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Larissa Ong

Lisbon, Portugal
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About Larissa
Larissa Ong is a creative documentary filmmaker. She has written, directed, and post-produced feature-length TV documentaries for Channel NewsAsia, CuriosityStream, and National Geographic, which have been awarded at the World Media Festivals, the New York Festivals and the Asian Academy Creative Awards. She has also made digital shorts for South China Morning Post and Rice Media.
She primarily directs, writes, and produces, but loves shooting whenever she can. Stories of migration, existentialism, and the creative process interest her the most, and within them she likes to explore the messiness and absurdity of existence. She is now working on her first independent feature Live Long and Die Out about the desire to die.

She is based in Lisbon, Portugal, and has lived and worked in Washington DC and Mexico City. She speaks Mandarin, Spanish, English, is learning Portuguese, and is originally from Singapore. She is a member of Brown Girls Doc Mafia and Film Fatales. ​
English Spanish Portuguese
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Current Affairs Technology

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