TVP team still considers themselves the bosses of the company. Sikorski will decide the fate of TVP World

03 Jan 2024  |  oko.press
The former management of TVP, including Michał Adamczyk, Samuel Pereira, and Marcin Tulicki, continue to assert their authority within the company despite changes in leadership. They have been communicating with employees, promising financial settlements and criticizing the new management as 'usurpers.' The article details internal conflicts, the politicization of TVP Info, and the uncertain future of TVP World, which is awaiting decisions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The text also includes reactions from current and former TVP employees who condemn the previous management's actions and call for the depoliticization of public media.

Liquidation status at TVP will facilitate employee dismissals. New head of TAI for OKO.press about the team's situation

28 Dec 2023  |  oko.press
Following President Andrzej Duda's veto of the budgetary law, Culture Minister Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz placed TVP, Polskie Radio, and Polska Agencja Prasowa in liquidation, enabling new management to dismiss employees without the usual labor law protections. This move is seen as convenient for the ruling party, allowing dismissals of employees with long-term contracts and high severance packages, and bypassing union consultations. The liquidation status also limits severance pay to a maximum of 15 times the minimum wage. The new head of Telewizyjna Agencja Informacyjna, Grzegorz Sajór, discussed the challenges and plans for launching new programming, while the article also explores the political implications of the liquidation.

Blitzkrieg in Public Media. A Day TVP Won't Forget

21 Dec 2023  |  oko.press
A significant upheaval occurred in Poland's public media, with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage announcing the dismissal of the management boards of TVP, Polskie Radio, and the Polish Press Agency, replacing them with new appointees. This led to a series of confrontations, including the occupation of the TVP president's office by PiS members, the temporary shutdown of TVP Info's signal, and physical altercations. The new TVP team held a clandestine meeting to plan their next steps, while protests erupted in defense of 'free media.' The situation at the Polish Press Agency remained tense, with the outgoing president refusing to vacate his office. The article portrays these events as a significant moment in the history of Polish public media, highlighting the political conflict and resistance from the previous administration.

Hospitals in the Gaza Strip: 'Every day we take a step further into hell'

17 Dec 2023  |  oko.press
Hospitals in the Gaza Strip are under severe attack, with rockets and tank shells causing widespread destruction and casualties. Many medical facilities are in ruins, and humanitarian organizations are raising alarms about war crimes. Despite orders from Israel for hospitals to evacuate, the presence of critically ill patients makes this impossible. The World Health Organization and Doctors Without Borders report catastrophic conditions, with hospitals overwhelmed and lacking essential supplies. Investigations by The Guardian and other organizations provide evidence of targeted attacks on medical facilities. The international community, including Human Rights Watch and the United Nations, calls for immediate action to address the humanitarian crisis and potential war crimes.

Komendant Jarosław Szymczyk steps down. Finally. We recall his achievements

07 Dec 2023  |  oko.press
Jarosław Szymczyk, the controversial head of the Polish police, steps down after a tenure marked by significant political influence and numerous scandals. His career, which began in 1990, saw him rise through the ranks despite various controversies, including the fatal shooting of a football fan and the death of Igor Stachowiak under police custody. Szymczyk's leadership was characterized by mass purges within the police force, protection of nationalist groups, and suppression of anti-government protests. His departure comes just before a change in government, with reports of substantial retirement benefits.

Former Policeman: Basic Mistakes Made in Wrocław. 'The Police Alphabet Failed'

06 Dec 2023  |  oko.press
The article discusses the tragic incident in Wrocław where two police officers were fatally shot by a detainee, Maksymilian F., due to procedural failures. Former police spokesman Dariusz Nowak criticizes the police for not adhering to basic safety protocols and highlights systemic issues within the force, including lack of supervision, political influence, and a culture of impunity. The article also references other cases of police misconduct and fatalities, emphasizing the need for accountability and reform within the Polish police force.

Lichocka lost in court against activists. It's about billboards with her famous gesture

22 Nov 2023  |  oko.press
Joanna Lichocka, a PiS MP, lost a court case against activists from the Fundacja Otwarty Dialog who had used her controversial middle finger gesture on billboards to criticize the PiS party. The court ruled that the billboards were a permissible form of criticism. The activists had raised significant funds to display these billboards across Poland, particularly in PiS strongholds, to highlight the party's decision to allocate funds to public media instead of cancer treatment. The case has drawn significant media attention and has been seen as a victory for free speech and criticism of political figures.

Police arrested a peaceful protester. They may face charges for false testimony

17 Nov 2023  |  oko.press
An LGBT activist accused of assaulting police officers during a Women's Strike protest was acquitted, with the court considering filing charges against the police for false testimony. The protests erupted following a controversial abortion ruling in Poland. The article highlights the activist's ordeal, the court's findings, and the potential implications for police accountability. Legal experts and advocacy groups emphasize the importance of scrutinizing police testimonies in such cases.

How They Lie – The Peculiar Career of Monika Borkowska, the New Star of TVP

17 Nov 2023  |  oko.press
Monika Borkowska, a new star of TVP's 'Wiadomości', has a controversial background involving political affiliations with Kukiz'15 and PiS. Despite presenting herself as an independent journalist, she has been involved in political activities and has been criticized for her propagandistic reporting. The article highlights her rapid rise within TVP, her involvement in the program 'Jak oni kłamią', and the broader implications of media manipulation and political bias within Polish state media.

Report from the Augean Stables – what awaits TVP and its officials?

12 Nov 2023  |  oko.press
The article discusses the anticipated reforms of Poland's public media, particularly TVP, following the opposition's potential rise to power. It outlines various scenarios for restructuring or dismantling TVP, emphasizing the urgency of depoliticizing and democratizing public media. Key figures from the opposition and media experts express the need for swift changes, while current TVP officials and supporters voice concerns over job security and potential legal repercussions. The article also highlights the financial implications and the broader political context of these proposed reforms.

Activist: 'A shot was fired in my direction'. Border Guard: 'How do you know that noise was a shot?'

10 Nov 2023  |  oko.press
An activist, Mariusz Kurnyta, claims a shot was fired in his direction by a Border Guard officer during a patrol in a forest near the Polish-Belarusian border. The Border Guard denies using live ammunition, stating no official weapons were fired. The incident follows a previous shooting where a Syrian migrant was injured. The activist accuses the Border Guard of lying and misconduct, while the Border Guard maintains their actions were justified. The case has been reported to the prosecutor's office for further investigation.

Radio Music Orlen. Mysterious connections between Poland's largest radio station and Obajtek's company

30 Oct 2023  |  oko.press
The article investigates the close ties between RMF FM, Poland's largest radio station, and PKN Orlen, a major state-owned oil company. It highlights how PKN Orlen, under the leadership of Daniel Obajtek, has become a significant advertiser for RMF FM, influencing the station's content to favor the company and the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS). The piece also explores the employment of Marek Balawajder's wife, Magdalena Balawajder, in a subsidiary of PKN Orlen, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest and nepotism. The article suggests that RMF FM's editorial independence may be compromised due to financial dependencies on state-owned enterprises.

TVP Board Advisor: We Created Worse Propaganda Than in the 70s, 'Stalinist Logic' Prevailed

19 Oct 2023  |  oko.press
Marcin Wolski, a TVP board advisor, criticizes the propaganda efforts of TVP, comparing them unfavorably to those of the 1970s and describing them as 'Stalinist logic.' He reflects on the recent elections and the mistakes made by the ruling party, PiS, and discusses future political strategies, including potential alliances with PSL and Konfederacja. The article highlights the role of various media figures and organizations in the dissemination of propaganda and the political landscape in Poland.

Man with a backpack on the Smolensk monument. Threatened to blow himself up

14 Oct 2023  |  oko.press
On October 14, 2023, a young man climbed the Smolensk monument in Warsaw's Piłsudski Square, threatening to detonate an explosive device he claimed to have in his backpack. The area was cordoned off by police, and after negotiations, the man descended from the monument around 1:00 PM and was detained. The incident caused significant disruption in the vicinity, with streets being closed and buildings not evacuated. Eyewitnesses, including citizen journalist Rafał Łuczkiewicz, BBC journalist Sarah Rainsford, and photojournalist Ola Perzyńska, provided accounts of the situation, which included the presence of anti-terrorist units and snipers.

The Prosecutor's Office 'Cannot' Question the General Because He Is in the USA. Haven't They Heard of Video Calls?

10 Oct 2023  |  oko.press
The article discusses the suspension of an investigation into the forceful removal of wreaths by military personnel at the Smolensk monument in Warsaw. The investigation was halted because a key witness, General Robert Głąb, is in the USA and cannot be questioned in person. The article criticizes the prosecutor's office for not utilizing video conferencing for the questioning, despite legal provisions allowing it. Activist Zbigniew Komosa, who has been placing the wreaths, accuses the authorities of political corruption and delaying tactics. The article also highlights the involvement of various military and legal entities and the lack of response from key officials.

CPK organized a police training ground on the future airport grounds. Residents: 'They want to intimidate us'

27 Sep 2023  |  oko.press
Residents of Baranów and surrounding areas accuse the Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) of using intimidation tactics, including police training exercises with helicopters and grenades, to pressure them into selling their land for a new airport. Allegations include illegal waste dumping by Trakcja S.A. and disruptive police activities. Local activists and politicians have raised concerns, but official responses have been dismissive or slow. The situation has heightened tensions and fears among the local population.

Polonia: These elections are not equal for us. Certainly

15 Sep 2023  |  oko.press
The article discusses the perceived unfairness of the upcoming Polish elections for the diaspora, highlighting several restrictions implemented by the ruling party PiS that could hinder overseas voting. These include limited registration methods, the inability to register in advance, the lack of postal voting, and a 24-hour limit for counting votes, which could result in many votes being discarded. The article argues that these measures disproportionately affect the opposition-leaning diaspora and questions their constitutionality. Various stakeholders, including legal experts and election observers, express concerns about the potential impact on the election's fairness and integrity.

Border Guard Misleads: 'These Are Belarusian Propaganda Techniques'

27 Aug 2023  |  oko.press
The article criticizes the Polish Border Guard for allegedly using Belarusian propaganda techniques to mislead the public about the treatment of migrants. It details an incident involving a severely dehydrated Somali migrant who was reportedly mistreated by the Border Guard and medical personnel. Activists and witnesses describe the migrant's poor condition and accuse the authorities of staging photos to misrepresent his health. The article also highlights multiple instances of alleged misinformation and mistreatment by the Border Guard, supported by testimonies from activists and medical professionals.

How TVP Brainwashes Viewers: A Guide to Propaganda Tricks

07 Aug 2023  |  oko.press
The article critically examines how TVP, Poland's public broadcaster, allegedly uses propaganda techniques to manipulate public opinion in favor of the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS). It highlights the systematic repetition of misleading narratives, the use of biased experts, and the portrayal of opposition figures, particularly Donald Tusk, in a negative light. The piece also discusses the financial ties between pro-government media outlets and state-owned companies, and the broader implications of such media practices on Polish democracy.

Brudziński lost in court to the leadership of the Open Dialogue Foundation

02 Aug 2023  |  oko.press
Joachim Brudziński, a prominent member of the PiS party, lost a court case against the leadership of the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF), specifically Bartosz Kramek and Ludmiła Kozłowska. The court ruled that Brudziński's tweet had damaged the reputation of the foundation and its leaders, ordering him to apologize publicly and pay compensation. This marks the fifth legal victory for ODF against influential PiS members. The article highlights the ongoing conflict between the foundation and the PiS party, portraying the foundation in a positive light and the PiS party negatively.

American Committee to Protect Journalists intervenes with police in the case of Maciek Piasecki

29 Jul 2023  |  oko.press
The American Committee to Protect Journalists has intervened with Polish police regarding the treatment of reporter Maciej Piasecki during an environmental protest in Warsaw. Piasecki was documenting a protest by Extinction Rebellion when he was allegedly mishandled and detained by police. The Committee to Protect Journalists, along with other international organizations like Amnesty International and Reporterzy Bez Granic, is calling for a transparent investigation into the incident. The article criticizes the police's actions and statements, highlighting discrepancies and potential violations of press freedom.

Lack of Accommodation for Refugees in Transit through Warsaw

12 Jul 2023  |  oko.press
NGOs are raising alarms over the lack of accommodation and food for hundreds of refugees transiting through Warsaw. Thousands of Ukrainian refugees pass through the city on their way to Western Europe, but due to funding shortages, many shelters are closing or significantly reducing their services. Activists like Kajetan Wróblewski from Asymetryści are struggling to provide basic necessities, with some refugees already going hungry. Organizations such as Habitat for Humanity Poland and the Norwegian Refugee Council are also facing financial constraints, leading to reduced capacity and services. The situation is exacerbated by the recent influx of refugees following the destruction of the dam in Nova Kakhovka. Despite some temporary funding extensions, the overall capacity remains insufficient, causing significant concern among humanitarian groups.

Activist Called Sumliński a 'Fascist' and 'Jew-Eater'. Lost in Court but Doesn't Give Up

28 Jun 2023  |  oko.press
Iwona Wyszogrodzka, an anti-fascist activist, called writer Wojciech Sumliński a 'fascist' and 'Jew-eater' and lost a defamation lawsuit. Despite the court ruling, she remains defiant, refusing to pay the fine and risking imprisonment. The case highlights Sumliński's controversial works, which have been criticized for promoting antisemitic views. The article also discusses the broader context of Sumliński's activities, including his books and films, and the reactions they have provoked both in Poland and internationally.

Mega-airport or mega-madness of PiS? Contracts worth 13 billion signed

24 Jun 2023  |  oko.press
The article discusses the controversial Central Communication Port (CPK) project in Poland, highlighting the ruling party PiS's efforts to advance the project before potential electoral defeat. Critics argue that the project is a waste of public funds, with experts and opposition figures questioning its economic viability and transparency. Contracts worth billions have been signed, but there are concerns about the project's feasibility and the potential financial penalties for halting it. Comparisons are made to a similar project in Mexico that was halted despite significant progress. The article also touches on the political implications and the lack of independent expert support for the project.

How officials in Teresin wanted to silence the protest against CPK against the law

23 Jun 2023  |  oko.press
Officials in Teresin attempted to unlawfully silence a protest against the Central Communication Port (CPK) project, which threatens local residents with displacement. Despite a court ruling in favor of the protesters, local authorities and police obstructed the demonstration, leading to accusations of abuse of power. The article highlights the financial incentives provided by CPK to local communities and the resistance from activists and some local officials. The narrative portrays the actions of the Teresin mayor and police negatively, suggesting corruption and coercion, while supporting the protesters' cause.

Police took away the banner 'Adrian, be silent today' because the wooden handle could pose a 'pyrotechnic threat'

23 Jun 2023  |  oko.press
On May 3, 2023, during a rally in Warsaw, activist Zbigniew Komosa's banner with the slogan 'Adrian, be silent today' was seized by the police, who claimed it insulted the head of state, President Andrzej Duda, and posed a pyrotechnic threat due to its wooden handle. Legal experts and the Office of the Prosecutor criticized the police's actions as illogical, unjustified, and not in accordance with the law. Prosecutor Kamil Kowalczyk ordered the immediate return of the banner, finding no basis for the accusation that Komosa insulted the president. Komosa, supported by his lawyer Jerzy Jurek, plans to take further legal action, including seeking compensation and holding the police accountable for their actions.

Police pursue pensioner for 'disturbing public order' by holding a banner

15 May 2023  |  oko.press
The article discusses the police pursuit of Dorota Halaburda, a visually impaired pensioner, for allegedly disturbing public order by holding a banner during the anniversary of the Smolensk disaster. The police's actions, including physical force and legal proceedings, are portrayed as unlawful and politically motivated. The article highlights the broader context of political repression against activists and critics of the ruling party, PiS, with specific references to other cases handled by prosecutor Kamil Kowalczyk. The court's decision to deem the police's actions unlawful and the subsequent legal battles are also detailed.

Migrants died in a car accident while fleeing from border guards

05 May 2023  |  oko.press
Two migrants died in a car accident while fleeing from Polish border guards. The driver, a 34-year-old Uzbek, lost control of the vehicle, resulting in one death at the scene and another in the hospital. The incident occurred on May 5, 2023, when a border guard off-duty noticed a suspiciously overloaded car and alerted his colleagues. The chase ended in a crash, with several migrants injured and taken to nearby hospitals. The victims were mostly young Afghans, and the driver is currently in police custody.

Migrant's wife, who died in a Polish camp for foreigners, has passed away

28 Apr 2023  |  oko.press
A young Syrian woman, the wife of Mahmoud who recently died in a closed center for foreigners in Przemyśl, Poland, has passed away from grief. The incident has prompted the District Prosecutor's Office in Przemyśl to accelerate the investigation into Mahmoud's death, which witnesses claim was due to a lack of timely medical assistance from the Border Guard officers. The case has raised concerns about the treatment of migrants and the conditions at the center, which has a poor reputation among activists. The Ombudsman's office has conducted an inspection, and the Border Guard has stated their cooperation with the investigation.

In the pro-government newspaper's contest, the winner was a person who... does not exist

28 Apr 2023  |  oko.press
An activist, Martyna Regent, exposed flaws in a contest organized by the pro-government newspaper Dziennik Bałtycki, owned by PKN Orlen, by entering a fictional character, Agata Bąk, who won without any verification. The article criticizes the lack of candidate verification and the monetization of votes, highlighting broader issues of media manipulation and control by government-affiliated entities. The experiment underscores the need for media independence and transparency, especially at the local level.

Whistleblower from PiS on surveillance in hotels: 'The scale is enormous'. Announces disclosure of new facts

27 Apr 2023  |  oko.press
The article reveals a whistleblower's allegations of extensive illegal surveillance activities conducted by the Polish government, specifically targeting political opponents and activists in state-controlled hotels. The whistleblower, Robert Z., a former PiS member and security manager at the Polish Hotel Holding, details how surveillance was carried out without judicial approval, implicating high-ranking officials like Maciej Wąsik and Joachim Brudziński. The article highlights the involvement of various government agencies and the personal vendetta against activists from the Open Dialogue Foundation, particularly Bartosz Kramek and Ludmiła Kozłowska. The whistleblower's claims are supported by notarial statements and recordings, and the article underscores the broader implications of these surveillance practices on civil liberties and political opposition in Poland.

Humanitarian aid for refugees. Will it still be punished?

16 Apr 2023  |  oko.press
The article discusses the ongoing issue of criminalizing humanitarian aid for refugees at the EU's external borders, focusing on the European Commission's efforts to encourage member states to decriminalize such aid. Despite the Commission's guidelines, only eight countries have implemented laws to protect humanitarian workers. The text highlights the harsh treatment of activists by border authorities and the need for policy changes to prevent the criminalization of humanitarian aid. Interviews with representatives from the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights emphasize the urgency of addressing this issue and the potential for new EU directives to mandate the decriminalization of humanitarian aid.

Police overturned activists, choked them, forcibly removed megaphones. The prosecutor's office discontinued the case

06 Apr 2023  |  oko.press
During the monthly Smolensk commemoration, police attacked a legal protest organized by the Lotna Brygada Opozycji, forcibly removing and destroying megaphones. Despite evidence and witness accounts of police brutality, the Warsaw Ochota District Prosecutor's Office, led by Magdalena Milewska, discontinued the investigation, stating there was no indication of a prohibited act. Activists criticized the prosecutor's office for ignoring evidence and failing to conduct a thorough investigation. The case's dismissal has been met with public scrutiny and is seen as part of a pattern of police aggression and judicial leniency towards such actions.

Bruno returned to his mother so quickly thanks to the publicity of the case - lawyer

28 Mar 2023  |  oko.press
The swift change in the court's decision regarding the custody of Andżelika Domańska's child, Bruno, is attributed to the case's publicity, according to his lawyer, Kamila Zagórska. The case gained attention, and the judge received new information not available at the time of the initial decision. The family court lacked immediate procedures for such cases, which contributed to the situation. The court's responsive communication via email facilitated a quick resolution, allowing Bruno to return to his mother's care within a week of the appeal, a rarity in such proceedings.

Tomasz Duklanowski from Radio Szczecin attacked MP Filiks' family. Who is this man?

07 Mar 2023  |  oko.press
Tomasz Duklanowski, a journalist from Radio Szczecin, has been criticized for his controversial actions and unethical journalism practices, including revealing sensitive information about MP Magdalena Filiks' family. His career has been marked by multiple dismissals and accusations of manipulative behavior. Despite receiving a high honor from President Andrzej Duda, his contributions to democratic changes in Poland are questioned. The article highlights his connections with right-wing politics and his role in media scandals, leading to significant backlash and calls for his dismissal.

Despite court rulings, soldiers regularly steal activist's wreaths, and the police cover for them: 'What wreath?'

17 Feb 2023  |  oko.press
Soldiers from the Warsaw Garrison have repeatedly stolen wreaths placed by pro-democracy activist Zbigniew Komosa at the Smolensk monument, actions allegedly ignored by the police. Despite court rulings affirming Komosa's right to place the wreaths, the military continues to remove them, often with police complicity. The article highlights the lack of accountability and transparency from both the military and police, with ongoing legal battles and investigations into the matter. Key figures such as Minister Mariusz Błaszczak and various police and military officials are implicated in the controversy.

Judge from Iustitia asks to be transferred closer to home. PiS councilor: 'I don't know if we should help such people'

31 Jan 2023  |  oko.press
A judge from Iustitia, a mother of three, faced significant challenges commuting six hours daily to her court in Legnica. Despite a vacant position closer to her home in Kłodzko, her transfer requests were repeatedly denied by the Ministry of Justice. PiS councilor Krystyna Śliwińska questioned whether to help the judge, citing her social media activity supporting judicial independence and various social causes. The article highlights the political and bureaucratic hurdles faced by the judge, raising concerns about political influence over judicial appointments and the treatment of judges advocating for independence.

Prosecutor's Office Withdraws from Absurd Charges of Disrupting 'Religious Acts' - Monthly Anniversaries

20 Jan 2023  |  oko.press
The Warsaw Prosecutor's Office has withdrawn charges against members of the Flying Brigade of the Opposition for allegedly disrupting 'religious acts' during the monthly anniversaries commemorating the Smolensk tragedy. The charges, which took 15 months to be dismissed, were deemed absurd as the events were not considered public religious acts. The case, which generated significant legal documents and costs, highlighted the contentious nature of the monthly anniversaries and the actions of law enforcement against pro-democracy activists. The article also discusses the broader context of legal actions against activists in Poland, with a high percentage of cases resulting in acquittal or dismissal.

Courts increasingly award activists compensation for mass violations of their rights by the police

17 Jan 2023  |  oko.press
Polish courts are increasingly awarding activists compensation for wrongful detentions and police misconduct. Activist Arkadiusz Szczurek received 10,000 PLN for an unjustified two-day detention during a protest. Similar cases involve Katarzyna Augustynek, known as Babcia Kasia, who has been awarded compensation multiple times for various detentions. The article details several instances where activists were detained by police, often in harsh conditions, and later received compensation after courts ruled the detentions unjustified. The trend indicates a growing recognition of rights violations by law enforcement, with activists continuing to file claims for redress.

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Counter-terrorists from a fire truck lift peered into activists' windows. 'Circus', 'fall', 'embarrassment'

11 Jan 2023  |  oko.press
Counter-terrorist units used a fire truck lift to monitor activists from the Lotna Brygada Opozycji who had rented an apartment near Piłsudski Square in Warsaw. The activists planned to question Jarosław Kaczyński during a monthly commemoration event. The police's actions, including claims of a gas leak and significant force deployment, were widely criticized as excessive and embarrassing. The incident drew significant public attention and criticism, highlighting tensions between activists and the government.

I'm going to beat the Russians. That's all I have left. Stories from 50 days at the border [MY TEXT OF THE YEAR]

10 Jan 2023  |  oko.press
The article recounts the harrowing experiences of refugees at the Poland-Ukraine border during the first 50 days of the war in Ukraine. It highlights the stories of individuals like Andriej, who lost his entire family to Russian bombings, and Katia, who returned to Ukraine to rescue her children. The narrative covers the extreme hardships faced by refugees, including long treks, racist treatment, and the emotional toll of war. It also touches on the humanitarian efforts at the border and the contrasting behaviors of good and evil witnessed by the author.

With a Baton and Gas: The Legacy of Police Chief General Szymczyk [PART 2]

30 Dec 2022  |  oko.press
The article critically examines the tenure of General Jarosław Szymczyk as the head of the Polish police, highlighting numerous instances of police brutality, particularly against women and children, and the political repression of activists and journalists. It details specific cases of violence, wrongful arrests, and the lack of accountability within the police force. The article also discusses the systemic use of SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) by the police to intimidate and silence opposition, and the declining public trust in the police under Szymczyk's leadership.

The third shift had no letter. They were the most polite - as if someone had slapped them [INTERVIEW]

20 Dec 2022  |  oko.press
Journalist Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska, who has been covering the war in Ukraine since its onset, shares her experiences and observations from the front lines. She describes the extensive destruction in cities like Bakhmut and Kharkiv, the dire living conditions of civilians, and the resilience of the Ukrainian people. The interview also touches on the humanitarian efforts to support those affected and the challenges faced by both civilians and soldiers. The narrative highlights the stark contrast between the behavior of different Russian military units and the ongoing struggle for survival in war-torn areas.

PiS loses again to the head of the Open Dialogue Foundation – NSA overturns the verdict of neo-judges in her case

09 Dec 2022  |  oko.press
The NSA overturned a previous verdict by neo-judges against Ludmiła Kozłowska, head of the Open Dialogue Foundation, ruling that she does not pose a threat to state security. This decision marks the fourth favorable ruling for Kozłowska, who has been battling deportation and entry bans imposed by PiS-controlled agencies since 2018. Despite the ruling, Kozłowska remains unable to return to Poland. The article highlights the political persecution faced by Kozłowska and her foundation, including legal battles, deportation, and financial restrictions, and underscores the broader implications for human rights and judicial independence in Poland.

Police surveillance of activist who lays wreaths at Smolensk stairs

16 Nov 2022  |  oko.press
Zbigniew Komosa, an activist who regularly lays wreaths at the Smolensk monument in Warsaw, has been under police surveillance for over six months. Despite having legal backing for his actions, he and other activists from Lotna Brygada Opozycji face continuous monitoring and harassment by plainclothes officers. The article highlights several instances of police following and intimidating activists, raising concerns about the misuse of police power and the suppression of dissent. The police have not provided clear reasons for their actions, leading to accusations of creating a climate of fear and intimidation among opposition groups.

Police undercover agents track activist who lays wreaths monthly at Smolensk stairs

10 Nov 2022  |  oko.press
Zbigniew Komosa, an activist who regularly lays wreaths at the Smolensk monument in Warsaw, has been under surveillance by undercover police officers for over six months. Despite having legal rulings in his favor, Komosa and his fellow activists from Lotna Brygada Opozycji continue to face police harassment and surveillance. The article details several instances of police following and monitoring the activists, raising concerns about the use of covert operations and the lack of transparency from the Warsaw Police Headquarters. The sentiment towards the police is largely negative, while the activists are portrayed positively for their resilience and determination.

“I live in Bydgoszcz, but we are getting closer to Moscow”. Police did not let the activist into the market

08 Nov 2022  |  oko.press
The article details an incident in Bydgoszcz where police prevented activist Ilona Michalak from entering a public market during a government event, citing potential disruption. Michalak, known for her pro-democratic stance, was carrying a sign critical of tax policies. The police's actions were later deemed unconstitutional by the Bydgoszcz District Court, which criticized the superficial investigation by the prosecutor. The article highlights ongoing tensions between activists and authorities, with multiple instances of alleged police misconduct and political discrimination.

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