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Laura Loguercio

Milan, Italy
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Laura Loguercio is a journalist based in London, United Kingdom.
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Ursula von der Leyen has been accused of being too pro-Israel

16 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Diplomats and European institution members have criticized European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola for their perceived pro-Israel stance in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Critics argue they failed to adequately condemn Israeli bombings in Gaza and did not address the humanitarian impact on Palestinian civilians. Both leaders visited Israel, met with Israeli officials, and expressed strong support for Israel's right to defend itself. The article highlights the broader political and humanitarian debate within the EU regarding the conflict.

There is no more room in Khan Yunis

15 Oct 2023  |  ilpost.it
Hundreds of thousands have fled to Khan Yunis, a major city in the southern Gaza Strip, following evacuations ordered by the Israeli army. The city is overwhelmed, lacking the capacity to accommodate the influx of families, with basic necessities such as water, electricity, and medicine in short supply due to an Israeli blockade. The Rafah crossing to Egypt has been bombed and closed, preventing both escape and the entry of humanitarian aid. The United Nations reported that local hospital fuel supplies were nearly depleted, and a Palestinian man recounted the dire conditions at a refugee center in Khan Yunis.

The chronology of the Israeli conflict

14 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
The article outlines the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, beginning with the rise of Zionism in the 19th century and the subsequent Jewish immigration to Palestine. It covers key events such as the Balfour Declaration in 1917, the Holocaust, the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, and subsequent wars including the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Six-Day War in 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The article also discusses the Oslo Accords in 1993, the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, and the more recent conflicts including the Intifadas, the Gaza withdrawal in 2005, and the ongoing tensions leading to the latest escalation in October 2023 with a massacre of Israeli civilians by Hamas and a potential Israeli ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

The maps and documents found on the bodies of Hamas militants in Israel

13 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Documents found on the bodies of Hamas militants killed during the recent attack on Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip reveal detailed planning targeting both military and civilian infrastructure. The documents, including maps and operational plans, indicate a long-term strategy by Hamas, with some plans dating back to June. The attack, which caught Israeli forces off guard, resulted in significant civilian casualties in several kibbutzim. Hamas's spokesperson confirmed the planning began in 2021, involving deception tactics to mislead Israeli intelligence. The Israeli military's delayed response has been acknowledged by its chief of staff.

What are the tunnels under the Gaza Strip

12 Oct 2023  |  ilpost.it
Israeli military spokesperson Jonathan Conricus stated that the bombings conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces on the Gaza Strip target the underground tunnels used by Hamas for military operations. These tunnels, often built under civilian-populated areas, have been used for years by Hamas militants to organize attacks against Israel and to smuggle weapons and essential goods into the Strip. The network of tunnels expanded significantly after Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007, leading to a strict embargo by Israel and Egypt. Despite the construction of an underground wall by Israel, equipped with sensors and cameras, Hamas continues to use these tunnels, which are crucial for many Gaza residents to obtain necessities like food and medicine.

Living in Gaza has always been difficult

12 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Gaza Strip has been completely isolated by an Israeli government-imposed 'total siege,' cutting off water, electricity, food, and fuel supplies. Thousands are displaced, with over 200,000 seeking refuge in UN buildings. The only power plant has stopped, leaving millions without electricity, affecting communication and hospital operations. Gaza's dense population of over two million, including 1.7 million Palestinian refugees, faces severe poverty, unemployment, and inadequate healthcare. The Israeli and Egyptian governments have imposed a strict embargo since 2007, severely affecting civilian life. Frequent blackouts, water scarcity, and food insecurity are chronic issues, exacerbated by recent bombings that have destroyed infrastructure and buildings, including the once-prosperous Rimal neighborhood.

How the Israeli Siege on Gaza is Conducted

10 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
The Israeli government has imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip in response to attacks by Hamas militants, cutting off water, electricity, food, and fuel supplies. This has exacerbated the already dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, where 2.3 million people live. The siege follows a long-standing embargo imposed by Israel and Egypt since 2007, which has severely impacted Gaza's economy and infrastructure. Recent Israeli airstrikes have killed at least 687 people and injured nearly 4,000, targeting civilian infrastructure. Hamas has threatened to kill hostages in response to bombings without prior warning. An Israeli ground invasion may be imminent, and civilians are being urged to evacuate, although options are limited due to the closure of the Rafah crossing by Egypt.

The League has released other videos of the judge from Catania at a demonstration against the government

09 Oct 2023  |  ilpost.it
The League released three videos between Thursday and Sunday showing Judge Iolanda Apostolico participating in a pro-migrant demonstration in Catania in 2018. Apostolico has been in the spotlight due to a recent ruling that deemed parts of the 'Cutro' decree illegitimate, canceling detention requests for four Tunisian migrants. The government criticized the ruling and plans to challenge it. The videos raised concerns about a judge's participation in a demonstration against the government, with opinions divided on whether it compromises judicial impartiality. Matteo Salvini called for Apostolico's resignation, while Justice Minister Carlo Nordio commented that judges should avoid demonstrations to maintain the presumption of impartiality.

What we know about the Israeli and foreign hostages taken by Hamas

09 Oct 2023  |  www.ilpost.it
Detailed information has emerged about hostages taken by Hamas and other Palestinian radical groups in Gaza, such as Islamic Jihad, during a ground attack that began Saturday in southern Israel. All hostages have been identified, but numbers will be disclosed after families are informed. Many hostages are civilians, and their locations are unknown. Hamas has threatened to kill a hostage for each unannounced Israeli bombing on Gaza. The number of hostages is likely in the hundreds, with at least 150 people, including women, children, and the elderly, taken to Gaza. Other nationalities may also be among the hostages, with several countries reporting missing nationals. The US President reported at least 11 American citizens killed, and an unspecified number missing. Hamas has offered to release Israeli hostages in exchange for all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Confusion over the hostages is a significant issue for Israel, which has set up a joint center to register missing persons and collect DNA samples. Unconfirmed reports suggest negotiations for some hostages' release, but nothing concrete has emerged.

Photos and videos of the Hamas attack on Israeli cities

07 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
On Saturday morning, the radical Palestinian group Hamas launched an extensive and unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip, involving rocket fire and ground incursions. The attack resulted in casualties and hostages among Israeli civilians. The situation remains chaotic with fragmented reports. Social media is flooded with unverified information, but reliable sources provide a clearer picture. Key affected areas include Ashkelon and Sderot, with significant damage and civilian distress. The breach of the heavily fortified Gaza-Israel barrier by Hamas militants is notable. Israel has initiated a military response, targeting Hamas positions in Gaza. The hostage situation is expected to become a critical issue in the ongoing conflict.

The President of Ivory Coast has dissolved the country's government

06 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
On Friday, Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara dismissed all ministers, including Prime Minister Patrick Achi, effectively dissolving the government. The announcement was made by the president's secretary-general, Aboudramane Cissé, without providing a reason. Ministers will remain in office until their successors are appointed. This unexpected decision follows Ouattara's previous efforts to reduce the number of ministers to cut costs and reallocate resources to other sectors, including security.

The video of the judge from Catania shared by Salvini

06 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Matteo Salvini shared a video of Judge Iolanda Apostolico at a 2018 pro-migrant protest, sparking controversy over the video's origin and its implications. Apostolico recently annulled a detention request for Tunisian migrants, a decision criticized by the government. The video, filmed during a heated protest, shows Apostolico among the crowd but not actively participating. Apostolico and others argue that her right to protest is constitutional, while critics, including government officials, question her impartiality. The video's source remains unclear, and its release has led to debates about judicial conduct and political motivations.

Bolivian President Luis Arce expelled from his own party

05 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Bolivian President Luis Arce has been expelled from his own party, the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), by supporters of his main political rival, former President Evo Morales. Arce and 28 other MAS members close to him, including party vice president David Choquehuanca, were expelled in a move that must be validated by national electoral authorities. The MAS has been internally divided between supporters of Arce and Morales, with accusations of corruption, narcotrafficking, and betrayal. Morales announced his candidacy for the 2025 presidential elections, and a party statute change may prevent Arce from running as it requires a 10-year membership which Arce does not meet.

The Florence court annulled the expulsion of a Tunisian migrant, stating that Tunisia is not a 'safe' country

05 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
The Florence court annulled the expulsion of a Tunisian migrant, arguing that Tunisia cannot be considered a 'safe' country due to the dismantling of the rule of law and political repression by President Kais Saied. This decision challenges the Italian Ministry of the Interior's classification of Tunisia as a safe country, which is based on a 2013 European directive.

The United States has sent over a million confiscated bullets from Iran to Ukraine

05 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
The United States has sent approximately 1.1 million bullets confiscated from Iran in 2022 to Ukraine. The bullets were originally intended for the Houthi rebels in Yemen, violating a UN embargo. The U.S. obtained the bullets through a civil forfeiture process after finding them on an unflagged ship. This marks the first time such confiscated ammunition has been sent to Ukraine. The Yemen conflict began in 2014 with the Houthi occupation of Sana'a, leading to a Saudi-led military intervention. The 1.1 million bullets are a small part of the nearly $44 billion in military aid the U.S. has provided to Ukraine since the conflict began.

Iran and the case of Armita Geravand

05 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Iranian activists and human rights groups accuse the Iranian government of assaulting 16-year-old Armita Geravand, who is now in a coma, for not wearing a hijab. The incident recalls the case of Mahsa Amini, whose death in 2022 after being detained for improper hijab wear sparked widespread protests. Authorities deny the allegations, claiming Geravand fainted due to low blood pressure, a version supported by her parents in a possibly coerced video. The article highlights ongoing government repression and the transformation of last year's protests into a resistance movement, particularly among women.

Russia has withdrawn most of its naval fleet from the port of Sevastopol, Crimea, after recent Ukrainian attacks

05 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Russia has withdrawn a significant portion of its naval fleet from its main base in Sevastopol, Crimea, following a series of Ukrainian military attacks that damaged the Russian base and some of its vessels. The fleet, including submarines and missile frigates, has been relocated to safer ports. While the move has limited military impact, as the ships can still launch attacks, it marks a strategic victory for the Ukrainian forces, whose counteroffensive has been progressing slower than expected.

What happens now to the United States House of Representatives

04 Oct 2023  |  www.ilpost.it
The United States House of Representatives has passed a motion of no confidence to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a long-standing member of the Republican Party. This marks the first time in U.S. history that the House has voted to remove a speaker. The successor to McCarthy is unclear, with internal Republican divisions between extremists and moderates complicating the selection. Interim Speaker Patrick McHenry, a moderate Republican, has limited powers and is overseeing the election of a new speaker. Potential candidates include Tom Cole, Tom Emmer, and Steve Scalise, with Scalise receiving support from Matt Gaetz. The Democrats support their leader Hakeem Jeffries, who previously challenged McCarthy for the role. With the Republicans holding a majority in the House, the next speaker is likely to be from their party. The timing for the election of a new speaker is uncertain, but it is crucial to have a fully functioning speaker by November 17 to avoid another government shutdown.

Portugal wants to eliminate tax breaks for foreign residents

04 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa announced plans to end the tax break program for foreign residents starting in 2024, citing its contribution to housing market inflation and social injustice. The program, introduced in 2009, offered significant tax benefits to foreign professionals and retirees. The decision follows widespread protests over rising housing costs in major cities like Lisbon and Porto. Costa also mentioned the termination of 'golden visas' for foreign property buyers, which had been popular among Russian and Chinese nationals but were seen as fueling real estate speculation.

The Russian journalist who protested on TV against the invasion of Ukraine has been sentenced in absentia to 8 years and 6 months in prison

04 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
A Russian court sentenced journalist Marina Ovsyannikova to eight years and six months in prison for allegedly spreading false information about the Russian armed forces. Ovsyannikova, who worked for Russia 1, protested against the invasion of Ukraine on live TV in March 2022, displaying a sign that read 'No to war, stop the war. Don't believe the propaganda, they are lying to you.' She was arrested the next day and later released.

A boat with over 270 migrants arrived on a small island in the Canaries

04 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
On Tuesday, over 500 migrants from North Africa arrived on the small island of El Hierro in the Canary Islands, Spain, aboard three different boats. One boat from Senegal carried between 270 and 280 migrants. El Hierro is approximately 380 kilometers from the African coast. Salvamento Marítimo, a rescue organization under the Spanish Ministry of Transport, reported rescuing a boat with 280 people, while the Red Cross counted 271. Journalist Txema Santana noted the unprecedented number of people on one boat. Two other boats carrying 91 and 127 people also arrived on Tuesday, according to the EFE news agency.

The King of Spain has tasked the leader of the Socialist Party Pedro Sánchez with forming a government, after Alberto Núñez Feijóo failed to win confidence

03 Oct 2023  |  ilpost.it
King Felipe VI of Spain has assigned Pedro Sánchez, the outgoing Prime Minister and leader of the Socialist Party (PSOE), the task of forming a new government after Alberto Núñez Feijóo of the Popular Party (PP) failed to secure parliamentary confidence. Sánchez plans to begin negotiations with various parties, including Sumar and smaller Basque and Catalan parties, aiming to secure a majority. The PSOE's negotiations have been particularly focused on the center-right Catalan independence party Junts per Catalunya, led by Carles Puigdemont. The PP had won the most votes in the July 23 elections, but Feijóo's attempts to form a government were unsuccessful. Sánchez needs at least 176 votes to be elected in the first round and is expected to secure 178 if he can reach an agreement with the centrists and independents. A new government must be formed by November 27 to avoid another election.

The transfer of some Intesa Sanpaolo customers to Isybank

03 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Intesa Sanpaolo is transferring around 300,000 customers to its online subsidiary Isybank between September and December 2023, with over 2 million more to follow in early 2024. The transfer targets customers who rarely visit physical branches. Many customers have criticized the bank for poor communication, as notifications were primarily sent through the app, which some did not notice in time. Isybank, originally Banca ITB, was acquired by Intesa Sanpaolo in 2016 and rebranded in 2023. The move is part of Intesa Sanpaolo's growth plan, focusing on digital banking services.

Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to three charges related to the purchase of a firearm in 2018

03 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, pleaded not guilty to three charges related to allegedly lying to purchase a firearm in 2018 in Delaware. He is accused of falsely stating he was not using drugs on a federal form required for gun purchases, despite being addicted to crack at the time. Biden admitted past addiction issues but denies breaking the law. The court hearing in Wilmington lasted 20 minutes, with no date set for the next hearing or trial, which could coincide with the 2024 presidential campaign. Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison, though severe sentences are rare for non-violent first-time offenders.

Msc will buy half of the railway company Italo

02 Oct 2023  |  Il Post
Mediterranean Shipping Company (Msc) has announced a binding agreement to acquire approximately 50% of the shares of Italo NTV, a high-speed railway company in Italy. Founded in 2006 by Diego Della Valle, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Gianni Punzo, and Giuseppe Sciarrone, Italo began operations in 2012 and was sold to Global Infrastructure Partners (Gip) in 2018 for 2 billion euros. The deal, which requires various regulatory approvals, will leave the remaining 50% of Italo's shares with Gip. Italo's fleet includes 51 trains connecting major Italian cities and serving over 20 million passengers annually.

The government did not like the ruling on migrants from the Catania court

02 Oct 2023  |  ilpost.it
On Monday, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and other government officials criticized a ruling by the Catania court that ordered the release of four Tunisian migrants from a new Repatriation Holding Center in Pozzallo. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi indicated the government might challenge the ruling. The court's decision, which deemed parts of the Cutro decree illegitimate, has sparked debate over the judiciary's independence and the government's immigration policies. The ruling has been defended by the National Association of Magistrates, while right-leaning newspapers and politicians have questioned the judge's impartiality based on her social media activity.

The 'new' Rai has not started off very well

29 Sep 2023  |  www.ilpost.it
In September, Rai introduced a new schedule with changes including new entertainment shows and replacements for presenters who left the group. Discussions about Rai's changes under Giorgia Meloni's government have been ongoing, with significant shifts in management and television, such as Roberto Sergio's appointment as CEO. The new schedule's performance has been underwhelming, with lower viewership for shows like 'Che sarà...' compared to 'Che tempo che fa,' which was discontinued and moved to Discovery with host Fabio Fazio. Other programs like 'Il mercante in fiera' also saw disappointing ratings. Some established shows like 'Reazione a catena' and 'Porta a Porta' continue to perform well. Concerns among Rai's management about the new programs' poor performance and its impact on advertising commitments have been reported. Mediaset has also seen changes, with Pier Silvio Berlusconi aiming for a more sober and institutional approach to attract a younger audience.

Knowing the exact age of a migrant is not so easy

28 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
The Italian government has approved a new decree-law to facilitate the repatriation of irregular migrants, including measures to verify the age of young migrants who claim to be minors. The decree allows for invasive age verification procedures, such as X-rays, which must be authorized by a juvenile court. The article highlights the challenges and inaccuracies in determining the exact age of migrants, citing past issues and legal frameworks. Save the Children has identified procedural problems, and the European Court of Human Rights previously condemned Italy for improper use of radiological exams on minors.

The African Swine Fever Epidemic in the Province of Pavia

27 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Since last summer, the province of Pavia has been dealing with a significant outbreak of African swine fever, a deadly disease for pigs and wild boars with no vaccines or cures. To control the spread, nearly 34,000 pigs have been culled, including over 20,000 preventively. The virus was first detected in Italy in January 2022 and has since spread to several regions. Recent cases in Lombardy have led to extensive culling and protests from animal rights activists. European directives have imposed restrictions in high-contagion areas, affecting 172 municipalities in Pavia. Experts emphasize that the virus poses no risk to humans but could impact pork supply and exports. Local authorities are collaborating to contain the virus, with significant implications for the region's pork industry.

The 'Four Days' that liberated Naples from the Nazis

27 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Between September 27 and 30, Naples celebrates the 80th anniversary of the 'Four Days,' a popular uprising that liberated the city from Nazi and Fascist occupation during World War II. President Sergio Mattarella visited the city to commemorate the event. The article recounts the severe impact of Allied bombings on Naples, the Nazi occupation, and the subsequent insurrection led by Italian partisans. Key figures in the resistance, such as Vincenzo Stimoli and Maddalena Cerasuolo, are highlighted for their bravery. The uprising culminated in the liberation of Naples by October 1, 1943, just as Allied forces arrived.

The photos of Giorgio Napolitano's funeral

26 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Giorgio Napolitano's state funeral took place at Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome, marking the first time such a ceremony was held there. The event included military honors and speeches from various dignitaries, including family members and political figures. The ceremony was secular and lasted about an hour and a half, with national mourning declared for the day.

The new leader of the Greek left comes from finance

25 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Stefanos Kasselakis has been elected as the new president of Syriza, Greece's main left-wing opposition party, with 56.7% of the vote. Despite his lack of political experience and recent residence in the United States, Kasselakis' background in finance and his campaign promises, including tax cuts, judicial reform, and the legalization of same-sex marriage, have garnered significant attention. His election follows the resignation of Alexis Tsipras after disappointing election results. Observers are now watching to see if Kasselakis' support will be sustained or if it was a temporary boost due to his novelty.

Salvo d'Acquisto, «a shining example of altruism»

23 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Salvo D'Acquisto, an Italian Carabinieri officer, became a symbol of the Italian Resistance during World War II by sacrificing his life to save 22 innocent civilians accused of causing an explosion that killed and injured German officers. Born in Naples in 1920, D'Acquisto's life was marked by the events of the war. He joined the Carabinieri and served in various capacities, including in Libya. On September 23, 1943, he falsely confessed to causing the explosion to prevent a German reprisal, leading to his execution. His heroic act earned him posthumous recognition, including the Gold Medal of Military Valor. His story, though initially obscure, is now recognized as a testament to selfless heroism.

Many regional presidents do not want new CPRs

22 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
The Italian government’s plan to open new Centri di permanenza per il rimpatrio (CPR) has faced significant opposition from regional presidents across the political spectrum. Critics argue that existing facilities are already full and that new CPRs will not solve the systemic issues of the overcrowded immigration system. The government aims to extend the maximum detention period in CPRs to 18 months and build new centers in sparsely populated areas. However, local leaders, including those from the right-wing Lega Nord and center-left Partito Democratico, have expressed doubts about the effectiveness and humanitarian implications of this plan. Only a few, like Liguria's president Giovanni Toti, support the initiative.

Let's Understand Each Other on Migrants

21 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
The public and political debate in Italy during the summer of 2023 has been dominated by the topic of migration, with a significant increase in migrant arrivals to Italian shores, reaching levels not seen since 2016. The reception system has proven inadequate, with overcrowded facilities and a lack of proper response to asylum requests. The article clarifies terms like asylum seekers, refugees, and irregular migrants, and discusses the reasons behind the migration increase, including wars, poverty, and climate change. It also addresses the misconceptions about the volume of migrants arriving in Italy compared to other European countries and critiques the emergency and security-focused approach of successive Italian governments. The government led by Giorgia Meloni has been criticized for complicating rescue operations at sea and not effectively managing the repatriation system. The article also touches on the European Union's role and the need for reform of the Dublin Regulation, which places a disproportionate burden on countries like Italy, Greece, and Spain.

The reception system in Italy does not work as it should

20 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Italy's reception system for migrants is facing severe challenges, with chronic overcrowding in hotspots and primary reception centers. The system's structural issues, compounded by outdated and fragmented regulations, have led to inefficiencies and inadequate support for migrants. Despite proposals to expand facilities, no significant measures have been implemented. The 'accoglienza diffusa' model, which aims to integrate migrants into local communities, faces opposition from right-wing politicians. The government's recent decision to extend detention periods in repatriation centers has sparked further controversy, highlighting the ongoing struggle to manage immigration effectively.

What kind of place is Nagorno Karabakh

19 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Azerbaijan has launched a new military operation in Nagorno Karabakh, a separatist region within its borders but controlled by Armenia. The area has been a longstanding point of ethnic and territorial conflict, leading to two wars in the past. The recent clashes have exacerbated a humanitarian crisis, with essential supplies cut off and severe shortages of food and medicine. Azerbaijan denies isolating the region, attributing restrictions to preventing illegal activities. Diplomatic efforts have been ongoing, with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan expressing willingness to recognize Azerbaijani sovereignty under certain conditions. The situation remains unresolved, with recent military actions further destabilizing the region.

France and the Migrants of Lampedusa

18 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin stated that France will not accept migrants arriving in Lampedusa, emphasizing adherence to European rules requiring asylum applications to be made at the border. He highlighted the need for rapid repatriation of ineligible migrants and confirmed France's commitment to the Dublin Regulation, which places the responsibility of migrant reception on the first country of arrival. The article also discusses the challenges faced by Italy and other frontline countries, the limited success of the voluntary solidarity mechanism, and the response from the Italian political party Lega, which calls for more concrete support from France and the EU.

The story of the suspended magistrate for enormous delays accumulated

13 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Ernesto Anastasio, a magistrate originally from Piano di Sorrento, has been suspended by the Consiglio superiore della magistratura due to significant delays in handling hundreds of cases and a general dissatisfaction with his role. Despite his initial career aspirations in the police force, Anastasio ended up in the judiciary, influenced by his father. His true passion lies in poetry, which has contributed to his professional discontent. A medical evaluation diagnosed him with a dependent-avoidant personality disorder, but it was determined that he is still capable of working. Anastasio's suspension follows numerous complaints from colleagues and inmates about his delays in processing cases.

In Trieste, the reception system has jammed

13 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Trieste, a city in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, is struggling to manage the increasing number of migrants arriving via the Balkan route, with the national reception system's capacity exhausted and local associations unable to provide shelter for everyone, including minors. From January to July 2023, 7,890 people arrived, a significant increase from the previous year. Migrants, mostly young males from countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Syria, face a long and physically demanding journey. The city's reception system, once effective due to relocations, is now overwhelmed, with many migrants sleeping in the streets or in an abandoned warehouse called Silos, lacking basic amenities. Activists and associations in Trieste are collaborating to provide first aid, legal assistance, and basic needs, but the system requires more support from local and national public entities. The regional government suggests that the responsibility for reception should not fall solely on Italy, as migrants often pass through other EU countries first. The article highlights the need for more structured support and the challenges posed by the increasing number of arrivals.

Five people are under investigation for the disappearance of Cataleya Mia Alvarez, known as Kata, the girl who disappeared in Florence last June

12 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
The Florence Prosecutor's Office has notified five individuals of their involvement in the disappearance of Cataleya Mia Alvarez, a 5-year-old girl known as Kata, who went missing on June 10 in Florence. The investigation focuses on the collection of genetic material from the suspects' belongings to determine their connection to the case. The suspects, former occupants of the ex-hotel Astor where Alvarez lived, were seen on security cameras with items that could have concealed the child. The ex-hotel, occupied by around 140 people including over 30 children, was known for conflicts between Romanian and Peruvian communities. Despite multiple searches, the investigation has yet to yield concrete results.

The San Gottardo Tunnel Has Been Closed

12 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Swiss authorities have temporarily closed the San Gottardo road tunnel due to damage, causing significant disruptions in the transport of goods, particularly affecting Italian exports. The closure follows the discovery of a 25-meter crack in the tunnel's vault. Traffic has been diverted to alternative routes, and the reopening date is yet to be determined. The article also highlights recent issues with other Alpine passes, including the Frejus and Brenner passes, which have faced closures and restrictions, further complicating the movement of goods. The proper functioning of these passes is crucial for the Italian and European economies, with significant portions of agro-food exports relying on these routes.

On Monte Rosa, temperatures were above 0°C for almost five days

11 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Between the early hours of September 4 and the evening of September 8, temperatures at the summit of Monte Rosa in Piedmont remained above 0°C, marking the longest period in at least the last twenty years. This phenomenon, known as 'nighttime refreezing,' typically allows liquid water around high-altitude glaciers to solidify. Data from the Capanna Margherita meteorological observatory, located at 4,554 meters on Monte Rosa, indicates that the last time temperatures were at or above 0°C was in 1958. Recent years have seen an increase in days with minimum temperatures above -1.5°C, with the highest levels recorded last week. Additionally, the freezing level in Piedmont reached 5,170 meters on September 5, a significant indicator of high-altitude weather conditions.

Uncertainty over Funding for the Rome-Pescara Railway Line

09 Sep 2023  |  ilpost.it
The enhancement of the Rome-Pescara railway line, discussed for over twenty years and included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) in 2021, was later removed due to delays. Abruzzo's regional president, Marco Marsilio, asserts it will be realized with yet-to-be-defined funds. The Abruzzo region recently signed an agreement for the underground section of the line in San Giovanni Teatino. The project aims to reduce travel time between Rome and Pescara from 3 hours 20 minutes to about 2 hours, with further reductions and increased train frequency upon full completion. Funding was initially set at 620.2 million euros but was reallocated due to concerns over meeting the 2026 European deadline. The Italian government assures that the project will proceed with alternative funding, potentially from the European Cohesion and Development Fund, despite the removal from the PNRR.

The government wants to make penalties for minors more severe

07 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
The Italian government has approved a decree-law aimed at combating juvenile crime and educational poverty. Key measures include lowering the minimum age for certain penalties to 14, increasing penalties for parents of delinquent minors, and allowing preventive detention for crimes with sentences of at least six years. The decree also introduces restrictions on minors' use of mobile phones and increases penalties for drug-related offenses. The proposal to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 12 was not included. The measures have faced criticism from experts and officials who argue they are ineffective and emphasize the need for educational interventions.

The ban on Euro 5 diesel cars in Piedmont has been postponed to 2024

07 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
The Council of Ministers has approved a decree-law postponing the ban on Euro 5 diesel cars in 76 municipalities of Piedmont to October 1, 2024. Initially set to take effect on September 15, the measure aimed to reduce atmospheric pollution but faced significant opposition, particularly from center-right parties. Governor Alberto Cirio of Forza Italia justified the ban as a requirement from European authorities for environmental reasons. The ban will first apply in autumn 2024 to municipalities with over 30,000 inhabitants, adequate public transport, and high pollution levels, with other municipalities following in 2025. Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin stated that the postponement would prevent a social and economic crisis for families and businesses while maintaining commitments to the European Union.

Sicily really wants to try to build two waste-to-energy plants

07 Sep 2023  |  ilpost.it
Sicilian President Renato Schifani met with Italian Environment and Energy Security Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin to discuss the construction of two waste-to-energy plants in Sicily. No final decision has been made, but the government is expected to approve specific regulations to expedite the process. The initial project, proposed by former President Nello Musumeci, involved two plants in Gela and Catania, with a combined cost of approximately 1.05 billion euros, to be financed through project financing. However, Schifani is considering using public funds instead. The regional government has commissioned studies on waste flows, with results expected in the coming months. The goal is to publish tenders by the end of the year and operationalize the plants before the end of the legislature in 2027. Sicily faces significant waste management challenges, with the highest per capita waste production in Italy and less than 50% of waste being separated for recycling.

Venice tries again with the ticket for day tourists

06 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
The Venice city council, led by Mayor Luigi Brugnaro of the center-right party Coraggio Italia, approved a €5 access fee for day tourists visiting the historic center without staying overnight. The trial will start in 2024 for 30 days during peak periods. The fee aims to reduce day tourism, which strains public services and raises local costs. Exemptions include residents, workers, students, and those under 14. The council expects no profit, aiming instead to improve residents' quality of life and enhance the experience for overnight tourists. The measure faces criticism for its low fee and potential privacy issues.

The European Commission has chosen the six major digital platforms that will have to comply with very strict competition rules

06 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Thierry Breton, announced that the European Commission has designated six digital companies as 'gatekeepers' under the Digital Markets Act (DMA), subjecting them to stringent competition rules. The companies are Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, and ByteDance. The DMA aims to limit the monopoly of major digital platforms by preventing them from favoring their own services and requiring them to allow users to uninstall pre-installed apps.

The over 400 workers of Safilo in Longarone will finally be relocated

06 Sep 2023  |  ilpost.it
After months of negotiations, Italian eyewear multinational Safilo has announced the relocation of 456 workers from its soon-to-be-closed Longarone plant to two companies in the sector: Italy's Innovatek, owned by entrepreneur Carlo Fulchir, and France's Thélios, controlled by luxury group LVMH. The transfer should be completed by 2025, with workers maintaining similar salaries. The agreement, which was favored by a majority in a worker referendum, was facilitated by the involvement of the Veneto Region, trade unions, and employee representatives. Despite the growth in the eyewear sector, production delocalization is leading to the closure of many Italian plants, including Safilo's previous closures and layoffs.

The large operation of law enforcement in Caivano

05 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
A large-scale law enforcement operation is underway in the Parco Verde neighborhood of Caivano, Naples, involving over 400 agents from Polizia di Stato, Carabinieri, and Guardia di Finanza. The operation follows a recent case of sexual assault on two young girls and aims to restore safety and legality in the area. The Italian government, represented by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, has expressed a strong commitment to improving conditions in Caivano, including plans to reopen a local sports center. The area has long struggled with crime and social issues, exacerbated by its origins as a temporary settlement for earthquake victims in 1980.

Giorgetti thinks about the Superbonus and gets a 'stomach ache'

04 Sep 2023  |  Il Post
Giancarlo Giorgetti, Italy's Minister of Economy, criticized the Superbonus at the Forum di Cernobbio, describing it as a costly and inefficient policy that strains economic resources. Introduced in 2020 by Giuseppe Conte's government, the Superbonus aimed to improve energy efficiency in residential buildings but has led to significant public spending and various inefficiencies. Giorgetti highlighted the financial burden on the current government, which has already spent €20 billion with an additional €80 billion expected by 2026. The policy has also been criticized for favoring wealthier citizens, causing market distortions, and leading to fraud and safety issues in the construction sector.

The issue of foreign directors in Italian museums

01 Sep 2023  |  www.ilpost.it
In June, Italy's Ministry of Culture initiated the appointment process for directors of major Italian museums, including Pinacoteca di Brera and Gallerie degli Uffizi. The possibility of non-Italian EU citizens applying, a practice in place for years, has been criticized by some members of Giorgia Meloni's government, advocating for Italian directors. Despite the debate and the right-wing government's apparent difficulty in politically endorsing foreign appointments, the rules of the latest public notice published in July remain unchanged. Foreign directors were first appointed in 2015, following a cultural sector reform by then-Minister Dario Franceschini of the Democratic Party. However, administrative disputes arose, with the Lazio Regional Administrative Tribunal annulling five appointments in 2017, a decision later overturned by the Council of State in 2018. The current government, undersecretary Vittorio Sgarbi, has expressed intentions to change the rules, aiming to update the selection committee's composition, which now consists entirely of Italians. Cultural expert associations criticized the new committee for its lack of art historians and potential government influence. Additionally, new conditions in the ministry's notice could favor Italian professionals, such as requiring foreign candidates to demonstrate intermediate Italian language proficiency.

What we know about Natalia Burlinova, accused of being a Russian agent

30 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
Natalia Burlinova, a 40-year-old Russian woman, is accused by the U.S. Department of Justice of working as a spy for Russian intelligence to spread President Vladimir Putin's propaganda in the West. Burlinova's activities, which include organizing conferences and events through her NGO PICREADI, have involved Italian analysts and researchers. The U.S. authorities allege that Burlinova collaborated with FSB officer Yegor Sergeyevich Popov to gather sensitive information on American citizens. Both Burlinova and Popov have been sanctioned by the U.S. The case has resurfaced due to recent media reports revealing further details of Russia's efforts to influence Western public opinion.

A month after the storm, Milan is still waiting for funds for the damages

29 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
The Italian government declared a state of emergency in Lombardy due to severe storms, allocating 9.4 million euros for recovery. However, Milan has yet to receive any funds, despite significant damage and local efforts to address the aftermath. The Lombardy Region had previously allocated 6.5 million euros for school repairs, with 3.3 million distributed to 45 municipalities. Local officials criticize the delayed government response, and Milan has initiated a fundraising campaign to replant trees lost in the storm.

Will the provinces return?

29 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
The Senate's Commissione affari costituzionali is working on a law to reorganize provinces and metropolitan cities, aiming for approval by June 2024. The reform seeks to reintroduce direct elections for provincial representatives, reversing the 2014 Delrio law. The proposal has broad political support, including from Matteo Salvini and Marco Silvestroni. The law outlines a new structure for provincial governance but leaves specific functions and funding to be defined by the government. Amendments, such as extending term limits for provincial presidents and mayors, are under discussion. The legislative process is ongoing, with key issues around the electoral system and council composition still to be resolved.

In Piedmont, the center-right is getting tangled up over the Euro 5 diesel ban

28 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
Starting September 15, 2023, 76 municipalities in Piedmont, including Turin, will implement restrictions on Euro 5 diesel vehicles to reduce air pollution. The measure, which bans these vehicles from circulating on weekdays, has sparked significant political debate. Key figures from the center-right coalition, including Matteo Salvini and Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, have criticized the ban, calling it an ideological and harmful decision influenced by the European Union. The regional government, led by Alberto Cirio, is attempting to negotiate an alternative solution. The ban is part of a broader effort to comply with EU environmental regulations following legal actions against Italy for air quality violations.

The government had not really reconsidered the NGOs

24 Aug 2023  |  ilpost.it
The Italian government under Giorgia Meloni has administratively detained three NGO ships used for migrant rescue operations in the Mediterranean, imposing a 20-day port stay and fines for alleged illicit conduct during rescue operations. This marks a reversal from recent weeks when the government had sought NGO assistance due to increased migrant arrivals. In 2023, migrant departures in the Mediterranean have doubled compared to the same period in 2022. The ships Aurora, Open Arms, and Sea-Eye 4 face port detentions and fines, with the government strictly enforcing laws to discourage NGO activities.

At what point are the works for the Jubilee in Rome

23 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
Major urban development projects are underway in Rome in preparation for the upcoming Jubilee celebrations starting in December 2024. The initiatives include pedestrianizing key areas, improving public transport, and renovating significant landmarks. Mayor Roberto Gualtieri, appointed as the extraordinary commissioner for the Jubilee, is overseeing these efforts, which are funded by a mix of government and private resources. Despite some delays and challenges, the administration aims to complete the essential works on time, although some projects may be postponed to avoid disruptions during the Jubilee.

Municipalities have run out of places for unaccompanied minor migrants

22 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
Italian municipalities are facing significant challenges in accommodating unaccompanied minor migrants due to a surge in arrivals. Local governments, including those in Bergamo, Bologna, and Parma, report that their facilities are overwhelmed, and they lack the resources to provide adequate housing and integration services. The Ministry of the Interior's funding and support are deemed insufficient, leading to legal actions and public criticism from local officials. The situation is exacerbated by the high costs of maintaining standards for migrant care and the failure of public tenders to attract sufficient service providers. The article highlights the urgent need for more resources and better national and European policies to address the crisis.

Young man accused of two murders in the province of Cuneo has been arrested

18 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
Sacha Chang, a 21-year-old Dutch man, was arrested by the Carabinieri after being accused of murdering his father, Chainfa Chang, and a family friend, Lambertus Ter Horst, in Montaldo di Mondovì, Cuneo. Following the murders, Chang fled into the surrounding woods, prompting a search operation. Initial reports suggest the incident stemmed from an unresolved dispute, and there are indications that Chang may have psychiatric issues.

The first sign of North Korea's borders reopening

18 Aug 2023  |  www.ilpost.it
A North Korean taekwondo delegation recently traveled to China, marking the first significant sign of reopening since North Korea closed its borders in 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID-19. South Korean intelligence sources suggest North Korea is preparing to gradually reopen its borders due to dire economic and social conditions exacerbated by halted trade with China, its main ally. Trade resumed in September 2022, but food scarcity remains severe, with reports of starvation. A Chinese travel agency hinted at an impending border reopening announcement, initially for North Korean citizens only, with no official confirmation yet.

Why Twiga is often talked about in the summer

17 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
Twiga, a luxury beach establishment in Tuscany owned by entrepreneur Flavio Briatore, has been a frequent topic in the media, especially due to its association with politicians and celebrities. Recently, it has gained attention because of its connection to the current Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè, who sold her shares to avoid conflicts of interest. The establishment is known for its high prices and exclusive clientele, including prominent political figures and celebrities. Despite its success, Twiga's low rental fees compared to its revenue have sparked discussions about the need for regulatory changes.

Confiscated material from the search at the 'Marion County Record' newsroom in Kansas must be returned

17 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
On Wednesday, the Marion County prosecutor in Kansas stated that the searches conducted last Friday by law enforcement at the Marion County Record newsroom and the home of its editor and publisher, Eric Meyer, were not justified by sufficient evidence and were therefore illegitimate. As a result, all confiscated items, including computers and cell phones used by journalists, must be returned to their owners. The search was related to a complaint by local restaurateur Kari Newell, who accused the newspaper of illegally obtaining information about her 2008 DUI conviction. Meyer, who declared his innocence, had been accused of identity theft. The incident has been covered by many U.S. media outlets and viewed as an intrusion into journalistic work and a violation of federal laws.

Iranian director Saeed Roustayi sentenced to six months in prison in Iran for presenting his film at the Cannes festival

16 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
An Iranian court sentenced director Saeed Roustayi and producer Javad Noruzbegi to six months in prison for presenting their film 'Leila e i suoi fratelli' at the 2022 Cannes festival without government authorization. The film, which depicts a family's economic struggles in Tehran, was banned in Iran after winning the Fipresci prize. The two will serve nine days in prison, with the remainder of the sentence suspended for five years, during which they must attend a government-approved cinema course and refrain from collaborating with other industry professionals.

Most of the funds for the floods in Emilia

14 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
The article discusses the ongoing issues with the distribution of government funds allocated for flood relief in Emilia-Romagna. Despite the government's claims of having allocated over 4.5 billion euros, local administrators and associations report significant delays and insufficient funding. The article highlights the frustration and challenges faced by local authorities and citizens, emphasizing the need for more immediate and substantial support to address the extensive damage caused by the floods.

Former Niger President Mohamed Bazoum Accused of High Treason by Military Junta

14 Aug 2023  |  Il Post
The military junta in Niger, which seized power in a coup on July 26, has announced plans to prosecute former President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason and threats to national security. Bazoum, under house arrest in Niamey with his family, is reported to be in poor living conditions, though the junta claims he receives regular medical care. Bazoum, democratically elected in 2021, was ousted by the presidential guard led by Abdourahmane Tchiani, who has since declared himself the country's leader. The coup was justified by the junta as necessary to address security, economic, and corruption issues.

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