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Lice Movono

Suva - City Center, Fiji
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About Lice
Lice Movono is a multimedia journalist covering Pacific affairs, climate change, development and other Oceania current affairs based in Suva, Fiji.
English Fijian French
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Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Fiji PM orders Chinese police out of country, saying no need for them in Pacific police force

28 Mar 2024  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has ordered the removal of Chinese police officers embedded in the country's police force, despite maintaining a policing agreement with China. Rabuka expressed concerns about China's growing influence in the Pacific and its potential to undermine democratic systems. The decision comes amid scrutiny of Fiji-based businessman Zhao Fugang, who faces allegations of involvement in a transnational crime syndicate and ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Rabuka emphasized the need for ongoing discussions with China and the importance of maintaining democratic values in the region.

Fiji's ex PM Frank Bainimarama to be sentenced today

27 Mar 2024  |  abc.net.au
Former Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama, is set to be sentenced at the Suva magistrates court for perverting the course of justice. He was convicted by the High Court alongside former police commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho for interfering in a police investigation in 2019.

Fijian dancer breaks ground with major tourism award

10 Mar 2024  |  www.abc.net.au
Navi Fong, a Fijian dancer, has recently been honored with a major tourism award, marking the first time an entertainer has received such recognition. However, reporter Lice Movono notes that some Fijians do not appreciate Fong's style of dancing.

Fiji's women's minister, Lynda Tabuya, removed from post over alleged sex scandal

05 Mar 2024  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's women's minister, Lynda Tabuya, has been removed from her position as the deputy leader of the governing party, The People's Alliance, due to an alleged sex scandal involving a fellow minister during an official trip to Australia's State Parliament of Victoria in Melbourne last year.

Banned for almost two decades, Fiji's Great Council of Chiefs is back and pushing for greater influence

04 Mar 2024  |  www.abc.net.au
The Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) in Fiji, an organization with historical significance, has been re-established after nearly two decades. The GCC aims to integrate traditional leadership into modern governance, despite mixed opinions on its past role in promoting ethno-nationalism and racial tension. The new chairperson, Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, seeks to modernize the GCC and protect it from political interference. The re-establishment comes amid regional discussions on traditional influence in politics, contrasting with New Zealand's pushback against such influence. The GCC's future goals and its impact on addressing systemic issues among the iTaukei population remain subjects of debate.

One telco says Fijians used 626.13 terabytes of data watching porn last quarter. Politicians are united in stamping it out

08 Dec 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji is facing a significant issue with high internet usage for pornography, sparking a national debate. Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica and other politicians are concerned about the link between porn and sex crimes. Advocacy groups and experts like Professor Alan McKee suggest comprehensive sexual education as a solution. Women's rights advocate Shamima Ali highlights the harm caused by violent porn. A task force will be launched to address the root causes and educate on consent and healthy relationships.

Anxiety grows in Fiji over Covid-19 outbreak

07 Dec 2023  |  ZB
Fiji is experiencing growing anxiety due to a surge in Covid-19 cases, with 64 new cases reported overnight following a record high of 83 cases the previous night. The current outbreak totals 681 cases. Additionally, one person with Covid-19 has passed away from another serious illness in a Suva hospital. Lice Movono, a Fiji correspondent, expressed concerns to Kate Hawkesby about the worsening situation and the public's mistrust towards the government, which has been criticized for poor communication during the crisis.

Fiji's government wants public consultation over rise in pornography use

29 Nov 2023  |  abc.net.au
Fiji, with the highest mobile internet usage rates in the Pacific islands, is experiencing a downside to its digital revolution, marked by an increase in pornography downloads. This trend is reportedly contributing to a rise in sexual violence and is also affecting young children. The government is addressing this issue by initiating a public discussion and proposing new regulations for the upcoming year.

Tropical Cyclone Mal to hit Fiji's tourism hub of Nadi as region braces for category three system

14 Nov 2023  |  abc.net.au
Fiji is preparing for the impact of category three Cyclone Mal, expected to hit the western provinces and tourism hub Nadi. Schools and workplaces are closed, with heavy rain and flooding already occurring. The Fiji Meteorological Service anticipates destructive winds, particularly if the cyclone's path changes. Evacuations are underway, with eight centers active. Tourism operators have prepared for the cyclone, with tourists advised to stay on the mainland. The Fiji Red Cross is on stand-by to support evacuations, and authorities urge the public to stay alert and aware of emergency contacts.

Kiribati President reluctant for same agreement with Australia as climate change resettlement deal struck with Tuvalu

12 Nov 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Kiribati's President Taneti Maamau expressed reluctance to strike a climate change resettlement agreement with Australia similar to the one recently signed with Tuvalu. The Falepili Union, signed by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Tuvalu's Prime Minister Kausea Natano, offers Australian residency to Tuvalu citizens threatened by rising sea levels and grants Australia veto power over Tuvalu's security agreements. While Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong suggested the agreement could serve as a model for other Pacific nations, Maamau emphasized Kiribati's independent strategies. Australia's diplomatic relations with Kiribati have been strained due to Kiribati's closer ties with China and internal judicial issues. However, recent efforts, including a development and security pact, have improved relations. The agreement with Tuvalu has received positive responses from other Pacific nations and international figures, highlighting the need for urgent climate action.

China and Australia's climate targets on the agenda as Pacific Islands Forum meeting kicks off in Cook Islands

07 Nov 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) meeting in the Cook Islands will focus on climate change and regional diplomacy. Key leaders, including Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, will discuss climate commitments and regional security. Several leaders are absent due to domestic issues, but the forum remains a crucial platform for Pacific nations. Australia faces scrutiny over its climate policies, while larger powers like the US and China seek to influence the region. The forum will also address leadership transitions and the inclusion of new dialogue partners.

First charter flight for pacific leaders lands in Cook Islands ahead of PIF meeting

06 Nov 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
The Cook Islands, hosting this year's Pacific leaders gathering, chartered a flight to facilitate the arrival of Pacific leaders, addressing the ongoing challenge of regional connectivity across the vast Pacific Ocean.

Israel builds religious and diplomatic connections in the Pacific Islands, as six nations vote with it on Gaza ceasefire issue

04 Nov 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Israel is expanding its religious and diplomatic influence in the Pacific Islands, where some communities believe in a historical connection to the lost tribes of Israel. This belief is reflected in cultural practices and is supported by Israel's funding of embassies and increasing trade ties. During the Gaza war, six Pacific nations voted with Israel and the US against a UN ceasefire resolution, a move influenced by geopolitical relationships and religious convictions. Fiji's vote against the ceasefire has been particularly controversial, sparking debate and criticism within the country. The Pacific's Christian values and the perceived need to protect the Holy Land are significant factors in these nations' support for Israel.

Fiji PM unaware of why Chinese businessman on intelligence watch list

10 Oct 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is not aware of the specifics behind why a Chinese businessman, Zhao Fugang, is wanted by Australian intelligence agencies. Fijian authorities acknowledge that Zhao is on a high-profile list for allegedly being an operative for the Chinese Communist Party with criminal ties. The allegations were brought to light by Nine Media and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. Zhao's lawyers deny the claims, calling them false and misleading. Rabuka emphasized that Zhao, a Fijian citizen, would be subject to international protocols if repatriation is considered.

Pacific Islands Forum 'one big family' as leaders meet and select new leader amid intense US-China competition

06 Oct 2023  |  www.fijivillage.com
Former Nauru president Baron Waqa will lead the Pacific Islands Forum next year following a special meeting in Fiji, where Kiribati formally rejoined the forum. The decision, part of the Suva Agreement, aims to prevent future fractures within the Pacific family. The meeting highlighted the intensifying US-China competition in the region, with discussions on strengthening ties with Washington and potentially establishing a new 'Special Envoy' office in the US. Waqa's controversial past, including clashes with Chinese diplomats and issues surrounding media freedoms in Nauru, was also noted.

One telco says Fijians used 626.13 terabytes of data watching porn last quarter. Politicians are united in stamping it out

01 Oct 2023  |  www.fijivillage.com
Fiji is grappling with the issue of widespread access to pornography, which has sparked a heated debate in the deeply religious country. Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica highlighted the significant internet traffic dedicated to porn, linking it to an increase in sex crimes. Advocacy groups and government officials are concerned about the impact on young people and societal norms. A task force will be launched to address the root causes, focusing on education around consent and healthy relationships. The issue has united government and opposition members in a rare bipartisan effort.

Fifteen dead following deadly outbreak of leptospirosis in Fiji

01 Oct 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji is facing a severe outbreak of leptospirosis, resulting in 15 deaths and thousands of infections. The disease, primarily transmitted from livestock in rural areas, has its epicenter on the island of Kadavu. Health authorities are actively working to manage and contain the situation.

Pacific leaders descend on Fiji to nut out plans around regional body

01 Oct 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Pacific leaders are gathering in Nadi, Fiji, for the Pacific Islands Forum Special Leaders Retreat to discuss the future unity of the regional body. A significant outcome is the return of Kiribati to the forum after a previous dispute. Australia has pledged to fund the rebuilding of cyclone-affected schools in Fiji and announced a $600-million health initiative for the Pacific and South East Asia.

Fifteen dead following deadly outbreak of leptospirosis in Fiji

01 Oct 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji health authorities are working to contain a deadly outbreak of leptospirosis, which has resulted in 15 deaths and thousands of infections. The disease is being transmitted to humans from livestock, particularly in rural areas, with the island of Kadavu identified as the epicenter.

'Shoot the dogs' ... Shania celebrated a new Fiji, but one year and a decision left her 'shocked'

01 Oct 2023  |  The Fiji Times
Shania Singh, a prominent Fijian social commentator, initially celebrated the election of new Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, hoping for positive change after 16 years under Frank Bainimarama. However, a controversial call by the agriculture minister to shoot feral dogs has left her disillusioned. Rabuka acknowledged the concerns, emphasizing humane methods for managing stray dogs. Despite challenges, Rabuka's government has made strides in reuniting the Pacific Islands Forum and boosting tourism. The coalition government, led by Rabuka and Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad, faces ongoing challenges but remains committed to democratic values. The tourism sector has thrived under the new leadership, with record visitor numbers and strong economic performance.

COP 26 president sounds wake up call for world’s major carbon emitters

01 Oct 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Alok Sharma, president of COP26, visited Fiji to raise awareness about the global climate crisis, emphasizing the urgent need for action from major carbon emitters, particularly the G20 countries. He highlighted the severe impacts of climate change already experienced by Pacific Islanders, which are now becoming apparent in other parts of the world. Professor Elizabeth Holland and youth activist Salote Nasalo echoed the call for immediate and effective climate action, stressing the compounded risks faced by the Pacific region and the need for tangible commitments from neighboring countries like Australia.

Coral Coast Sevens back with a bang

01 Oct 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
The Coral Coast Sevens tournament in Fiji has returned, featuring 83 matches over three days with participation from teams in the USA, Scandinavia, and Australia. The event is significant for showcasing new rugby talent and has been discussed by the tournament's founder and notable rugby figures.

Rabuka: Walking a 'tight rope' to keep coalition government in place

01 Oct 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka describes the challenge of balancing the interests of his coalition partners as akin to walking a tightrope. Rabuka, who ended Frank Bainimarama's 16-year rule a year ago, formed a coalition with the People's Alliance Party, the Social Democratic Liberal Party, and the National Federation Party. The future stability of the government hinges on the cooperation among these three parties.

Former Fiji prime minister Frank Bainimarama may face time as trial nears end

06 Aug 2023  |  abc.net.au
Former Fiji Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama may face imprisonment for alleged interference in a police investigation into corruption at the University of the South Pacific. The trial, also involving suspended police commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho, has been ongoing for over two weeks and is nearing conclusion.

Newlywed beaten to death in Fiji on honeymoon had to be cremated due to injuries: Husband charged

26 Jul 2023  |  Mail Online
Christe Chen, a newlywed pharmacist from Memphis, was found beaten to death in a luxury honeymoon bungalow in Fiji. Her husband, Bradley Robert Dawson, has been charged with her murder. Due to the severity of her injuries, Chen's body had to be cremated before being returned to the United States. The couple had married in February and were on their delayed honeymoon. Dawson maintains that Chen's death was an accident. Chen's parents, devastated by the loss of their only child, are considering civil action if Dawson is not held criminally liable. The incident has drawn significant attention, with various stakeholders, including the Turtle Island Resort and the Fiji Police Force, involved in the investigation.

New Pacific regional strategy to launch at leaders summit

14 Jul 2023  |  rnz.co.nz
The Pacific Islands Forum leaders meeting in Suva, Fiji, will see the launch of the 2050 Pacific Strategy, a 30-year plan for Pacific development and engagement. Civil society organizations express optimism and emphasize the need for community-level implementation. The strategy aims to foster greater diplomatic power and includes a focus on Pacific nations' relations with China. Additionally, Pacific leaders are urged to renew calls for a UN investigation into human rights in West Papua, and the Federated States of Micronesia joins calls for a moratorium against deep-sea mining, seeking regional support at the summit.

New Pacific regional strategy to launch at leaders summit

14 Jul 2023  |  rnz.co.nz
The Pacific Islands Forum leaders meeting in Suva, Fiji, will see the launch of the 2050 Pacific Strategy, a 30-year plan for Pacific development and engagement. Civil society organizations express optimism and a desire for effective implementation. The strategy emphasizes diplomacy and engagement with non-state actors. Additionally, West Papuan leader Benny Wenda urges leaders to request a UN investigation into human rights in West Papua. The Federated States of Micronesia joins other countries in calling for a moratorium against deep-sea mining, seeking regional support at the summit.

Fiji's beaches and reefs face an uncertain future but this scientist says 'assisted evolution' can keep them alive

02 Jul 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Marine scientist Victor Bonito is leading efforts to preserve Fiji's coral reefs through 'assisted evolution,' using a multi-spectrum fluorometer to identify heat-tolerant corals and replanting them in vulnerable areas. Supported by local communities and the Fiji government, the project aims to buy time for reefs against climate change. Despite early successes, Bonito stresses that only global climate action can address the root causes of warming oceans and coral bleaching.

Fiji's coalition 'still strong' following SODELPA concerns

14 Jun 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Members of Fiji's Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) have expressed concerns over unfulfilled promises within the coalition government formed with the People's Alliance and the National Federation Party after last December's election. A meeting in Suva addressed these issues, with coalition partners agreeing on the need for better communication while affirming the coalition's strength and commitment to its four-year term. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum of FijiFirst commented on SODELPA's missed opportunity by not aligning with his party.

Fiji's coalition 'still strong' following SODELPA concerns

13 Jun 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Members of Fiji's Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) have expressed concerns over unfulfilled promises within the coalition government formed with the People's Alliance and the National Federation Party after last December's election. A meeting in Suva addressed these issues, with coalition partners agreeing on the need for better communication while affirming the coalition's strength and commitment to its four-year term. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum of FijiFirst commented that SODELPA missed a chance for long-term success by not aligning with his party.

Fiji and China relationship tested as Prime Minister Siteveni Rabuka skips meeting with top Chinese diplomat

14 Apr 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
A diplomatic spat has emerged between China and Fiji after Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka skipped a meeting with Chinese Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Ma Zhaoxu. The meeting was disrupted due to Rabuka's leave for a family bereavement, leading to Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica meeting the Chinese delegation instead. This incident may heighten tensions, as Rabuka's government has taken a more skeptical stance towards Beijing compared to the previous administration. Key issues include the abolition of a policing agreement with China, allegations of Chinese espionage, and the rebranding of Taiwan's representative office in Fiji. Chinese officials have emphasized the importance of respecting China's core interests, particularly regarding Taiwan.

Fiji prime minister investigating China spy claims, says 'survival' is key issue for Pacific nations

06 Apr 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is investigating claims of Chinese espionage against a Pacific leader during a visit to Fiji. In an interview, Rabuka emphasized the importance of survival amid climate change for Pacific nations and discussed the evolving geopolitical tensions involving China. He highlighted Fiji's shift away from China, including canceling a police agreement and allowing Taiwan to use its official name. Rabuka also addressed domestic issues, including plans to revive the economy and repeal restrictive media laws. He praised Australia's role in the Pacific and supported its AUKUS agreement for nuclear-powered submarines.

Journalists celebrate after Fiji government announces plans to repeal controversial media act

05 Apr 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
The media industry in Fiji is set for significant change as the Rabuka Government plans to repeal the Media Industry Development Act, which was introduced in 2010 under the Bainimarama regime and has been widely criticized for restricting media freedom.

No media breach of blackout: MIDA

05 Apr 2023  |  Islands Business
Ashwin Raj, the chair of the Media Industry Development Authority (MIDA), stated that no media organizations violated the campaign blackout restrictions in Fiji, but individuals on social media did. The blackout, which began at midnight on Sunday, prohibits campaigning to allow voters to make independent decisions. MIDA received complaints about offensive remarks and threats made against candidates and journalists. Raj defended the blackout, emphasizing it was not a suppression of freedom of expression but a period for voters to reflect without campaign influence. He criticized overseas Fijians who did not adhere to the blackout, calling them 'idiots' for their disservice to Fiji. Raj's comments were made during a press conference as polling stations opened.

Fiji battles Covid-19: No lockdown despite new outbreak

01 Apr 2023  |  The Spinoff
Fiji is experiencing a second wave of Covid-19, with 431 new cases and two deaths recently recorded. The government is opting against a full lockdown, a decision supported by medical authorities who cite international practice and humanitarian concerns. Health secretary James Fong has introduced new measures focusing on vaccination and treatment of severe cases. Assistance from Australia and New Zealand is guiding the Ministry of Health. Fong expresses doubts about the effectiveness of lockdowns, especially in hard-to-reach communities. Non-compliance with movement restrictions is an ongoing issue, and a new cluster has emerged in Lautoka city. The Ministry of Health is working to protect government teams and maintain essential services while acknowledging the challenges of social gatherings in densely populated communities. Fong emphasizes that Fiji's response is in line with international practices and is driven by scientific advice.

Low voter turnout prompts extension of Fijian election hours

01 Apr 2023  |  Islands Business
The article by Lice Movono reports on the low voter turnout in the Fijian general elections, which has led to an extension of polling hours and the campaign blackout period. The Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem, announced that due to the current weather system, 7,852 voters from 23 venues would be unable to vote by the original closing time of 6pm. Saneem urged voters to cast their ballots, noting the particularly low turnout in urban centers. Despite expectations of 559,038 voters, less than half had shown up in larger urban areas. The country is experiencing heavy rains due to a trough of low pressure and a tropical disturbance, which is expected to continue into the weekend. Free bus services have been provided to assist voters from Suva and Nasinu suburbs to reach polling stations.

Health staff at Fiji's Colonial War Memorial Hospital call for urgent repairs

12 Feb 2023  |  abc.net.au
The Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva, Fiji, which serves as the main training and referral hospital, is reportedly in a dire state of disrepair. Health staff have raised concerns that the deteriorating conditions, including leaks, crumbling walls, and inadequate equipment, are compromising the quality of patient care.

Hopes for the return of press freedom in Fiji

09 Feb 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Veteran journalist Netani Rika experienced violence and intimidation following Fiji's 2006 military coup. For the past decade, Fiji's media has faced strict regulations and scrutiny. Journalists are now advocating for changes or the complete removal of Fiji's controversial Media Act to ensure press freedom.

No Fiji TV broadcast tonight due to censorship – Rika recalls Fiji media intimidation

Veterans recall terror

08 Feb 2023  |  The Fiji Times
Veteran journalist Netani Rika recounts the violence and intimidation he faced following the 2006 military coup in Fiji, including censorship and attacks on press freedom. The article highlights the impact of the Media Act 2011, which imposed severe restrictions on media ownership and reporting, leading to job losses and a decline in investigative journalism. Media veterans and organizations criticize the law as punitive and call for its repeal to restore press freedom. The newly-elected government promises to change media laws to ensure freedom of the press, but skepticism remains about the effectiveness of such reforms.

Fiji’s media veterans recount intimidation under former government, hope new leaders will restore press freedom

02 Feb 2023  |  pina.com.fj
Fijian journalist Netani Rika recounts acts of violence and intimidation he faced following the 2006 military coup, including censorship at Fiji Television and attacks on his person and property. Human Rights Watch criticized the coup leader and then Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama for his attacks on critics and the press. Rika later faced government pressure as editor-in-chief at The Fiji Times, which suffered from advertising withdrawal and ownership restrictions due to media laws. The Media Act 2011 imposed harsh penalties and restrictions on journalists, leading to calls for its review. The newly-elected government has promised to change media laws to ensure press freedom, but some veterans like Dr. David Robie advocate for the act's removal, favoring self-regulation. Fiji's press freedom ranking has dropped significantly, and journalists like Samantha Magick hope for a reinvigoration of the profession with less restrictive laws.

Fiji government summons military commander over public statement

17 Jan 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's government has summoned the top military commander, Major General Jone Kalouniwai, following his public statement expressing concerns about the rapid changes being implemented by the new government. Kalouniwai criticized the government for taking shortcuts that bypass established processes and procedures.

Forum leader heading to Japan as release date for nuclear treated water looms

10 Jan 2023  |  ABC Pacific
A delegation led by Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Henry Puna will visit Japan to address concerns over the planned release of treated nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima disaster, potentially set for as early as March. The visit aims to halt or defer the release and will involve experts assessing scientific data provided by the Japanese government.

No bad blood with opposition, and 'Pacific peace' part of PM Rabuka's leadership goals

01 Jan 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has clarified that the police investigation of former attorney general Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum for inciting communal antagonism is separate from government-opposition relations. Rabuka is focused on fostering a positive and unified coalition government among his 29 MPs. With Fiji experiencing its first government change in 16 years, Professor Jon Fraenkel anticipates increased legislative consultation, dialogue, and public involvement.

Ashes of Fiji historian Brij Lal allowed home in first acts of new Rabuka government

01 Jan 2023  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji has experienced a peaceful transition to a new government led by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka. In one of its first actions, the new government has allowed the family of the late Fijian historian Brij Lal to return to Fiji with his ashes. Lal, a critic of the previous Bainimarama government, had been living in exile in Australia until his death last year. The immigration department, under the new administration, has facilitated the family's entry, allowing them to bury Lal's remains in his hometown.

Fiji's new PM Sitiveni Rabuka questions equality of relationships with Australia and US

31 Dec 2022  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji's new Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, in his first interview since taking office, expressed a desire to re-evaluate Fiji's military relationships with foreign powers and criticized traditional partners like Australia and the US for their 'colonial' attitudes. Rabuka signaled openness to partnerships with China but emphasized maintaining regional peace. His election marks a significant political shift, ending Frank Bainimarama's 16-year leadership. Rabuka aims to foster equal partnerships within the Pacific region, including with Australia, while addressing internal political dynamics and investigations involving former officials.

Former Fiji attorney-general Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum under police investigation

30 Dec 2022  |  abc.net.au
Fiji's former attorney-general Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum is under investigation for allegedly inciting communal antagonism following the country's national election. He is believed to be in Australia after his party, Fiji First, lost the election to a coalition led by Sitiveni Rabuka. Home affairs minister Pio Tikoduadua asked police commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho to resign, which he declined, preferring to address the issue through the Constitutional Offices Commission. Rabuka, in his first public address as prime minister, dismissed claims of racial threats post-election and announced plans for legislative and constitutional reform, as well as a forensic examination of spending within the previous administration.

What legacy does Fiji's Bainimarama leave behind as Rabuka prepares to become Prime Minister?

20 Dec 2022  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji is set to welcome a coalition government and a new prime minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, marking the end of Frank Bainimarama's 16-year tenure. The article explores Bainimarama's legacy and anticipates potential changes under the new administration.

Fijians face polls in December in one of the country’s most critical elections

31 Oct 2022  |  asiapacificreport.nz
Fijians will vote on December 14 to elect their next government, with nearly 700,000 registered voters and extensive preparations by the Fijian Elections Office. Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama, in power since a 2006 military coup, faces significant opposition. National Federation Party leader Biman Prasad criticizes Bainimarama's rule, advocating for a new government to restore democracy. The government plans to provide free transportation for voters on election day.

Fijians go to the polls in December

31 Oct 2022  |  RNZ
Fijians will vote for their next government on December 14, with nearly 700,000 registered voters. Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, in power since a 2006 coup, announced the election date after consulting with President Wiliame Katonivere. The opposition, led by National Federation Party's Biman Prasad, criticizes Bainimarama's government, urging voters to choose a new leadership to restore democracy. The Fijian Elections Office has detailed plans for the election, including free transportation for voters.

Long wait, with nation to head to the polls in December

30 Oct 2022  |  www.abc.net.au
Fiji will hold national elections on December 14, as announced by Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama. The Electoral Commission is preparing for the election, with 692,918 registered voters and a budget of $17.6 million. The election features a contest between Bainimarama's Fiji First Party and the People's Alliance led by Sitiveni Rabuka. Opposition parties have accused the government of intimidation and legal harassment, with National Federation Party leader Biman Prasad recently charged with 'insulting the modesty' of a person. The charges have raised concerns about the targeting of opposition members and critics.

Coral Coast Sevens Returns

27 Oct 2022  |  Stories from Fiji
The Fiji's Coral Coast Sevens returns in January 2023 after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, now part of the Fiji Rugby Union Fun Flavour Super Sevens Series with renewed financial support from McDonald's. The tournament will feature an equal number of men's and women's teams, with equal prize money. Collins Injera, a former Kenyan Sevens player, will serve as the tournament ambassador. The event aims to showcase Fijian rugby talent and promote gender equality in the sport, with significant support from the Coral Coast Tourism community and various luxury accommodation providers.

Bradley Dawson in court for wife Christe Chen's murder in Fiji

17 Aug 2022  |  Mail Online
Bradley Dawson, accused of murdering his wife Christe Chen at a luxury resort in Fiji, appeared in court where his bail hearing was delayed. Dawson initially confessed to the crime but later retracted his statement. Chen died from severe traumatic injuries, and her body was found by the couple's personal butler. Dawson attempted to flee but was found by a local man. The case has garnered significant attention, with Chen's family considering civil action if Dawson is not held criminally liable. Friends and family remember Chen as a kind and generous person.

Chinese police to give ‘management and leadership’ training to Solomon Islands officers

02 Aug 2022  |  the Guardian
Chinese police will provide management and leadership training to senior officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force under a new security deal. Inspector Michael Aluvolomo did not dismiss the possibility of Chinese officers being embedded within the force. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare emphasized that there would be no Chinese military base in the Solomon Islands and that Australia remains the security partner of choice. The Pacific regional law enforcement conference in Fiji, organized by the Australian National University’s Australia Pacific Security College, aims to create networks to combat transnational crime. Concerns have been raised that China's increased focus on the Pacific could disrupt existing security arrangements. Ewen McDonald of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade highlighted the strategic challenges posed by increased geopolitical tensions in the region.

Solomon Islands PM rules out China military base and says Australia is ‘security partner of choice’

14 Jul 2022  |  the Guardian
The Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, Manasseh Sogavare, has assured that there will never be a Chinese military base in the country, emphasizing that such a deal would undermine regional security and make Solomon Islands a target for military strikes. He reiterated that Australia remains the 'security partner of choice' and that Chinese security personnel would only be called upon if Australia could not meet security needs. Sogavare's comments come amid concerns from Pacific leaders about China's attempts to divide the region and establish a military presence. The article also highlights the broader geopolitical tensions involving China, the US, and other Pacific nations.

Pacific summit: Suva near to bursting as PIF meeting turns Fiji’s pandemic bust to boom

12 Jul 2022  |  theguardian.com
Suva, Fiji, is experiencing a surge in activity due to the 51st Pacific Islands Forum leaders meeting, despite the withdrawal of Kiribati. Hotels like the Tanoa Plaza Hotel are fully booked, and local businesses such as the Republic of Cappuccino are thriving. The forum's agenda includes the 2050 strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, climate change, and the Suva Agreement. Controversy arose after the Micronesian candidate for PIF secretary-general was defeated, but a compromise was reached for a Micronesian successor in 2024. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Fiji's Foreign Minister Faiyaz Koya emphasized unity. Locals, including Kesaia Lolou, hope the summit will lead to more affordable food and better support for farmers.

Flotilla challenges leaders to support Vanuatu's climate change bid

09 Jul 2022  |  rnz.co.nz
Pacific youth formed a flotilla in Suva, Fiji, to support Vanuatu's campaign for an International Court of Justice advisory opinion on the human rights impacts of climate change. The campaign, backed by 1500 civil society organizations and several geopolitical blocs, seeks to enforce the Paris Climate Agreement and prioritize human rights in climate responses. The Pacific Islands Forum has not yet endorsed the bid. Activists from Greenpeace Australia Pacific and other groups participated in the event, emphasizing the need for global climate policy change and legal clarity. The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting will include discussions on the issue.

Pacific Islands Forum rift mended in Suva

08 Jun 2022  |  RNZ
Pacific Islands Forum leaders have reached an agreement to prevent Micronesian countries from leaving the regional body. The dispute, which began over the selection of the Forum's top job, was resolved through high-level political dialogue in Suva, Fiji. The agreement includes a rotational system for the top position and increased inclusivity. Leaders from Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa, and the Cook Islands participated, with significant mediation by Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama. The resolution is seen as a major breakthrough, ensuring the unity of the Pacific Islands Forum.

Long term vision clinches Pacific Islands Forum rift deal in Suva

08 Jun 2022  |  asiapacificreport.nz
Pacific Islands Forum leaders have reached an agreement to prevent Micronesian countries from leaving the regional body. The dispute arose over the selection of the Forum's Secretary-General, with Micronesia feeling excluded when their candidate was not chosen. The agreement, reached in Suva, Fiji, includes a written rotation of the top job by sub-region to ensure inclusivity. The leaders of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa, and the Cook Islands attended the meeting, with Fiji's Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama hosting as the current chair. The resolution was welcomed by the leaders, with the formal withdrawal process by the Micronesian states still pending.

Pacific leaders strike a deal to keep Micronesian nations from splitting with Pacific Islands Forum

07 Jun 2022  |  www.abc.net.au
Pacific Island leaders have reached an agreement to prevent the Pacific Islands Forum from splintering, with Micronesian leaders agreeing to let current Secretary-General Henry Puna serve until 2024 before being replaced by a Micronesian candidate. The deal, which aims to rotate the role among the Pacific subregions, was signed after a crucial meeting in Suva and is expected to be endorsed at the upcoming Forum leaders' meeting. The agreement also includes creating new positions and a subregional office to ensure greater Micronesian representation, with Australia and New Zealand likely to bear some costs. The deal is seen as a significant step towards regional unity, with key roles played by leaders like Frank Bainimarama and support from Australia.

Pacific leaders talk Micronesia, China and regional stability, security

07 Jun 2022  |  asiapacificreport.nz
Pacific leaders met in Suva, Fiji, to discuss regional stability, security, and the China Economic and Security Deal. The meeting, called by Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama, included heads of state from Micronesian countries. The Micronesian leaders aimed to address tensions within the Pacific Islands Forum over the Secretary-General's position and the impact of China's growing presence in the Pacific. Micronesian states, many of which have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, are concerned about the wording in China's proposed deal. The leaders emphasized the importance of trust, mutual respect, and peace in the region.

Fiji’s Court of Appeal rules Russian super yacht will stay in Fiji

07 May 2022  |  asiapacificreport.nz
Fiji’s Court of Appeal has ruled that the Russian luxury yacht Amadea, seized by the US government, will remain in Fiji for at least another month. The yacht, owned by Russian oligarch Suleiman Kerimov, is linked to money laundering charges and sanctions by the US, UK, and EU. The court's decision follows a legal battle involving the enforcement of a US Justice Department warrant. The vessel is currently under the watch of US and Fijian authorities, with the crew still on board.

An investigative story on the Financial Mismanagement and Abuse at the University of the South Pacific

The biggest Financial mismanagement and corruption scandal at the University of the South Pacific.

Fijian hospitals overrun - Lice Movono for TV3 NZ

Prince Harry Honours Fijian War Hero at Nadi International Airport

16 Jan 2022

Bainimarama confident of victory

16 Jan 2022

Tabuya powers ahead of women candidates

16 Jan 2022

Interview with Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Senator the Hon Zed Seselja

Fijian Prime Minister Bainimarama Recovers from Surgery Abroad Amid Criticism for Lack of Transparency

15 Jan 2022  |  RNZ
Fijian Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama is currently recovering from successful cardiovascular surgery in Melbourne, Australia, and is expected to return to work by the end of February. The surgery was confirmed by Fiji's Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum during a national address. Sayed-Khaiyum, who has also returned from medical checks in Singapore, is acting as prime minister in Bainimarama's absence. The government faced criticism for not informing the public about the prime minister's health and whereabouts, especially during the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Cody, which caused significant damage and one fatality. Opposition leaders and former prime minister Sitiveni Rabuka have voiced concerns over the lack of transparency and the need for official announcements regarding the prime minister's condition and acting leadership.

Covid-19: Fiji eases restrictions further

17 Nov 2021  |  RNZ
Fiji's Health Ministry has announced that once a 90 percent vaccination rate is achieved, Covid-19 restrictions will be further eased, including the current curfew hours. As of now, 97 percent of the adult population has received one dose, and 89.6 percent are fully vaccinated. Challenges in vaccinating the remaining adults have delayed the easing of curfew hours. The Fijian government has already lifted restrictions on night businesses and events, allowing venues like O'Reilly's Bar and the new Opium Bar to operate. Tourism Fiji is preparing for the return of tourists in December, with expectations of 80,000 visitors and safety protocols in place through the Care Fiji Commitment programme. Fiji has reported a total of 52,429 Covid-19 cases since March 2020, with 695 currently active cases and a death toll of 694 since the April outbreak.

Fiji Eases Curfew Restrictions Amid Vaccination Progress

22 Aug 2021  |  RNZ
Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama announced an easing of curfew hours starting Monday, reflecting progress in the country's COVID-19 vaccination efforts. The new curfew will run from 7pm to 4am, a change from the previous 6pm-4am on the main island Viti Levu and 11pm-4am on other islands. The curfew will be further relaxed as vaccination rates increase, with the goal of lifting it entirely once 80% of the target population is fully vaccinated. Currently, 92% have received the first dose, and 234,905 are fully vaccinated. The Ministry of Health reported a decrease in overall cases but expressed concern over cases in the outer islands. Health Secretary James Fong emphasized the importance of continued adherence to health measures and community surveillance. Despite a drop in new infections, the trend may be due to reduced contact tracing and a change in testing policy, rather than a true decline in cases.

Fiji's National Budget aims to combat Covid-19 and prepare for the future

17 Jul 2021  |  RNZ
Fiji's National Budget for 2022, amounting to $US1.78 billion, was announced with the primary goals of addressing the Covid-19 pandemic, protecting citizens, supporting individuals and businesses, and preparing for the future. The budget, which is heavily reliant on loans, was presented by Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum amid a severe outbreak with over 11,000 people in isolation and more than 80 deaths. The budget includes incentives for vaccination, aiming to fully vaccinate 80 percent of the adult population by October 31. Opposition leader Biman Prasad criticized the budget as unrealistic and designed to appease growing anti-government sentiment ahead of next year's General Election. The Health Ministry reported that 66.7 percent of the target population has received their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, while 13.2 percent are fully vaccinated.

Fiji's COVID-19 cases surge with 1220 new infections in 24 hours

15 Jul 2021  |  Newshub
Fiji is experiencing a severe COVID-19 outbreak, with a record spike of 1220 new cases reported in a single day. The total number of cases in the last two weeks has reached 9468, doubling the number of cases since the pandemic began. Additionally, the death toll has also doubled in the same period. The situation in Fiji is deteriorating rapidly, making July a particularly devastating month for the country in terms of both new cases and fatalities.

Fiji's multi-agency response to Covid-19 outbreak

07 May 2021  |  RNZ
Fiji is facing a severe Covid-19 outbreak, with a third death recorded and ongoing transmission on the main island Viti Levu. The government is implementing a multi-agency response, with health officials conducting widespread testing, particularly in the Raiwai and Raiwaqa areas. A mobile team has been established at a primary school for community screening. The response includes contributions from various government sectors and is supported by the United Nations and financial aid from partner countries. Dr. James Fong, Health Permanent Secretary, emphasized the 'all of government' effort and collaboration with the World Health Organisation for data collection. The WHO's Dr. Akeem Ali highlighted the international support and urged Fijians to adhere to health guidelines. Fiji's Emergency Medical Assistance Team, accredited by WHO, has been deployed to Lautoka to address medical needs after a hospital outbreak. The team has prior experience in responding to natural disasters, which has helped in solidifying their response protocols for the pandemic.

Local media barred from covering Royal visit in Fiji

23 Oct 2018  |  Islands Business
The article by Lice Movono reports on the restrictions placed on local Fijian journalists during the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, starting October 23. Independent and mainstream media in Fiji will not be part of the official press pool and will be kept at a distance from the royal engagements. In contrast, the treatment of local media in Australia, where the royals are currently visiting, has been more inclusive. The Fiji Ministry of Information has designated a 'media pool' consisting of overseas media and government information officers to cover the events. Local media will be relegated to watching a televised broadcast of a climate change event at the University of the South Pacific, where Prince Harry is expected to speak. The British High Commission in Suva has directed all media inquiries to the Fiji Ministry of Information. Over 100 overseas media representatives have sought accreditation for the Fiji leg of the royal tour.

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