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Luis Carballo

Lyon, France
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About Luis
My name is Luis Carballo. In 1997 I started my professional career in journalism. At that moment began an adventure that took me around the world. Thanks to my work on an international television network, I was able to cover events such as the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the Egyptian revolution in 2011, the wars between Israel and Hamas, the visit of Pope Francis to Holy Land and the funerals of Ariel Sharon and Hugo Chavez. Afterwards, in 2015, my report in Nigeria on Boko Haram was selected for the Emmy Awards. 

For years I have worked in front of the camera as a reporter, presenter and interviewer, but also a lot behind it, because I have been producing reports and documentaries on a free-lance basis for a long time. In addition, in January 2018 I co-founded the video production company Imagène Productions in France. I do all kinds of video production, journalistic or commercial, for a wide range of clients: media, institutions, NGO and companies. Besides, I shoot and edit all my work with my own professional equipment and the know-how from two decades of experience in TV. 

Restless by nature, I’ve also been a professional photographer since the 1990s. At the end of 2001 I created in Barcelona, together with the French photographer, Jean Pierre Porcher, the photo agency, Gran Angular.
English Spanish French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Politics Current Affairs Natural Disasters

Live coverage in French of a supposed terrorist attack in Lyon on November 2020.

A report for BBC Capita.I took care of the editing and colour grading.

Piece to camera for the Spanish tv channel, Telemadrid

News package and piece to camera for the Spanish division of Voice of America.

A report produced for the news service of RT France.

Another mini-documentary produced for CGTN during the Covid-19 pandemics. Spanish army takes action in 'war' against virus

A rmini documentary produced for the CGTN Global Guardians series during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemics.

A job from Lyon for Business Insider. Europe's only skywriter, Walter Dintinger In his fighter jet, French skywriter Walter Dintinger creates art among the clouds that can be seen for miles.

How the Only Skywriter in Europe Makes Messages That Are Seen for Miles

01 Sep 2020  |  Business Insider
Walter Dintinger, the only skywriter in Europe, operates his company Oui'Up from Lyon, France, using a specially outfitted Marchetti SF-260 aircraft. He creates messages in the sky with environmentally friendly smoke, offering services to individuals, companies, and institutions. Skywriting, an art form dating back to post-World War I, is gaining traction in Europe, especially after the UK lifted a 60-year ban on the practice. Dintinger emphasizes the passion and meticulous planning required for his craft, likening it to an art form.

The Global Guardians: Sympathy makes us human

06 Apr 2020  |  news.cgtn.com
Fatima Ait, a registered childminder in Lyon, has been helping homeless people since March 17, as NGOs and food banks closed and local authorities cut public fountains due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the risks, she felt compelled to act to prevent them from starving.













Music Clip. "Roses"

"Nostalgie de la Boue" photo exhibition. "Avec un appareil photo de la Grande Guerre, Nostalgie de la boue explore la manière dont des gens qui font des reconstitutions historiques, tentent de sauvegarder la mémoire collective en France, un siècle après la fin de la guerre. Leurs reconstitutions sont réalisées avec minutie. Ils se basent sur des textes et photos d’époque, avec l’obsession de rendre compte dans les moindres détails du quotidien des combats."

REPORT: The exorcist TRAILER

DOCUMENTAIRE-Lumière, un festival pas comme les autres

France Mayhem in Lyon as 15,000 Yellow Vests hit the streets

BBC Lyon’s secret labyrinth an ingenious escape route

I raise three children alone on 1,300 euros. Macron should try living my life

22 Jan 2019  |  elconfidencial.com
Female Yellow Vest protesters in France, including a part-time factory worker known as Pikachu and a hyperactive secretary named Marieke, are calling for a radical change in the system through peaceful revolution. They express frustration with President Macron's policies, which they feel are sinking the country and favoring the rich. The protesters, who are struggling financially, criticize large corporations like Amazon and Google for not paying taxes in France and lament the erosion of social gains and increasing poverty. They urge the government to understand their plight by living on their meager incomes and continue to demonstrate for political reform and social justice.

Ramzan Kadyrov, en la lista negra de Estados Unidos

21 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Washington imposed sanctions on Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov and four others under the 'Magnitsky Act' for human rights violations in Russia, including extrajudicial executions and torture. The sanctioned individuals are barred from obtaining U.S. visas and will have their assets frozen under U.S. jurisdiction. Kadyrov, a staunch ally of Putin, claims the sanctions are due to his fight against foreign terrorists, including those trained by U.S. special services. The 'Magnitsky Act,' passed by the U.S. Congress in 2012, allows Washington to sanction individuals involved in human rights abuses in Russia.

Another ally of May falls in the British government

21 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Damian Green, the UK's Deputy Prime Minister, resigned after being investigated for having pornographic material on his work computer in the House of Commons and providing contradictory information about it to the police, which constitutes a double breach of the ministerial code. The material was discovered in 2008 during an investigation into leaks within the British government. Green's departure, which he claims is a smear campaign against him, follows that of Defence Minister Michael Fallon, who resigned on November 2 after a sexual harassment complaint by a journalist. Theresa May's position as Prime Minister is weakened by these events.

Catalonia: Puigdemont promises to restore the 'legitimate government' if he wins on December 21

20 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The electoral campaign in Catalonia ends with a virtual tie between political blocs. Parties made their final pitches to the undecided electorate, around 27% according to polls. Inés Arrimadas of Ciutadans, Carles Puigdemont of Junts per Catalunya via videoconference from Belgium, Xavier García Albiol of the Popular Party alongside Mariano Rajoy, and Miquel Iceta of the Socialist Party, all made their closing statements and promises ahead of the December 21st election, with themes ranging from unity to challenging the application of Article 155.

Fiery last debate in Catalonia

19 Dec 2017  |  euronews
The final debate before the Catalan elections was marked by clear division between two irreconcilable blocs. With the October events in Catalonia as a backdrop, candidates exchanged barbs on TV3. Inés Arrimadas of Ciutadans advocated for reformism over separatism, while Marta Rovira of ERC criticized the Spanish state's alleged aversion to democracy. Polls predict a tight race, with Ciutadans possibly leading in votes but ERC in seats. The key question remains whether a clear majority will emerge from the elections.

Chile: Sebastián Piñera returns to La Moneda promising 'agreements, rather than confrontations'

18 Dec 2017  |  euronews
Sebastián Piñera achieved a decisive victory in the Chilean presidential elections, winning by more than 9 points over his rival, Alejandro Guillier. Piñera, who is set to return to the presidential palace, La Moneda, after four years, has promised to focus on agreements rather than confrontations. Guillier, who proposed free higher education, a new constitution, and a 20% increase in pensions, acknowledged Piñera's 'impeccable and solid' victory and personally congratulated him. Piñera's campaign centered on the economy, proposing a simplification of the tax system and a boost to the mining sector, with support from various sectors, including some from the left and the party of current president Michele Bachelet.

Romania: Judges Against Judicial Reform

18 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Hundreds of Romanian judges and prosecutors protested nationwide against a judicial reform they claim will hinder prosecutions, especially for corruption. Demonstrations took place outside courthouses in Bucharest and other cities. The reform, which includes changes in judicial conduct inspections and the selection of prosecutors, has passed through Congress and awaits Senate approval. Despite concerns from the European Commission and public protests, the reform appears likely to proceed.

Putin thanks Trump for CIA's help

18 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Russian authorities dismantled a Daesh commando in Saint Petersburg, thanks to information from the CIA. President Putin personally thanked President Trump for the assistance, as confirmed by the White House. The terrorist group, composed of seven men from Central Asia, was ready to attack with explosives and automatic weapons at the Kazan Cathedral and other key locations in Saint Petersburg. This event occurs amidst ongoing investigations in the United States regarding alleged Russian interference in the U.S. elections and potential collusion with Trump's campaign team.

Austria: the far-right will control three key ministries

18 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Austria's new government sees the far-right FPÖ controlling six out of 14 ministries, including Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Interior, under the coalition agreement with the conservative People's Party. Sebastian Kurz becomes the new federal chancellor, with Heinz-Christian Strache as vice-chancellor. The new government plans to tighten immigration policies, including significantly reducing the monthly minimum income for asylum seekers.

ISIS attacks a church in Pakistan

17 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Security cameras captured the moment two suicide bombers attacked a Christian church in Quetta, Pakistan. One attacker was shot by guards, but the second detonated his explosive vest outside after the service began. The attack, which occurred during a service attended by 400 worshippers, resulted in at least 9 deaths and around 30 injuries, including children. The Bethel Memorial Methodist Church was on high alert due to the increased risk of attacks on Christian places of worship during the Christmas season. The Pakistani Christian minority has faced several attacks in recent years.

Rex Tillerson to North Korea: 'Let's Talk'

13 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
In a surprising move, the United States, through Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, has expressed readiness to engage in unconditional talks with North Korea. Tillerson's announcement removes the precondition that North Korea must dismantle its nuclear arsenal before any negotiations. Jeffrey Feltman, head of the UN Department of Political Affairs, also engaged with a North Korean delegation in Pyongyang, emphasizing the urgency of establishing a communication channel with the US. Both sides agree on the need to avoid war.

Moore and Trump stumble in Alabama

13 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Doug Jones' victory in Alabama marks a significant win for the Democrats, breaking a 25-year Republican hold on the Senate seat. The defeat is a major setback for both Roy Moore, who faced numerous controversies, and Donald Trump, who supported him. The Republican majority in the Senate is now reduced, limiting their margin for legislative success. Chuck Schumer emphasizes the broader implications for the Republican brand, even in conservative states like Alabama.

Macron launches his campaign against Climate Change

12 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Paris is positioning itself as the global capital in the fight against climate change, with a summit organized by French President Emmanuel Macron. The 'One Planet' summit, held two years after the Paris Agreement and following the US withdrawal, aims to accelerate public and private financing for climate action and support developing countries. Macron's leadership and the summit's agenda are highlighted positively, emphasizing the urgency and collaborative efforts needed to combat global warming.

Putin and Erdogan talk about Jerusalem and missiles

12 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan met in Ankara to discuss several issues, including the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the potential purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense system. Putin emphasized the importance of building negotiations on previous UN decisions, while Erdogan criticized Israel's actions against Palestinians. Despite past tensions, Erdogan noted that Turkish-Russian relations are developing in all areas, with a 30% increase in trade volume in the first ten months of 2017.

Trump takes advantage of the foiled NY attack to accelerate his immigration reform

12 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
A failed bombing attempt in Times Square, New York, by Akayed Ullah, allegedly in retaliation for military actions against ISIS, has been used by President Donald Trump to push for his immigration reform in Congress. The reform aims to end the family reunification program, which allowed Ullah to enter the United States. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders emphasized that the proposed measures would have prevented Ullah's entry.

Mikheil Saakashvili, released on bail

11 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Mikheil Saakashvili, former Georgian president and Ukrainian opposition leader, has been released on bail by a Kiev court after being detained by the Ukrainian Security Service on charges of attempting to overthrow President Petro Poroshenko. Saakashvili, who had announced a hunger strike in protest, claims he is a victim of political persecution and denies any presidential ambitions. He faces a precarious situation as he is stateless, having lost his Georgian nationality upon accepting a position in Odesa and subsequently being stripped of his Ukrainian nationality. Ukrainian authorities accuse him of conspiring with Kremlin associates to incite protests and force a government change.

Trump's decision on Jerusalem sparks protests

07 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Protests erupted in Ramallah, Gaza, Beirut, Amman, Ankara, and Istanbul following Donald Trump's announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Demonstrators called for the Palestinian Authority to halt negotiations with Israel. The Israeli police are on high alert for potential violence, while the US embassy in Jordan has advised increased security measures. Turkish President Erdogan condemned the decision, predicting it would incite more terrorism.

Champions League: Sevilla secures a spot in the knockout stage

07 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Liverpool FC celebrated a 7-goal victory over Spartak Moscow at Anfield, becoming the fifth English team to advance to the Champions League knockout stage. Sevilla FC also progressed to the knockout stage with a draw in Slovenia against Maribor. Liverpool finished the group stage first with 12 points, followed by Sevilla with 9 points. Shakhtar Donetsk qualified for the knockout stage by defeating Manchester City, who suffered their first loss of the season. FC Porto secured their knockout stage spot with a win against AS Monaco, while Besiktas completed an almost perfect group stage, remaining undefeated. Real Madrid achieved a 3-2 victory over Borussia Dortmund, with Cristiano Ronaldo scoring a remarkable goal, becoming the first player to score in every group stage match. Tottenham Hotspur finished first in their group with a win against APOEL.

Macron: "France does not approve of this decision"

07 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Global diplomatic reactions follow Donald Trump's announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. UN Secretary-General António Guterres stresses the necessity of a two-state solution. French President Emmanuel Macron disapproves of the US decision, calling it unilateral and contrary to international law. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel highlights the importance of maintaining embassies in Tel Aviv to avoid partiality and support the negotiation process.

47 injured in a train crash in Germany

06 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
A collision between two trains in Meerbusch, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, resulted in 47 injuries, with three in serious condition. The passenger train operated by National Express derailed two carriages of a stationary DB Cargo freight train, causing significant damage to overhead wiring. Emergency services reported extensive cable damage at the scene.

Trump set to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

06 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Donald Trump is poised to publicly recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, though he will not immediately move the embassy from Tel Aviv due to logistical reasons. He has informed Palestinian and Israeli authorities of his decision. The announcement is set for Wednesday, despite international warnings. The UN Secretary-General's spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, cautioned against unilateral decisions that could affect the two-state solution. The Arab League warns of the risks in changing the status quo since 1967, the Palestinian National Authority speaks of disastrous consequences, and Hamas calls for a day of rage. Saudi Arabia and Iraq also warn of potential regional destabilization.

Romania Remembers King Michael I

06 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
King Michael I of Romania, one of the last surviving World War II heads of state, passed away at 96 in Switzerland. His admirers in Bucharest remember him fondly. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis praised him as a significant historical figure. His daughter, Princess Margarita, now leads the Romanian royal family. King Michael I reigned during turbulent times until his abdication in 1947 with the rise of communism.

Abás: "EEUU ya no puede ser un mediador en el proceso de paz"

06 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The article discusses the reactions to the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamín Netanyahu praises the decision as historic, while Palestinian President Mahmud Abás condemns it, stating that the US can no longer mediate peace negotiations. Hamas reacts strongly, calling for actions against US interests in the region.

Suspense over the relocation of the US embassy in Israel

05 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The deadline for President Trump to decide on the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has passed, with the White House confirming a delay in the decision. The potential move has sparked serious warnings, with Palestinian President Mahmud Abás calling it a 'kiss of death' that could incite violence in the region. Speculation in Washington suggests Trump may sign the waiver again but could recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital in an upcoming speech, fulfilling a campaign promise.

Aegean mayors say: Enough is enough!

05 Dec 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Mayors from three Aegean islands protested in Athens against the overcrowding of refugee reception centers, describing the situation as unsustainable. They were supported by dozens of residents. Manolis Vournous, the mayor of Chios, called for the urgent transfer of a large number of migrants, citing immense pressure on both islanders and refugees. In Lesbos, reception centers are overwhelmed, housing over 8,000 people despite a capacity of 4,000. Resident Mirsini Varti Vataraga expressed that the community's generosity has limits and they are overwhelmed. The mayors met with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, while the protesters criticized the Greek government and the EU for neglecting the tragedy and turning their islands into 'warehouses of souls'.

The Syrian opposition wants a political solution in 'six months'

30 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Despite a ceasefire negotiated by Russia, government forces continue attacks on Ghouta, causing casualties. The Syrian opposition, led by Nasr Al-Hariri, demands more pressure on Assad's regime for a political solution within six months. The eighth round of Geneva negotiations faces delays due to the opposition's insistence on Assad's departure. Humanitarian aid reaches Ghouta for the first time since August, highlighting the dire situation of 150,000 besieged residents, with UNICEF warning of severe child malnutrition in conflict zones.

Expected Verdict at the ICTY

29 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is set to deliver its verdict on six Bosnian Croats accused of war crimes. The decision is particularly significant for Mostar, a city deeply affected by the Bosnian conflict. Survivors like Safet Nozic, who endured severe conditions in detention camps, hope for justice and truth. The accused, former officials of the self-proclaimed Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia, have already been convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and multiple violations of the Geneva Conventions.

The story of the prince and the actress ends in a wedding

28 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Prince Harry of Wales and American actress Meghan Markle are set to marry next spring, following a whirlwind romance that began with a blind date. The couple expressed their excitement and commitment in their first interview post-engagement. Meghan Markle, known for her successful acting career and humanitarian work, looks forward to engaging with various communities and organizations in the UK and the Commonwealth. The upcoming royal wedding draws comparisons to the 1956 marriage of Hollywood actress Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco.

Vigil in Cairo for the victims of Sinai

27 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Dozens of journalists held a vigil in Cairo to honor the victims of last Friday's attack on a mosque in Sinai, which resulted in over 300 deaths. Abdel-Mohsen Salama, Director of the Syndicate of Egyptian Journalists, emphasized unity against terrorism and support for the armed forces. The attack, carried out by local Islamic State terrorists, is the deadliest in Egypt's history.

Beijing promises a rain of millions in Eastern Europe

27 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
During the sixth annual '16+1' summit in Budapest, hosted by Viktor Orban, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang aimed to increase China's presence in Central and Eastern Europe. Orban emphasized the need for external technological and financial sources, welcoming China's involvement. China pledged a $3 billion investment program, primarily through the Bank of China, to support regional development. The summit included leaders from 16 Central and Eastern European countries, with China participating this year.

Yemen: First Humanitarian Aid Arrives in Hodeida Since Blockade

26 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Five and a half tons of flour arrived in Hodeida, Yemen, marking the first humanitarian aid since Saudi Arabia imposed a blockade in early November following a missile launch by Houthi rebels. Stephen Anderson of the World Food Programme emphasized the importance of maintaining the humanitarian aid flow to prevent famine for seven million people. Under pressure from the UN and various countries, the Saudi-led coalition agreed to ease the blockade and reopen the airport in Sana'a for urgent aid. UNICEF warns of millions of children at risk of malnutrition. The conflict in Yemen, ongoing since 2014, involves Houthi rebels supported by Iran and forces loyal to President Abdo Rabu Mansur Hadi, backed by Saudi Arabia.

Emmerson Mnangagwa promises a 'new democracy' in Zimbabwe

22 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Emmerson Mnangagwa, the former vice president ousted by Robert Mugabe, promises a new democracy in Zimbabwe as he prepares to assume the presidency. His return from South Africa and upcoming inauguration bring hope for economic growth, peace, and job creation. However, there is skepticism about whether Mnangagwa represents true change, given his deep ties to the ruling ZANU-PF party and a controversial past. The potential lifting of sanctions by the EU and the US is seen as a positive development by many Zimbabweans.

Trump returns North Korea to the blacklist of terrorism sponsors

21 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
North Korea has been re-added to the list of state sponsors of terrorism by President Donald Trump, reversing a 2008 decision made during George W. Bush's presidency. This move, part of Washington's strategy to exert maximum pressure on Pyongyang, includes new economic sanctions. While the immediate impact may be limited due to existing sanctions, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson believes it will deter third parties from engaging with North Korea. The White House has not specified the reasons for this reclassification, but it aligns with efforts to curb North Korea's nuclear program.

The detected noises were not from the ARA San Juan

21 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The Argentine Navy confirms that the detected signals are not from the missing submarine ARA San Juan. Despite this, the rescue plan continues in the South Atlantic under very adverse conditions. The submarine has been untraceable since last Wednesday with its crew of 44 people. The Navy acknowledged that the vessel reported a battery problem before losing contact. Rescue teams will soon have unmanned underwater vehicles to expedite and extend the search. Meanwhile, families remain hopeful.

Celebration in Harare after Mugabe's resignation

21 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Scenes of jubilation in Harare mark the end of Robert Mugabe's era. Citizens express their joy and hope for a new chapter in Zimbabwe, focusing on job creation for the youth and freedom for the elderly. The narrative highlights the importance of standing against injustice and the historical significance of this political change.

Real Madrid advances to the Champions League round of 16 after thrashing APOEL

21 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Real Madrid secured their place in the Champions League round of 16 with a dominant 6-0 victory over APOEL, featuring two goals each from Benzema and Ronaldo. Tottenham also advanced after defeating Borussia 2-1. Besiktas ensured their progression with a 1-1 draw against Oporto. In other matches, RB Leipzig eliminated Monaco with a 4-1 win, Spartak drew with Maribor, Sevilla drew 3-3 with Liverpool, Napoli kept their hopes alive by beating Shakhtar, and Manchester, already qualified, won 1-0 against Feyenoord.

Merkel's Dilemma: New Elections or New Negotiations?

20 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Angela Merkel prefers new elections following the failure of government formation negotiations. She has ruled out a minority government and is prepared to run again if new elections are held. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier urges all political parties to engage in dialogue to resolve the political deadlock. The FDP's withdrawal from negotiations has left Germany without a majority government option, as the SPD refuses to renew the grand coalition with the CDU. A recent poll suggests that new elections would yield similar results to those in September.

The ZANU rebels against Mugabe

20 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The ruling ZANU-PF party in Zimbabwe is set to present a motion of no confidence against President Robert Mugabe, who has been in power for nearly four decades. Mugabe and his wife, Grace, have been removed from influential positions within the party. The military is facilitating a non-violent transfer of power, with the return of Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who has the support of the army, marking the first step in the transition. The main accusation against Mugabe is allowing his wife to usurp constitutional powers and insult the vice president.

The European Union bets on a negotiated solution to the Rohingya crisis

19 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The European Union, represented by Federica Mogherini, supports a negotiated solution to the Rohingya crisis, backing Bangladesh's efforts and the Kofi Annan plan. Up to 620,000 Rohingya refugees have fled to Bangladesh following violence in Myanmar, where they are not recognized as a national community.

Trump and the 'Bottlegate' (...or Watergate)

16 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Donald Trump faced mockery on social media for awkwardly drinking water during a speech at the White House, reminiscent of his past ridicule of Senator Marco Rubio for a similar act. Rubio responded humorously, while media personalities like Joe Scarborough also commented on the incident, dubbing it 'Bottlegate'.

The Beginning of the End of the Mugabe Era?

16 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Tense calm prevails in Harare 24 hours after the military took to the streets, keeping President Robert Mugabe under watch. The military claims their goal is not a coup but to arrest 'criminal elements' around Mugabe. The African Union has no plans to send a mission to Zimbabwe. Reports suggest Mugabe has met with military leaders, potentially signaling the end of his 37-year rule, with negotiations for his exile underway. The military is managing the transition, sidelining Mugabe's wife, Grace, from succession. Last week, Mugabe dismissed Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, seen as a likely successor, sparking the current power struggle.

Hariri and his family will arrive in France in the coming days

15 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Emmanuel Macron has invited the resigned Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his family to France, aiming to mediate the situation. Hariri's stay in Saudi Arabia has sparked various theories, with Lebanese President Michel Aoun accusing Saudi Arabia of detaining Hariri against his will. Macron emphasized the need for a strong Lebanon with leaders who can make and express decisions freely.

The military denies having staged a coup in Zimbabwe

15 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Washington and London have advised their citizens to exercise caution due to the situation in Zimbabwe. The US Embassy in Zimbabwe has issued an alert for US citizens to shelter in place and closed the embassy to the public amid political uncertainty in Harare. Several military units have taken over the national television and radio headquarters in Harare, stating their actions are aimed at pursuing 'criminal elements' and not to overthrow President Robert Mugabe. Heavy machine gun fire was heard in the northern part of the capital early Wednesday, fueling rumors of a coup. The crisis began last week when Mugabe dismissed the vice president, seemingly to prepare for his succession by his wife, Grace, angering the Chief of Staff who supports the old guard.

The attacks and the embargo intensify the civil war in Yemen

14 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
The civil war in Yemen has intensified with a suicide bombing in Aden claimed by ISIS and a Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Sana causing significant damage. The UN has urged Saudi Arabia to lift its embargo, highlighting the worsening humanitarian crisis. The conflict, ongoing since 2015, has resulted in over 10,000 deaths and left millions dependent on international aid, which is now hindered by the blockade.

Russia and Turkey declare their relations restored in Sochi

13 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Russia and Turkey have declared their bilateral relations restored during a meeting in Sochi, focusing on the Syrian conflict and military cooperation. Despite ongoing restrictions on Turkish imports, both nations are optimistic about the growth and improvement of political, military, and commercial exchanges. Erdogan emphasized the importance of joint steps in the military industry, while Putin highlighted the need for increased efforts to ensure lasting normalization in Syria.

An earthquake of 7.3 degrees between Iraq and Iran leaves hundreds dead and injured

13 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck northeastern Iraq near the Iran border, resulting in over 200 deaths and nearly two thousand injuries. The epicenter was near Halabja in the Kurdistan region, with Kermanshah province in Iran being the most affected. Rescue efforts are hindered by road blockages, disrupted communications, and power outages. The quake was felt as far as Baghdad and Qatar.

Dozens dead in a 7.3 magnitude earthquake between Iraq and Iran

12 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck northeastern Iraq near the Iran border, resulting in at least 67 deaths, with some reports indicating up to 100 fatalities and 500 injuries. The epicenter was near Halabja in the Kurdistan region. Rescue efforts are hindered by road blockages, disrupted telecommunications, and power outages in some areas.

Puigdemont, free in Belgium with precautionary measures

06 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Carles Puigdemont and four former Catalan ministers have been released in Belgium under precautionary measures, pending the resolution of a European Arrest Warrant. They must remain in Belgium and appear before the court when summoned. The Spanish government has not yet reacted, but Catalan independence supporters have criticized the Spanish judicial system as politicized and authoritarian. Thousands gathered in Madrid to demand the release of imprisoned Catalan ministers and support the Catalan Republic.

A former military man kills 26 people in a Texas church

06 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
On Sunday, a 26-year-old former military man named Devin Kelley opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon at a Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, near San Antonio, Texas, during a service attended by around fifty people. The shooting resulted in at least 26 deaths, with victims ranging from 5 to 72 years old. President Donald Trump, who had just landed in Japan for his Asian tour, responded to the tragedy, emphasizing strength through the pain. Kelley fled the scene and was later found dead in his car, with it being unclear whether he died by suicide or was shot by a local resident who pursued him with a rifle. The Texas Department of Public Safety provided an official image of Kelley. The Sutherland Springs shooting is the fifth deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

British Defense Minister Michael Fallon resigns, accused of sexual harassment

02 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
British Defense Minister Michael Fallon has resigned amid accusations of sexual harassment. Fallon is accused of inappropriately touching a journalist's knee 15 years ago during a Conservative Party conference dinner. He acknowledged not meeting the standards expected of the armed forces and decided to step down. Journalist Julia Hartley-Brewer, involved in the incident, expressed doubts about the resignation's cause, while some British media suggest Fallon might be part of a 'dirty dossier' affecting the Conservative Party.

Massacre in Manhattan on Halloween

01 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
A terrorist attack in New York on Halloween resulted in 8 deaths and several injuries when a rented truck plowed into pedestrians. The attacker, a 29-year-old Uzbek national, was neutralized and captured by police. President Trump announced increased security measures to prevent similar incidents. New York Mayor Bill De Blasio condemned the attack as cowardly. The incident occurred near the former site of the Twin Towers, with no evidence of accomplices.

Massacre in Manhattan on Halloween

01 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
A terrorist attack in New York on Halloween resulted in 8 deaths and several injuries when a rented white van plowed into pedestrians along the Hudson River. The attacker, reportedly a 29-year-old Uzbek national, was neutralized and captured by police. President Donald Trump called for stricter security protocols to prevent similar incidents. New York Mayor Bill De Blasio condemned the attack as a cowardly act targeting innocent people. Investigations suggest the attacker acted alone without accomplices.

Champions League: Manchester in the round of 16, Sevilla gets closer

01 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Real Madrid suffers a defeat at Wembley against Tottenham with a score of 3-1 in the fourth matchday of the Champions League group stage. Borussia Dortmund and APOEL Nicosia draw 1-1 in the other Group H match. In Group G, Monaco fails to secure three points in Istanbul, drawing 1-1 with Besiktas, delaying Besiktas' qualification to the round of 16. Porto defeats Leipzig 3-1 at home. Manchester City secures its place in the round of 16 with a 4-2 victory over Napoli, while Shakhtar Donetsk moves closer to the round of 16 after a 3-1 win against Feyenoord. Liverpool advances towards the round of 16 with a 3-0 victory over Maribor at Anfield. Sevilla regains second place in the group with 7 points after defeating Spartak Moscow, also moving closer to the round of 16.

Attack in Manhattan: Testimonies

01 Nov 2017  |  es.euronews.com
An attack in Manhattan occurred during school dismissal on Halloween, causing initial confusion followed by panic. Witnesses described seeing a man with a beard dressed in dark colors holding two weapons amidst debris. The sound of gunshots was heard shortly after someone yelled about the man having a gun. The incident, reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks, has heightened concerns about the use of vehicles in terrorist attacks. Police, ambulances, and television crews arrived as parents rushed to pick up their children, filled with fear.

Champions League: PSG and Bayern secure passage to the round of 16

31 Oct 2017  |  es.euronews.com
Manchester United is close to securing a spot in the Champions League round of 16 after a victory against Benfica. In Group B, PSG and Bayern have already qualified, with PSG securing their place with a 5-0 win over Anderlecht. Atlético de Madrid faces potential elimination after a draw with Qarabag, while Roma advances with a win over Chelsea. Barcelona drew with Olympiakos but needs just one point in Turin to secure the top spot in their group. Sporting and Juventus also drew in their match.

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