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Lea Lang

Göttingen, Germany
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About Lea
Lea Lang is a journalist based in Timișoara, Kreis Timiș, Romania. 
Right now she is working for the German program at Radio Romania Timisoara providing news, event tips, book/film/theatre revisions and producing broadcasts for youth.
German English Malayalam
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Owl Walk in Göttingen City Forest: Falconer Comes with Eagle Owl, Tawny Owl, and Barn Owl

30 Apr 2024  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
Falconer Stefan Noll will offer guided walks with eagle owls and tawny owls in the Göttingen city forest starting in May. The owl named Hedwig is tame and only flaps its wings on command.

Göttingen: Schwänchenteich im Cheltenhampark - das passiert auf der Baustelle

24 Apr 2024  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
The German Weather Service has issued a severe weather warning for the Göttingen district, predicting thunderstorms, hail, and heavy rain from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday night. Recent criticism of the Göttingen Youth Center (Juzi) in the city council did not lead to a majority decision to stop funding, sparking discussions on social media. A proposal to relocate the entrance of the Göttingen City Library and transform Johannisplatz into a youth-friendly meeting place was debated in the council, receiving mixed reactions. The Göttingen Old Town Run will affect public transport routes in the city center on Tuesday evening.

City of Göttingen: Department of Urban Greenery and Environment without its own management from August - NABU, BSG and BUND criticize administration

15 Mar 2024  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The City of Göttingen's Department of Urban Greenery and Environment will be without its own management from August, leading to a conflict between the building councilor and local conservationists. NABU, BSG, and BUND have criticized the administration's decision.

Black and Yellow against Black and White

15 Mar 2024  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
In Göttingen, a football derby between 1. SC Göttingen 05 and SVG Göttingen is set to take place in the Maschpark for the Bezirkspokal's round of 16. The match is scheduled to start at 7 pm, with fans expected to gather beforehand, although the exact time and potential use of fireworks are uncertain. The event is part of a broader cultural offering in the city, which includes performances by the Comedy Company, a reading by Olivier David, and a concert by Stoppok. Additionally, students in Lower Saxony are starting their Easter holidays this afternoon.


14 Jan 2024  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
During the New Year's reception, the local administration of Friedland, led by Mayor Andreas Friedrichs from the SPD party, addressed several key issues they aim to tackle in the upcoming year. These issues include adapting to climate change, road maintenance, and improving childcare facilities. Mayor Friedrichs responded to criticism from citizens and provided an outlook for the year 2024, indicating the community's priorities and planned initiatives.

Karneval im Eichsfeld

14 Jan 2024  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The article discusses a local cultural event in the Eichsfeld region, focusing on the Mingeröder-Carnevals-Verein (MCV) which held its first of four Büttenabende (carnival nights) on a Friday. The event was well-attended, with the hall of the local community center filled to capacity. The program for the evening included a celebration of an anniversary and the introduction of a new feature.

Corporate Volunteering

02 Jan 2024  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The article discusses a new initiative by the Bürgerstiftung Göttingen, which is focused on corporate volunteering. The foundation's board has launched a new project and is currently seeking employers in Göttingen who are interested in collaborating to strengthen volunteer work. The motto of the Bürgerstiftung Göttingen is 'Wir mischen uns ein,' which translates to 'We get involved.' The article emphasizes the foundation's commitment to civic engagement and the development of the local community through corporate volunteering.


28 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Rebecca Glanz from Mingerode gave birth to her daughter Johanna on December 24 at 8:05 AM at the Agaplesion-Krankenhaus Neu Bethlehem. Having a baby on Christmas is usually not planned by parents, but it does happen. In Göttingen and Northeim, several children were born on December 24 and over the Christmas holidays.

Hochwasser in Northeim und Göttingen aktuell: Weil am Dammbruch

26 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
In Northeim, a 200-meter-long dam between the Rhume river and a leisure lake has broken due to ongoing high water levels. The breach has caused the Rhume to flow unrestricted into a gravel pit, and a high-pressure gas pipeline that was previously covered by gravel and soil is now exposed and being undermined by the water. However, the pipeline has not yet broken. Local fire brigades are continuously monitoring the situation, with the drone group from the Fredelsloh fire department (Northeim district) providing aerial images. Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) visited the site to thank the fire brigades and aid organizations for their efforts.

Heiligabend und Weihnachten: Eine Geschichte von prekärem Leben, Flucht und Asyl

25 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The article discusses the 'Open Christmas Eve' event organized by the Tageblatt-Weihnachtshilfe 'Keiner soll einsam sein' (KSES) in Göttingen, where around 200 guests gathered to avoid spending Christmas alone due to reasons such as poverty, illness, loss of loved ones, or homelessness. The event, funded by donations from the KSES campaign, has been a tradition for 50 years, with Tageblatt employees and numerous volunteers contributing. The article narrates the biblical Christmas story, relates personal stories of attendees, and highlights the community spirit and volunteer support at the event. Despite minor criticisms about the food and drink, the overall sentiment was positive, with guests appreciating the opportunity to celebrate together and plans to continue the tradition in the future.

Christmas Eve and Christmas: How a Göttingen pediatric nurse spends the holidays

23 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Jana Butterweck, a pediatric nurse at the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, enjoys working on Christmas Eve and the holidays, often to accommodate colleagues with children. She notes a special atmosphere among colleagues during Christmas in the neonatology department.

Liz-Victoria Grempler trauert um ihr Auto

22 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Liz-Victoria Grempler, a student from Göttingen, is mourning the loss of her car, which was destroyed by a falling tree during the storm 'Zoltan'. The incident occurred in the Südstadt area of Göttingen, where a conifer from the garden of a house on Schneidemühler Weg broke due to the storm's intensity. The tree damaged both the house's gutter and facade, as well as Grempler's car parked across the street. Grempler, who has taken care of her small car for ten years, is devastated by the loss, especially since she cannot afford a new vehicle.

Apex Chefs Volunteer at KSES Open Christmas Eve

21 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Jacqueline Amirfallah and Wolfgang Nisch, who run the Bistro Apex in Göttingen and are known for Amirfallah's cooking on the ARD-Buffet television program, are volunteering for the first time at the Open Christmas Eve event organized by 'Keiner soll einsam sein'. They will be closing their restaurant to help at the event held in the sports hall next to IGS Geismar. Amirfallah, who grew up in Iran and does not have a personal connection to Christmas, looks forward to caring for people who would otherwise be alone during the holiday.

KSES: Elisabeth Arnhold Assists for the Fourth Time at the Open Christmas Eve

21 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Elisabeth Arnhold, a 74-year-old from Nikolausberg, is volunteering for the fourth time at the Open Christmas Eve event in Göttingen, organized by 'Keiner soll einsam sein'. After a pause due to the pandemic, she is eager to see the people involved again. Arnhold enjoys the festive atmosphere, interacting with guests, and ensuring children have a good time. She values community and personal connections, acknowledging that not everyone has a supportive social circle.

Hospice at the Lutter in Göttingen: Two new cars after Tageblatt fundraising call

20 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The Hospice at the Lutter in Göttingen received two new vehicles following a fundraising call by Tageblatt, raising a total of €37,500. The vehicles, a small car and a bus, will help fulfill the last wishes of terminally ill patients and support the hospice's operations. The donations came from private individuals and initiatives, including the Bärengemeinde, with Autohaus Hermann contributing an additional €5,000 and delivering the vehicles. The hospice team expressed gratitude and highlighted the importance of community engagement for their work.

After bet at KSES Gala: GT editor-in-chief and DT director in action at Göttingen railway mission

18 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Erich Sidler, director of the Deutsches Theater Göttingen, and Frerk Schenker, editor-in-chief of Tageblatt, spent a day volunteering at the Göttingen railway mission after losing a bet at the KSES Gala. They assisted people at the station, including the homeless and those in need of guidance or physical help, such as an elderly lady with a walker. Their experience highlighted the social importance of the railway station and the need for more volunteers. The mission, led by Andreas Overdick, is part of the Diakonieverbands Göttingen-Münden's efforts to provide a warm space and assistance to those who frequent the station.

E-Bike-Diebstähle in Göttingen: Grüne fordern Fahrradboxen – notfalls auf Parkplätzen

16 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
In Göttingen, the theft of high-value bicycles and e-bikes has become a common occurrence. The Green Party of Göttingen is proposing the establishment of secure bicycle boxes as a solution to this problem. During a city council meeting, the SPD and CDU also presented their ideas. The Committee for Construction, Planning, and Real Estate is set to address this issue in January.

Does Göttingen Need Vending Machines for Drug Users?

11 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The Partei- und Voltgruppe is advocating for the installation of vending machines that dispense clean syringes to heroin and Flex addicts in Göttingen to prevent infections from dirty drug paraphernalia. The proposal has received positive feedback from the drug counseling center of the Diakonieverbund and Aidshilfe.

Gift from Göttingen: Sale of the Göttingen-Box by the Tageblatt

11 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The Göttingen-Box, filled with local specialties, is popular among customers, with many purchasing multiple boxes as gifts. The sale took place at the Tageblatt training room in Göttingen. The box includes coffee, Stracke, Pils, Tiefensalz, Gin, cookies, and muesli bars from local producers. Tageblatt reader Dagmar Weinrich plans to gift them to friends for Christmas, appreciating the support for the regional economy. Axel Poelen, the marketing director of Tageblatt, aims to provide a platform for regional products. The next sale event is scheduled for December 14.

Open Christmas Eve in Göttingen: More volunteers sought for 'No One Should Be Alone' campaign

10 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
In Göttingen, the Tageblatt Christmas aid campaign 'No One Should Be Alone' invites everyone to join the Open Christmas Eve event, ensuring no one has to spend Christmas alone. Organizer Wolfgang Stoffel is seeking additional volunteers to help manage the expected 400 guests. The event, which was a festive gathering pre-COVID, relies on volunteers for various tasks including decoration, serving drinks, and engaging with guests to foster a sense of community. Those interested in volunteering can contact via email. The campaign also accepts donations through various bank accounts to support individuals overlooked by the social system.

Brainfuck on the Bus

09 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
In Göttingen, a new alliance of climate protectors, unions, and bus drivers is forming to support better working conditions, which are essential for a successful transition to sustainable public transportation. The group 'Wir fahren zusammen' will hold an information session at the Altes Rathaus to discuss their strategies, potentially including joint strikes. The article also mentions a theater premiere of a play titled 'Brainfuck' and various local events.


08 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Melanie Felbinger is frustrated due to the impact of a strike by locomotive drivers on her travel plans, which has doubled her usual travel time from seven to approximately thirteen hours. The Deutsche Bahn's service overview frequently shows 'train cancelled' and 'major disruption' as a result of the strike. While some ICE trains are still operating from Göttingen, and travel to Kassel and Hamburg is possible, the mood among travelers varies from understanding to annoyance.

Cribs, Climate, and Purchasing Power

07 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Germany celebrates the Day of the Christmas Crib, with a focus on the Eichsfeld region's cribs. The Baltic Sea has already exceeded the Paris climate goals, with a warning from Professor Thorsten Reusch about the potential disappearance of some coastal cities. The article also touches on the popularity of the Nordmann fir as a Christmas tree and the issue of 'car posers' that the Greens in the city council are concerned about.

Drugs and weapons seized in Göttingen: Police search apartments of suspected dealers

06 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
In late November, the Göttingen Police seized 2.2 kilograms of amphetamine, 1.3 kilograms of marijuana, ecstasy, several thousand euros, and other evidence in the apartments of two men aged 32 and 33 in Göttingen. The suspects had been targeted by investigators following tips they were manufacturing and selling narcotics. Police found drug production paraphernalia, ready-to-use drugs, and money suspected to be from drug deals. Additionally, a knuckleduster, machete, and baseball bat were confiscated. The suspects were released after consultation with the Göttingen Prosecutor's Office, and investigations for violations of the Narcotics Act continue. The success of the searches was attributed to extensive investigations, with the assistance of two drug detection dogs from Nienburg and Hildesheim. A similar operation in Eichsfeld also led to significant drug seizures.

Accident with injuries at the Weser Bridge in Hann. Münden: Helicopter in action

06 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
On the previous Tuesday at around 1:30 pm, two cars collided at the Weser Bridge in Hann. Münden, injuring five people, including a six-year-old child. A 72-year-old driver and the child from Hann. Münden were in one car, while a 23-year-old from Münden drove the other vehicle, accompanied by a 21-year-old and a 19-year-old. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but it is suspected that the 72-year-old may have missed a red light. An emergency doctor was flown in by rescue helicopter, and other emergency services attended to the injured. Two individuals, including the 72-year-old, were taken to a clinic for further treatment.

Quickly Buy Some Chocolate

05 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
With St. Nicholas Day approaching, children anticipate finding gifts in their boots, a tradition that includes items like chocolate Santas. The article suggests last-minute shopping for those who haven't yet prepared and offers DIY gift ideas. It also highlights a visit by journalist Franziska Wessel and photographer Niklas Richter to Nikolausberg, where the assistant of St. Nicholas responds to children's letters. Additionally, the article marks World Soil Day, emphasizing the importance of soil for the environment and mentioning the FAO's efforts to address soil problems.

50 Jahre Abendgymnasium

04 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The article celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Abendgymnasium Göttingen, an institution that offers adults the opportunity to complete their secondary education and obtain the Abitur, which is the German high school diploma. The school provides classes not only in the evenings but also in the mornings, making it accessible for people with different schedules. The article also notes that there are only a few requirements for applicants who wish to enroll at the Abendgymnasium Göttingen.

Hann. Münden Police Search for Suspected Trick Thieves with Photos

04 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The Hann. Münden Police are using surveillance camera images from a supermarket and a bank to search for two women who allegedly stole a senior citizen's wallet and subsequently withdrew 1,000 euros from her account in August. The suspects, along with a male accomplice, fled in a grey Toyota Corolla with foreign license plates. The theft occurred on August 5th in a supermarket on Quedlinburger Straße, with the money withdrawal happening shortly after at a bank ATM on Bahnhofstraße. The Amtsgericht has now ordered a public search at the request of the Staatsanwaltschaft, as the suspects remain at large.

Slippery conditions on footpaths, A7 and A38 clear: Traffic situation around Göttingen on Monday morning

04 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued a warning for persistent slippery conditions due to compacted snow on roads and footpaths in Göttingen and the surrounding region, expected to last until about 10 AM on Monday. Police report a calm traffic situation with no major ice-related accidents on highways A7 and A38, and the road services have already completed their work. However, drivers are advised to remain cautious as not all ice has been removed and treated. Pedestrians and cyclists are also at risk, and there are specific considerations for clearing sidewalks.


04 Dec 2023  |  neuepresse.de
The article discusses the open juvenile detention system in Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is described as the most pleasant form of incarceration for young offenders, offering them a last chance to find a way out of criminality before they face incarceration behind bars. The facility represents an opportunity for rehabilitation and reintegration into society, aiming to prevent further criminal behavior among youth.


04 Dec 2023  |  ostsee-zeitung.de
The article discusses the open juvenile detention system in Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is described as the most favorable scenario for young offenders who must serve a prison sentence. The facility on Göttingen Leineberg represents the last opportunity for these youths to find a way out of criminality before they are confined behind bars. The article emphasizes the importance of this institution as a chance for rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

Göttingen Leineberg: How juvenile offenders live in open juvenile detention

04 Dec 2023  |  solinger-tageblatt.de
Juvenile offenders who must serve a sentence may end up in the open juvenile detention on Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony. This facility represents the last opportunity before incarceration with bars, offering a chance to find a way out of criminality.

Göttingen Leineberg: How juvenile offenders live in open juvenile detention

04 Dec 2023  |  kn-online.de
Juvenile offenders who must serve a sentence may end up in the open juvenile detention on Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony. This facility represents the last opportunity before incarceration with bars, offering a chance to find a way out of criminality.

Göttingen Leineberg: How juvenile offenders live in open juvenile detention

04 Dec 2023  |  maz-online.de
Juvenile offenders who must serve a sentence in the most favorable circumstances end up in open juvenile detention on Göttingen's Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony. This facility represents the last opportunity before incarceration behind bars and offers a chance to find a way out of criminality.

Göttingen Leineberg: How juvenile offenders live in open juvenile detention

04 Dec 2023  |  szlz.de
Juvenile offenders who are sentenced to imprisonment may end up in the open juvenile detention on Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony. This facility represents the last opportunity before incarceration behind bars and serves as a chance to find a way out of criminality.

Göttingen Leineberg: How juvenile offenders live in open juvenile detention

04 Dec 2023  |  dieharke.de
Juvenile offenders who must serve a sentence in the most favorable circumstances end up in open juvenile detention on Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony. It represents the last opportunity before incarceration behind bars and a chance to find a way out of criminality.


04 Dec 2023  |  siegener-zeitung.de
The article discusses the open juvenile detention system in Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln in Lower Saxony, Germany. It highlights this facility as the most favorable option for young offenders who must serve a prison sentence. The open detention is presented as the last opportunity for these youths to find a way out of criminality before they face incarceration behind bars. The facility is portrayed as a chance for rehabilitation and a pivot point away from a life of crime.


03 Dec 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The article discusses the open juvenile detention system in Göttingen Leineberg, which is part of the Jugendanstalt Hameln. It highlights this facility as the most favorable option for young offenders who must serve a prison sentence, presenting it as the last opportunity before they face incarceration behind bars. The facility is portrayed as a chance for these youths to find a way out of criminality, suggesting a focus on rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

Cheltenhampark in Göttingen: Radfahrer sollen umfahren

29 Nov 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
In Göttingen, the Cheltenhampark is undergoing renovations, and as part of the new plans, cyclists will no longer be able to ride through the park. This decision has been a contentious issue in local politics. The city's administrative committee has unanimously decided to test two alternative routes for cyclists for a period of two years. The decision is part of a broader discussion on urban planning and infrastructure that affects the daily lives of Göttingen's residents, particularly those who commute by bicycle.


29 Nov 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
In Göttingen, eight employers have signed the declaration #positivarbeiten, a project initiated by Aidshilfe Göttingen aimed at promoting the acceptance of people living with HIV. The project encourages more companies to stand against discrimination and support the cause. Despite HIV being treatable and not necessarily imposing medical limitations on those who have it, the stigma persists. Representatives from the city of Göttingen, including Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Christine Müller, Diversitätskoordinatorin Anna Maierl, and Personalabteilungsleiterin Isabel Limmer, have shown their support by signing the declaration.

Internationaler Aktionstag

24 Nov 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The article discusses the observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which takes place on November 25th. Representatives from the city and district, along with the Frauenforum Göttingen and the police, have raised flags at the district house a day before the international day. The Frauenforum Göttingen has organized events surrounding the action day, and three flags have been hoisted at the district house to mark the occasion.

Kantersieg gegen Wolfenbüttel

03 Nov 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
The ASC Göttingen basketball team achieved a resounding victory in the 1st Basketball Regional League, defeating Wolfenbüttel with a score of 108:54 in a home game. This significant win has prepared the team for the upcoming top-tier games in the following weeks.

KSES: Bread for pea soup from the fine bakery Ruch in Rosdorf - 'No one should be alone'

03 Nov 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Feinbäckerei Ruch in Rosdorf sponsors bread for the traditional pea soup served at the start of the 'No one should be alone' event in Göttingen. In 2022, 1200 portions of soup were served, each with a slice of bread. The bakery's bakers work overnight to prepare the bread, using ingredients like rye flour, Luisenhaller salt, water, and ground leftover bread for freshness. The bread is provided free of charge to support the charity, with proceeds going to the Tageblatt Christmas aid, benefiting local people in need. The soup will be served by local celebrities on November 4, from 10 am to 1 pm, at the Old Town Hall in Göttingen, with proceeds supporting those in hardship.

Schwer krankes Kind

03 Nov 2023  |  goettinger-tageblatt.de
Adrian Hartwig, ein sechsjähriger Junge aus Herberhausen, leidet unter schweren gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen. Seine Mutter, Daniela Hartwig, die fast blind ist, setzt ihre Hoffnungen auf eine tiergestützte Therapie, speziell eine Delfintherapie, um die Situation ihres Sohnes zu verbessern. Um die Therapie und die damit verbundene Reise zu finanzieren, bittet sie um Spenden. Adrian besitzt bereits ein passendes Delfin-Kuscheltier, das symbolisch für die geplante Therapie steht.

On the Streets, in the Alleys

07 Oct 2023  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
The article discusses various activities happening in Göttingen and Duderstadt over the weekend, including a large demonstration against right-wing extremism organized by the Göttinger Bündnis gegen Rechts, a spring market in Duderstadt, and the premiere of Molière's comedy 'Tartuffe' at the Deutsches Theater Göttingen. The demonstration aims to promote a society of humanity and solidarity, while the spring market offers various attractions related to fitness, health, and outdoor activities. The theater premiere is directed by Moritz Franz Beichl.

Wrong-way driver on the A7 near Nörten-Hardenberg: Göttingen police stop senior from Bovenden

05 Oct 2023  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
An 83-year-old wrong-way driver from Bovenden endangered several motorists on the A7 between Echte and Nörten-Hardenberg. The Göttingen police received multiple emergency calls and, along with Northeim police, blocked several highway entrances. The driver was stopped near the Nörten-Hardenberg exit and appeared disoriented. An investigation for endangering road traffic has been initiated, and his driver's license was confiscated. No accidents were reported, and witnesses are urged to contact the Göttingen police.

Kitas in Göttingen: Betreuungsplätze in Nikolausberg fallen mit - Ortsrat fordert Konzept gegen Erziehermangel

31 Jul 2023  |  www.goettinger-tageblatt.de
The MPI-Kita 'Entdeckerland' in Göttingen will close by the end of July, with a new childcare center to be established by a different organization. Local resident Volker Limbach criticizes the city's handling of drug use and cleanliness in the downtown area. The article also highlights low voter turnout and significant support for the AfD in the Holtenser Berg area during the European elections.

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