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Lucie Martin

London, United Kingdom
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About Lucie
Lucie Martin is a journalist based in London, United Kingdom.

Everyday administrative burdens and inequality

01 Oct 2023  |  Wiley Online Library
Administrative tasks are a significant part of daily life, impacting access to services and exacerbating inequality. This study uses survey data from 2243 UK adults to measure the time and well-being costs of administrative tasks across ten domains, including income, tax, health, and government benefits. Findings show that disadvantaged groups, such as those with poor health or low financial well-being, experience higher time and well-being costs. The study highlights the need for policy interventions to reduce these burdens and suggests that administrative tasks contribute to social inequality.

Exam copies lost, students block Faidherbe high school in Lille

04 May 2023  |  France 3 Hauts-de-France
A group of preparatory literary students protested in front of Lycée Faidherbe in Lille after the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) announced they must retake their literature exam due to lost copies. The students expressed frustration over the poor organization and the psychological toll of preparing for the replacement exam scheduled for May 13. The ENS Lyon had no alternative but to organize a new exam to maintain fairness among the 3,500 candidates. The incident follows previous disruptions in the ENS Lyon exams, including a geography exam delay due to a leaked subject.

Portsmouth man shot in leg speaks out as attackers remain at large

05 Apr 2023  |  The News
A 23-year-old man from Portsmouth was shot in the leg with a 9mm bullet while at his then-girlfriend's home on February 3, 2019. The incident, which took place in Somers Town, Portsmouth, was investigated as attempted murder. Four men from London were arrested but later released without prosecution. The victim, who has chosen to remain anonymous, expressed disappointment with the police's inability to secure justice, suggesting the attack might have been a case of mistaken identity. He was left with serious injuries, requiring a wheelchair and then crutches, followed by a year of water physiotherapy. The experience served as a wake-up call, leading him to focus on his career and future, eventually becoming a partner at an investment company in south London. Hampshire police stated that the case would be reviewed if new information emerges.


24 Apr 2022  |  The News
Ricki Scott, a father of five from Port Solent, faced significant challenges after losing two jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic. Struggling with mental health while job searching and caring for his elderly grandfather, Ricki found inspiration in his grandfather's work ethic. He decided to take control of his employment situation by starting his own business, Ward and Scott Associates. The company will focus on recruitment services and organizing live gigs that are compliant with COVID-19 safety measures. Ricki aims to inspire others who have lost their jobs by demonstrating that it is possible to overcome adversity. The business is set to launch on April 1, and more information can be found on their website.

Portsmouth supermarket worker wins a year's supply of clothes from fashion retailer

17 Mar 2021  |  The News
Kyah Arnold, a 21-year-old supermarket worker from Portsmouth, won a year's supply of clothes and a makeover from the fashion retailer I Saw It First. She was one of three young female key workers selected in a social media competition held by the company on Instagram, which asked followers to nominate deserving individuals. The other winners were student paramedic Hannaa Campbell from Preston and teacher Indigo Marshall from Birmingham. The competition received nearly 5,000 entries, and the winners were chosen within two weeks. I Saw It First also offers a key workers' discount of 35% to NHS, police, army, and government employees. Kyah expressed her gratitude for the prize and shared her experiences of working in a supermarket during the pandemic.

Orlando gunman's wife Noor Salman could be charged as an accessory to the massacre

14 Jun 2016  |  Mail Online
Noor Zahi Salman, the wife of Orlando gunman Omar Mateen, may face criminal charges for her alleged knowledge of Mateen's plans to commit a massacre at a nightclub, which resulted in 49 deaths and over 50 injuries. Salman, who has a Palestinian background and was raised in Rodeo, California, married Mateen in 2011. Law enforcement sources claim she accompanied Mateen to buy ammunition and on location-scouting missions. A federal grand jury is being convened to investigate Salman's potential involvement, and she could be charged as an accessory. The FBI visited Salman's mother's home in Rodeo, and neighbors described the family as quietly religious. Mateen, who was killed by law enforcement during the attack, was a security guard and devout Muslim. The attack has sparked discussions on gun control and the FBI's previous interactions with Mateen.

Company Transfer to Employees through Takeover as a Cooperative: Perspectives and Challenges

02 Dec 2014  |  revue-banque.fr
The concept of employees taking over their company by forming a cooperative production society (Scop) is appealing and supported by the recent law on the social and solidarity economy. However, this type of takeover presents financial challenges that current tools do not resolve for medium-sized enterprises. The law No. 2014-856 of July 31, 2014, aimed to facilitate the takeover of companies by employees in the form of Scop, especially to assist in the acquisition of larger companies than those currently observed.

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